QUARTERLY MANAGEMENT REPORT TO CITY OF CAPE TOWN October – December 2013 Enver Duminy – Chief Executive Officer Table of Contents PURPOSE OF REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 2 FOR INFORMATION / NOTING ONLY .................................................................................................................. 2 1. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2. FINANCE & CORPORATE SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 5 A. Finance .................................................................................................................................................... 5 B. Human resources .................................................................................................................................... 7 3. TOURISM MARKETING ................................................................................................................................ 8 4. TOURISM SERVICES ................................................................................................................................... 11 5. A. Visitor Services ...................................................................................................................................... 19 B. Industry Services ................................................................................................................................... 22 eBUSINESS SERVICES ................................................................................................................................. 24 1 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide information on the financial performance of the Grant-in-Aid provided to Cape Town Tourism (CTT) by the City of Cape Town (CoCT) for the month of ending 31 December 2013 for Visitor Services, Tourism Marketing and Special City Projects. FOR INFORMATION / NOTING ONLY This report is submitted to the CoCT Tourism Directorate for information; in terms of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) governed by the Municipal Finance Management Agreement Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) and Annexed Service Schedules between CoCT and CTT for the agreed period of 01 July 2013 to 30 June 2014. As contracted, CTT will provide the City with monthly financial reports reflecting CTT’s performance in terms of this agreement; however the Directorate has requested an up-to-date report for quarterly tranche funding payment to be submitted along with our invoice. 1. Executive Summary Cape Town’s tourism sector is reporting a busy summer season so far, with hotels, restaurants, attractions and tourism services anticipating an increase of at least single digits across the summer season in visitor and tourist numbers. Looking at the performance indicators for November 2013, our initial forecast of an increase in tourism numbers during the Summer Season has been confirmed. Most of the big tourism attractions have reported a Year on Year increase as well as growth of 5.20% in occupancy numbers for accommodation establishments. Cape Town International Airport has also indicated an upturn in total arrivals compared to November 2012. As we reach the halfway mark of our financial year 2013/14, I am pleased to report that we are on track to achieve at least two of our three strategic and tactical objectives for the reporting period, viz. Increasing Demand and Organizational Sustainability. Our total income of R23.4 million (YTD) was realized with R4.6 million (20% of total) attributed to self-generated income. Total of R21.2 million made up of R11.4 million 2 (Opex) and R9.9 million (Salaries), was spent YTD resulting in a surplus of R2.1 million (+57% YTD variance). The company’s self-generated income exceeded the targets by almost R578k (14% positive variance) as at end of December 2013. The main contributing factor in exceeding our targets is income from our revised Strategic Partnership Program. Our total income remained constant year-on-year; however certain business unit activities like SANParks Commission and Retail Sales have fallen behind budget are being actively monitored and managed. Cape Town International Airport (CTIA) reported that it welcomed almost 4.2 million passenger arrivals for the full 2013 calendar year, which is 1.7% less than 2012 and the third best year ever for CTIA. Despite the annual decline in total arrivals, the quarter under review was 1% higher than the same quarter of the previous year. International and Regional arrivals accounted for 229 000 passengers which is 10% higher than the same quarter of 2012. Visitor numbers for the Info Centre network showed a 10% decrease compared to the same period in 2012. The combined network received 78 501 visitors during this quarter which is a 27% increase on previous quarter. Telephone enquiries for the network showed a decrease of 1% compared to Q2 of 2012 and email enquiries for the network decreased with 10% year on year. Telephone enquiries increased with 45% compared to the previous quarter. The top 3 contributors to domestic visitors are Western Cape (74%, 1% up from the previous quarter), Gauteng (9%, 1% up from the previous quarter) and KwaZulu Natal (4%, same as previous quarter). The top contributors to international visitors are Germany (26%, 10% up from the previous quarter), UK (13%, same as the previous quarter), and USA (8%, 3% down from the previous quarter). 48% of visitors were from the domestic market and 52% from international market. The Cape Town metropolitan accommodation sector registered positive growth across all three performance indicators in November 2013 when compared to performance registered in respect of November 2012. When compared to market‐wide expectations registered a month ago, room night demand was considerably stronger than anticipated; approximately 12.5% higher with actual average room rate achieved approximately 37% higher than forecast. Consequently actual RevPAR performance was approximately 37% above expectations registered a month ago. 3 At the time of reporting we were still finalizing the attractions and accommodation performance for December 2013, however from our forecasting we expected Occupancy to be around 75% and 73% for December 2013 and January 2014, respectively. For attractions we are forecasting a single digit increase in visitor numbers averaging between 5% and 9% year on year, as whether conditions this December were more favourable than 2012. CTT participated on two international trade shows viz. SAT Netherlands Roadshow and World Travel Market in London. E-marketing website and social numbers are growing steadily, although referral traffic and Facebook numbers are down y/y due to the Facebook campaign and promoter posts being run at the same time last year. E-mail communications are maintaining standard opening rates, excluding the Visitor Newsletter also showing a decrease due to the Facebook campaign. Database sizes have decreased slightly due to a clean-up process conducted over the last few months. Media hosting numbers are increasing YOY due to interest around WDC2014 and the number of events supported has drastically increased as we are no longer providing financial support, only online marketing which enables us to support more events. Media ROI shows the expected results of being lower YOY due to our strategic decision to decrease corporate communications. Summer communications highlighted key messages of WDC 2014, responsible tourism, safety, value and events with the central theme of nightlife for November. The uncertainty associated with a change in leadership has been for the most part without major disruption to our performance to date, however the road ahead for the remaining fiscal will not be an easy one to achieve, especially on the self-generated income in certain business units. I remain quietly confident that we are on track to achieve our agreed annual results, and a half-year budget adjustment review will provide clarity on our status, and applicable changes will be determined thereon. 4 2. FINANCE & CORPORATE SERVICES A. Finance Please see December 2013 Abridged Financial Statements attached. Halfway through the financial year, Cape Town Tourism has achieved a surplus of R2.1 million. Management is the process of preparing a half year budget review. The reviewed budgets will become operational in the second half of the financial year. Cape Town Tourism’s YTD income is R23.4million. The YTD income includes self-generated income of R4.6 million. CTT’s self-generated income currently exceeds the targets by 14 %. As mentioned in the previous reports, the main contributing factor in exceeding our targets is income from our Strategic Partnership. In the month of December 2013, Cape Town Tourism made self-generated income of R748K and this was 8 % below target. The main reason for the 8% variance was the reversal of Turkey delegation income during December 2013. The City Of Cape Town instructed CTT to reverse accommodation for CTT staff from the invoice billed to the City Of Cape Town in November 2012. Unfortunately until now, the invoice remains unpaid. Retail Sales and Commission from SANP are a major concern as these income streams are falling behind target. However, management remain confident that the measures put in place now by the Visitors Services will show positive results in future. Cape Town Tourism is running an advertisement and competition from 8th of January 2014 to 26 January 2014 on Bok Radio, the team is also working on implementing a short term marketing strategy to boost SANP income from now until the end of the financial year. Membership team is performing very well this year. As at end of December 2013, the team exceed their YTD target by R33K. The total YTD expenditure as at end of December 2013 is at R21.2 million against a YTD budget of R21.4 million. This is a positive 1% percent variance compared to budget. As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it is pleasing to note that halfway down the financial year, all business units are still operating within their budgets and the company has achieved a surplus. Figure 2 below shows the total expenditure split as at end of December 2013. The Salaries bill is 47 % of total expenditure. YTD salaries bill is at R9.9 million and has a 2 % variance to YTD budget. Due to high volume of staff taking their annual leave in December, the Provision for leave pay decreased by R112K, which is a 17% decrease from last month. Finance and Corporate Services account for 24 %, Tourism Marketing 21 %, Tourism Services 7 % and finally Strategic Planning accounting for 1 % of total expenditure excluding salaries. 5 December 2013 Abridged Financial Statements 5 Figure 1 : Actual Vs Budget as at 31 Dec 2013 R23 389 813 R22 812 168 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 R2 139 851 R1 364 959 5,000,000 Actual Budget YTD Income YTD Expenses Surplus / (Loss) (5,000,000) (10,000,000) (15,000,000) (20,000,000) (R21 447 209) (R21 249 961) (25,000,000) Figure 2 : December 2013 YTD Expenditure Split Finance & Corporate Services, (5,040,818), 24% Strategic Planning, (153,158), 1% Salaries, (9,893,637), 47% Tourism Marketing, (4,567,396), 21% Tourism Services, (1,594,952), 7% 6 B. Human resources Workforce movements The total workforce profile for December was 84 staff members, of which 70 is on permanent contracts and 14 is on Fixed Term Contracts which includes Independent Contract (project based) agreements as well as Internship (work based learning) opportunities. We had 1 termination (end of contract) during the month of December and one temporary employee who assisted with receptionist relief. Currently there are no vacancies within the organisation. We currently have 2 staff members on maternity leave. Salaries budget Payroll budget remains in line with projected calculations, with small saving, mainly due to current vacancies not yet placed and also a reduction in leave pay provision. Training and Development During this month there have been 46 training interventions of which all training interventions was external training opportunities. 43 staff members attended isiXhosa language training, facilitated by Ubuntu Bridge, the other 3 staff members attended ITIL training. BEE The first phase (sharing outcomes from first round workshops with ExCo, ManCo and rest of staff) has been initiated. All input/feedback will be used to unfold strategy further. Feedback from equity survey will also be used to define strategy. Staff Uniforms New staff uniforms were issued in December to frontline staff. Feedback on the new uniforms will be monitored. Recommendations Employee Birthday Leave recommendation was submitted to FINCO – tentatively approved subject to ratification by Board. Upcoming in the next month Cultural Diversity programme to roll out during month of January 2014. eLearning opportunity for Excel training during the next 3 months. Discovery Vitality sessions to be held during February 2014. 7 3. TOURISM MARKETING Overview This quarter kicked off with the CTT AGM and the launch of the Cape Town Visitors Guide, both eliciting favorable results. Summer communications highlighted key messages of WDC 2014, responsible tourism, safety, value and events with the central monthly themes of nightlife, festive, family, design and shopping. Trade was strongly focused on promoting WDC 2014 via the Toolkit and Trade Newsletter, likewise media hosting numbers are increasing YOY due to interest around WDC2014. Events supported has drastically increased as we are no longer providing financial support, only online marketing which enables us to support more events. The decrease in media value year on year can be attributed to CTT decreasing pro-active releases in order to assist media with reactive media queries over the summer and festive season. Another reason could be the steady introduction of the new CEO to own the public platform. E-marketing website and social numbers are growing steadily, although referral traffic and Facebook numbers are down YOY due to the facebook campaign and promoter posts being run at the same time last year. E-mail communications are maintaining standard opening rates, excluding the Visitor Newsletter showing a decrease due to our database clean-up process over the last few months. We have reached 300 500 fans on our Facebook page this quarter, making us the highest ranking destination fan page in South Africa and the 35th most liked page in South Africa. Highlights: Media Hosting: 22 media groups, with total media pax of 58 Media ROI: R4 984 338.13 Events: 146 events were supported this quarter Trade: Over 70 travel trade meetings and 2 media interviews at WTM Training over 300 Dutch travel trade at the SAT Netherlands Roadshow Toolkit and Trade Newsletter focused on promoting WDC2014 Campaigns: 42.2 million impressions (vs 38.3 million in 2012) achieved in #lovecapetown E-mail Comms: 22.59% Industry Newsletter opening rate 21.11% Trade Newsletter opening rate 31.67% Industry Newsflash opening rate 20.80% Visitors Newsletter opening rate Website: 279 160 visitors 716 334 page views 02:34 average dwell time Blog: 85 posts throughout the quarter 4,821 pageviews for top performing Blog: New Year's Eve 2013 Events Social Media: 7500 Facebook growth in likes, 302 274 total 4962 Twitter growth in followers, 36 560 total Walking Tour App: 2903 this quarter and 11 934 downloads to date Visitors Guide: Launched at the CTT AGM 2013, 1 month ahead of schedule 8 Marketing Calendar 9 Key Activities and Highlights Events : Total events supported for the quarter: Events Supported for the month of October: Events Supported for the month of November: Events supported for the month of December: Member VS Non-member events: October: 23 member events vs. 26 non-member events November: 20 member events vs. 32 non-member events December: 22 member events vs. 23 non-member events 146 49 52 45 Campaigns : #lovecapetown: The #lovecapetown campaign ran from 17th Sep - 7th Oct 2013, successfully addressing the core objectives highlighted below. In addition, the campaign was updated from the 2012 format by using a range of bloggers in order to position CPT to different audiences (travel, food and design) and the amount of campaign exposure was increased via additional platforms being incorporated - Instagram and dedicated page on website. o o Create online awareness and consideration for CPT on an international, domestic and local level: CTT hosted 3 x international, 1 x domestic and 17 local bloggers. Generate online conversation and content comparable to the 2012 campaign: 2013 hit a record high with 42.2 million opportunities to see (38.3 million in 2012) on twitter and over 3,700 unique conversations about Cape Town. Example of Cape Town blogs generated from the campaign: Rachelle Lucas (food) | Abigail King (travel) | Carol Lucas (design) 11 Trade : Total events supported for the quarter: Events Supported for the month of October: Events Supported for the month of November: Events supported for the month of December: Member VS Non-member events: October: 23 member events vs. 26 non-member events November: 20 member events vs. 32 non-member events December: 22 member events vs. 23 non-member events 146 49 52 45 Campaigns: #lovecapetown: The #lovecapetown campaign ran from 17th Sep - 7th Oct 2013, successfully addressing the core objectives highlighted below. In addition, the campaign was updated from the 2012 format by using a range of bloggers in order to position CPT to different audiences (travel, food and design) and the amount of campaign exposure was increased via additional platforms being incorporated - Instagram and dedicated page on website. o o Create online awareness and consideration for CPT on an international, domestic and local level: CTT hosted 3 x international, 1 x domestic and 17 local bloggers. Generate online conversation and content comparable to the 2012 campaign: 2013 hit a record high with 42.2 million opportunities to see (38.3 million in 2012) on twitter and over 3,700 unique conversations about Cape Town. Example of Cape Town blogs generated from the campaign: Rachelle Lucas (food) | Abigail King (travel) | Carol Lucas (design) Trade: SAT Netherlands Road Show: Attended by CTT’s Netherlands representative, the 4 day roadshow held from 28th Oct – 1st Nov 13 was attended by over 300 Dutch travel trade. South Africa was well represented with 25 products participating. WTM, London: Attended by 2 x CTT reps (Enver Duminy and Inge Dykman), the 4 day Trade Show held from 5th – 8th November 13 was extremely successful with WTM reporting a 6% increase on visitors YOY with over 50,000 attendees. CTT conducted over 70 travel trade meetings, in addition to 2 media interviews with Breaking Travel News and Lonely Planet. Trade hosting: CTT supported SAT USA with a trade hosting for the Matador Network from the 18th - 19th Oct 13. The Matador Network is the largest independent travel publisher on the internet with 1.9 million unique monthly visitors. Two CTT members sponsored adventure experiences: White Shark Projects- Shark Cage Diving and Abseil Africa: Abseiling from Table Mountain. Matador Network - Cape Town Blog. CTT hosted Travel Trade Media from the Netherlands 26th - 27th of October: Marlous Rekkers - Inspiration Travel. 12 CTT supported with Table Mountain Tickets, City Sightseeing Voucher, as well as a Township/Cultural Tour with Roots of Africa Tours. WDC 2014 – Toolkit and Trade Newsletter: To support the launch of WDC 2014, a travel trade newsletter was distributed on the 12th Dec 13, highlighting WDC content. In addition, the Toolkit has been updated with relevant WDC content for the trade. E-Marketing: Website: Visits: During Q2 2013 the website received increases in the following areas when compared to Q2 2012: o Visitors: 279 160 (+5.30% increase) o Pageviews: 716 334 (+12.45% increase) o Average visitor duration: 02:34 (-8.88% decrease) o Bounce rate: 62.73% (Positive decrease of -6.96%) Source Markets: Domestic market (SA) online visitors increased by +37.56%, United States by +16.76%, UK by +20.66% and Australia by +24.61%. This is a good indication of Search Engines with Google South Africa indexing our site and placing our keywords in their listings. Top Performing Pages: 1. Homepage - 98 899 Pageviews (+11.76% increase) 2. Events - 10 932 Pageviews (+36.38% increase) 3. Plan your trip - 10 249 Pageviews (+43.17% increase) 4. Maps and Guides - 9 417 Pageviews (+54.51% increase) 5. Attractions - 9 768 Pageviews (+61.60% increase) 13 SEO: As the table below illustrates we have managed to consistently increase our ranking for across our branded key words and long tail searches. We have divided search terms into awareness and conversion keywords as this will assist with our future on site conversion landing pages. AWARENESS CONVERSION Keyword Cape Town cape town south africa Cape Town Tourism Visit Cape Town cape town events Table Mountain Robben Island Kirstenbosch V&A Waterfront waterfront cape town table mountain cape town cape point nature reserve cape town attractions cape town guided tours accommodation in cape town cape town guest houses cape town information trip to cape town Oct 13 Ranking in Google 3 3 1 1 2 5 6 4 5 3 5 7 2 13 18 1 1 Nov 13 Ranking in Google 3 3 1 1 4 3 7 3 4 3 5 6 1 10 15 9 1 1 Dec 2013 Ranking in Google 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 5 4 1 7 13 9 1 1 Commercial Booking: In December, our previous booking technology was replaced with a more simplified and user-friendly white label solution from Nights Bridge. The testing phase will be complete and reports shared at the end of January. Social Media: Facebook: The Facebook page's community growth has grown steadily and likes grew by 7 500 new fans in Q2. At the end of December 2013, the total Facebook fans had reached 302 274 (compared to 272 000 in 2012) which has made us the highest ranking destination fan page in South Africa and the 35th most liked page in South Africa. In Q2 the combined organic reach totaled 2 651 700 people. Twitter: In Q2 2013 we gained 17 941 followers and our total is currently sitting at 36 560 with over 5000 mentions and almost 8000 ReTweets. We are engaging with Gold Partners in order to foster relationships between them and ourselves, in order to cross-pollinate our channels. Busy days were around New Year and a popular video blogger, Ben Brown who was interacting with our account. 14 Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube: Are growing slowly however we will be focusing on this in Q2 and Q3. Stats for the growth of these pages will be provided at the end of Q4. Blogs: Content: Over the past quarter, our focus has been on implementing our summer messaging and highlighting key WDC 2014, Gold Partners, CHAN and City of Cape Town events. While we seeded this content within our pillars as set out in the content strategy, we have adapted the execution to include a combination of tactical, republished blogs and curated content. A secondary focus for this quarter has been to refresh our static content i.e. member, attraction and activities listings and drawing readers to them via our social media platforms, therefore scaling back on the amount of blogs we produce. This has led to the publication of 85 blogs from October to December 2013, 27 less than the 112 posts published from October to December 2012. Top Blogs: Include V&A Waterfront’s Movies Beneath the Stars (1,633 page views) and New Year’s Eve Events 2013: What’s On (4,821 page views) which proves that new, topical content, with a focus on keywords aimed at improving SEO are what our readers are searching for. These popular articles boosted our blog traffic from 31,125 views in November 2013 to 42,394 views in December 2013. Hosting: Total number of hostings for the quarter October-December 2013: 22, with total media pax of 58 Key Activities and Highlights: 1. CTT hosted a Turkish print media delegation of 10 pax in October 2013. 2. CTT hosted freelance journalist Sue Chester, with pitches for the London Observer and the New York Times in November 2013. 3. CTT hosted a group of high profile print media from the UK as part of a fam trip for Virgin Atlantic airline, to increase awareness of the route and to profile the destination. 15 Communications: Media ROI: Our total media ROI for this quarter was R4 984 338.13. October 2012 R 2 093 414.10 2013 R 717 161.69 YOY -65.74% November December R 1 633 599.97 R 2 560 548.72 R 1 242 709.64 R 3 024 466.80 -23.93% 18.12% The decrease in media value year on year can be attributed to CTT decreasing pro-active releases in order to assist media with reactive media queries over the summer and festive season. Another reason could be the steady introduction of the new CEO to own the public platform. Our main pro-active messages over this period were World Travel Market London 2013, Summer season indicators and barometers. Most of the time and attention were focused on assisting media with queries on: visitor safety and security due to incidents, season performance and summer events and activity ideas for visitors. The People Reached figures are: October 13 November 13 December 13 Oct – Dec 13 4 263 560 6 382 744 10 501 876 21 148 180 Summer Communications calendar: During this quarter, a new Communications Calendar was implemented to integrate and streamline all messages throughout Cape Town Tourism. This calendar is centralised and updated daily to ensure timely and effective communication. This calendar was shared and distributed to the CoCT team. Newsletters: Industry, Trade and Team Newsletters were issued in October and December whilst during November, only an Industry and a Team Newsletter were sent out to the relevant mailing lists. Please refer to the overview for opening and click-through rates. Newsflashes: A total of 21 industry newsflashes were issued to industry members and stakeholders via email over the quarter. The reason for the high amount is due to the AGM communication taking place in October and Madiba’s passing in December. Over the quarter there was also a total of 13 newsflashes sent via SMS to members and with 5 of these SMS’s alerting members on a daily base to all the Madiba events taking place. Passing of Madiba: After the passing of Madiba, CTT compiled and implemented a comprehensive 10 day Communications Plan to support the City with relevant messages to inform our five target audiences: Members, Trade, Visitors, Media and CTT Staff. Members were informed of events, road closures and logistics via daily SMS’s and email newsflashes with a summary of events. The Members Blog Area was also updated daily with the latest press releases and the CEO Blog also communicated most important info. Our newsflash ‘Let us honour Madiba’ received one of the biggest opening rates for 2013 with 36%. The CTT Blog as well as Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) were utilised to inform visitors of all the commemorative events and sites to visit in memory of Madiba. A Holding statement by CTT CEO was prepared and sent out to media on request. 16 Projects: CTT AGM & Annual Report: A total of 490 guests made up of members, stakeholders, media and staff attended the Annual General Meeting held at the Cape Sun on 10 October 2013. Key Speaker, Doug Lansky, delivered learnings on the topic of ‘What it takes to create a World-Class Destination’. A post event survey was distributed to guests whom attended with overall favourable results. Tsogo Sun was the main sponsor to the event, of which R250 000 sponsorship was derived. A total of 90 CTT annual reports were delivered to members, media and stakeholders and uploaded onto www.capetown.travel. The digital version of the Annual Report was uploaded on the 9th of October and is the first interactive Annual Report Cape Town Tourism has done, with various innovative additions made to enhance the user experience. Cape Town Official Visitors Guide 2014: Launched at the AGM in October. Slight changes were made in December 2013, to the WDC2014 section of the guide, to accommodate any new revised information. The balance of 150 000 copies will be printed mid-January 2014. Post survey and copy of the VG2014 distributed to advertisers with overall favourable results. The overall project rendered good results with advertisers’ confidence increasing and happy with the aesthetic feel, content and imagery of the guide. Partnerships: Gold Partners: Table Mountain, Cape Point, V&A and City Sightseeing. Quarterly reports distributed and meetings took place with the partners. Overall all the partners are happy with the roll-out of their agreed benefits totalling an income of R470,000 to CTT. WDC2014: Quarterly report distributed and meeting held with Cape Town Design NPC. JMA is centered around the Visitors Guide, hosting, the Toolkit, industry education, and the promotion of WDC2014 through CTT online channels and Visitor Information Centers. The WDC2014 JMA with Cape Town Design has proved challenging with the collaboration on media hosting and the 2014 Cape Town Visitors Guide, mainly in terms of providing relevant content timeously and following standard hosting procedures to ensure alignment with a tourism visitor offering and production timelines. Challenges E-marketing: With an increase in the number of events on conflicting dates, such as the City of Cape Town summer events and Madiba memorial events, allocating resources i.e. attendance of writers, blog compiling and reporting on coverage proved challenging. Finding leads and members to advertise on the website has been slow however we have structured new rate cards and will be looking at rolling this out in Q3 and Q4. Projects: WDC2014 JMA with Cape Town Design has proved challenging with the collaboration on media hosting and the 2014 Cape Town Visitors Guide, mainly in terms of providing relevant content timeously and following standard hosting procedures to ensure alignment with a tourism visitor offering and production timelines. Comms: An exceptionally high volume of messages were sent to members during the last quarter due to the AGM, unplanned strike action in the City and the passing of Madiba. It remains a challenge to make sure members remain informed, but to not over-communicate to them. 17 The Quarter Ahead Events Support: Ongoing. Support to events from January – March 2014, with special emphasis on the WDC2014 event. Campaigns: Planning for Winter Campaign 2014 – meeting in JNB with Cullinan Outbound (Thompsons Holidays) to be held 13th Jan 14. Trade: CTT attending SA Tourism’s India Road Show 20th – 23rd Jan 14; CTT attending ITB, Germany 5th – 9th Mar’14; CTT to co-host (alongside SA Tourism) 28 Indian travel agents in CPT 28th Feb + 4th March’14; Trade newsletter Feb’14. e-Marketing: Website optimisation in terms of simplifying navigation and splitting visitor and B2B content; Integrating various white label solutions to bookability: Avis, Travelstart, 2Oceans Aquarium and Cars.com; Ongoing static content update; Rolling out our new online advertising rate card to members and other leads in Q3 & Q4; Mobile App RFQ; Implementing the remainder of the summer content plan, assisting with the 20 years of Democracy messaging and seeding WDC 2014, CHAN and Gold Partner content as well as providing content and social media support to the events team for J&B Met, Cape Town Carnival, Design Indaba, Two Oceans Marathon, Cape Argus Cycle Tour etc. Hosting: Ongoing, centered around WDC 2014. Comms: Continued Summer Messaging focusing on safety, outdoor & family activities, budget options and events. During February Responsible Tourism will be a main focusing, supporting the City’s projects and campaigns. A new Comms calendar is to be compiled for the March – May 2014 before the Winter Season starts. World Design Capital 2014 and the 20 Years of Democracy are positioned as key messages throughout. Projects: Planning for Mobile Visitor Vehicle and Visitors Guide 2015. Partnerships: Ongoing delivery. 18 4. TOURISM SERVICES A. Visitor Services Management summary Visitor numbers for the combined network showed a 10% decrease compared to the same period in 2012. The entire network (incl accredited VIC’s) received 78 501 visitors during this quarter which is a 27% increase on previous quarter (Q1 of 2013/2014). The CTT VIC’s contributed 32 873 visitors to the total number of over the counter interactions. Telephone enquiries for the network showed a decrease of 1% compared to Q2 of 2012 and email enquiries for the network decreased with 10% year on year. Telephone enquiries increased with 45% compared to the previous quarter. See Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 1 & 2 attached. Bookable enquiries decreased with 17% year on year and increased with 76% compared to the previous quarter (Q1 of 2013/2014). Conversion of 92% was achieved which resulted in commission to the value of R259 448 for the quarter. This is R121 550 more commission income than previous quarter and R46 040 more than the same quarter in 2012. Retail sales shows significant increase of R51 555 compared to previous quarter and is also more than the sales generated in same quarter in 2012 which amounts to R15 566 more. Self-Generated income to the value of R533 703 was generated during this quarter, which is 9% below target for the quarter. See Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 2 attached. SANParks commission paid to CTT for Q2 amounts to R131 450 which is 49% less than the previous quarter and 48% below the target for reporting period. Service Excellence for Q2 is 88% which means that the 90% target was missed for Q2. In the previous quarter (Q1 of 2013/2014) a 92% was reached and in Q2 of the previous year 89% was reached. See Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 3 attached. Overall Q2 performed better than Q1 of the 2013/2014 year. This is to be expected as Q2 includes the start of the traditional high season period. Our commission and retail income performed better in Q2 2013/2014 than in Q2 2012/2013. Performance measured against Visitor Services objectives: Increase self-generated income year on year with 10% Target set for Visitor Services for 2013/2014 is R2 150 000. To achieve 10% increase year on year we need to exceed our target by R215 000. Currently the target is lacking behind with 9%. Decrease operational expenses year on year with 5% Comparing financial years YTD 2013 to YTD 2014 it currently shows an 8% saving from the previous year to this year. Increase foot traffic to the CTT network year on year with 10% To achieve this target the network need to record 272 000 visitors for the year. At the end of Q2 we have had 140 082 visitors to the entire network. Maintain 90% service excellence measured through Mystery Shopper program At the end of Q2 the 90% average is maintained with a 92% for Q1 and 88% for Q2. 19 Highlights All of the frontline team received new uniforms in this quarter. Commission income for the network is looking really good. 17% ahead of target YTD. Areas of concerns / development Behind target on self-generated income with 9% for this quarter. The largest contributor to tracking behind target is the drop in SANP income. Focus areas for for third quarter of 2013/2014 financial year Implement the ideas for SANP awareness in collaboration with Marketing. Working with Marketing to create opportunities to generate income in the quieter months through winter campaigns and packaging. Roll out of responsible tourism tips collateral. Actions of Mobile Vehicle project. VIC review on upgrading and prioritizing tasks for implementation and actions. Annexure A: Visitor Services statistics 20 Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 1 (Entire network) Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 2 (CTT VIC Network) Annexure A: Visitor services statistics graph 3 (Mystery Shopper) 21 B. Industry Services Management Summary Focus of the three months under review was on both renewal and recruitment. Last efforts to renew members that did not yet do so as well as capitalising on recruitment before the effect of proforma rates will have an impact. We saw 73 cancellations and 56 new member recruitments for this quarter which bring the total membership base to 1 359. This is less than 1% (17 members) in comparison to the total of the previous quarter. The top 3 reasons for cancellations were businesses closed down, no bookings and nonrenewal (no detailed reason given). See graph 1, Annexure A. As part of the retention; a big focus was on member engagements through networking, coffee and connect sessions, retention phone calls, newsletters, newsflashes, business support, etc. These interactions resulted in 18 820 member communications. The bulk of these are still via emails, newsflashes and newsletters with 9% of interactions being one on one. In the previous quarter 7 002 member communications were recorded. Although a significant increase in engagement is recorded the focus will be on increasing the one on one interaction in quarter 3 and 4. Income is 10% ahead of target for quarter 2 and 1% (R24 800) ahead of target YTD. Quarter 3 and 4 will focus on maintenance and recruitment. The team managed to increase income by 21% in comparison to the same quarter 2012 and 2% more than YTD 2012. See graph 2, Annexure A. 8 Complaints against members were recorded during this quarter. All were resolved. Highlights Income target for the quarter and YTD exceeded isiXhosa training concluded Lowlights / Risks Higher than expected cancellation after 90 days reminder. Final communication on cancellation was sent out early in January 2014. Expecting some of these to reinstate membership and will do full report on this at end of January 2014. Drop in number of Emerging Entrepreneur (EE) members. This is mainly a drop off in year 3 as by then EE members are paying full membership (discounted in year 1 and 2). This will be addressed in the proposed new membership model. Planned actions for next Quarter Workshop and submit draft membership strategy and proposed new membership model. • Recruitment to stay on track with targets. • Benefit delivery. Increase participation by accommodation members in the Howarth Survey. 22 Annexure A Reasons for cancelations: Q2 2013 29 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7 4 13 11 9 Graph 1: Reasons for cancelations: Q2 2013 Year on year income comparison 1758867 1800000 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 629472 Actual 569000 Target Q2 2013 569000 519751 Actual 1720174 Target Q2 2012 YTD 2013 YTD2012 Graph 2: Income comparison 23 5. eBUSINESS SERVICES Overview The last thirty days we have been pushing to get some of the existing projects completed in line with the staff leave period starting and ran into some challenges which means that some of the projects will be going into the New Year. The past quarter has not been as challenging as previous periods and this can be seen in the fact we were able to achieve of an uptime of above 99% for the 90 day period as shown in the uptime report Graph 1: Quarter vs Quarter Uptime and also the past quarter has been less challenging than others with fewer incidents being logged as shown in Graph 3: Quarter vs Quarter closing ratio. There will be a push over the next six months to get VMMS handed over to the internal staff to support with the end of the support contracts and the ending of support for those products ending. Our MPLS network should be completed during the next quarter and the user experience that we have been promising then becoming a reality and the anticipated savings also starting to show in the budget. Highlights: As part of the final move over to the MPLS network the team has managed to complete the Firewall configuration that allows the required offices to reach the SANPARKS network even over a notebook client using 3G which is a first for the entire SANPARKS network. We saw an average uptime of 99.60% and even had some servers available for 100% of the time over the last 90 days as shown in the uptime report Graph 1: Year vs Year Uptime. We placed the order and distributed the first batch of the replacement hardware devices as part of a hardware refresh that was approved as part of the CAPEX requirements for the financial year 2013 – 2014. We undertook a staff move, which was the first major one at Head Office, during the past quarter with staff being move from three separate areas with all staff moved and able to perform their daily tasks within two hours which was quicker than expected. Renewal process which included initial renewal mailer as well as reminders was delivered without any major issues during the quarter. Even though we’ve had many support challenges we are still able to report a 45% increase in engagements on the touch screens which is shown in the Graph 2: Year vs Year Touchscreen engagements which ties back into the improved uptime of the units versus the 2012 period. Creation of the first draft during the past quarter of the VMMS FAQ’s that will be used as a self-help function for users and alleviate the need for support incidents to be logged and also help in increasing the users understanding of the applications. eBusiness has completed a skills transfer session with PR & Communications staff on how to utilise the electronic communications platforms when sending out bulk communications which will be especially useful when communicating disasters or after hours incidents. 24 The eBusiness team attended the ITIL Foundation training which is the global leader in service management frameworks and will assist in allowing us to develop a service management plan for CTT. The newly implemented backup and restore solution is finally working the way it should with three weeks of setup and fine-tuning delivering the desired results. We have managed to move a large amount of files on the fileserver and organised the drives to work more optimally. All old data prior to 1 January 2011 and has now been stored on one of the external drives however the user will not notice anything different in the experience when accessing the files as we have pointed the old drive to the new location and managed to free almost 50GB in space. Lowlights: We had some challenges in implementing the new backup, recovery and restore solution and will be meeting with the supplier within the next few days to agree on a project plan and towards the end of December with good results being shown. There is no server side control in mail archiving and some of the user mailboxes have grown substantially and we will be going through an exercise within the first two weeks of the new period to do manual archiving to ensure that we keep a minimum of 100GB space available on the mail servers. A new solution has been implemented and now only needs to be implemented on the user side to ensure that the information store in managed proactively. We have started a process of handing over the VMMS applications due to the fact there is no roadmap for these applications and even though there are risks on skills available we are finalising a plan to ensure that there are no operational impact. One-way speech still being a problem with regards to the Reception number, this is still in progress with Internet Solution and Dimension Data as the current change has not resolved the fault. This issue will be escalated now for a second level engineer to get the necessary attention to find a permanent solution. Support from Innervation stills remains a major challenge and affected the member registration process and this is delaying the member’s listing from appearing on the website and the resource that can resolve this is only back at the office from the sixth of January. In previous reports I shared the delay that was being experienced with finalising the final leg of the connectivity on the MPLS network with the delay from the approval that was required from the CoCT for Telkom to proceed with the digging up of the pavement outside of the building and we have now received all the approval and handed it over to the building management and the date for excavation has been confirmed for 13 January 2014. 25 New quarter activities: The first phase of the Frequently Asked Question (Help) for VMMS proposals to be presented as part of the self-help solution that we are busy implementing. Upgrade of Syspro to the latest release version after the recent announcement and the focus is now to prepare all systems for the upgrade to version Syspro 7. We will have a greater focus on the Nightsbridge Booking process which should drive revenue and also get the Industry Services team involved to increase the uptake of members on the booking platform. Report writing using the SQL reporting interface and tools for Industry Services to replace their local lists and monthly reporting. We will start the testing of the next solution for the voice with calls between the branches to drive cost down with dedicated tunnel over the MPLS network. We will be finalising and setting up the wireless public access at all the VIC’s to be completed by the end of January in line with the request from the CEO’s office and also in supporting the change in payment taking devices being introduced by SANParks. City of Cape Town SLA requirements We have replaced the x1 (one) desktop that was reported missing in the last reporting period and have received confirmation that this asset has been added to their list now. 26 Annexures: Tables and Graphs December 2013 vs December 2012 Qtr 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 December 2013 Qtr December 2012 Qtr December 2013 Quarter December 2012 Quarter BBBES 99.90 0 Backup 99.87 99.27 Data01 99.90 99.28 Data02 99.88 99.41 Excas01 99.93 99.48 Excas02 99.96 99.39 Exht03 94.13 90.78 Exmb01 99.95 99.38 Exmd02 99.90 99.38 Fileserver 99.93 99.69 Hyperv01 99.99 99.45 Hyperv02 99.98 99.45 DC 99.96 99.4 DC2 99.85 99.35 VMMS 99.84 99.34 WSUS 99.72 99.38 Hyperv03 99.97 99.45 Spiceworks 99.87 99.46 TSGateway 99.92 99.38 99.60 98.93 Server Quarter Average Graph 1: Year vs Year Uptime 27 December 2013 vs December 2012 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 December 2013 Quarter December 2012 Quarter Location December 2013 Quarter December 2012 Quarter Change CT Airport Right Kiosk 25251 16189 36% CT Airport Left Kiosk 37998 14896 61% CT Airport Baggage 4992 2547 49% CT International Arrivals 8986 3246 64% Engen N1 North Kiosk 3390 2390 29% Cape Town Station 3955 4779 21% Burg Street 0 848 Engen N1 North Kiosk 0 1477 84572 46372 Totals 45% Graph 2: Year vs Year Touchscreen engagements 28 December 2013 vs December 2012 Qtr 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 December 2013 Qtr December 2012 Qtr 333 429 Logged Closed 283 360 Closing Ratio 85% 84% Description December 2013 Qtr December 2012 Qtr Variance Logged 333 429 -22% Closed 283 360 21% Closing Ratio 85% 84% 1% Graph 3: Year vs Year Closing Ratio 29