Perkins College of Education Department of Human Services Advisory Council

Perkins College of Education
Department of Human Services Advisory Council
October 5, 2012
Program reports/search updates
 Counseling
 Deaf & Hard of Hearing
 Rehabilitation Services
 School Psychology
 Special Education
 Speech and Language Pathology
 VI/O&M
 Committee reports: College Assessment Oversight Committee (Dr. Solmonson); Service
Learning Advisory Board (Michael Munro); Diversity and Core Curriculum Committee
Reports (Chair).
1. Fall overload compensation approval ALMOST 100%
2. Summer pay rate will be the same as this past summer.
3. 2012-13 budget has not been disseminated.
4. October 15th deadline for TracDat—data documentation
5. All office hours posted
6. Upcoming Saturday showcase
7. Orientation materials being ordered
8. Special Education BSIS majors case presented to Dean
9. Professional Development allocation ($900/$450/$300)
10. HEF Allocation
 Completion of Clinic observational technology
 Completing Wiring in the classroom so tables might be used w/laptops
 Completing Wiring in Dr. Whitney’s space
 Replacement of instructional podium in 101 (?)
Spring schedule review: upper limits, instructor verification, time checked, conflicts w/core
courses, etc.
1. Classes should have the correct instructor noted in BANNER
2. Classes should have the correct upper-enrollment limit noted in BANNER
3. Classes that are co-listed should be indicated as such each semester
4. Advisement should coincide with courses to be offered
5. Each spring schedule MUST be reviewed, discussed, finalized, and approved by all
faculty prior to submission.
Program Advisory Committee development
Recommendations for date of end of the semester celebration
Instructions/Adjunct Faculty Hire Pamphlet (Review Draft)
Other Issues