Robustness, Separation & Pitch or Morgan, Me & Pitch Dan Ellis Columbia / ICSI 1. Robustness and Separation 2. An Academic Journey 3. Future COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 1 /16 1953: How To Separate Speech? • The “Cocktail Party Problem” [Cherry ’53] • Spatial information: ATC over a single speaker • Pitch differences via gender differences • Auditory Scene Analysis [Bregman ’90] • Grouping cues • Onset • Harmonicity • Common Fate • “Schema” Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 2 /16 The Usefulness of Pitch • Common pitch can link energy !"#$%&$'()#*"&+$,-"#$'(!$./-#0 Brungart et al.’01 from a single source 1232'(4-**2&2#52. Normal mix 232'(6-**2&2#52(5$#(72'8(-#(.82257(.20&20$,-"# 1-.,2#(*"&(,72(9%-2,2&(,$'/2&: Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis “Pitchless” 2015-03-14 - 3 /16 1984: Perception-Inspired Separation • Model the periodicity information in the auditory nerve Lyon 1984 Weintraub 1985 Mix Female Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 4 /16 1996: An Academic Journey t h e en er gy visible in t h e fu ll sign a l qu it e closely; n ot e, h owever , t h e h oles in t h e weft en velopes, pa r t icu la r ly a r ou n d 300 H z in t h e secon d weft ; a t t h ese poin t s, t h e t ot a l sign a l en er gy is fu lly expla in ed by t h e ba ckgr ou n d n oise elem en t , a n d, in t h e a bsen ce of st r on g eviden ce for per iodic en er gy fr om t h e in dividu a l cor r elogr a m ch a n n els, t h e weft in t en sit y for t h ese ch a n n els h a s been ba cked off t o zer o. • Dan in 1996: The “weft” f/Hz "Bad dog" 4000 2000 1000 400 200 1000 400 200 100 50 0.0 f/Hz 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Wefts1,2 4000 2000 1000 400 200 1000 400 200 100 50 f/Hz Click1 Click2 Click3 4000 2000 1000 400 200 f/Hz Noise1 4000 Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2000 −40 2015-03-14 - 5 /16 1999: “Size Matters” • All you need is a BDNN Ellis & Morgan’99 • .. and the data (and patience) to train it WER vs. frames/weight WER for PLP12N nets vs. net size & training data 44 178 GCUP 42 44 356 GCUP 42 712 GCUP 40 WER% WER% 40 38 1.42 TCUP 38 36 2.8 TCUP 36 34 32 9.25 500 18.5 Training set / hours 5.7 TCUP 34 1000 37 2000 11.4 TCUP Hidden layer / units 74 4000 32 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 frames/weight Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 6 /16 2001: Overlap Remains • Meeting Recorder Project Janin, Baron, Edwards, Ellis, Gelbart, Morgan, Peskin, Pfau, Shriberg, Stolcke, Wooters ’03 • natural speech interactions • ~10% of speech frames have overlaps backchannel mr-2000-06-30-1600 floor seizure Spkr A speaker active speaker B cedes floor Spkr B Spkr C interruptions Spkr D breath noise Spkr E crosstalk 40 20 Table top level/dB 120 125 130 135 140 145 Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 150 155 time / secs 2015-03-14 - 7 /16 2003: EARS • “Pushing the envelope (aside)” Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 8 /16 2004: Pitch Based Separation • Literal implementations of the process described in Bregman 1990: • compute “regularity” cues: - common onset - gradual change - harmonic patterns - common fate Original v3n7 Brown 1992 Ellis 1996 Hu & Wang 2004 Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis Hu & Wang 2004 2015-03-14 - 9 /16 2004: Model-Based Separation • Data-driven separation Roweis ’01 Kristjansson, Attias, Hershey ’04 • Learn codebooks for individual speakers • Find best combination of sources • Pitch gives the “grist” Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 10/16 2006: Pitch for VAD Lee & Ellis’06 • Pitch is the most robust perceptual cue to speech Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 11/16 2004-2011: The Epic Speech and Audio Signal Processing Processing and Perception of Speech and Music S E C O N D E D I T I O N Ben Gold t Nelson Morgan t Dan Ellis Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 12/16 2012: Project Babel freq / kHz • Noisy speech is a challenge: IARPA_BABEL_OP1_204_73990_20130521_162632_inLine 4 20 3 0 2 -20 1 0 0 -40 5 10 15 20 • How to disentangle speech and 25 time / sec level / dB interference? • Energy peaks are speech (spectral subtraction) • Energy troughs are noise (Wiener, log-mmse) • Speech has a known form (Factorial HMM) • Voiced speech is periodic (Pitch-based) Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 13/16 Classification-based Pitch Tracker • Subband Autocorrelation Classification Lee & Ellis ’12 (SAcC) Pitch Tracker: • Trained on noisy speech with true pitch targets de lay l short-time autocorrelation ine Neural network classifier ck c1 BN frequency channels Sound Cochlea filterbank uv 60.0 61.8 63.6 65.4 Pitch Viterbi smoother B3 B2 B1 freq lag 392.1 403.6 Correlogram slice time • Subband autocorrelation features • PCA to reduce dimensions Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 14/16 Flat-Pitch Processing • Time-varying filtering is tricky • if pitch variation and filter impulse response are on a similar time-scale noisy Flatten the pitch • use local pitch estimate to resample • process constant-pitch • resampling is (near) invertible Noisy signal 1000 SAcC pitch tracker freq / Hz • Solution: speech 500 0 pitch-flatten time map pr(vx) pitch time-varying resampling Resampled to pitch = 200 Hz flat-pitch-domain enhancement inverse time map Filtered − comb time-varying resampling Resampled back to original pitch and mixed with original enhanced speech 0 Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 0.5 1 1.5 time / s 2015-03-14 - 15/16 Conclusions • Pitch is a key feature for speech separation • “marking” signal against other speech or noise • Some ideas don’t go away • .. though they can change shape • Impact from collaboration • you can’t do good work with someone without the human connection Robustness, Separation, Pitch - Dan Ellis 2015-03-14 - 16/16