Clark College, District No. 14
April 17, 2006
Penguin Student Union Building – Gaiser Hall
Rooms 258B & 258C
Present: Rhona Sen Hoss, Vice Chair; Sue Fratt, Addison Jacobs, Sherry Parker.
Administrators: R. Wayne Branch, President; Bob Knight, Vice President of Administrative
Services; Sylvia Thornburg, Acting Vice President of Instruction; Rachel Ruiz, Vice President of
Student Affairs; Sue Williams, Associate Director of Human Resources; Lisa Edwards,
Executive Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education; Candy Bennett,
Executive Dean of Planning and Advancement; Barbara Kerr, Executive Director of
Communications; Wonder Baldwin, Executive Assistant to the President; Leann Johnson,
Director for Equity and Diversity; John McKee, Dean of Business and Technology; Travis
Kibota, Interim Dean of Life Sciences, Health and Physical Education; Robin Terjeson, Dean of
Math, Physical Sciences and Engineering; Ray Korpi, Interim Dean of Basic Education, English,
Communications and Humanities; Chuck Ramsey, Interim Dean of Social Science of Fine Arts;
Glen Jenewein, Director of Distance Learning; Ted Broussard, Dean of Student Enrollment and
Financial Programs; Karen Wynkoop, Director of Business Services; Phil Sheehan, Director of
Computing Services; Carl Flipper, Director of Auxiliary Services; Todd Oldham, Director of
Corporate Education; Sallie Neville, Director of Continuing Education; Alice Phillips Director of
Workforce Education; Tim Cook, Acting Dean of Student Success and Retention
Faculty: Miles Jackson, AHE President
Staff: Billie Garner, WPEA, David Sims, WPEA
Students: Benjamin Hayford, ASCC Finance Director; Amanda Mayeral, ASCC Vice President
Others: Lisa Gibert, Clark College Foundation President; Barbara Chen, Foundation Director of
Resource Management & Gift Planning, Michael Shinn, Assistant Attorney General
The meeting was called to order by Trustee Rhona Sen Hoss at 6:05 p.m.
A. Review of the Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda.
B. Statements from the Audience
There were no statements from the audience.
C. Statements and Reports from the Board Members
Trustee Addison Jacobs provided an update on the President’s 360-degree
Evaluation. Trustee Jacobs and Trustee Sue Fratt reported they met with AHE
President Miles Jackson regarding the process. They also worked with Ms. Katrina
Golder and Dr. Barringer of Gold Hill Associates to finalize the interview questions.
Interviews are scheduled for the week of April 24th and Gold Hill Associates will
compile a report and submit it to the Trustees in June. Trustee Fratt explained that
an on-line survey will be available to internal constituents to comment on the
President’s performance. Responses will go directly to Gold Hill Associates who
will summarize the information in their report. Trustee Rhona Sen Hoss thanked
Trustees Fratt and Jacobs and Ms. Golder for their work on the evaluation process.
D. President’s Report – Dr. R. Wayne Branch
Dr. Branch stated the annual report is complete and thanked Ms. Barbara Kerr and
Ms. Lisa Gibert for their cooperative effort on the project. Dr. Branch reported that
the State Board has approved the College’s Partnership with Eastern Washington
University to deliver a Bachelor’s of Arts in Social Work in Southwest Washington.
Dr. Branch thanked Mr. George Reese for coordinating this effort. Dr. Branch
thanked Travis Kibota for choosing to serve as Interim Director of the School of
Health and Human Services. Trustee Jacobs raised a question about faculty salaries
as listed in Dr. Branch’s report. Dr. Branch stated that Clark College has the lowest
average starting salary in the state. We are trying to remedy this by working closely
with AHE. Trustee Jacobs raised a question about the reallocation of FTE’s which
was deferred to discussion under Mr. Knight’s report. Both Mr. Knight and Dr.
Branch responded that the State Board will not provide a complete budget to
institutions until July due to several institutions who may not meet the enrollment
Dr. Branch distributed a summary of the recommendations for the Speights’ gift. He
reported that one of the recommendations was to use the gift as a matching amount
to leverage dollars from the State for faculty development. Ms. Gibert added that
the match endowment will be used to support faculty in the Nursing Program.
There was also a recommendation to develop a clinical placement slot for nursing
students, perhaps in the name of Mrs. Hilma Speights. Trustee Jacobs asked what
would be the vision for the use of a new building. Dr. Branch responded that the
College will work with faculty to develop the design of the building.
E. Association Reports
1. AHE – Miles Jackson, President - Mr. Jackson reported on the intellectual
property agreement reached with the College. Miles commented that faculty
would like to hear the outcome of the evaluation before they leave for the
2. ASCC – Dr. Rachel Ruiz announced, on behalf of ASCC President Jesse Ferrell,
that the Secretary of State, Sam Reed, will be visiting the College on April 27. Dr.
Ruiz also reported that the Student Alumni Dinner will be held on April 20.
3. WPEA – Billie Garner
Mr. Garner announced that WPEA has been contacted to participate in the 360degree Evaluation Process. He also reported that the College and WPEA have
had successful labor management meetings.
F. Campus Reports
1. Instruction – Dr. Sylvia Thornburg had nothing to add to her report. Trustee
Jacobs asked for clarification of Blackboard Shells. Mr. Glen Jenewein explained
that the Blackboard Shell is the format for delivering distance education courses.
He said it allows all faculty to use the system to enhance student learning.
Trustee Sen Hoss commented on the Culinary Arts Tech Prep Agreement with
the Clark County Skills Center. Trustee Sen Hoss asked if this was part of the
Running Start Program. Dr. Thornburg explained that the agreement is similar;
however the students earn credits at the Skills Center.
2. Administrative Services - Mr. Bob Knight
Mr. Knight presented an update on Fund Balance. Trustee Fratt asked a question
about the Flex Car program. Mr. Knight replied that there is an interest to bring
this on campus. Dr. Branch commented that the Fund Balance has not changed.
The State approved the use of the $5 million local capital funds for the
renovation of the T-building and demolition of the Star building. Mr. Knight
commented on next year’s budget. We are starting the year with less money as a
whole because the State took more from us than we received in growth funds.
We are hoping for additional money; however the State will wait until July
before distributing additional growth or high demand FTE’s. Mr. Knight
presented an update of the Clark College T-building and other facilities on
campus. Trustee Fratt asked a question regarding the signage project. Mr.
Knight reported that they are in the process of designing the signs and will begin
implementing the new signs by fall of next year. Dr. Branch commented that this
will be discussed at the June Board meeting.
3. Student Affairs – Dr. Rachel Ruiz
Dr. Ruiz reported and distributed information on enrollment for spring. Trustee
Fratt asked for clarification on the 2% difference of where we were last year. Dr.
Branch reported that we had a decrease in enrollment last spring; however we
are 750 FTE’s above where we were in terms of state funding. Dr. Branch
reported we will be discussing the trend of increasing admission applications
that do not convert to enrollment. Dr. Ruiz reported that the State Need Grant
reserve for students attending Clark College has been increased by a
supplemental award in the amount of $50,193. The total updated 2005-2006
reserve is $3,061,688. The supplemental funds are made available through deobligations by other institutions through the Higher Education Coordinating
Board. In response to questions from the Board, Dr. Ruiz and Ms. Golder
described the Quality Service initiative which is a campus-wide program to
develop standards and to provide quality service to students, the public and the
College Community.
4. Human Resources – Ms. Katrina Golder
Ms. Golder provided additional information on the Leadership Academy which
is a new College initiative to provide leadership skills to college employees.
Trustee Jacobs had a question on the report related to diversity in the applicant
pools. Ms. Golder reported we have made strides in attracting diversity to
applicant pools but still have challenges in diversifying the workforce to reflex
our student population.
5. Planning and Advancement – Ms. Candy Bennett
Ms. Bennett had no additions to her report.
6. Workforce Development – Dr. Lisa Edwards
Dr. Edwards announced the College is partnering with the Vancouver Business
Journal to provide a seminar on leadership on May 12, 2006.
7. Communications and Marketing – Ms. Barbara Kerr
The Board commented that Clark College is very prevalent in the news and the
Community. Ms. Kerr commented that this is the level of service we should be
providing. Trustee Sen Hoss asked about the branding plan. Ms. Kerr
responded that this will be included in the Communications Plan which will be
presented in June.
8. Clark College Foundation – Ms. Lisa Gibert
Ms. Gibert reported on the recruitment of the position of the Vice President of
Development. Interviews are being conducted. She thanked Trustee Sen Hoss
for her participation in the interview process. Ms. Gibert announced that Ms.
Cheri Cole, Director of the Alumni Relations and the Penguin Athletic Club has
G. Policy Discussion
There was no Policy Discussion.
A. First Reading
1. There were no items
B. Consent Agenda
1. Minutes were approved for the March 13, 2006 Board Meeting.
Trustee Jacobs made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Fratt
seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed
Future Agenda Items
President’s Evaluation (June)
AHE Agreement (June)
Signage Plan (June)
Internal Communications Plan (June)
Planning/Budgeting & Workforce Continuing Ed. Update
(June10th Board Work Session)
6. Accreditation (August)
Date and Place of Future Meetings
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday,
May 22, 2006, in the Board Room.
Executive Session
The Board convened into the Executive Session to review the performance of a public
employee and to discuss with legal counsel potential litigation to which the agency is a
party at 7:25 p.m.
The Board reconvened in regular session and adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Rhona Sen Hoss, Vice Chair
Clark College Board of Trustees
Wonder Baldwin, Recorder