Pierret, Chapter 2 “Carrier Modeling” Jeff Davis FALL 2007 ECE3040 References • Prof. Alan Doolittle’s Notes – users.ece.gatech.edu/~alan/index_files/ECE3040index.htm • Prof. Farrokh Ayazi’s Notes – users.ece.gatech.edu/~ayazi/ece3040/ • Figures for Require Textbooks – (Pierret and Jaeger) Important Early Dates Leading to Quantum Mechanics • • • • • • • • 1901 - Planck models blackbody radiation assume that energy release from atoms is quantized 1905 - Einstein defines photons to describe photoelectric effect 1910 - Rutherford experiment to determine atom core 1913 - The Bohr atom is proposed (semi-classical) 1920s - Wave particle duality of EM radiation is broadly accepted 1925 - DeBroglie postulates that wave-particle duality applies to matter 1926 - Schrodinger proposes wave mechanics with his famous equation … Wave functions are born! 1927 - Davisson and Germer experiment with diffracting e-beam from nickel crystal to support DeBroglie’s hypothesis Energy Quantization - READING APPENDIX A “The Bohr Atom (1913)” Energy Hydrogen electron mo q 4 13.6 eV =! = ! 2( 4" # 0 ! n) 2 n2 where mo = electron mass, ! = planks cons tan t / 2" = h / 2" q = electron ch arg e, and n = 1,2,3... n is the principle quantum number Quantum Numbers Designates shell N = principle quantum number (N = 1,2,3,..) Size of orbital N>=(L+1) L = angular quantum number (L = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 OR s,p,d,f,g,h, i, k) Designates subshell M = magnetic quantum number ( orientation of the orbitals) M can be negative! |M|<=L S = Angular momentum of electron spin (+1/2 or -1/2) Pauli Exclusion Principle NO TWO ELECTRONS CAN HAVE THE SAME 4 QUANTUM NUMBERS!!! (If overlapping wave functions) Examples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hydrogen (H) 1s Helium (He) 1s2 Lithium (Li) 1s22s Beryllium (Be) 1s22s2 Boron (B) 1s22s22p Carbon (C) 1s22s22p2 Carbon has six electrons.. its electrons could have the following set of quantum numbers electron 1: (N=1,L=0(s),M=0,S=+1/2) electron 2: (N=1,L=0(s),M=0,S=-1/2) electron 3: (N=2,L=0(s),M=0,S=+1/2) electron 4: (N=2,L=0(s),M=0,S=-1/2) electron 5: (N=2,L=1(p),M=0,S=+1/2) electron 6: (N=2, L=1(p), M=0,S=-1/2) Pauli Exclusion Principle Splitting Energy Levels Carbon (C) 1s22s22p2 ‘N’ for this figure is the number of atoms with overlapping electron wavefunctions sp3 hybridation Note - at zero temp all electrons are in the valence band! 3 sp Hybrid Orbitals Different orientation of orbitals What about silicon? 4 empty states n=2: Complete Shell 2 “2s electrons” 6 “2p electrons” Silicon 4 Valence Shell Electrons n=1: Complete Shell 2 “s electrons” n=3: 2 “3s electrons” Only 2 of 6 “3p electrons” T=0K “Band Gap” where ‘no’ states exist EC or conduction band EV or valence band Band Occupation at T=0K Conduction Band Completely Empty Ec Ev Valence Band Completely full Band Occupation at Higher Temperature (T>0 Kelvin) For (Ethermal=kT)>0 Electron free to move in conduction band Ec + Ev “Hole” free to move in valence band Carrier Movement Under Bias For (Ethermal=kT)>0 Electron free to move in conduction band Ec + Ev “Hole” movement in valence band Direction of Current Flow Direction of Current Flow Carrier Movement Under Bias For (Ethermal=kT)>0 Electron free to move in conduction band Ec + Ev “Hole” movement in valence band Direction of Current Flow Direction of Current Flow Carrier Movement Under Bias For (Ethermal=kT)>0 Electron free to move in conduction band Ec + Ev “Hole” movement in valence band Direction of Current Flow Direction of Current Flow Material Classification based on Size of Bandgap: Ease of achieving thermal population of conduction band determines whether a material is an insulator, semiconductor, or metal Energy Dependence of Bandgap Energy GaAs Eg(T=0) =1.519 [eV] α= 5.41x10-4 (eV/K) β= 204 [K] Silicon Eg(T=0) =1.166 [eV] α = 4.73x10-4 (eV/K) β = 636 [K] "T 2 E g (T ) = E g (T = 0) ! T +# Germanium Eg(T=0) =0.7437 [eV] α = 4.77x10-4 (eV/K) β = 235 [K] Physically why does this occur? Energy Dependence of Bandgap Energy - Example GaN Ramirez-Flores, G., H. Navarro-Contreras, A. Lastrae-Martinez, R.C. Powell, J.E. Greene, Temperature-dependent optical band gap of the metastable zinc-blende structure beta -GaN, Phys. Rev. B 50(12) (1994), 8433-8438. Definition of Intrinsic Carrier Concentration, ni Intrinsic Carrier Concentration Ec Ev •Intrinsic carrier concentration is the number of electron (=holes) per cubic centimeter populating the conduction band (or valence band) is called the intrinsic carrier concentration, ni •ni = f(T) that increases with increasing T (more thermal energy) At Room Temperature (T=300 K) ni~2e6 cm-3 for GaAs with Eg=1.42 eV, ni~1e10 cm-3 for Si with Eg=1.1 eV, ni~2e13 cm-3 for Ge with Eg=0.66 eV, ni~1e-14 cm-3 for GaN with Eg=3.4 eV Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic Carrier Concentration ni = N c N v e ! Eg 2 kT k = boltzmann constant = 1.38e-23 J/K Definition of “effective mass” of a charge carrier Carrier Movement in Free Space Newton’s second law of motion! F=ma dv F = "qE = mo dt F ! force, v ! velocity, t ! time, q ! electronic ch arg e, mo ! electron mass Carrier Movement Within the Crystal Electron sees a periodic potential due to the atomic cores Carrier Movement Within the Crystal dv F = "qE = m dt F ! force, v ! velocity, t ! time, q ! electronic ch arg e, dv dt F ! force, v ! velocity, t ! time, q ! electronic ch arg e, mn* ! electron effective mass m*p ! hole effective mass F = qE = m*p * n Effective Mass used to estimate “mobility” of carrier in the lattice electron holes mn*= 0.33mo mh*= 0.5mo Germanium mn*= 0.22mo mh*= 0.31mo GaAs mn*= 0.063mo mh*= 0.5mo Silicon A.K.A. Conductivity Effective Mass Effective Mass for Different Estimations Definition of “extrinsic semiconductor” of a charge carrier Extrinsic, (or doped material): Concept of a Donor “adding extra” electrons Example: P, As, Sb in Si Concept of a Donor “adding extra” electrons: Band diagram equivalent view Extrinsic, (or doped material): Concept of an acceptor “adding extra” holes Example: B, Al, In in Si Concept of an Acceptor“adding extra hole”: Band diagram equivalent view Hole Movement All regions of material are neutrally charged. Empty state is located next to the Acceptor Hole Movement + Another valence electron can fill the empty state located next to the Acceptor leaving behind a positively charged “hole”. Hole Movement + The positively charged “hole” can move throughout the crystal (really it is the valance electrons jumping from atom to atom that creates the hole motion). Hole Movement + The positively charged “hole” can move throughout the crystal (really it is the valance electrons jumping from atom to atom that creates the hole motion). Hole Movement + The positively charged “hole” can move throughout the crystal (really it is the valance electrons jumping from atom to atom that creates the hole motion). Hole Movement Region around the acceptor has one extra electron and thus is negatively charged. + Region around the “hole” has one less electron and thus is positively charged. The positively charged “hole” can move throughout the crystal (really it is the valance electrons jumping from atom to atom that creates the hole motion). Summary of Important terms and symbols Bandgap Energy: Energy required to remove a valence electron and allow it to freely conduct. Intrinsic Semiconductor: A “native semiconductor” with no dopants. Electrons in the conduction band equal holes in the valence band. The concentration of electrons (=holes) is the intrinsic concentration, ni. Extrinsic Semiconductor: A doped semiconductor. Many electrical properties controlled by the dopants, not the intrinsic semiconductor. Donor: An impurity added to a semiconductor that adds an additional electron not found in the native semiconductor. Acceptor: An impurity added to a semiconductor that adds an additional hole not found in the native semiconductor. Dopant: Either an acceptor or donor. N-type material: When electron concentrations (n=number of electrons/cm3) exceed the hole concentration (normally through doping with donors). P-type material: When hole concentrations (p=number of holes/cm3) exceed the electron concentration (normally through doping with acceptors). Majority carrier: The carrier that exists in higher population (ie n if n>p, p if p>n) Minority carrier: The carrier that exists in lower population (ie n if n<p, p if p<n) Other important terms (among others): Insulator, semiconductor, metal, amorphous, polycrystalline, crystalline (or single crystal), lattice, unit cell, primitive unit cell, zincblende, lattice constant, elemental semiconductor, compound semiconductor, binary, ternary, quaternary, atomic density, Miller indices, various notations, etc... How do we calculate the electron or hole density in equilibrium? Parking Lot Analogy If we have a lot with 100 spaces and the probability of a single space being occupied is 25%, on average how many parking spaces should be occupied. Change percentage If we have a lot with 100 spaces and the probability of a single space being occupied is 50%, on average how many parking spaces should be occupied. Change # of parking spaces If we have a lot with 200 spaces and the probability of a single space being occupied is 25%, on average how many parking spaces should be occupied. Modified Football Stadium Analogy Conduction Conduction Seats Seats Forbidden Seats Valence Seats H If heat energy > Egap then move to conduction seats Forbidden Seats Valence Seats •Sell enough tickets for valence seats only! •Hot plate under each seat that is randomly activated in the valence seats! •What is the number of “Conduction Seats” occupied? Modified Football Stadium Analogy G[H] = Density of seats G[H] ΔH = # of seats between H and H+ΔH F[H] = probability that seat at level H is occupied # of fans between level H and H+ΔH = (# seats)*(prob seat is occupied) =(G[H] ΔH) F[H] How do electrons and holes populate the bands? Density of States Concept Quantum Mechanics tells us that the number of available states in a cubic cm per unit of energy, the density of states, is given by: mn* 2mn* ( E ) Ec ) gc (E) = , E * Ec 2 3 + ! gv (E) = m*p 2m*p ( Ev ) E ) + ! 2 3 , E ( Ev & Number of States # $ ! 3 cm " unit ' % eV Remember Plancks Constant! h = planck’s constant= 6.63e-34 [J-sec] h = reduced planck’s constant (pronounced “h-bar”)= h/2π Ephoton = hν = hω Photon frequency Photon angular frequency Density of States Concept Thus, the number of states per cubic centimeter between energy E’ and E’+dE is g c (E’ )dE if E’ " E c and , g v (E’ )dE if E’ ! E v and , 0 otherwise Probability of Occupation (Fermi Function) Concept Now that we know the number of available states at each energy, how do the electrons occupy these states? We need to know how the electrons are “distributed in energy”. Again, Quantum Mechanics tells us that the electrons follow the “Fermi-distribution function”. f (E) = 1 (E ! EF ) where k " Boltzman constant, T " Temperature in Kelvin kT 1+ e and EF " Fermi energy f(E) is the probability that a state at energy E is occupied 1-f(E) is the probability that a state at energy E is unoccupied Probability of Occupation (Fermi Function) Concept At T=0K, occupancy is “digital”: No occupation of states above EF and complete occupation of states below EF At T>0K, occupation probability is reduced with increasing energy. f(E=EF) = 1/2 regardless of temperature. The probability of an electron at the Fermi energy is 0.5 Probability of Occupation (Fermi Function) Concept At higher temperatures, higher energy states can be occupied, leaving more lower energy states unoccupied (1-f(E)). Expected Electron Concentration Thus, the density of electrons (or holes) occupying the states in energy between E and E+dE is: Electrons/cm3 in the conduction band between Energy E and E+dE Holes/cm3 in the valence band between Energy E and E+dE g c (E) f(E) dE if E " E c and , g v (E)[1 - f(E)] dE if E ! E v 0 otherwise and , Expected Electron Concentration Decreasing (Ec -Ef) increases electron concentration Decreasing (Ef-Ev) increases electron concentration Intrinsic Energy (or Intrinsic Level) Ef is said to equal Ei (intrinsic energy) when material is intrinsic …Equal numbers of electrons and holes NOTE: Ei is approximately mid-bandgap BUT not quite! Additional Dopant States: Changing Ef Intrinsic: Equal number of electrons and holes n-type: more electrons than holes p-type: more holes than electrons Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Probability the state is filled The density of electrons is: n=! ETop of conduction band E Bottom of conduction band g c ( E ) f ( E )dE Number of states per cm-3 in energy range dE The density of holes is: Probability the state is empty p=! ETop of valence band E Bottom of valence band g v ( E )[1 " f ( E )]dE Number of states per cm-3 in energy range dE Note: units of n and p are #/cm3 Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes n= * n m * n 2m # 2! 3 ! ETop of 1+ e Ec E # Ec Letting $ = kT when E = Ec , $ = 0 ( E " E f ) / kT and $c = dE E f # Ec kT ETop of conduction band " ! Let n= E " Ec conduction band * n m * n 2 3 2m (kT ) % ! 3/ 2 ! " 0 $ d$ ($ #$c ) 1+ e 1/ 2 This is known as the Fermi-dirac integral of order 1/2 or, F1/2(ηc) Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes We can further define: & m (kT ) # N c = 2$ 2 ! 2 ' ! % " and * n 3/ 2 & m*p (kT ) # N v = 2$ 2 ! 2 ' ! $% !" the effective density of states in the conduction band 3/ 2 the effective density of states in the valence band This is a general relationship holding for all materials and 3 results in: * 2 ' mn $ "" cm !3 at 300 K N c = 2.51x10 %% & mo # 19 3 2 ' $ m "" cm !3 at 300 K N v = 2.51x1019 %% & mo # * v Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes n = Nc 2 F1/ 2 ("c ) # and p = Nv 2 F1/ 2 ("v ) where "v = ( Ev ! E f ) / kT # Fermi-dirac integrals can be numerically determined or read from tables or... Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Useful approximations to the Fermi-dirac integral If Ef < Ec-3kT n e g e D 3kT Nondegenerate 1 " (! "!c ) #e ! "!c 1+ e e t a er " ( E f ! Ec ) / kT F1/ 2 (#c ) = e 2 Similarly when Ef > Ev+3kT " ( Ev ! E f ) / kT F1/ 2 (#v ) = e 2 De Ef 3kT gen era te Ec Ev Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Useful approximations to the Fermi-dirac integral: Non-degenerate Case n = Nce ( E f ! Ec ) / kT and p = Nve ( Ev ! E f ) / kT Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes When n=ni, Ef=Ei (the intrinsic energy), then ( Ei ! Ec ) / kT or N c = ni e ni = N v e ( Ev ! Ei ) / kT or N v = ni e ( Ei ! Ev ) / kT ni = N c e ( Ec ! Ei ) / kT and n = ni e ( E f ! Ei ) / kT and p = ni e ( Ei ! E f ) / kT Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Other useful Relationships: n - p product ni = N c e 2 ( Ei ! Ec ) / kT ni = N c N v e and ! ( Ec ! Ev ) / kT ni = N c N v e ni = N v e = Nc Nve ! EG / 2 kT ( Ev ! Ei ) / kT ! EG / kT Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Other useful Relationships: n - p product Since n = ni e ( E f ! Ei ) / kT and p = ni e np = ni2 Known as the Law of mass Action ( Ei ! E f ) / kT Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Charge Neutrality • Must maintain charge neutrality •Thus, all charges within the semiconductor must cancel. + D Immobile - charge Mobile - charge Immobile + charge Mobile + charge p+N =n+N ! A Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Charge Neutrality: Total Ionization Case N-A = Concentration of “ionized” acceptors ~ = NA N+D = Concentration of “ionized” donors ~ = ND (p ! N A )+ (N D ! n ) = 0 Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Charge Neutrality: Total Ionization Case (p ! N A )+ (N D ! n ) = 0 ' ni2 $ %% ! N A "" + (N D ! n ) = 0 & n # n 2 ! n(N D ! N A )! ni2 = 0 2 2 ND ' NA NA ' ND & ND ' NA # & NA ' ND # 2 2 n= + $ + $ ! + ni or p = ! + ni 2 2 2 2 % " % " and pn = ni2 Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes If ND>>NA and ND>>ni n ! ND and 2 i n p! ND If NA>>ND and NA>>ni p ! NA and ni2 n! NA Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Example: An intrinsic Silicon wafer has 1e10 cm-3 holes. When 1e18 cm-3 donors are added, what is the new hole concentration? n ! ND = 1018 cm"3 ( 10 ) 2 10 n "3 "3 p= = cm = 100 cm 18 n 10 2 i Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Example: An intrinsic Silicon wafer has 1e10 cm-3 holes. When 1e18 cm-3 acceptors and 8e17 cm-3 donors are added, what is the new hole concentration? 2 " 1x10 ! 8x10 % 1x10 ! 8x10 10 p= + $ + 1x10 ' 2 2 # & 18 17 18 17 p = 2x1017 cm!3 = NA ! ND ( ) 2 Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Example: An intrinsic Silicon wafer at 470K has 1e14 cm-3 holes. When 1e14 cm-3 acceptors are added, what is the new electron and hole concentrations? ND=0 2 ! 1x10 $ 1x10 14 p= + # + 1x10 & 2 " 2 % 14 14 ( p = 1.62x1014 cm'3 ( NA ' ND 1x10 ) ( n= 14 2 1.62x1014 = 6.2x1013 cm'3 ) 2 Developing the mathematical model for electrons and holes Example: An intrinsic Silicon wafer at 600K has 4e15 cm-3 holes. When 1e14 cm-3 acceptors are added, what is the new electron and hole concentrations? ND=0 2 ! 1x10 $ 1x10 15 p= + # + 4x10 & 2 " 2 % 14 14 ( ) 2 p = 4x1015 cm'3 = ni ( NA ' ND 4x10 ) ( n= 15 4x1015 2 = 4x1015 cm'3 = ni ) Intrinsic Material at High Temperature Where is Ei? Since we started with descriptions of intrinsic materials then it makes sense to reference energies from the intrinsic energy, Ei. Intrinsic Material: n = Nce ( E f ! Ec ) / kT Nce ( Ei ! Ec ) / kT = Nve ( Ev ! E f ) / kT = Nve ( Ev ! Ei ) / kT E c + E v kT & N v # !! Ei = + ln$$ 2 2 % Nc " =p Where is Ei? Intrinsic Material: But, N v &$ m #! = N c $% mn* !" * p 3/ 2 * & m E c + E v 3kT $ p Ei = + ln * $m 2 4 % n Letting Ev=0, this is Eg / 2 or “Midgap” # ! ! " -0.007 eV for Si @ 300K ( 0.6% of EG ) Where is Ei? Extrinsic Material: n = ni e ( E f ! Ei ) / kT p = ni e ( Ei ! E f ) / kT Solving for (Ef-Ei) &n E f ' Ei = kT ln$$ % ni or for N D >> N A # & p# !! = 'kT ln$$ !! " % ni " and N D >> ni & ND # !! E f ' Ei = kT ln$$ % ni " or for N A >> N D and N A >> ni & NA # !! E f ' Ei = 'kT ln$$ % ni "