Assessment and Accreditation Committee Minutes January 23, 2013

Assessment and Accreditation Committee
January 23, 2013
Present: Robert Gagnon, Leslie Grant, Jayme Waddington, Barbara Frye, Mary Snyder, Julaine Field,
Corinne Harmon, Grant Clayton, Marcus Winters, Pat McGuire, Joe Wehrman
Dispositions—the committee discussed the need for ollege wide dispositions for accreditation
purposes. Barbara Frye to set up subcommittee to come up with a list of disposition suggestions.
Need to consider self-assessment and assessment by others. Chairs to discuss suggestions with
departments. Feedback to Assessment and Accreditation. Deadline: April 2013.
Data Manager: Grant Clayton: has been doing COGNOS training which will allow him to
create queries that interface with ISIS and report information by departments, courses, etc. That
will then be available for reports, advising, etc. He has also worked with chairs to identify
transition points in programs so he will be able to provide more accurate programmatic data.
Bb Learn…still negotiating price; COE would pilot the program if there was enough interest
within the college. Plan to have a demonstration soon.
Exit/Program Completion Survey: Candidate satisfaction survey; we need to share what
departments are doing. Bobby to head the subcommittee. Qualtrics should work. Chairs should
report to Bobby what they are currently doing: Need department
Handbook: Assessment Committee needs to develop Handbook.
Julaine walked us through a timeline for our work in accreditation. See attachment from
Jayme (thanks, Jayme!).
Committee Chair—Barbara will take on chair duties of Assessment and Accreditation. Barbara
to share past Institutional Report.
Meetings for Spring: 2/5, 2/19, 3/12, 3/19, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 5/7 10:30-12.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Grant