Subject categories Language and Literature Books in the Language and Literature Collection, with the indication LET, are placed on the shelves according to subject categories. The following is a listing of these subject categories. The following categories are also possible: LET LM ... (for language teaching text books), LET SB ... (for student books, required literature) and LET SCR ... (for Master's theses). You can do a subject search in the Tilburg University catalogue with the option <location>. A1 A1D A1E A1F A1N Explanatory and translating dictionaries Explanatory dictionaries German Explanatory dictionaries English Explanatory dictionaries French Explanatory dictionaries Dutch A2 Reference books In combination with the rubrics C until Z A9 Miscelleneous B Bibliographies In combination with the rubrics C until Z C Language and Literature D D9 D92 D93 D94 D95 D98 Linguistics Historical linguistics Historical linguistics; ancient times Historical linguistics; Middle Ages Historical linguistics; 1500-1800 Historical linguistics; 1800-1900 Historical linguistics; 20th century E E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 Grammar Graphematics Phonetics - Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics - Conversation analysis E8 Descriptive grammars (divided into different languages) E83 Germanic languages E8392 Frisian E83936 Afrikaans E8395 North Germanic E84 E85 E859 Romance languages Italian Romanian E86 E869 Spanish Portuguese E871 E872 E874 Latin Greek Modern Greek E881 Slavonic languages E882 E884 E885 E888 Russian Polish Czech Baltic languages E9 E911 E912 E914 E916 Descriptive grammars (divided into different languages) Indic languages Sanskrit Modern Indic Celtic languages E92 E927 E93 Semic languages Arabic Hamitic languages E94 E942 E943 E9435 E944 E945 E9451 E946 E9475 E948 Ural-Altaic languages Mongol Turco-Tartar languages Turkish Samoyed languages Finno-Ugrian languages Hungarian Caucasian languages Eskimo languages Dravidian languages E95 E951 E952 E954 E955 E956 E957 E958 E959 Other Asiatic languages Chinese Thai-Chinese languages Tibetan-Burmese languages Himalayan languages Japanese Korean Arakan-Burmese languages Austroasiatic languages E96 African languages E97 E971 E972 American Indian languages North American Indian languages Central American Indian languages E98 South American Indian languages E99 Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian and Australasian languages ED EE EF EN Descriptive grammar; German Descriptive grammar; English Descriptive grammar; French Descriptive grammar; Dutch F F8 Sociolinguistics Dialectology G Lexicology - Lexicography H Historical linguistics - Comparative linguistics I Computational linguistics - Mathematical linguistics K K2 K3 Semiotics Communication science Film theory - Film studies L Discourse analysis M1 M2 Translation studies Translation studies concerning literary texts N Psycholinguistics - Neurolinguistics - Patholinguistics O1 O4 O4A O4T O5 Language acquisition - Language skills - Language education Language and minorities Language and minorities - Arabic Language and minorities - Turkish Contrastive linguistics - Error analysis O8 O89 O9 Literary education Literary education; text books Children's literature P P1 P9 P92 P93 P94 P95 P98 Literary theory Literary theory; terms and concepts History of literary theory History of literary theory; ancient times History of literary theory; Middle Ages History of literary theory; 1500 - 1800 History of literary theory; 1800 - 1900 History of literary theory; 20th century Q Q1 Q8 Analysis of literary texts - Theory of interpretation Stylistics - Rhetorics Theory of interpretation R1 R2 R3 Narratology Theory of poetry - Poetry analysis Theory of drama S S1 S2 S3 S4 Literary text typology Typology of narrative texts Typology of poetic texts Typology of dramatic texts Typology of other texts T T6 T7 T8 Production and reception of literature Literary criticism Theory of evaluation Reader-response criticism V V1 V2 V3 Sociology of literature Literature and gender Sociology of arts and culture Sociology of books W Literature and psychology X X1 X8 Comparative literature Theory of comparative literature Literature and the arts Y Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y8 Literary history Theory of literary history Literary history; ancient times Literary history; Middle Ages Literary history; 1500 - 1800 Literary history; 1800 - 1900 Literary history; 20th century YD YD3 YD4 YD5 YD8 Literary history German; general Literary history German; Middle Ages Literary history German; 1500 - 1800 Literary history German; 1800 - 1900 Literary history German; 20th century YE YE3 YE4 YE5 YE8 Literary history English; general Literary history English; Middle Ages Literary history English; 1500 - 1800 Literary history English; 1800 - 1900 Literary history English; 20th century YF YF3 YF4 YF5 YF8 Literary history French; general Literary history French; Middle Ages Literary history French; 1500 - 1800 Literary history French; 1800 - 1900 Literary history French; 20th century YN YN3 YN4 YN5 YN8 Literary history Dutch; general Literary history Dutch; Middle Ages Literary history Dutch; 1500 - 1800 Literary history Dutch; 1800 - 1900 Literary history Dutch; 20th century Z Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z8 Literary texts Literary texts; ancient times Literary texts; Middle Ages Literary texts; 1500 - 1800 Literary texts; 1800 - 1900 Literary texts; 20th century ZD ZD3 ZD4 ZD5 ZD8 Literary texts German Literary texts German; Middle Ages Literary texts German; 1500 - 1800 Literary texts German; 1800 - 1900 Literary texts German; 20th century ZE ZE3 ZE4 ZE5 ZE8 Literary texts English Literary texts English; Middle Ages Literary texts English; 1500 - 1800 Literary texts English; 1800 - 1900 Literary texts English; 20th century ZF ZF3 ZF4 ZF5 ZF8 Literary texts French Literary texts French; Middle Ages Literary texts French; 1500 - 1800 Literary texts French; 1800 - 1900 Literary texts French; 20th century ZN ZN3 ZN4 Literary texts Dutch Literary texts Dutch; Middle Ages Literary texts Dutch; 1500 - 1800 ZN5 ZN8 Literary texts Dutch; 1800 - 1900 Literary texts Dutch; 20th century The subject category LET LM ... is divided as follows: LM1 LM1 ENGE LM1 NEDE First language teaching; text books First language teaching English; text books First language teaching Dutch; text books LM2 LM2 DUIT LM2 ENGE LM2 FRAN LM2 NEDE LM2 SPAA Second language teaching; text books Second language teaching German; text books Second language teaching English; text books Second language teaching French; text books Second language teaching Dutch; text books Second language teaching Spanish; text books