
Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 76



The regular monthly meeting of Upper Grand District School Board was held on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road North,

Guelph, starting at 7:00 p.m.

Trustee Borden, Chair, presided and all Trustees were present, along with

Student Trustee MacDougall.


Trustee Busuttil presented an inspirational reading from a publication entitled “Seasons of Wisdom.”


Trustee Borden, Chair, reported that condolences were sent on behalf of the Board to the following: Charryl Zucala, an Itinerant Educational Assistant with the Special Education Department, on the loss of her father; Jennifer

Matthews, a teacher at Centre Dufferin District High School, on the loss of her father-in-law; Diane Goodwin, a Social Worker with the Counselling and

Attendance Department, on the loss of her mother-in-law; Lori Delane, on the loss of her husband, David Duke, a teacher at Willow Road P.S.; Sheila Parker,

Manager of Budget and Financial Reporting, on the loss of her mother-in-law;

Joy Simpson, Administrative Office Assistant in the Library at GCVI, on the loss of her husband; Gregg and Cindy Hillis, on the loss of their daughter, Carly Hillis, a student at John McCrae P.S.; Eydie Marion-McCrae, on the loss of her husband, Armour McCrae, a teacher at College Heights S.S.; and, Naomi

McCulloch, the teacher-librarian at Minto Clifford Public School, on the loss of her father and her grand-father.


Dr. Martha Rogers, Director of Education, highlighted the A Good News @ as follows:

Paisley Road P.S.

The Community of Paisley Road Public School is living proof that although small, they make a BIG difference. On April 26 and 27, Paisley Road P.S.

Kindergarten to grade six students participated in the Jump Rope for Heart.

They raised $17,821.12 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Congratulations!

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 77

Success at Provincial Skills

Gold Medals

Electronics – Guelph C.V.I.

Carpentry Team of 2 – Wellington Heights S.S.

Landscape Gardening

– College Heights S.S.

The GCVI student will travel to Edmonton to compete at the Canadian Skills


Silver Medals

Architectural Tech and Design

– Erin D.H.S.

Fashion Design – John F Ross

Job Interview – Centre Wellington D.H.S.

Bronze Medals

Robotics Team of 2

– Centennial C.V.I.

T.V. Production Team of 2

– Centre Wellington

Orangeville D.S.S. Helps the Community

On May 3 rd

severe flooding occurred at the Family Transition Place as a result of extremely heavy rainfall. The following day Kevin Smith and the food services program delivered a lunch to the women and children.

Two Guelph C.V.I. Bands win Silver at Musicfest Canada

The Guelph C.V.I. Symphonic Band and the Stage Band “Gael Force” returned from the Musicfest Canada National Finals with silver medals for their performances in the Intermediate Wind Ensemble and High School Jazz Band categories.

Held on Monday May 14, the Musicfest finals featured approximately 30 to

40 school bands from across the country who won spots at regional competitions held during the winter. The silver medal wins mean that both Guelph C.V.I. bands can be considered in the top 10 to 15 bands in Canada. Congratulations to the students, Guelph G.V.I. and their musical leader and teacher, Dan Austin.

Sweater Day

On Thursday, February 9 th

, three of our schools – Montgomery Village PS,

Drayton Heights PS & Victoria Terrace PS participated in the World Wildlife

Foundation’s Sweater Day 2012. This event is summed up on the WWF’s website as “ National Sweater Day is a fun, cozy way of showing commitment to energy conservation


A representative from each school contacted Kyle, the Boar d’s BAS technician, to request that the heat of the school be turned back for that day in order for the school to participate. Kyle obliged and each of the schools’ temperatures was set back for the day and the staff and students showed off their best sweaters.

In appreciation, the Operations Department will be presenting

Montgomery Village, Drayton Heights and Victoria Terrace with a plaque

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 78 commending their efforts. Kudos to these three schools for showing leadership in

Energy Conservation.

As well, the following 10 schools are this year’s recipients of the Custodian

Green Initiative Award: Aberfoyle PS, Brisbane PS, Erin PS, GCVI, John

McCrae PS, Minto-Clifford PS, Paisley Road PS, Sir Isaac Brock PS, Waverley

Drive PS & Westminster Woods PS. Trustees will hear more information regarding this initiative later in this evening’s agenda. Congratulations to all of these applicants for the exceptional effort made to lower the energy consumption at their school.

Trustee Borden highlighted the following A Good News @ items:

Women of Distinction Lifetime Achievement Award

Trustee Borden reported that Dr. Martha Rogers, Director of Education, was honoured on Thursday, May 3, 2012 with the Guelph YM/YWCA’s Women of Distinction Lifetime Achievement Award in the Education and Training category. Lifetime Achievement Awards are presented to deserving nominees with 30 or more years of service in their category. Dr. Rogers is the longest serving Director of Education in the province and locally was the first woman to be a school superintendent. She has chaired the Council of English Public

Directors of Education and the Council of Ontario Directors of Education and serves as a member of the Advisory Board to the Education Research

Development Institute. In 1998, Dr. Rogers oversaw the amalgamation of the

Wellington and Dufferin County boards of education which resulted in the formation of the Upper Grand District School Board. As a Guelph Rotarian for many years, she is a member of that group’s Literacy Committee. She is also in demand as a presenter on the role of the supervisory officer, challenges facing teachers and school boards, education governance and labour relations.

Congratulations Dr. Rogers!

Women of Distinction Award Nominees

Trustee B orden reported that Beth Burns, principal of Guelph’s College

Heights Secondary School, and Sarah Garrett, an elementary school teacher currently at Waverley Drive Public School in Guelph, were nominated in the

Education and Training category of the YM/YWCA's Women of Distinction



Trustee Topping moved that the agenda be confirmed as printed.

The motion carried.


There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 79



Trustee Cooper moved, seconded by Trustee Bailey, that the Minutes of the Board meeting held April 24, 2012, and the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held immediately prior to the Board meeting be approved as printed.

The motion carried.



Trustee Topping moved, seconded by Trustee Schieck, that the business transacted by the Committee of the Whole in camera be now ratified by the Board.

The motion carried.


Trustee Busuttil moved that the Board rise and sit in Committee of the

Whole, with the Chairperson presiding.

The motion carried.


Trustee moved that the minutes of the Program Committee held May 1,

2012 be received and considered.

The motion carried.

Consideration of recommendation 5 was deferred until corrected by the

Program Committee.

Trustee Moziar moved the adoption of recommendations 1, 2, 3, and 4, as contained in the Minutes of the Program Committee, dated May 1, 2012.

The motion carried.

The motions are as follows:


1. The presentation entitled, “Upper Grand District School Board

Elementary Skills Event,” be received.

2. a) the report entitled, “Feasibility Study Related to Offering an

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program,” dated 2012 05 01, be received b) the Board conduct a feasibility study to determine whether or not to offer the IB program within the Upper Grand DSB.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 80

3. the report entitled, “Full Day Kindergarten,” be received.

4. the Student Trustee presentation be received.


Trustee Fairbairn moved that the minutes of the Business Operations

Committee held May 8, 2012 be received and considered.

The motion carried.

Trustee Waterston requested that 1.b)iii be considered separately.

Trustee Fairbairn moved the adoption of recommendations 1 a), 1b) i, ii and iv, 2, 3, and 4 as contained in the Minutes of the Business Operations

Committee, dated May 8, 2012.

The motion carried.

The motions are as follows:


1. a) the report attached to memo PLN:1212, “Lee Street

(StockfordSite) Boundary Review – Report #3,” dated May 8,

2012 be received. b) the Board approve: i. Scenario C as described in Section 4.1 and Map 3 of the report attached to memo PLN:1212, “Lee Street (Stockford

Site) Boundary Review

– Report #3,” together with the boundaries of the new Lee Street school and Ken Danby PS as presented on Maps 4 and 5 respectively, contained in

Appendix II effective September 2013; ii. the revised attendance areas of Ottawa Cres. PS and

Laurine Ave. PS as presented on Maps 6 and 7 in Appendix

II effective September 2012; school year.

2. memo PLN:1210 entitled, “New Shelburne Elementary School

Boundary Review – Report #2,” be received.

3. iv. the Implementation Plan as articulated in Section 6.0 of report attached to memo PLN:112, “Lee Street (Stockford

Site) Boundary Review – Report #3” for the 2013/2014 a) t he report entitled “Lee Street Public School, Building Project

Report” dated May 8, 2012, CP:12-02, be received. b) The Lee Street Public School be constructed to accommodate a JK-8 program with a target opening date of September 2014. c) t he “Lee Street Public School, Building Project Report” attached as Appendix “A”, dated May 8, 2012, CP:12-02, be approved.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 81

4. d) the Lee Street Building Committee be established and up to three (3) Trustees be appointed to the Building Committee e) a number of Architect firms be requested to prepare and submit proposals for the design of a school building to fit the unique constraints of the site. the verbal Photovoltaic Projects Update as presented by Mr. P.

Scinocca, Manager of Capital and Renewal Projects, be received

Trustee Fairbairn read recommendation 1.b)iii. Trustee Waterston then explained that the Board had previously approved the assignment of the

Starwood West DA to another school. In order to address this issue, she suggested that recommendation 1. b) iii, should be defeated and that a motion to revise the Development Area assignment of the Starwood West DA effective

September 2013, should be considered in its place. The vote on recommendation 1.b)iii was then called as follows:

THAT the Board approve the revised Development Area assignment of the Starwood West DA in accordance with Map 8 effective September


The motion was defeated.

Trustee Waterston moved that the Board direct staff to include the reassignment of the Starwood West Development Area to the new Lee

Street School when the 2013/2014 Development Area School

Assignments Report is brought forward for approval.

The motion carried.

It was explained there are currently no residents in this DA and that there is no change to the elementary school assignment for the coming year as a result of the new motion. The assignment change will be communicated through notice to future residents, through the planning department and through the transportation consortium following approval of the Development Area School

Report for 2013/2014.

B. Lee Street Building Committee

– Appointment of Trustee Members

Volunteers were requested to fill the three Trustee positions on the Lee

Street Building Committee.

Trustee Gohn moved that Trustees Bailey, Moziar and Waterston be appointed to the Lee Street Building Committee.

The motion carried.


Dr. Martha Rogers, Director of Education, announced that earlier this evening in camera, the decision was made that Joe Burns be added to the

Secondary Vice-Principal Eligibility List

– 2012.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 82

The following Principal/Vice-Principals Transfers and Appointments were also announced:

Elementary Principal/Vice-Principal Transfers and Appointments

Effective September 1, 2012 (Unless otherwise indicated)

Principals Transfers


Ann Charles

Jeff Crawford

Mair Gault

Ab Henshaw


Eramosa P.S. Victory P.S.


Ross R. MacKay P.S. Drayton Heights P.S.

On leave Brant Avenue P.S.

Palmerston P.S. Ponsonby P.S.

Ottawa Cres. P.S. Taylor Evans P.S. Farhan Hussain

Nelson Keane

Ken Keesmaat

Peter LeBlanc

Katrina Plazek

Wilma Shannon

Gary Slater

Allison Stoffman

Steve Viveiros

Ponsonby P.S.

Elora P.S.

Principals - Appointments

Willow Road P.S.

Tytler P.S.

Elora P.S.

Laurine Avenue P.S. (new) effective September 2013

Mono Amaranth P.S. Erin P.S.

J.D. Hogarth P.S. Eramosa P.S.

Minto-Clifford P.S.

Taylor Evans P.S.

Palmerston P.S.

J.D. Hogarth P.S.

Ottawa Cres. P.S.

Willow Road P.S.


Carrie Conrad


Brisbane P.S.

Tammy Fleming

Shelly Grose

Anita Lagundzija-de-



Vice-Principal, Ken Danby


Vice-Principal, Princess

Elizabeth P.S.

Vice-Principal, Minto-Clifford


Vice-Principal, Island Lake




Minto-Clifford P.S.

Ross R. MacKay


Vice-Principals - Transfers


Lisa Doering

Chad Guyitt

* Kim Kowch

Sean Singh


Jean Little P.S. (Acting


– due to


Ken Danby P.S.

Principal Absence)

Jean Little P.S. (Temp.) King George P.S. (holding

Kortright Hills P.S. school)

Rockwood Centennial P.S.

Erin P.S. effective November, 2012

Princess Elizabeth P.S.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 83

Vice- Principals - Appointments

Name From

Laura Cozzarin

Janice Emslie

Ponsonby P.S.

School Effectiveness


Tytler P.S. Catherine


Hanna Morris Program Department


Minto-Clifford P.S.

Victoria Cross P.S. effective January 1, 2013

Rickson Ridge P.S.

Erin P.S.

*Note : When the Elementary Vice-Principal Eligibility List is established in the fall of 2012, a vice-principal will be appointed to Kortright Hills P.S.

Secondary Principal/Vice-Principal Transfers and Appointments

Effective September 1, 2012

Principals - Transfers


Scot Bishop

Beth Burns


Westside Secondary


College Heights S.S.

Deidre Wilson Centre Dufferin D.H.S.

Principals - Appointments

Name From

* Stephen


Pat Hamilton

Vice-Principal, College Heights


Vice-Principal, Guelph C.V.I.


Norwell District Secondary


Centre Wellington D.H.S.

Westside Secondary School


College Heights S.S.


Centre Dufferin D.H.S.

Vice-Principals - Transfers


Julie Bodiam


College Heights S.S. and

School Effectiveness


Continuing Education

Nicole Patriquin Erin D.H.S. (temp.)

Robert Scott Westside Secondary School


Vice-Principals - Appointments

Name From

Erin D.H.S.

Westside Secondary



Joe Burns Teacher, Erin D.H.S. Guelph C.V.I. (temp.)

*Note: When the Secondary Vice-Principal Eligibility List is next established, a vice-principal will be appointed to College Heights S.S.


A copy of a letter from SEAC addressed to the Hon. John Milloy, Minister of Community and Social Services regarding the transition process for students to Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) Central West Region and outlining

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 84 concerns around the standardized criteria being used to confirm eligibility for services and supports in the community, was circulated at the meeting. Copies will also be sent to Minister of Education, Laurel Broten and SEAC Chairs –

Ontario District School Boards. It was also noted that the motion appended to the minutes has been tabled and will be addressed at the June SEAC meeting.

Trustee Waterston moved that the minutes of the Special Education

Advisory Committee held May 9, 2012 be received.

The motion carried.

Trustee Bailey moved that the Board support the letter to the Minister of

Community and Social Services from SEAC regarding the transition process for students to Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) Central

West Region and outlining concerns around the standardized criteria being used to confirm eligibility for services and supports in the community, and direct the Board Chair to co-sign the letter.

The motion carried.


Trustee Gohn moved that the minutes of the Policy Management

Committee held May 1, 2012 be received and considered.

The motion carried.

Trustee Gohn moved the adoption of recommendations 1 and 2 as contained in the Minutes of the Business Operations Committee, dated

May 1, 2012.

The motion carried.


1. Policy 311 Disposal of Board Property be approved.

2. Policy 210 Environmental Education and Management be referred back to the Environmental Issues Steering Committee.


Ms. Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance, introduced and reviewed the report entitled, “2011 2012 Interim Financial Reporting as at March 31, 2012

(Finance #201208)”, dated May 22, 2012. The report uses actual expenditures and enrolment on March 31 st

. Superintendent Wright reviewed Appendix A including the Summary of Enrolment for elementary and secondary schools, and highlighted changes in enrolment: budget vs forecast. The year to date spending year over year was also compared. The percentage of budget spent was noted and explanations were provided for variances +/- 10%.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 85

Trustee Schieck moved that the report: 2011 2012 Interim Financial

Reporting as at March 31, 2012 (Finance #2012-08) dated May 22, 2012, be received.

The motion carried.



Mr. Paul Scinocca, Manager of Capital and Renewal Projects, introduced and reviewed the report entitled, “Laurine Ave. Public School (New) Project

Approval Report, Construction Tender and Final Proje ct Budget,” dated May 22,

2012. Appendix A , including the Tender Results, Architect’s Recommendation letter and Final Project Budget, was reviewed in detail. It was noted that the final project budget is less than the target budget and funding approval from the

Ministry. It was also reported that permission to demolish the existing building has been received.

Trustee Waterston moved


1. the report entitled, “Laurine Ave. Public School (New), Project approval

Report, Construction Tender and final project Budget,” dated May 22,

2012 CP:12-03, be received.

2. a Final project budget of $6,705,351.59 outlined in Appendix A in the report CP:12-03, be approved, and that the contract for the Laurine

Ave. Public School (New) building project be awarded to the low tenderer, Tambro Construction Ltd.

The motion carried.

In response to a question from Trustee Cooper, Mr. Scinocca explained that the standards in place to operate with efficient energy use will be used on this project. A standard mechanical system will be installed, but a panel that will preheat the air going into the school will be put in place to enhance efficiency. In addition, time will be dedicated to commissioning to ensure systems are operating as perceived in the concepts and specifications.


Mr. Paul Scinocca, Manager of Capital and Renewal Projects, introduced and reviewed the report entitled “Custodian’s Green Initiative Award 2012. He explained the initiative is an internal grant program to encourage school environmental clubs and committees to partner with the school custodial teams in an effort to reduce energy consumption. Work has commenced to capture savings data.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 86

Mr. Scinocca introduced Ms. Jennifer Piercy who was instrumental in reviewing the projects with the schools and then conducted audits of the progress made at all ten schools who submitted plans. A summary of her inspection findings (Appendix A) was reviewed. Ms. Piercy noted that this initiative has flourished into additional “green” programs to help reduce the carbon footprint of the schools involved through reduction, reuse and recycling.

It was explained that all but one of the schools participating are eco schools and that there is an obvious link to curriculum. Staff will continue their efforts to encourage more schools to participate next year and to assist in building links to curriculum.

Trustee Bailey moved that the report entitled “Custodians’ Green Initiative


– 2012,” CP:12-04 dated may 22, 2012, be received.

The motion carried.


Trustee Moziar served notice that the following motion, approved by the

Board on June 28, 2011, will be brought forward for reconsideration at the meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board scheduled June 26, 2012:

“The construction of a new JK-6 dual track school in East Guelph with approximately 500 pupil places, funded by NPP wrap up funds and supported, where possible, by FDK capital funding, be approved.”


Ms. Jennifer Rose, Executive Officer of Human Resources, introduced and reviewed the report, “Resignations and Retirements,” dated May 22, 2012, as distributed at the meeting.

Trustee Schieck extended thanks to the long service employees and moved that the report, “Resignations and Retirements,” dated May 22,

2012 (Appendix A and B) be received.

The motion carried.


Chair Borden circulated and reviewed a written report of correspondence received during the past month. Trustee Bailey provided the background regarding item 1, an email from the Ottawa Carleton District School Board seeking support for lobbying the Province for the expansion of the use of

Educational Development Charges to fund the capital needs of School Boards.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 87

Trustee Bailey moved that the Board Correspondence report dated May

22, 2012, be received.

The motion carried.

Trustee Bailey moved that Board direct the Chair to respond to the Ottawa

Carleton District School Board outlining how the funds from the Education

Development Charges are currently used by the Upper Grand District

School Board; and, that staff be requested to provide a report to the Board regarding these c urrent practices prior to consideration of the Board’s position on the issue.

The motion carried.


Student Leadership Conference

Student Trustee McDougall updated Trustees on the recent Student

Leadership Conference. A full report will be provided at the next Program

Committee meeting and a motion will be presented for consideration at the

Business Operations Committee seeking a ban of plastic water bottles in school vending machines.

Trustee Busuttil reported on her attendance at the Student Leadership

Conference and commended the student leaders on the excellent organization, workshops and turn out.

Trustee Bailey added his congratulations to the student leaders and noted the enthusiasm and ideas that came from this conference which demonstrate effective student engagement.

Education Week Opening Event

Trustee Busuttil report on the May 7 th

Education Week opening event and commended staff at Centre Peel on the excellent program presented.

City of Guelph – Community Well-being Initiative

Trustee Bailey updated members on his recent participation in a public information session sponsored by the City of Guelph. The City invited the Board to take part as they introduced their community well being initiative. A presentation was given regarding meaningful public engagement practices that will be undertaken as the City endeavours to determine how to increase the satisfaction of community members.

Special Olympics

Trustee Fairbairn reminded Trustees that the Special Olympics is taking place on May 23, 2012 at St. James High School and encouraged his colleagues to attend to witness some of the most enthusiastic students in the Board participating in a variety of events.

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 88

Labour Relations

Trustee Borden reported that, along with Trustee Bailey and Director

Rogers, he will participate in a meeting of OSPBA and CODE on Thursday, May

24, 2012 to discuss current provincial labour issues.


Trustee Schieck moved that the May 2012 schedule for Board and

Standing Committee Meetings be approved as follows: i. Program Committee – June 5, 2012 ii. Business Operations

– June 12, 2012 (Centre Dufferin D.H.S.) iii. Regular Board Meeting – June 26, 2012

The motion carried.

The list of dates of future meetings was reviewed and the following additions and changes were noted:

Chairs’ Committee, June 12, 2012 - CANCELLED.

A Trustee Workshop will take place to consider In Camera Items on June

4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Board as Budget meeting that will commence at 7:00 p.m.

Board as Budget Committee , June 11, 2012, Delegations – to be confirmed, pending receipt of requests for delegations.

Learning Foundation

– June 18, 2012, 5:30 p.m. Room 3.

The remainder of the meetings are as follows:

Monday, June 4, 2012 - Board as Budget Committee, Budget

Presentation, Board Room, 7:00 p.m.

Policy Management Committee Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012



Board Room, 3:00 p.m.

Board as Budget Committee,

Delegations, Board Room,7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 -




Lee Street School Building Committee,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Room 9, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Special Education Advisory Committee,

Board Room, 7:00 p.m.

Board as Budget Committee,

Board Room, 6:00 p.m.

Everyday Heroes Awards

Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

E.L. Fox Auditorium, John F. Ross C.V.I.


June 7-10, 2012

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Board Minutes – May 22, 2012 89

Board Retirement Event

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grand River Raceway, Lighthouse Restaurant – Paddock Building

7445 Wellington Cty. Rd. 21, Elora, 4:30 p.m.

Trustee Fairbairn moved that the Dates of Future Meetings dated May 22,

2012 be received.

The motion carried.

It was determined that all Trustees were not available to participate in the

Caucus discussion regarding relationships that was tentatively scheduled May

29, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.; therefore, it was agreed to reschedule the session at a later date.

Trustee Borden reported that, in response to a request from Trustees, a secure manner in which to receive confidential information has been developed by IT staff. Mr. John Shanks, Chief Information Officer will provide instructions for accessing the information immediately prior to the Program meeting scheduled June 5, 2012.


Trustee Cooper moved that the Committee of the Whole rise and report to the Board.

The motion carried.


Trustee Topping moved, seconded by Trustee Gohn, that the business transacted by the Committee of the Whole be now ratified by the Board.

The motion carried.


Trustee Waterston, seconded by Trustee Busuttil that the Board adjourn and this meeting now close at 8:50 p.m.

The motion carried.
