Principal’s Message: “Be The Best That You Can Be”: May 2015

May 2015
Principal’s Message:
This year Glenbrook
Elementary School students will be supporting
the Heart and Stroke
Foundation by holding
our first annual “Jump
Rope For Heart” event. We are very
excited about having the opportunity
to be involved in this initiative.
Students participated in a “Jump
Rope for Heart” kick off assembly on
Tuesday, April 28th. They will have
the opportunity to collect pledges during the last week of April and the first
two weeks of May.
“Be The Best That You Can Be”:
This year our Grade 6, 7 & 8 students will have a wonderful
opportunity to attend a full day event focused on striving to be
the best we can be. Our “Be The Best You Can Be” day will
include students from the four North Dufferin elementary
schools, and will be taking place at the Centre Dufferin Recreation Complex in Shelburne on Thursday, May 14th, 2015.
We are very excited about this opportunity, as it will offer our
students a chance to hear from a variety of inspirational speakers who have
found ways to overcome obstacles, give back to their communities and understand their roles as global citizens.
Students will play a role as an active participating audience throughout the
day. Parents/guardians are also welcome to join us at any time during this
Glenbrook Book Fair—May 4th to May 8th:
Our Jump Rope event will be held on
Friday, May 22nd. We thank all parents and community members for
supporting our school with this initiative. We are pleased to be able to
make a contribution towards heart
and stroke research!
The library will be hosting our last book fair for the 2014-2015 school year. It
begins Monday, May 4th with a Books and Blankets event; it will be a PJ day
and students can shop late with their parents (until 8pm) in their PJ’s!. On
Tuesday, May 5th, we are closed and there are NO SALES. It all wraps up on
Friday, May 8th at 3:10 pm.
Dogs At School:
Thank you in advance for all of your support. Sales from the book sale go
directly into stocking up the shelves in your child’s library and increasing their
access to favourite books and series.
Parents are reminded that not all students are comfortable with pets. We
would appreciate it if dogs were not
walked to school with students or
walked on school property during
school hours.
Dog owners who choose to exercise
their animals on school property after
school hours are asked to clean up
after these animals when appropriate. We would like to keep our yard
clean and safe for
all students. We
cooperation with
this request.
Join the 2015 “Pause to Play Challenge”:
The Pause to Play Challenge encourages students and their families to put
their television, video games and computers on pause for one full week.
Participants are more likely to feel good about themselves. Exercise that gets
your heart pumping has many benefits to your health!
Being active for at least 60 minutes daily can help children:
Improve their health
Do better in school
Improve their fitness, grow stronger and maintain a healthy body weight
Have fun playing with friends and feel happier
Learn new skills and improve their self-confidence
Take the challenge for a week or more and learn how much fun it can be
to pause to PLAY!
Go to for more information.
Grade 3 & 6 E.Q.A.O. Assessment— May 25th to June 4th, 2015
Understanding The Equal Sign:
Arts Presentation:
Most children see = and they know it is an equal sign, but do they really understand what
it means? Many children believe the equal sign means “the answer is” or “the total”. They
do not understand that the equal sign is a symbol of balance or sameness. Think about 3
+ 4 = 7. 3 plus 4 is the same as 7. When children understand that the equal sign shows a
relationship between numbers, they develop stronger number sense and are able to
work with numbers more flexibly. For example, children who know that the equal sign
shows balance understand that 3 + 4 is the same as 5 + 2. Children who think of the
equal sign as showing the answer often struggle with mental math and, later on, with
On April 23rd, students from our Primary and Junior Divisions travelled to
the Covenant Community Church to
participate in the Dufferin Youth Festival of the Arts. Students in Mrs.
Whitford’s Grade 2/3 class played a
number of songs using our “hand
bells.” Mrs. Crago’s and Ms. Rosairus’ Punjabi Club presented a
dance at this annual celebration of
the Arts. Ms. Nienhuis displayed a
variety of student art at this event as
well. We congratulate all students
who took part and thank our
staff for highlighting the arts at
Parents can help support understanding of the equal sign in many ways. First, using the
word “equal” in everyday conversation to highlight equal relationships helps to promote
an understanding of sameness. Use the words “equal” and “the same” together. When
sharing snacks among people, talk about amounts. Are they equal? How do we know?
Also, many children enjoy missing number problems, especially when presented as a
puzzle or challenge. Challenge children to find the number to balance equations, like
5 + ___ = 1 + 8 or
14 - 6 = ___ + 3
5 x ____ = 4 x ____
When playing with Lego, talk about how the different sized pieces are related. How many
little pieces are equal to a big piece? Build different creations with equal number of pieces. Build creations with equal sizes but different number of pieces. The more exposure
children have to the idea that the equal sign means “the same”, the better set they will be
to develop solid number sense and number flexibility.
Megan Haessler - Teacher-Researcher with the UGDSB
Canadian Tire Money Collection Box:
Glenbrook School continues to collect Canadian Tire money. A collection box has been placed in the front office of
the school. Canadian Tire will match all monies collected
up to a total of $300. If you have Canadian Tire money
that you would be willing to donate, please place it in the
designated drop-off box in the school office.
Forest of Reading Clubs:
The Forest of Reading Clubs have
voted and in May we will find out
which books were selected as the
favourite Canadian books by the children across Ontario. Congratulations
to Sarah and Sunit, two students in
the Silver Birch Book Club, who entered a Video Challenge Contest
about their Forest of Reading Program at Glenbrook and won 20 tickets to the Forest of Reading Celebration in Toronto. We will host a fundraising sale on Monday May 4th from
3:10 pm - 8:00 pm at the Book Fair to
help cover the cost of a bus to Toronto for Silver Birch Club members.
Appropriate Dress At Glenbrook:
We remind parents and students that as the warmer
weather approaches, students will start wearing
“cooler” clothing. Students are to ensure that clothing
selected for school covers all forms of underwear. We
also ask that this spring / summer clothing covers a
student’s midriff (stomach). If parents have questions
about appropriate clothing, please contact your child’s
teacher, our Vice-Principal, Ms. Kennedy or Mr.
Thompson in the school office.
School Council Meeting:
The Glenbrook School Council will
hold their next monthly meeting at
6:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6th,
2015. All parents and community
members are invited to attend. The meeting will be
held in the staff room.
Read This Newsletter and Win a Prize!!!
Win Glenbrook Spirit Wear :
After your family has read this newsletter, please sign and detach this coupon. “Our family” must include at least one
parent/guardian who has read the newsletter. This coupon must be placed in the yellow mailbox in the front office at
Glenbrook school. A ballot will be drawn from the yellow mailbox each month indicating the winning family for the
month. This month’s draw will be held on Friday, May 29, 2015.
Our family has read the newsletter corresponding to this draw.
Family Name:
___________________________Parent’s Signature:
Student Placement Procedures for 2015—2016:
In late May and early June, the staff at Glenbrook Elementary School will hold a number of placement meetings in order
to begin student placement procedures for the 2015—2016 school year. We would like to inform parents about how we
approach this important task.
First—Our school’s staffing committee receives a school organization from the Board’s District Staffing Committee. This
school organization is based on the expected student enrolment and the number of teachers that are allocated to our
school by the Upper Grand District School Board’s Staffing Committee.
Next—Staff collect data on each student which is then used at grade level placement meetings. When considering
placement, we sometimes recommend students be kept together or separated because of the positive or negative influence on each other’s learning. Other issues requiring careful thought include special needs, health concerns, resource
and withdrawal needs and male/female role models (in grades where a choice exists).
We appreciate your trust in our professional judgment in balancing all of the aforementioned considerations when developing classes for next year. If you have questions about this process please contact Ms. Kennedy or Mr. Thompson.
E.Q.A.O. Grade 3 & Grade 6 Provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing & Math:
The students at Glenbrook Elementary School have been preparing for the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s
(E.Q.A.O.) Provincial Assessment of Reading Writing and Mathematics throughout the school year.
During the months of May and June, students in Grades 3 and Grade 6 will take part in the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (E.Q.A.O.) Provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This assessment has
been scheduled to take place between May 25th and June 1st, 2015.
Students will engage in two 1 hour assessments each day for a three day period. The assessment is designed to be
completed within 6 hours. The Grade 3 students will complete the assessment on May 25th, May 26th and May 27th.
The Grade 6 students will complete the assessment on May 28th, May 29th, and June 1st, 2015. All assessment materials must be returned to E.Q.A.O. on June 4th, 2015.
We ask that the parents of our Grade 3 & 6 students make every attempt to have their child(ren) at
school on time for each of the assessment days in order to ensure that your child has the opportunity to
complete the assessment. Results of this assessment will be returned to the school in the fall of 2015.
Junior Kindergarten Information Evening:
At 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 7th, parents of students who will attend our full day Junior Kindergarten are invited to
attend an information night in the library at Glenbrook Elementary School. The parents of students who will be attending
Senior Kindergarten and are new to Glenbrook are also invited to attend as well.
School staff will provide parents with information about Glenbrook Elementary School and the Kindergarten program
that Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten students will be engaged in during the 2015—2016 school year. Parents will also have the opportunity to get to know the layout of the school and will visit the Kindergarten classrooms.
We encourage all parents of JK students (and new SK students) to attend this information meeting.
We are still accepting registrations for September 2015. Please contact Ms. Mitchell, our Office Coordinator, if you plan to register your child for Kindergarten for next year.
Shelburne Public Library’s “Paws To Read” Program:
The Shelburne Public Library in partners with, The Therapeutic Paws of Canada Program, is offering “Paws to Read”
sessions from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. every Tuesday starting on May 5th. This program is for children who may be a little shy,
reluctant, or is having difficulties reading out loud to other people and who would like extra practice.
The reading sessions are at 15 minute intervals with a certified therapy dog named Mac and his trainer.
For more information about this program please call the Shelburne Public Library at 519-925-2168.
M ay 2 0 1 5
Popcorn Day
Lockdown Drill
(8:45 a.m.)
4 Book Fair
6 Book Fair
7 Book Fair
Pizza Day
FTP (Schafer &
Book Fair
Boys’ Basketball
Team in finals at
Westside S. S.
(8:30 p.m.)
School Council
Meeting (6:15)
Junior Kindergarten Information Night
(6:00 p.m.)
Grade 5’s at Earthkeepers Program
(Island Lake)
11 Grade 5’s at
Program (Island
Meeting at Primrose E.S. (7:00
Grade 5’s at
Program (Island
Silver Birch Trip
to Toronto
Be The Best You
Can Be Day
(Grade 6, 7 & 8)
Pizza Day
22 Jump Rope For
Victoria Day
Standards Day
Grades 1 to 6
Mrs. Mackenzie /
Mrs. Bond JK / SK
class to the library
(No School)
Family Transition Place
(Schafer & Gammage)
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 3 EQAO
Grade 6 EQAO
Grade 6 EQAO
Standards Day
Kindergarten D
Library Trip
Grade 7&8 Into
The Woods
Theatre Trip