Risk Assessment of Capital Projects in Power Industry using Stochastic Modelling Technique – Case Study Sadi Farooqui Risk Consultant 25th April, 2013 Agenda Section one : Case Study of Capital based Projects for Power Industry Section two : Enterprise Risk Management Solutions for Power Industry Section three : Stochastic Modelling Process using @Risk PwC Section four : Risk Assessment tool to identify key risks Section five : Risk Management Strategy 2 Introduction Each Section will show .... Understanding of risk assessment tools to manage risk in Capital based Projects for Power Industry Application of Risk measuring tools to analyse key risks Interpreting the results from Stochastic model to identify major risks Enterprise Risk Management Solutions PwC 3 Points to Note : Due to Client Confidentiality Agreements: No Data will be disclosed All model outputs are based on hypothetical data The objective is: To explore the risk modelling technique To understand the method of risk assessment based on current case study To realise the power of @ Risk software in the market PwC 4 Section 1 : Case Study of Capital Based Projects for Power Industry Power Industry • • • • Electricity Generation Greatly dependent on Power Stations Energy efficiency Meeting Power demand for current and future economy Project Management • • • • Define appropriate project life cycle Managing budget vs CAPEX Project Phases Equipment Installation and Resource Management Risk Management • • • • PwC Risk Review Identifying, Evaluation and Analysis Monitoring key activities Governance and Reporting 5 Section 1 : Power Industry : Key Objectives Efficiency and Success of the Projects Expand generation capacity equal to current and future electricity demand Minimal Delays and Budget over-runs Location of Generation Units Accessibility of Utilities and Resources Diversifying Energy mix to provide cleaner energy Availability of manpower Project Management Skills CAPEX vs Budget Effective Risk Management Framework PwC 6 Section 1 : Project Phase 1-EVALUATION 2-ENGINEERING 3-CONSTRUCTION & COMMISSION PwC 7 Section 1 : Main Components of the Project Component Area covered Civil Works Waterways, Powerhouse & Access Tunnels Hydro-Mechanical Plant Turbine & Electro Mechanical Plant Auxiliary Mechanical Plant Auxiliary systems Electrical Plant Generator Transformers & Electrical Controls Require critical Review of each component ! PwC 8 Section 1 : Project Planning PwC 9 Section 2 : Risk Assessment Identifying the risks – recording all the potential risks including political, economic, technical, project management and regulatory risks Analysing the risks – estimating the likelihood or probability of that risk occurring and the consequence to the project if the risk were to occur Risk evaluation – classifying the risks into probability/consequence matrix and identifying the risk that require treatments Risk treatment – for those risks which have been identified as requiring treatment during the risk evaluation phase, a risk mitigation plan is developed to treat the risk PwC 10 Section 2 : Risk Assessment Process Stochastic Modelling Process PwC 11 Section 3 : Stochastic Modelling Process 1-Collecting data on Events 2-Collecting data on Severity Application of Convolution Technique Event Distribution vs Severity Distribution Monte Carlo Simulation Obtain a Probability Distribution Curve using @ Risk Professional PwC 12 Section 3 : Stochastic Modelling Process Conduct an Impact Analysis Analyse Impact of Key Risk Events on Project PwC 13 Section 3 : Defining Efficiency PROJECT MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY Capital Expenditure – % Exceeding Budget Project Timelines – Delay Period PwC 14 Section 3 : Risk Modelling Data Input Project Phase Number of delays Cost Over-runs (R’m) Period of Delay (Days) A 2 1.2 25 B 3 3 33 C 5 7 17 D 6 4.8 58 E 1 6.32 44 Cost Over-runs per phase = Cost exceeding budget Delay Period per phase = Actual Completion date – Schedule date PwC 15 Section 3 : Risk Modelling Data Input Frequency Chart showing the number of delays per phase 14 12 Frequency 10 8 Number of Delays 6 4 2 0 1 PwC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of Delays (Days) 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 Section 3 : Risk Modelling Data Input Frequency Chart showing the cost over-runs per phase 10 9 8 Frequency 7 6 5 Cost Over-runs 4 3 2 1 0 1 PwC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cost Over-runs (R'm) 12 13 14 15 16 17 Section 3 : Risk Modelling Data Input Frequency Chart showing the period of delay per phase 90 80 70 Frequency 60 50 40 Period of Delay 30 20 10 0 1 PwC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period of Delay (Days) 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 Section 3 : Risk Modelling Methodology Step 1: Obtain Best fitting curve for each distribution Curve A Curve B Curve C Number of Delays Cost Over-runs Period of Delay @ RISK version 6 PwC 19 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 Curve A PwC 20 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 Curve B PwC 21 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 Curve C PwC 22 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 PwC 23 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 PwC 24 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk version 6 Calibration Monte Carlo Simulation Mean value should approximate – Calibrated ! PwC 25 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 Convolution X Curve B Graph from @ Risk ?? Monte Carlo Simulation Engine - @Risk 6 PwC 26 Section 3 : Risk Modelling using @ Risk 6 PwC 27 Section 3 : Model Output Value at Risk Model @ 99% Confidence Level = 110 R’m PwC 28 Section 3 : Model Output Delay at Risk Model @ 99% Confidence Level = 101 days PwC 29 Section 4 : Risk Assessment tool to identify Key risks Project Phase Events causing delays A Landslides occurring near the construction site B Services to construction camp not ready in time C Construction activities causing damage to existing infrastructure and plant D Communicable diseases E Ineffective working relationship between contractors and Project Managers Analyse the event to confirm the risk PwC 30 Section 4 : Risk Assessment tool to identify Key risks Project Phase PwC Cost Over-runs (R’m) Period of Delay (Days) A 6.7 33 B 4.5 56 C 2.6 49 D 1.35 85 E 9.6 35 31 Section 4 : Risk Assessment tool to identify Key risks Project Phase Cost Overruns Cost per Model Period of Delay Period of Delay per Model A 6.7 0.06 33 0.33 B 4.5 0.04 56 0.55 C 2.6 0.02 49 0.49 D 1.35 0.01 85 0.84 E 9.6 0.09 35 0.35 Cost per Model = (Cost Over-runs )/ (Value at Risk Model - 99% CL) Period of Delay per Model = (Period of Delay)/ (Delay at Risk Model - 99% CL) PwC 32 Section 4 : Risk Assessment tool to identify Key risks Period of Delay per Model Risk Matrix PROJECT @ RISK PROJECT IN CONTROL! BUDGET CONSTRAINT Cost per Model PwC 33 Section 4 : Risk Assessment tool to identify Key risks Period of Delay per Model Risk Matrix 3 1 2 4 5 Cost per Model PwC 34 Section 5 : Risk Management Strategy for Power Industry PwC Point Risk Event Risk Impact 1 Potential slip circles identified in the geology Exceeding the budget and further delay in the project Damage to infrastructure -Loss in time -Extensive cost & time for repairs 2 Delays in rubble removals or materials availability at site or works pertaining to running the plant. Exceeding the budget and further delay in the project Increased volume of traffic 3 Delayed approval by the Minister of public works Further delay in the project No accommodation for increased staff levels 4 Lack of communication between project team and station management Exceeding the budget Inadequate water for construction and commissioning 5 Colliery not having capacity to construct new conveyor facility Exceeding the budget Inadequate coal for commissioning and operation 35 Section 5 : Risk Management Strategy for Power Industry Risk Appetite • Use the model to obtain the worst case loss • Board to set limits • Ensure a monitoring framework exists Scenario • Conduct scenario tests • Compare the result to current scenario • Regular back testing • Place control measures at high risk points • Emphasize regular monitoring and review Control Measures • Update control vs economic & political cycle PwC 36 Conclusion This provides Project Managers in Power Industry : An effective Risk Framework to control risks on power plant projects To conduct impact analysis vs risk appetite A hands on approach to understand how modelling can be used to identify and monitor key risks A better control on contractors assigned to complete the project A risk mitigation solution – Proactive approach vs Laid back approach The power of @ Risk Software tool to reach the right decision ! PwC 37 If you don’t !.......Poor Risk Management ! PwC 38 Thank You ! PwC 39