Perkins College of Education Department of Human Services Advisory Council

Perkins College of Education
Department of Human Services Advisory Council
October 19, 2012
Program reports/search updates
 Counseling
 Deaf & Hard of Hearing
 Rehabilitation Services
 School Psychology
 Special Education
 Speech and Language Pathology
 VI/O&M
 Committee reports: College Assessment Oversight Committee (Dr. Solmonson); Service
Learning Advisory Board (Michael Munro); Tenure & Promotion issues (i.e., terminal
degrees; site of publications; presentations = publications); Diversity (Nina Ellis-Hervey)
and Core Curriculum Committee Reports (Chair).
1. Spring schedule submitted
2. Showcase Saturday (November 11th; Recreation Center; 1:30—4 PM)
3. Budget status
4. Adjunct faculty/doctoral teaching assistants orientation guide
5. Book Orders (administrative staff vs. individual faculty)
6. Leave Reports
7. Crystal Evans, administrative assistant, hire in School Psychology
8. Mid-semester grades submission
9. Faculty Searches (3)
Dr. Whitney’s technology assistance to data management
Syllabus template re-visited(?)
Syllabi required for Special Topics, Independent Study, Thesis, and Dissertation by faculty
TracDat and LiveText updates: Importance of report accuracy
Program Advisory Committees (submission of names, titles, contact info due December 1)
Other Issues