Effects of Endcap Staging/Descoping D.Acosta University of Florida

Effects of Endcap Staging/Descoping
University of Florida
Effects of Endcap Staging/Descoping
Staged Muon scenarios:
No ME 4/2 (CSC)
 No fourth CSC station for  < 1.8
No RPC for stations 2,3,4
 No endcap RPC trigger, but station 1 there to cancel CSC
ghosts if needed
ME1/1 strips put into “OR”
 Reduce channel cost by not segmenting ME1/1 in 
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
ME4/2 Staging
With RPC trigger in place, CSC trigger runs in “loose”
mode for high efficiency:
Only 2 CSC stations are required: one must be ME1 and one
must be ME2 or ME3 (relax ME1 condition for DT/CSC overlap)
 In principle, ME4 cannot affect efficiency or rate by design
 But PT assignment is slightly better for 3-station tracks than for
2-station tracks, so might expect some changes to CSC rate
and efficiency above certain PT threshold without ME4
 GMT requires match between CSC and RPC for low quality
CSC muons, and optimizes the PT assignment, so any effect is
reduced after GMT
Without RPC trigger in place, the CSC trigger must run
in “tight” mode for improved rate reduction
Three CSC stations are required, including ME1
 No redundancy without ME4 means efficiency loss
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
ME4/2 Staging – Efficiency
“loose” (unchanged)  = 97%
Single muons:
3< PT<100 GeV
ME4/1 in/out
“tight” ME4/2 in, =79%
“tight”, ME4/2 out,  =73%
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
ME4/2 Staging – Rates
CSC loose, no ME4/2
CSC loose
CSC loose, no ME4/2
CSC tight
CSC loose
GMT is
CMS Week, September 2001
CSC tight without RPC
achieves about same rate as
CSC loose with RPC in GMT
Darin Acosta
GMT single muon trigger rates (pT > 16 GeV/c)
ME4/1 Needed at High Eta
ORCA 5.1.2
GMT as in ORCA 5.1.2
rate at 20 GeV/c: 3.1 kHz
L1 efficiency(*): 96.6 %
Rate from unconfirmed
2-station CSC tracks,
since no RPC coverage
re-tuned GMT selection:
Only three-station CSC tracks
used without RPC confirmation
rate at 20 GeV/c: 1.4 kHz
L1 efficiency(*): 96.3 %
to find muon of any pT in flat pT sample
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
Mixed Mode CSC Trigger
Without RPC trigger and without ME 4/2, still allow “loose” CSC
trigger for 1.2 <  < 1.8 (but “tight” everywhere else)
 ~ 85%
(Lands cape A 4)
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Gains efficiency here
 Still want ME 4/1 at high 
 DT/CSC overlap still a problem
CMS Week, September 2001
Rate from “mixed-mode”
close to that from “tight”
Darin Acosta
ME1/1 Staging
Recall that ME1/1 has split strips
High Lumi: L=1034
Motivation was to reduce occupancy
 Can we avoid it to reduce channel
From muon TDR:
particle occupancies in
either half of ME1/1 are about 0.5%
per chamber per BX
Neutron hit occupancies are no more
than about 2%, but as they are
uncorrelated through the chamber, a
much smaller fraction actually give
trigger primitives.
 So these numbers are not large,
and in fact are smaller by about
50% than the numbers for the other
CSC chambers (ME2/1, ME3/1, and
especially ME4/1)
 In principle there should not be any
problem if we can OR the strips
from top to bottom of ME1/1
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
CSC LCT Rates in ORCA5
High Lumi: L=1034
min bias pile-up only
no neutrons
ME 1/1: 7 MHz
ME 1/A: 10 MHz
For 72 chambers of
each type, occupancy
per BX is:
ME 1/A: 0.35%
ME 1/1: 0.24%
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
CSC LCT Occupancy with Neutrons
Similar study performed with min bias pile-up and
neutrons at L = 1034 using ORCA5
Chamber LCT occupancies:
 ME 1/A: 0.46%
 ME 1/1: 0.44%
 ME 1/2: 0.05%
 ME 1/3: 0.05%
 ME 2/1: 0.29%
 ME 2/2: 0.34%
 ME 3/1: 0.21%
 ME 3/2: 0.25%
 ME 4/1: 0.25%
 ME 4/2: 0.86%
CMS Week, September 2001
Cathode only
ME 1/A: 0.61%
ME 1/1: 1.50%
ME 1/2: 0.10%
ME 1/3: 0.14%
ME 4/1: 0.81%
ME 4/2: 2.54%
Darin Acosta
Discussion of ME 1/1 Strip “OR”
Combining the two halves of ME 1/1 can’t increase the
trigger rate if the track segments come from real muons
(i.e. correlated hits)
 Extra trigger rate can only come from random combinations
forming ghost track segments, which in turn form additional
 If the current LCT occupancies are dominated by real
correlated hits, expect ME 1/1 and ME 1/A occupancies to add
 If neutron-induced random hits dominate, expect occupancy
to scale non-linearly
 “Guestimate”: order of magnitude increase
 How to tell without detailed simulation of strip OR?
 Study dependence of occupancy with background level
 ORCA4 study with pile-up and neutrons:
Occupancy for L = 1034
L = 31034
ME 1/A: 0.3%
ME 1/1: 0.3%
 Therefore, occupancies scale linearly
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta
ME 4/2 staging
With RPC:
No change in GMT rate or efficiency
 Without RPC: Approximately no change in rate requiring 3 CSC
stations, but 25% acceptance loss in endcaps for
“tight” trigger (12% loss for mixed-mode trigger)
 In any case, ME 4/1 is useful to reduce rate by factor of two if efficient
triggering at >2.1 is desired
ME 1/1 Staging
At high luminosity, the ME 1/1 and ME 1/A track segment occupancies
are about 0.5 – 1.0% per BX
 Combining the two, the occupancies add and would be of order 1–2%
 At low luminosity, occupancies would be 5X lower
 Therefore, expect no change in efficiency or rate if strips in
ME 1/1 and ME 1/A are put into an “OR”
 Exactly how to do this is up to chamber designers
 Different strip pitch in ME 1/1 and ME 1/A in current simulation
 Perhaps it could be possible to segment HV so that high  wires can be
turned off if occupancies turn out to be higher than expected
(as is possible in other CSC chambers)
 Complicated by wire tilt, however
CMS Week, September 2001
Darin Acosta