567 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 3 (1990) 567-578 A COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEM IN A PERFECTLY CONDUCTING ELASTIC HALF-SPACE WITH THERMAL RELAXATION S.K. ROY-CHOUDHURI Department of Mathematics Burdwan University West Bengal, India and GARGI CHATTERJEE (ROY) R.B.C. College, Nalhatl West Bengal, India (Received January 12, 1988 and in revised form August 14, 1989) In the present paper we consider the magneto-thermo-elastic wave produced Here the Lordby a thermal shock in a perfectly conducting elastic half-space. Shulman theory of thermoelasticity [I] is used to account for the interaction between ABSTRACT. the elastic and thermal fields. The solution obtained in analytical form reduces to those of Kaliski and Nowacki [2] when the coupling between the temperature and strain fields and the relaxation time are neglected. The results also agree with those of Massalas and DaLamangas [3] in absence of the thermal relaxation time. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Magneto-thermoelastic wave; Thermal relaxation time. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. magneto-thermo-elastlc disturbances generated by a thermal shock in a perfectly conducting elastic half-space It was assumed that both in the medium and in the vacuum in contact with a vacuum. there acted an initial magnetic field parallel to the plane boundary of the half-space Kaliski and Nowacki [2] investigated the problem of and there was no influence of coupling between temperature and strain fields. Later, Massalas and Dalamangas [3] considered the same problem where the coupling Very recently Chatterjee between the temperature and strain fields was considered. and Roy Choudhuri [4] extended the problem [3] in generalized thermo-elasticity of Green and Lindsay taking into account the two relaxation times. using In the present paper we extend the problem [3] in generalized thermoelasticity by The solutions for the thermal relaxation time of Lord-Shulman theory [I]. temperature distribution, deformation and perturbed magnetic field in the vacuum are obtained in analytical form in the first power of the magnetothermo-elastlc coupling parameter e and relaxation parameter T ’. In absence of e, T the solutions agree o o with those in [2] and in absence of ’, the results agree with those in [3]. o 568 S. K. ROY-CHOUDHURI AND G. CHATTERJEE Surface stress for different times is calculated and graphically presented. It believed that this particular problem has not been considered earlier. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION. We assume that a magneto-thermo-elastic wave is produced in an elastic half> 0 due to the thermal shock where is a applied on space x 0(o,t)--oH(t) constant and H(t) there an is the Heavlside function. is initial magnetic field Xl--0 0o We also assume that in both the medla acting in the of direction x3-axls. The simplified equations of slowly movlng bodies in electrodynamlcs after llnearlzatlon are the fol[owlng: x =-- % .=o, where (2 ) t c denotes the electric field, is the perturbation of the magnetic field, the initial constant magnetic field, displacement vector, and c the is o is velocity of is O is the current density vector, u denotes the the magnetic permeability, o is the electric conductlvtty The displacement equation of motion in thermo- light. elasticity including the electromagnetic effect after llnerlzatlon is, v2 + IJo (.) + [(h5 (+.) x o -o (2.2) o Also the modified form of Fourler’s law of heat conduction taking into account the thermal relaxation time [I] is pc.( + "o ) + ?ro( + 1/2A) K 0’it’ (2.3) (i=1,2,3) where X, are the Lame’ constants, T is equal to (3k+4) oT, o is the co-efflclent T of linear thermal expanslon, is equal to are the reference and absolute T-To; To’T temperature of the body respectively; K is the co-efflclent of heat conduction; p is the mass density; time. c is the specific heat at constant volume; T The magneto-thermo-elastlc wave propagated in the medium x depend on x For is the relaxation > 0 is assumed to and time t. o f= Equations O (0,O,H 3) equations (2.1) reduce to UoH3( o C c o) tl0 (o,o E2 (2.2) and (2.3) then lead to 2 X+2p + aop) 2u _--yx )0 y--t ,cu ), .=c 3 x 0). (2.4) COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEM IN A HALF-SPACE a cv(- + where + ---at2) z a2Ul YTo(-l + z a3u-l-) x at the Alfven wave velocity. is u, x notations u 2 2 2 a K x 569 0 2 (2.6) For convenience, we shall use the x. In vacuum the system of equations of electrodynamics are a2 .) a2 x ’2 c 2 at 2 o 0 h3 (2.7) 2 a x ’2 where x’ a c 2 2 at o 0 E2 5 x. The components Tll and Tll of Maxwell’s stress tensor in elastic medium and in vacuum are o 4--’- Tll h and T 3H3 o o h3H3" 11 The normal mechanical and thermal stress is Oll The boundary conditions to be satisifed are Oll + E 2 Z o 2 (o,t) 3. Tl Tll O, x x’ 0 (2.8) x x’ 0 (2.9) 0 H(t). o (2.10) SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. To find the solution of the problem we now introduce the following notations and non-dlmensional variables 2 2 Cl o C2 o 2 ao 2 + Cl’ CXo Cto "--;-’ z---;-, S. K. ROY-CHOUDHURI AND G. CHATTERJEE 570 K (2.7) and boundary conditions (2.8) The equations (2.5) a2U )2U aZ }2Z _, 3Z 0, }2Z (3.1) >0 a3u dU 2 -o, >o (3.2) 20 h o h3 3 22 2 }- - U (2.10) become z 32 U + 0, - 131 Oh 3 ab 3 - > (3.3) 0 ’ 0 (3.4) o, (3.5) H(T), (3.6) 0 Z(o,T) o where Initial conditions in the new variables are u(:,o) o, z(:,o) o, az(;,.o_) o. We now introduce a potential function @ defined by (3.7) Using (3.7) in (3.1) and then integrating we get z(,) 32 (--f )2 ) z2 In > O. (3.8) COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEM IN A HALF-SPACE 571 Using (3.7), the equation (3.2) leads to 2z z @2 )T T’o 2z 2 3 i-- T’o @2 4 O @2 (3.9) In the Laplace transform domain the equations (3.8), (3.9) and (3.3) become a2 (-2-s) , 2 z(,s) ()C ’o s -s z - -3o c 3 e Bs > ’ (3.10) s(l+’S)o @,2’ > { o > 0 (3.11) 0 (3.12) In Laplace transform domain, the boundary conditions (3.4) -(3.6) reduce to + 2 B1f3= o h3 %_ =o (3.13) ’ O, { (3.14) 0 e Z(o,s) (3.15) o Ellmtnating from (3.10) and (3.11) we get @2 (3.16) s The equation (3.16) reduces to (31) in [4] on setting The general solution of (3.16) vanishing at _X (,s) where 1I, 2 + C2 Cle e -X2 is > 0 (3.17) are given by the roots of the equation x4 x2 + 3(+ ) s {+++(+) o. (3.18) Hence [S{s+l+e+Ts+s) :I: + 2(- I+2E:T’ + T’ + 0 0 [(1+2T’2o 2T,) 0 S + + ,2o + 2E’o + 2’o (1+)2[/2}/2’" 2 2 )s2 (3.19) S. K. ROY-CHOUDHURI AND G. CHATTERJEE 572 The (3.19) equation For a’ [3]. agrees with that (34) of [4] in for a’fa*’= ’. o 0 ’ffi 0, the equations (3.16), (3.19) are in agreement with that of (24) in Thus the equations (3.1), (3.2), (3.16), (3.19) are more general in the sense that they incorporate the effect of thermal relaxation time of Lord-Shulman theory. From (3.10) using (3.17) we have z(,s) C 1()‘1 S C2( e s > e O. (3.20) From the boundary conditions (3.13) -(3.15) taking into account (3.17) and (3.20)we obtain a linear algebraic system with respect to C C C 1, 2 and 3 as C1 s2 + C2 s2 +BlC 3 B2S)‘lC + 62s)‘2C 2 2 c1()‘ The for constants ,Z, U, s 2 Ci(iffil,2,3) h3 +c2( being 0, (3.21) 0 (3.22) O, at {- {’ffi 0 6 C3 s ’ at 0 o 2 (3.23) "T o s determined by (3.23), (3.21) the solutions are given by -h (s+6162),2) e -[o 2 s()‘1 1/2 (6182s O ( {,s, e, ) (s6 + + 6162),1 6()‘1 +1/2)s + e -1/2 (3.24) 6162)‘1)‘2 (3.25) ({,s 0 e,’) o o h3( ’s, , ’)o ToO Since E, into ’o < e 2 s62 e -I’ 2 + )‘1(s6 + 6162)‘2 B(x + ) + BB2 ’> e {> 0 O. for small thermo-elastlc coupllngs, we expand the functions Maclaurlan’s obtain )‘2(s6 + 6162)‘1 s()‘1-2 (BB2 (3 26) (3.27) ,,3 series and retain the first two terms in the series expansion to COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEM IN A HALF-SPACE -s --S+ e e (,s,,r’)--[ o o 6 2( + 62 fl e (6 + 8162) (s-1)2 { +_e 2 /(sI) 8+61 82)s(s_l 2 573 e 821 (s-l) 2 + s(s-l) 2 e 2s (/s--- I) 2 2( s+6! 82)s(s+) 2 I2e- L }] o (3.28) s-- -s 6e 62e +e{(s-l) (8+61 62)s 2( +61 )s/’(s- 1)2 2( +61 ) ,s 2( (s-l) 2s s(s-l) (,/-s-1) (-61 B2)s Vs(s-l)(V-B-I) 2(B+61 82)s(s-l) (s-1) 2(8+61 82)2s(s-1) (s+l) 2 { 2( 8+61 62) 28 -s(s- V--I6 e- (’6!62 3(’,s,e, (s-l) 2 + +61 62),/-s(s_ 1)2 =o 2(’61 2)s,s(s-1) (,’+I) 61 62 2(s-l) 2(s-l) 6 e e Zo ’) 2}+’o 2 2 2( e B+61 82)/6(s-l) (3.29) }] -m{’ -Ss{’ 62 e (+6182) s(s+l) 82" e-BS e 662e 2(’6162 )2 s(/’s/1) s To’ 2( 2] 8+61 B2)(/’s+I) (3.30) Taking inverse laplace transform we obtain (Chatterjee (Roy) and Roy Choudhurl [4], Hetnarskl [5], Oberhettlner and Badll [6]), S. K. ROY-CHOUDHURI AND G. CHATTERJEE 574 + (--- ) )erf /-’-] e H(r-) + I ’ ) f2 ’ ) fl ’ ) + erfc( 8182 2(8+81 2( 5/2 e II-81B2) o U(,I,e,T) 81132 [e (r-) erf erfc B 2( (T--I) e 8+81152 -[ 12) fz( , + + 4 f4 (, ) ) f, " 24’--e (--) + f2(,)- o e r-_ 8 )1 + 2(I1"8 T-)H(r-) I [Tf 2 r-_ )H( T- ) T- )e f2 (,T) (,T) 2(8+8[ 82 If3 (,T)- + 2(IBI IB2 8+8182) -(7 erfc(i_)(r-) (e 2 + 2( IB -I-8182) , )rc() (3.31) 8 erfc H(-) + e{- 2 4.r}] f 2 (,T)- r-OH ’+ f (,T)+ erfc 2 81 82 )+ 2( I-B 182) 1 ’ -) e (1-) erfc --] (2r--2)e (r-)erfc(i_ 2: /T) T) H( r- ) COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC 5 + -( -0+(-) 2_2 ](r-) + 82 ) 2( _32 5 (’t- K)erf/-+ gC-K-)e ((r-K) + 2 [- 575 PROBLEM IN A HALF-SPACE 3 (r-K-) F_ (SrSK-3)e " (r-Kl2lerf/- +-3 (r-K) + (r-K) (r-K)2-11 2 If (K ) r+K)erfc(_____ +/) 4-: e 2 2( 4-1 82 (r-K- 2 + ((r-F.) + (r-K) 2) 81 82 2(8+% 82 e h3( ,, [. o + [l-2(r-SK’) 2] 2(r-SK’) 82 eCr-sK’)erfc/r-SK e(r-SK’)erfc/r-SK " - fi(K,T), [e-erfc( + - 2/r-BK’] + e , {" f2 o K)H( r ) ’ o (K,’r) + %rfc( ---_ + )] 2(r-BK’) {- 82 {- 2 8+ H(r-SK’)}]. / (3.32) H(’r-SK’) i-1,2,3,4,5 are given by ) + H(r-K)}]. e(r-SK’)erfc/r-SK H(r-SK’)} + where the functions f i( K, T) r K)e ’812 K)erf + 0 o B /- H(T-K) )e " 11 r- K)er f (7"r’-7 K- --)e (-K)-(-K)2+2]H(r-K)} + erf r K) erf [((r-K) (7-TK-5)e (r-K) 9 -) 81 82 [/7( ’ r- 8K’ (3.33) S. K. ROY-CHOUDHURI AND G. CHATTERJEE 576 2 3 (’t) + 2 eric + (2 2 f3 (’T) eric w (2T+-I) e (r+Oerfc(--_ + e 2 f4 (, ) f em{2 o f5 (’) Sem o + [2(z-m)-] e Oerf g-l)e e (z--m)erfc( -) }dm 2 2 where ) {2 e 4(r-m) erfx and erfcx denote [2(T-m)+] e the error rb-m)erfc(- + /--) }din function and complementary error function respectively. 4. NUMERICAL RESULT. The surface stress is given by Tl 4,z l-erf 2(I+83 e %H3 {- 2 s(z+3) eZ(l-erf/) + - + x (I-2:2)e ( l-erf) } where If there field, H 3 no is 0, coupling 0, 83 between the electromagnetic 0 and 8 is finite so that o TII 0 on field and a0 In presence of the electomagnetlc field and strain field, the surface stress by T o 11 8oH 3 82 4.To (1+3) ’ X( T, e, o strain is given COUPLED MAGNETO-THERMO-ELASTIC PROBLEM IN A HALF-SPACE 577 .05. and are finite. We take and We can assume _B << since c >> 3 For numerical calculation we take the material of the half-space to be copper for If we assume that a representative value of the relaxation 0.0168. which e -11 time is 10 (see [7]), then the non-dimensional thermal wave speed in copper ao Co B3 should be approximately equal to 0.66. Then [8]). ’ o 2.3 (For thermal properties and sound wave speed in copper, see ref. Surface stress X for various values of times are exhibited In the following table and also graphically represented. "r 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 -IOX 5.4 7.7 11.8 16.5 23.2 25.0 26.8 28.3 30.0 31.5 d/v/s/on S.K. ROY-CHOUDHUII AND G. CHATTERJEE 578 REFERENCES 1. LORD, H.W. and SHULMAN, Y., A Generalized Dynamical Theory of Thermoelastlclty, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 15 (1967). 2. KALISKI, S. and NOWACKI, W., Excitation of Mechanlcal-electromagnetlc Waves Induced by a Thermal Shock, Bull. Acad. Polon. Scl., Series Scl. Tech., I, I0, (1962). 3. MASSALAS, 4. 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