Assessment and Accreditation Committee Minutes November 7, 2012

Assessment and Accreditation Committee
November 7, 2012
Present: Robert Gagnon, Leslie Grant, Corinne Harmon, Jayme Waddington, Patrick McGuire, Barbara
Frye, Christi Kasa, Joe Wehrman
1. DATA: Discussion of common data being gathered; Mary shared a chart with major fields
(demographic data, program admission data, field experience(s), etc. First part would be done by
SRO/Dean’s Office and using ISIS. Mary asked for suggestions for additional fields.
Suggested both GPA and content area GPA (useful for SPA reports for C&I)
Suggested research institutions attended (LRF)
Place and Praxis test scores; would like to sub scores also
Discussion around transfer credits (grad programs allow 9; Science Ed allows 15 with Space
Foundation agreement)
2. Discussion around different admissions processes; raised the question if there is a form that all
programs could use?
3. Discussed need for a feedback loop so that information in database is correct and updated as
needed; suggested a point person for each program (consider course off load)
4. Data entry by work study students will require FERPA training
5. Transition Points discussed; Jayme to revise chart based on edits
6. Dispositions—we discussed what everyone is doing regarding dispositions. Some discussion of
how to define and identify indicators of dispositions. We decided that we need to look at what
others are doing—Mary to bring in examples. Agenda item for next meeting.
7. Evaluations in the field—discussion around what each program/department is doing
• Counseling uses a form that they type into
• TELP—Site Coordinators, Site Professors, and Clinical Teachers complete evaluations in
the field (data entered into TaskStream)
• SELP—Not sure; will ask Laura Marshall
• UCCS Teach—faculty evaluate all field based classes; use a paper-based form
• LRF—Dallas evaluates with portfolio. Principals not evaluated.
8. Assessment and Accreditation—webinar—on possible program to use. Webinar on Nov. 7,
1:10 p.m.
Reminder: Departments to do a crosswalk of standards and key assessments. Due Dec. 1.
NEXT MEETING: Wed., Nov. 14, 10-11:30.
NOTE meeting change for Dec.--Assessment Committee will meet on TUES, Dec. 4, from 11-12:30
(change from Dec. 5)
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Grant