October 24, 2005

Clark College, District No. 14
October 24, 2005
PSUB - Room 258
Board Members: Kim Peery, Rhona Sen Hoss, Addison Jacobs, Sue Fratt, Sherry Parker.
Administrators: R. Wayne Branch, President; Rachel Ruiz, Vice-President of Student Affairs;
Bob Knight, Vice-President of Administrative Services; Sylvia Thornburg, Acting VicePresident of Instruction; Katrina Golder, Associate Vice-President of Human Resources;
Barbara Kerr, Executive Director of Communications; Candy Bennett, Executive Dean of
Planning and Advancement; Lisa Pletcher, Executive Dean of Workforce Development and
Continuing Education; Phil Sheehan, Director of Computing Services; Carl Flipper, Director
of Auxiliary Services; Sallie Neville, Director of Continuing Education; George Reese, Interim
Director of Instructional and Vocational Services; Ted Broussard, Dean of Student
Enrollment and Financial Programs; Robin Terjeson, Dean of Math, Physical Sciences and
Engineering; Ray Korpi, Interim Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications, and
Humanities; Travis Kibota, Interim Dean of Life Sciences, Health, and Physical Education;
Melinda Talley, Executive Assistant to the Vice-President of Instruction; Karen Brown,
Director of Student Life and Multicultural Student Affairs; Glenn Jenewein, Director of
Distance Learning; Derral Fleming, Director of Plant Services.
Faculty: Miles Jackson, Dan Anderson, Chuck Ramsey.
Staff: Dave Sims, Billie Garner, Debra Meadow, Carolyn Johnson.
Students: Lukas Bardue, ASCC Public Relations Director; Benjamin Hayford, ASCC Finance
Other Guests: Michael Shinn, Assistant Attorney General; Lisa Gibert, Foundation President;
Barbara Chen, Foundation Director of Resource Management & Gift Planning.
Board Chair Kim Peery called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Board Update
Review of the Agenda
Trustee Peery announced that the Board would go through the agenda by
department; the policy discussions would be after the campus reports.
Statements from the Audience
There were no statements from the audience.
Statements and Reports from Board Members
Trustees Fratt and Jacobs met with Miles Jackson regarding the upcoming
360 degree review of President Branch this spring. The Board is committed
to making the process as open as possible and to include input from the
campus and external community. Discussions will continue on the
procedures and next steps.
President’s Report – Dr. R. Wayne Branch
Dr. Branch began by introducing new staff and thanking the Trustees for
their participation and commitment to the College.
He noted that Clark college has been named as a pilot institution in the
state’s Needs Grant program. An additional $55,000 will be made available
for support to part-time students. Dr. Branch commended Student Affairs,
specifically Financial Aids, for their work during the first weeks of the
quarter. Dr. Branch thanked the Foundation for increasing the book fund
which provides additional financial assistance to our students.
Dr. Branch reported that Clark College has partnered with Washington
Elementary School. Our students, through work study or cooperative
education, are given the opportunity to see if teaching is a field that they
want to pursue by working with elementary students in Washington
Elementary School’s Homework Support Center.
Dr. Branch thanked
Maxine Mitchell and Alex Montoya for their work on the project.
Dr. Branch recently attended the COMBASE conference in Charleston, S.C.
This was the first meeting of this organization which is a consortium of
community colleges that place value on community based learning.
Trustee Jacobs asked about the status of the Center for Performing Arts and
transition activities. Dr. Branch reported that a follow-up meeting was
scheduled with Val Ogden, Chuck Ramsey, Bob Knight, Lisa Pletcher and
Trustee Peery. We are still in early discussions regarding the building.
Dr. Branch did a walk-through of his goals. A discussion followed and a
decision was made to further address his goals at the Board of Trustees
Work Session scheduled for November 15, 2005.
Association Reports
AHE – Miles Jackson, President
Miles Jackson gave an update on the syllabus project and the faculty union
support agreement. The unfair labor practice was resolved.
Benjamin Hayford announced that Clark College received one of six
community pride awards.
WPEA – Billie Garner, President
Billie Garner noted that chapter activities were listed in his report.
Campus Reports
Instruction – Sylvia Thornburg
Ray Korpi reported that the English 101 class that usually meets on Fridays
for 5 hours was broken down into two 2.5 hour segments and offered on
Friday and Saturday. He noted that the class time was well received and
that Instruction will look at offering classes in this format in the future.
Administrative Services – Bob Knight
Bob Knight reported that eight of eleven Clark College checks were fraudulently cashed
totaling $6,000. There is no cost to the College and the investigation continues.
Bob Knight noted that construction begins this week on a new kitchen facility in Stout
Student Development - Dr. Rachel Ruiz
Dr. Ruiz presented information on current FTE numbers. While we are
currently down 2.18% (State FTE as of the fifth week of classes), we are up
from last year’s numbers. Dr. Ruiz and Dr. Branch emphasized that we are in
a solid position. Student Affairs will meet on a weekly basis to learn why
students apply for admission but do not enroll in classes and strategize on
how to increase enrollment.
Human Resources – Katrina Golder
Katrina Golder reported that the Vice President of Instruction position has
been posted.
Trustee Jacobs asked about the pending WPEA grievance. Katrina Golder
reported that the alternate schedule to regular schedule concern during
holiday weeks is now at Step 3 in the process. Human Resources is waiting
to hear from WPEA.
Planning and Advancement – Candy Bennett
Candy Bennett reported the success of the luncheon to honor Legislators’
support for higher education.
Workforce Development – Dr. Lisa Pletcher
Dr. Pletcher announced the hiring of Sally Neville, Director of Continuing
Clark College Foundation – Lisa Gibert
Lisa Gibert introduced a scholarship video highlighting two alums who
attended Clark with the help of scholarships, as well as four current
students who are receiving scholarship funding this year.
Communications – Barbara Kerr
Barbara Kerr gave a presentation on the recent research that was done to
come up with a new identification for Clark College. A discussion ensued
regarding branding, logos, and where the “next step” fits. Dr. Branch noted
that there is information available that illustrate where brand and logo have
been successfully used. It was decided to table this discussion until further
information is presented.
Policy Discussion
Campus Signage - Bob Knight addressed future campus facility plans and
outlined the consultant’s recommendation to reorient the College’s front
door to the Gaiser Hall addition. After an overview of the projects,
the Board asked Bob for a detailed list of potential costs for these projects.
A motion was made to place the topic on the Consent Agenda, first reading.
The motion was seconded, and unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda
First Reading
Hurricane Katrina Fee Waiver- Clark College has proposed to waive fifty
percent of tuition fees for citizens displaced because of Hurricane Katrina.
The fee waiver will remain in effect until September 26, 2006. The Board
voted unanimously to approve the waiver.
Proportionality Agreement – This agreement states that WSUV will
admit Clark College and Lower Columbia College students who complete an
AA degree or other approved transfer degree, and who meet WSU
admission requirements. The primary vehicle for assuring that students are
prepared for transfer into the specific major course of study will be the coadmission agreement. The Board voted unanimously to approve the
Medical Radiography Program – The Board is being asked to consent to
an instructional planning team. The College has funding for a director for
the program in place, and they have met with the State Board and received
clearance to begin the program in spring quarter. The Board voted
unanimously to approve an instruction planning team.
Consent Agenda
Trustee Fratt made a motion to approve the September Board minutes.
Trustee Jacobs seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Future Agenda Items
The Board reviewed and approved future agenda items with the addition of
CCS Report and the President’s Quarterly Evaluation.
Date and Place of Future Meetings
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held
on Monday, November 21, 2005 in Gaiser Hall, PSU 258B and 258C.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm
Kim Peery, Chair
Clark College Board of Trustees
Carolyn Johnson, Recorder