Kortright Hills Public School Newsletter for June 2012 From the Principal’s Desk

Kortright Hills Public School
23 Ptarmigan DriveGuelph, OntarioN1C 1B5(519)827-1601Fax (519)827-9251
Kirk Runciman, Principal
Anne Bonnar, Office Co-Ordinator
Kim Kowch, Vice Principal
Rosemary Coghlin, Administrative Assistant
Newsletter for June 2012
From the Principal’s Desk
Reading over the Summer
As a parent, you are your child’s first –
and most important – teacher. Here
are eight ways you can help your child
become a better reader:
Read yourself. Your actions really do speak
louder than your words. When your kids see
you reading the newspaper or curling up with
a book, they will want to follow your example.
2. Make sure your children read every day.
Reading, like shooting baskets and playing
the piano, is a skill. Like other skills, it gets
better with practice. Researchers have
found that children who spend at least 30
minutes a day reading for fun – whether they
read books, newspapers, or magazines –
develop the skills to be better readers at
3. Get in the library habit. Make
sure everyone in your family
has a library card. Schedule
regular trips to the library.
While you are there, check
out a book yourself!
4. Read aloud to your children. Research shows
that this is the most important thing parents
can do to help their children become better
readers. Here are some tips:
• Start reading to your children when
they are young. It is never too early
to begin reading to your children.
• Don’t stop reading to your children as
they grow older. You will both enjoy
the chance to do something together.
• Set aside some time each day for
reading aloud. Even 10 minutes a day
can have a big impact. Bedtime is a
natural reading aloud time. Other
busy families read aloud at breakfast
or just after dinner.
• Read books you enjoy. Your kids will
know if you are faking it.
Here is a way to use your newspaper to
encourage reading: a scavenger hunt. Give
your child a list of
things to find in today’s
newspaper. Here are
some ideas:
• A map of Canada.
• A picture of your child’s favourite
• The temperature in the city where a
family member lives.
• Three words that begin with “w”.
• A movie that is playing at a nearby
Give books as gifts. Find a special place for
your children to keep their own library.
Make reading a privilege. Say, “You can stay
up 15 minutes later tonight if you read in
bed.” Or you might say, “Because you helped
with the dishes, I have time to read you an
extra story.”
If you are not a good reader, you can still
encourage your children. As your children
learn to read, ask them to read to you. Talk
about the books your children have read.
Ask a friend or relative to read aloud to your
Change in School Administrator
Effective November, 2012 Mrs. Kowch will be
transferring to Rockwood Centennial Public School as
vice-principal. No doubt Mrs. Kowch will be greatly
missed by our school community and we
wish her the best of luck in her future
endeavors. Mrs. Kowch’s replacement
as vice-principal has not yet been
Forest of Reading
Congratulations once again to all of the students who
participated in our Forest of Reading programs this
year! On May 15th and 16th, 64 students travelled
to Harbourfront in Toronto to participate in the
"Festival of Trees". Students chose from a variety
of literacy activities; including meeting authors,
participating in workshops, and attending the award
ceremony for their program.
School Yard Re-Greening!
This summer our school’s soccer field will be fenced
off, graded and re-seeded. As a result of this work
being done, the field will be inaccessible for a
lengthy period of time, allowing the seed to take
root and the grass to flourish.
We are very excited to
have this work done
and we look forward
to our new playing field.
The winners are:
Blue Spruce - "Giraffe and Bird" by Rebecca Bender
Silver Birch Express - "Tales of Ti-Jean" by Jan
Silver Birch Fiction - "Under grounders" by David
Silver Birch Non-Fiction - "Don't Touch that Toad
and Other Strange Things Adults Tell You" by
Catherine Rondina and Kevin Sylvester
Red Maple - "Half Brother" by Kenneth Oppel
Kirk Runciman
Thank you to all of the teachers who helped run this
program for our students by reading the books and
hosting conferences with students. Thank you as
well to the twelve parents who attended the
"Festival of Trees" with our students. Without you
we wouldn't have been able to attend!
A Warm Welcome from the Library
The Scholastic Book Fair
was a huge success!
Thank you parents,
students, and staff of
Kortright Hills! We
reached our goal with
over $3500 in sales at
the May Book Fair,
earning $2300 in
Scholastic credits for our
Your support of this vital literacy fundraiser is key
to our obtaining new books and resources for our
library and classrooms. The proceeds of the Book
Fair will be used to purchase a variety of non-fiction
books to update our Social Studies and Science
curriculum areas.
Final Due Date for All Books - Friday, June 15th
Notices will be sent to each class every Monday
detailing books that are still outstanding. Please
assist your child to locate and return all books to the
library so that a full inventory can be completed
before the end of the year. Students are
encouraged to check desks, lockers, backpacks,
classroom bookshelves, and at home. If books
cannot be located, students are asked to come and
see me so that we can search the library as well.
Invoices for missing books will be distributed after
June 15th. If you have any questions or concerns
please feel free to drop by the library or send me a
note or an email.
As always, thank you for your continued support of
our library programs!
Sheila Morgan
Teacher Librarian
School Stuff
Sunscreen and Hats
Just a reminder that all children should be wearing
sunscreen and hats on high UV days.
Check the morning weather
reports if you’re not sure.
Summer Safety
Summer is a carefree time for children and with
school nearly out and warm
weather, we need to reinforce
the need for safety.
Construction is increased and
there are more heavy and farm vehicles on the
roads, which can pose a danger for our children. At
the school we are reminding our students about
keeping safety in mind when they’re playing outside
during their break from school and classes. Parents
can do their part too, by reinforcing the
usual road safety rules so our
children are aware when they’re
out and about, riding their bikes
and having fun with their friends.
Lost & Found
If your child is missing any clothing items, please
remind him/her to check the lost and
found box by the front entrance.
Parents are welcome to check the
box as well. Items will
be available during the
month of June, and anything
unclaimed will be donated to a
charitable organization.
Summer Moves
If you will be moving out of our school area over the
summer, please let the school know. This will help in
determining our new classes in September.
Please send this information to Mrs.
Bonnar as soon as possible.
Similarly, if you have new
neighbours coming in, please direct them
to the school before the end of June,
to register for September.
Pick Up Medication
This is a reminder for any parents who have
medication for their children currently
stored at the school. Please drop
by the school before the end of
June to pick up your child’s
medication. We cannot leave it in
the school over the summer.
Medication can be brought back to
Kortright Hills if needed, in September.
Special Olympics
On Wednesday, May 23rd our special needs students
participated in the Special Olympics at St. James
Catholic High School. All participants trained for
weeks with their Peer Coaches. At the
meet, they were all fabulous
representatives of KHPS.
Congratulations to Zach S., William S.,
Stephen T., Jennifer S., Mitchel W.,
Jamie A. and Ben K.
A very special thank you goes to their peer coaches:
Michael O., Teresa C., Truly N., Josh G., Jake S.,
Chloe R., Sophie G., & Abby M.
Junior Kindergarten
We will continue to register children for our
September 2012 Kindergarten classes. If you have a
child who will turn 4 years of age on
or before December 31, 2012, please
call the school, at 519-827-1601.
Thank You
Thank you to all the Art Image volunteers who have
done a great job this year. The children have had a
lot of fun and the artwork is awesome. Please be
sure to return all of the criteria books to the yellow
folders in the supply room.
Thanks and we look forward to more
great art next year.
Dates to Remember
Milk & Food Programs
Just a reminder that the last week for
milk and food programs will be June 18 – 22 .
Report Cards
Your child’s report card will be sent on home on
Monday, June 25th. Watch for the report and
review it with your child. Please respond to your
child’s performance on page three of
the report and return it as soon as
possible, but no later than Thursday,
June 28th.
School’s Out
The last day of school for the 2011-2012 school
year is Thursday, June 28, 2012.
Students will be dismissed at the
regular time.
Registration for New Students
If you know of someone moving into
the Kortright Hills School
neighbourhood after June, 30th, we
will be registering new students on
Wednesday. August 29th, 2012 from
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
First Day of School
Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
From the Upper Grand
District School Board
Heat, Humidity & Smog
Every year at this time schools receive calls from
parents about Board policy regarding student
activities, school closures and bus cancellations due
to extreme heat, high humidex readings and smog
alerts. The Board does not close schools or cancel
busses due to these weather conditions. We have
asked the Health Unit if there are any specific
directions in this regard, and there are none other
than good common sense.
Principals will continue to monitor weather conditions
and exercise caution with the amount of physical
activity students may be engaged in (recess, physical
education classes, sports, etc.) especially in the
afternoon hours. Schools may consider rescheduling
outdoor activities for, and keep a close watch on
students with respiratory problems, and any other
children in consultation with parents.
Here are a few tips on dealing with high
heat and humidity for everyone:
avoid excess activity during periods of hot
temperatures and high humidity
monitor children with respiratory concerns
take frequent breaks when working or playing
drink plenty of fluids cool (not cold) water is
best, and drink slowly, also avoid caffeinated
avoid the direct sun (the skin can=t lose heat
effectively when burned) - remember your
sunscreen and hat
wear loose fitting clothing, wrap a wet scarf
around your forehead
eat Alight@ - fruits and vegetables; avoid
proteins which increase body heat
seek areas with cooler temperatures, shade
and air movement
consider rescheduling high activity events
and keep children inside and involved in quiet
watch for signs of dizziness and rest
immediately if present (this is a precursor to
heat exhaustion the first stage in heat
chew or suck on ice - this can help.
Drama Club
Drama Club presents “Disorder in the
Court” with a performance by the
Kortright Hills band.
What happens when Goldilocks and the Big Bad Wolf
are put on trial for their perceived misdoings? Music
and fun, of course!
The grade 6,7,8 Drama Club is pleased to present
the musical play “Disorder in the Court”. There will
be three shows: Wednesday June 13 at 9:30 am and
1:15 pm and Thursday June 14 at 6:30 pm. All shows
are in the gym at Kortright Hills Public School. The
show is about an hour with an intermission in which
the Intermediate band will perform. The play is a
fun comedy for all ages. There is NO CHARGE for
Note to actors and their parents:
actors and technicians need to be
at the school no later than 6:00
pm on Thursday June 14 in order
to get ready for the
School Council
School Council met on Monday, May 14th.
The Ice Cream Social is
scheduled to take place on
Thursday, June 7th (rain or
shine) – from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. A
professional circus artist “Andrew
the Absolutely Normal” will be
providing walk around entertainment.
“Turkey Rhubarb” will be
performing on the gym stage at
6:30pm. There will also be games,
face painting, airbrush tattoos,
pizza, ice cream, refreshments and more. Super
passes are available for $5 which includes a slice of
pizza, an ice cream treat, a drink, a raffle ticket for
a theme basket, games and a Prize Passport card.
Come on out and enjoy a fun filled night! Volunteers
are still needed for the event. If you are able to
donate an hour of your time (or more), please
contact Theresa Hoey at theresah@sentex.net .
The JK and SK students have had a lot of fun
planting native wildflowers in their butterfly garden.
SNAP Guelph took some pictures of
the students on one of the planting
days and the photo will appear in the
July issue of the publication. Many
thanks to our helpers, teachers and
parents who volunteered time, and made
donations of plants and money for the project, as
well as to Evergreen Canada for providing most of
the funds for the garden. We would also like to
thank Home Depot, Meadowville Garden Centre,
Battlefield Equipment Rentals, Guelph Building
Supply, Pizza La Villa and Grand Moraine Growers for
providing discounts on supplies and services.
The hotdog program will not be continued into the
next school year. Instead, “The Lunch Lady” will be
offering hot nutritious lunches for
students. More information will be
provided in the fall, but in the
meantime, feel free to check them out
at www.thelunchlady.ca. If anyone is
able/willing to help with the milk program in the fall,
please contact Janet Weigel at
jweigel0220@rogers.com. This volunteer position
requires occasional visits to the Tuck Shop to check
inventory levels and coordination of milk monitors.
If we are unable to find a volunteer, we will
be outsourcing our milk program
(resulting in a loss of revenue
to Council).
Please note – all food programs will end on Friday,
June 22nd. No hot dogs, milk or pizza will be
provided during the final week of school.
Do you have a child going to camp this
summer? Check out the Limited
Edition Camp Combo Kit from Mabel’s
Labels. This value-packed collection of UV resistant,
waterproof labels and tags was designed especially
for everything that goes to summer camp. Identify
clothes, footwear, toiletries, swim gear, backpacks
and more with this seasonal essential. Includes two
FREE friendship bracelets! Visit the website at
www.kortrighthills.mabel.ca for more information
and to place your order.
The next Council meeting is scheduled to take place
on Monday, June 18th at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at
the Symposium Café . Everyone is welcome!
From the Health Department
Safe fun in the sun
As the weather gets warmer,
remember to stay safe in
the sun. Before you and
your child head outside,
check the UV index on
The Weather Network or
Environment Canada
When you go outside, wear sunglasses, hat, and
sunscreen (SPF of 15 or higher). And
if the UV index is 6 or
more (high), also stay in
the shade.
Keep in mind that babies
and children burn more
quickly from the sun.
Sunscreen is not
recommended for babies
under 6 months old, but is
safe to use on children.
For more information about sun safety, visit Health
Canada at www.healthcanada.gc.ca.
June 2012
Day 5
Rain Date City Track
& Field – Intermediate
Day 1
Day 2
Mad Science
Day 3
Drama Club
Day 4
Junior Track & Field
5:00 Ice Cream Social
E.Q.A.O. Grade 6’s
Day 5
Junior Track & Field
Day 5
11:30 Kindergarten’s to
Wings of Paradise
Day 1
9:00 Kindergarten’s
to Wings of Paradise
Day 1
11:00 Summer
Day 2
9:00 Gr 5 & 6’s
Enrichment Invention
Day 3
City Track & Field
6:30 ‘Disorder in the
Day 4
Rain Date – City Track &
Field – Juniors
Gr 2’s African Lion Safari
11:00 Gr. 8 Music Awards
1:30 SHARKS Swim
2/3 & 5/6’s
Gr 1’s Energy Afternoon
Day 3
9:00 Jr. Ultimate Frisbee
Day 4
1:30 SHARKS Swim
2/3D & 5/6C
Grade 8 Quebec Trip
Day 5
9:00 Primary Play Day
Day 1
Intermediate Ultimate
Frisbee Tournament
6:00 Graduation
Ceremony Gr. 8’s
Day 2
Primary Play Date
Day 3
Procedure to Access your Child’s Transportation Information-September 2012
Go to www.findmybus.ca and login to this secure site with your child’s OEN number, school name, birth
date and house number. Your child(ren’s) 9 digit OEN number is located on their report card.
If your child is new to the school system and has been registered at a school prior to the end of June, a
letter will be sent the third week of August with the transportation information. If you are new to the area
(not registered at a school) call STWDSTS at 519-824-4119 for assistance. We are here all summer.
Bus Delay and Cancellation Subscription Service Available
We offer a subscription service that will notify the subscriber via email when your
child(ren's) bus has been cancelled or is delayed.
To subscribe go to: https://www.findmyschool.ca/subscriptions/login.aspx and follow the directions.
Go to:
This website provides “one stop shopping” for all your transportation needs:
 Quick Links to Eligibility information & a list of reported Bus Delays
 School Information – including location, phone number, boundary maps
 School Calendars
 Transportation Policies, Procedures, & Forms
 Bus Cancellation information (November – March each year)
 Safety Information
 Official Bus Time
 A special link just for children
 Answers to common transportation questions
Will My Child Be Assigned to a School Bus?
Transportation is assigned according to Board policy. Your child must live within your school’s attendance
boundary and live further from school than the Maximum Walking Distance assigned to your child’s grade
level. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 002 Transportation Eligibility or go to www.stwdsts.ca and click on “Are
you Eligible?” (yellow bus on left side). You can also access your child’s bus information by going to
www.findmybus.ca, selecting Student Login, and entering your child’s OEN number, house number and date
of birth.
May I ride with my child on the first day of school?
It is strictly prohibited for parents/guardians to board the school bus. Refer to Policy 005 –
Responsibilities of Parent and Guardians.
66 Arrow Rd, Unit B • Guelph, ON N1K 1T4 • Phone (519) 824-4119 • Fax (519) 822-9097 • Toll-Free 1-888-292-2224
What Should I Do If Our Address Changes Before September?
Be sure to contact Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services
(STWDSTS) with your new address at 519-824-4119. We are open during July and August so please do not
wait until September to do this. Transportation requests received prior to August 24th, 2012 will be
processed for the first week of school.
Can My Child Receive Transportation From an Alternate Address?
Both your home address and the alternate/caregiver address must be within your school’s attendance
boundary and meet the distance criteria for transportation. Be sure to advise your school and contact
STWDSTS with this additional information. The alternate address must be used consistently 5 days per
week and there must be room on the alternate bus. Refer to Policy 034 - Transportation for Child Care
How Will New JK & SK Students Receive Their Bus Information?
Transportation information will be mailed after August 20th to Junior & Senior Kindergarten students who
are not currently attending school.
May a student temporarily ride another bus while parent or guardian are away?
All temporary transportation requests shall be refused, except under extraordinary circumstances where the
personal well being of a student is at stake. Refer STWDSTS to Policy 029 - Temporary Transportation
How does courtesy transportation get assigned?
Available seats at existing stops, are assigned based on first the youngest of age (grade), then travel distance
to school. Courtesy assignments are not done prior to October 31st of each year. Refer to STWDST Policy
017 - Courtesy Transportation.
Can my child’s bus stop be changed?
Requests for changes to bus stops should be submitted in writing for consideration (Form TF033). Requests
for changes to accommodate parent/caregiver convenience or health issues will not be considered. No changes
to bus stops are considered during the first four weeks of school. Students are required to walk to/from bus
stops to catch their bus. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 009 – Walking Distances to Bus Stop
My children were enrolled at the start of the school year. When will their transportation
Because of the large number of changes and new transportation requests bussing arrangements can take up to
5 business days at the start of the school year. After September most transportation arrangements can be
completed within 3 business days.
Who is responsible for my child’s safety prior to boarding the bus and after disembarking from
the bus?
The parent or guardian is responsible their child’s safety prior to boarding the bus and after they disembark
from the bus. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 005 – Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians
66 Arrow Rd, Unit B • Guelph, ON N1K 1T4 • Phone (519) 824-4119 • Fax (519) 822-9097 • Toll-Free 1-888-292-2224