

Clark College, District No. 14

December 12, 2005

Baird Board Room

Board Members: Kim Peery, Rhona Sen Hoss, Addison Jacobs, Sue Fratt, Sherry Parker.

Administrators: R. Wayne Branch, President; Rachel Ruiz, Vice-President of Student Affairs;

Robert Knight, Vice-President of Administrative Services; Sylvia Thornburg, Acting Vice-

President of Instruction; Katrina Golder, Associate Vice-President of Human Resources;

Barbara Kerr, Executive Director of Communications; Candy Bennett, Executive Dean of

Planning and Advancement; Lisa Edwards, Executive Dean of Workforce Development and

Continuing Education; Sallie Neville, Director of Continuing Education; Travis Kibota, Interim

Dean of Life Sciences, Health, and Physical Education; Glen Jenewein, Director of Distance

Learning; John McKee, Interim Dean of Business and Technology; Todd Oldham, Director of

Corporate Education, Derral Fleming, Director of Plant Services.

Faculty: Miles Jackson

Students: Benjamin Hayford, ASCC Finance Director.

Other Guests: Barbara Chen, Foundation Director of Resource Management & Gift Planning;

Barbara Miller, Foundation; Robert Bayersdorfer, Community Counseling Service.




Board Chair Kim Peery called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Board Update




Review of the Agenda



Trustee Peery announced that the Board would go through the agenda by department; the policy discussions would be after the campus reports.

Statements from the Audience

There were no statements from the audience.

Statements and Reports from Board Members

There were no statements from the Board.

D. President’s Report – Dr. R. Wayne Branch

Dr. Branch began by noting an article in the December 9 th edition of the

Vancouver Business Journal on Clark College’s mission to bridge a gap between the college and the business community. The article specifically recognizes the efforts of Workforce Development and the success of partnerships with organizations in our community.

Dr. Branch announced that the first annual tree lighting celebration for staff, students and friends took place on December 5 th . Children from our family and child services center helped pull the switch to light the tree.

Cookies and hot cider were served and the Women’s Choir performed for the crowd. Choir Director, April Duvic, led the group in a series of holiday songs and Santa made an appearance.

The Women’s Choir received rave reviews for their performance at the


The search to replace Earl Hale, Executive Director of the States two-year college system, is in the final stages. Dr. Branch reported that there are three finalists for the position and the decision could be made as early as this week.

A January 19 th date is being considered for the 2006 State of the College

Address. Barbara Kerr is checking the date against other governmental



2. agency’s events/activities to assure there will not be any conflicts.

Association Reports

AHE – Miles Jackson, President

Miles Jackson had no additions to his report.

ASCC – Benjamin Hayford


Benjamin Hayford had no additions to his report.

WPEA – Billie Garner, President

Chapter activities are listed in the report.

F. Campus Reports

1. Instruction – Dr. Sylvia Thornburg

Sylvia Thornburg announced that the next showing at the Archer Gallery will feature our faculty art. She also made note that the Jazz Festival is scheduled for the end of January and will be held in its usual spot.

Travis Kibota updated the Board on the progress in creating a team of community members that will develop a K-20 environmental education program. Dr. Branch stated that there is a funding issue at hand and that he and Lisa Gibert, Foundation Director, are working it out. Dr. Branch stated that the Board will be updated regularly on the progress.

2. Administrative Services – Bob Knight

Bob Knight introduced Karen Wynkopp, the new Director of Business


He announced that the Clark Center construction at WSUV is progressing well and will be ready to offer classes Winter term. A possible date for an official

“unveiling” of the Center is March 16.

Trustee Jacobs asked about the status of upgrading software and the impact the delay is having on services to our students. Dr. Branch reported that the issue came up at the WACTC meeting and the State Board is committed to do whatever is needed to move forward on this issue/concern.

3. Student Development - Dr. Rachel Ruiz

Rachel Ruiz distributed the Daily Registration HC/FTE Report that reflected a

-2.74% head count as of 12/9/05.

Dr. Ruiz reported that two new forms are now available on-line, the add/drop and the late registration form.

Trustee Jacobs asked how many slots were available in the Radiography program. Dr. Ruiz confirmed 16 and that 1500 people had applied. These numbers show the demand for this offering.

4. Human Resources – Katrina Golder

Katrina Golder announced LeAnn Johnson as the new Director for Equity and

Diversity. LeAnn begins January 9 th .

Dr. Branch announced the hiring of Wonder Baldwin, his new Executive

Assistant. Wonder begins December 27 th .

5. Planning and Advancement – Candy Bennett

There were no additions or questions for Planning and Advancement.

6. Workforce Development – Dr. Lisa Pletcher

Trustee Jacobs inquired about the apprenticeship program mentioned in the report. Lisa Edwards lead a discussion about the program and made note of the outreach efforts the WFD is making to businesses throughout the community.

7. Clark College Foundation – Barbara Chen for Lisa Gibert

Barbara Chen reported that Lisa Gibert is recovering from surgery and is well on the road to recovery.

In line with the Foundation staff deepening the interrelationship between the college and the Foundation, the Foundation provided lunch and snacks for the trainers and participants at the Saturday training session for the

Medicare Prescription Program.



8. Communications – Barbara Kerr

Barbara Kerr noted that discussions are taking place with Marylhurst

College to offer credit for life experience. An information session will be held on Wednesday, February 15 open to the public. th at Clark College. The session will be

Barbara Kerr reported that the College is moving ahead on their branding campaign for a consistent and professional look, and plan to have it in place within the next 6 months.

Policy Discussion

Growth Project Submission – Robert Knight presented in detail the background and plans for campus growth. Dr. Branch referred the Board to the Concept Paper in the agenda. He asked the Board to consent to the th and the Board submission of the Growth Project on December 16 unanimously agreed.

Consent Agenda

First Reading A.







There were no items for first reading.

Consent Agenda

Trustee Jacobs made a motion to approve the November Board minutes.

Trustee Parker seconded the motion and they were unanimously approved.

The Board unanimously approved the recommendation for the College

Fundraising Priorities as submitted in the work session.

Future Agenda Items

The Board reviewed and approved future agenda items.

Date and Place of Future Meetings

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, January 23, 2006, in the Baird Board Room.


The Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Janis Miller, Recorder

Kim Peery, Chair

Clark College Board of Trustees
