Incorporating different perspectives Frankl 1969, in Naveh 2001 Brandt 2003 Brandt 2003 Cowling et al 2008 - PNAS Stage 1 Design Define scope of assessment Intensity of stakeholder engagement Stage 2 Evaluation Characterising social system Characterising bio-physical system Economic valuation Integrated Analysis (Spatial & multivariate analysis, trade-offs, policy endpoints, equity) Review Stage 3 Planning Define alternate future states and scenarios Develop strategies and responses Stage 4 Communicating Reporting Review Intensity of advisory and technical committee engagement Identify services and coupled beneficiaries Communication & dissemination Figure 1. An approach for assessing ecosystem services at a local level Integrally involved Notified Issues 1) What are the research questions? 2) Understand the social – ecological dynamic, comunity value mapping 3) Spatial temporal dynamics (regime shifts, feedbacks, drivers) 4) Within and beyond the city and the flow of benefits 5) Critical nodes of intervention – social & regulating, buffers 6) Data avaliability: • primary data vs proxies • Site specific data vs generic data • hard vs soft data • modeling and scenarios