MINUTES September 3, 2015 9:30 – 11:00 AM, Room 758

September 3, 2015
9:30 – 11:00 AM, Room 758
Attendees: Kathleen Allen, Marie Amboy (DeLeon), Noell Adams, Rosafel Adriano, Dolly Balangitao,
Rozen Bondoc, ValJean Dale, Frances Fon, Philomena Franco, Sandra Genera, Josue Hernandez, Matt
Kritscher, Paulette Lino, Kathryn Linzmeyer, Emmanuel Lopez, Patricia Molina, Stacey Moore, Liz
Morales, Arnold Paguio, Linda Phan, Cresali Roldan-Sun, Jacqui Trinh, Jeanne Wilson and Bella Witt
Meeting started: 9:30 a.m.
Introduction of two new employees: Linda Buelna, Puente Assistant and Jacqueline Trinh, Financial Aid
Administrative Assistant I.
VP Kritscher reviewed the May 7th SSAG Minutes. He mentioned how proud he was of our Division’s
• Mailing of postcards promoting our summer and fall classes.
• Increased the number of counselors this summer which resulted in serving more students than
the summer before. Front Desk Counseling was available during the summer in addition to
• Hired faculty and classified staff.
• We did the Summer Open House Series. It was nice to have instructional staff come to Bldg
700 and talk to students who came in. Out of the 200+ students who came to the Open House,
we registered over 100. At least 30% of the student heard about the series from the postcard
mailing, 30% saw it from our website, and the others heard via word of mouth.
VP Kritscher suggested perhaps we can do a newsletter specifically for high school students. Or
we can do a luncheon. Director Linzmeyer said high school counselors are coming to the
Financial Aid training workshop on October 15th and that would be a good opportunity to invite
some to stay for lunch.
He said our efforts to increase enrollment is working. Chabot College is 1-1/2 % up from last fall; LPC
is up about .8% up from last fall. Combined the District is up 2.3% this semester, but our goal is
3-1/2% which means the overall goal is 7% for the 2015-16 school year. We hope to continue the
momentum with late start classes.
Student Services Advisory Group
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As a way to help us reach our enrollment targets, VP Kritscher shared that the college is contemplating
the possibility of offering an online winter intersession. This means that at end of finals week, on
December 21st, we will start a limited, 50 classes at the most, all online classes. We will advertise
these classes in university newspapers to ensure they would be filled. We will also promote them to
our students who are ready to do a 4-week intensive online class format.
VP Kritscher announced that the Student Services Advisory Group will now meet twice per semester.
Our next Fall meeting will be on November 5th. This meeting gives members across our Division an
opportunity to address strategic issues and work together to move processes forward to help us
improve our services to students and the college. He said that although the SSAG is an open meeting,
he asked that SS administrators designate at least 1 or two people from their areas to attend so we
can have a set membership which can be rotated each semester. This set membership will allow us to
have the consistency and continuity to move the conversation forward.
As far as Student Services meeting structure, each department conducts weekly meetings; we have the
SSAG Meeting twice per semester, and then the All-Up Division Meeting which is once per semester.
Our Fall semester All-Up Division Meeting will be on October 7th just in time with the Accreditation
Team Visit.
I. Program Review 2016-17
Final versions of Program reviews are due to your Dean’s Office on October 26th. The deans have a
week to complete their summaries and include their offices as well. Therefore the October 7th
meeting will be devoted to reviewing the forms and the process so we can have clarity as to how
we are going to do our program reviews as efficiently and fairly as possible. Some positive
• Only excel sheets will be used for resource requests in terms of budget figures (no word
tables) so Business Services will know where to look.
• Supplies and services budget will be separated.
VP Kritscher said that one of our biggest challenges is dealing with our rollover budgets (general
funds) which we have been doing since 2011-12, the year we hit rock bottom in terms of our
funding. It’s also known as maintenance of effort (MOE) budgets. Since then, we have been
augmenting this basic rollover budget with one-time funding allocations. What we need to do is to
look over our rollover budgets and delineate what we are asking for in addition to this base budget.
Because the college will be receiving a significant amount of State funding, we need clarity as to
where we are getting the money to do what we need to do, how is it coming in, and how we are
tracking it as we spend the funds.
II. SSSP / Student Equity Update
We are updating our Student Success and Support Program plan and budget for the 2015-16
year incorporating campus-wide feedbacks. The plan we submitted last year was found to be in full
compliance except one area that needed to be “tidied-up” a bit in terms of positions listed in the
budget that are in the plan. We have not yet received our allocation, but we built-in a $2.4 million
SSSP budget. We have the opportunity to develop new orientation type programs with our new
online system, enhanced student follow-up, and more innovative counseling models. The SSSP
Advisory Group meetings are on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in Room 758. The SSSP Plan is due to the
State Chancellor’s Office at the end of October. The SSSP advisory group will give the draft to VPSS
Office by mid-October.
Student Services Advisory Group
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VP Kritscher also reminded the group that it is critical that we have all of our SARS schedules setup and that we are collecting pertinent data because we will be funded based on our data next
VP Kritscher also said that he will recommend at this month’s College Council to post at least 4
o Replacement for Michael D’Aloisio
o Two SSSP-funded counselors
o EOPS Counselor
In addition, VP Kritscher will request from HR to allow half-time counselor assistants to be full-time,
so we can make the positions whole and immediately increase our service. As we increase the
number of counselors, the Counseling Department and other areas may stay open longer on
Fridays and add another evening service.
Sandra Genera asked when the Daraja and Puente Counselor Assistant II positions will be posted.
She said that they are out of compliance in terms of Puente Program’s staffing support
requirements. VP Krtischer explained that we made a strategic mistake last year by submitting
Request to Announce forms for college clerks because these positions were eliminated during the
budget crisis. And although 39 months have passed, there was still concern about posting a
position that has been eliminated.
We did not learn of our mistake until later in the school year, and then we sent in another Request
to Announce form for the counselor assistant II positions. These two positions will be SSSP funded.
Dean Wilson added that she had sent another email to HR Manager, Lydia Penaflor, but have yet to
receive an answer. She counseled patience since HR is shorthanded and overwhelmed. Right now,
HR consist of 4 personnel: Wyman Fong, David Betts, Lydia Penaflor and Denise Marriott.
Good news: We anticipate forwarding a name to the September 15th Board Meeting for a tenuretracked Daraja Counselor.
Student Equity Program will be significantly funded as well. We received $550,000 for 2014-15
and we anticipate receiving $900,000+ for 2015-16. Next SEP meetings are on September 9th and
23rd, 3:30 – 5:00 PM in Room 758. We still have temporary staffing, but VP Kritscher said he will
work on hiring permanent positions such as Director of Student Equity who will work with all
initiative organizers and keep the projects moving forward. Student Equity funding is a challenge
because it is has the most accountability since it is spent in the critical area of closing the
opportunity gaps so students has the chance to learn equitably and attain their goals. So every
initiative has to be directly tied to disproportionately impacted population with evidence supported
activities that, upon evaluation, will show outcomes of closing the opportunity gaps for our targeted
III. Facilities and Offices
As we grow, we will be need additional office space and the facilities process will take even longer
than hiring positions and getting POs. VP Kritscher asked that we all work collegially and plan at
least 6 to 9 months ahead. As an example, Dean Wilson put together a proposal for more work
stations in the Special Programs area. She worked with KI to get a quote, spoke with Doug Horner
about the process, talked with VP of Administrative Services, and reminded VP Kritscher to bring it
to the VP Meeting so the funding resource can be identified.
Student Services Advisory Group
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IV. Accreditation Visit: October 5th thru 8th
VP Kritscher reminded everyone to reread and be familiar with the Standard IIB section of our
Accreditation Self-Study. The Accreditation Team may potentially ask one you “what” is in this
V. Other Business
 The Adult Schools will finally be restored to their maintenance of effort budgets -- $350 million
restoration statewide. In addition, they are getting consortium funding. Within each community
college district is a region of adult schools organized in consortiums. Our service areas are part
of the Mid Alameda County Consortium that will receive $2 million primarily for adult schools.
The goal is to coordinate between the adult schools and the community colleges since we all
offer adult education. We may, for example, request funding to hire a transition specialist to
work with the adult schools’ student population. Or support them by providing counselors and
assessment specialists.
 VP Kritscher explained the difference between categorical and grant funding. Grant funding are
competitive allocations, which one applies for, with specific goals, activities and outcomes
required. It has a sunset date. Categorical funding are categorized general funds and is
ongoing. SSSP and Equity are categorical funds.
 Director Linzmeyer stated that often times SS administrators need meeting spaces that would
accommodate the division staff and have difficulty booking the Event Center. She pondered the
possibility of Student Services controlling the reservation process. Director Paguio said he was
part of facilities task force that is working on having an automated reservation system that is
available for everyone to view and use. Currently with our structure, many room reservations
are still paper-based and impossible to share and keep updated.
 The Kisco organization is interested in partnering with Chabot College and will provide $100,000
a year for two years, to establish a “model” veterans resource center in the old PATH’s space in
Building 2300. The organization does have certain requirements:
The VRC needs to be up and going by January 25, 2016 so we can do a ribbon
cutting ceremony.
Tap into LPC’s expertise with the establishment of their veterans resource center.
Unfortunately, our plan to have the Health Center share the space in the back of the VRC is not
going to work. The organization would like space for counselors or other resource agencies
personnel to work out of as they specifically service veterans in the VRC.
VP Kritscher said he is now thinking of using the recently vacated Institutional Research work
space, coupled with the breakroom, in Building 200 for the Health Center.
 Kathleen Allen requested that administration keep in mind having a more feasible DSPS testing
space closer to the DSRC. She said Building 500 is still a distance away. VP Kritscher said that
DSPS has the funding to hire another person to administer the testing instead of just having
one person handling it. VP Kritscher suggested that he, Kathleen and Dean Wilson meet to
review the DSPS budget to see if there is money for additional staffing. He said that we may
Student Services Advisory Group
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not be able to address the testing lab proximity issue at this time, but hopefully alleviate the
circumstances with increased staffing.
 Invite Webmaster Wing Kam to the next SSAG meeting to discuss the calendar that is now on
our college’s homepage. We have established protocols and designated users who can upload
and update content. Perhaps there might others we can identify to be users.
Meeting Adjourned: 11:01 a.m.
Next Meeting: November 5, 2015