18 Collisionaland RadiativeProcesses Chapter II 3. CROSSSECfIONS Consider a uniform beam of test particles incident on a single field particle supposedfixed as indicated schematically in Fig. 2. Let n1 denote the number density of test particles in the beam, and let g denote the relative speed of the test particles with respect to the field particle. A measure of beam intensity is then provided by the magnitude of the test particle flux density, - r 1 = n1g, (3.1) the number of test particles crossing unit area normal to the beam in unit time. If Land -r denote length and time dimensions, then the dimensions of flux density are [r 1] = (L- 3)(L-r-1) = L- 2-r-1. The total collision cross section Q12(g) between a test particle (labeled 1) and a field particle (labeled 2) is defined as follows: Q12 ( )= - g No. of test particles colliding with the field particle per unit time r1 . (3.2) The dimensions of Q 12 are [Q12 ] = -T -1 = 1;2 = area. [r 1] Since, from equation (3.2), (the number of collisions/unit time) = r 1Q12 = (number of particles/unit time, unit area) x (area), we may interpret Q12 as the effective geometrical blocking area which the field particle presentsto the beam.The total cross section is an atomic quantity. It is a function only of the two kinds of particles involved (in this case, independent of the order of the subscripts),and of the relative speedg. ~ r, ~ ,... = n,y ~ , t , ,... / "" =..- Test particle beam ~ ~ ./ ~ @ ~ Field particle ~ ~ ;,.. ~ ;,.. :.. Figure 2. ~ Definition of the cross section. i I i ",;.~",J",,~_c ~c,"'-""-'">"" t I " Section3 CrossSections 19 The above definition of the total cross section makes no distinction between the kinds of collisions that may be occurring. It is in fact a sum over the elastic collision cross section and all the relevant nonelastic collision cross sections,i.e., Q12 = Q\e! + L Q\"i). (3.3) Each of these more particular cross sections may be defined similarly to equation (3.2) but with an appropriate change in the numerator. For example, if the field particle were an atom in the ground level, then the cross section for excitation of the field particle to the first excited level by a test particle would be No. of test particles causing a (1 -.2) excitation of the Q~12-2J(g)== field particl~~r ~nit time. In this case the cross section dependson the order of the particle subscripts and on the particular atomic process,as well as on g. If the test particle were an electron,then Q\\--2)(g) would be zero unlessthe relative kinetic energy (see Sec.6) between the electron and atom exceededthe threshold energy £12of the first excited level. For sufficiently small g, it is clear that Q = Q(e);when g becomes large enough to produce nonelastic collisions, it is a matter of observation that the second term in equation (3.3) is roughly of the same order of magnitude as Q(e).The spirit in which this statement is to be taken is illustrated in Table 6, which is taken from Massey and Burhop (1952, 1969). Table 6 Relative Probabilities of Different Types of Collisions of Electrons in Atomic Hydrogen Energyof incident electrons(eV) Type of collision 100 Elastic Excitation of 2nd level Excitation of 3rd level Excitation of 4th level Excitation of 5th level Excitation of higher levels All discretelevels Ionization 12.2 33.5 5.9 2.2 1.0 1.7 44.3 43.5 200 400 1000 10,000 -, Total crosssection (in units of 10-16 cm2) 2.16 Percentageof all collisions 10.2 9.8 8.7 6.5 33.6 39.0 42.8 45.3 5.8 6.8 6.3 7.0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 44.0 51.0 54.8 58.4 45.8 39.2 36.5 35.1 1.32 0.70 0.33 0.043 20 Collisional and Radiative Processes Chapter II x ~ dO ~ ~ r, ~ z ~ ~ : Figure 3. Angles for the differential cross section. For any particular collision process which causesa deflection of the test particle, it is appropriate to break down the corresponding cross section even further, similarly to what was done for the total cross section. With referenceto Fig. 3, the differential cross sectionfor scattering into the solid angle d.Q= sin X dXdl/Jdefinedby the sphericalpolar angles(X,l/J) is denoted by /12(X, 4» and is defined as follows: No. of test particles scattered by the field particle I 12(X,l/J)d.Q= into the solid angle d.Qper unit time. r1 (3.4) . Of course, /12 will also be a function of the particular atomic process and of g, and in fact it is related to the corresponding cross section according to the equation Q12=f /12(X,l/J)d.Q. (3.5) 41t In almost all cases,scattering may be taken to be azimuthally symmetric so that the integration over l/J may be performedto obtain Q12 = 2n f It /12(x)sin X dX. (3.6) 0 The angle X is called the scattering angle. When a test particle collides elastically with a fixed field particle, it will lose momentum in the direction of its initial motion. Referring to Fig. 4, for particles scattered into the angle between X and X + dX (any 4», the loss in the z-component of momentum is1 m1g - mtg cos X = m1g(1- cosX). I The fact that Ig/l = Igi follows from the discussionin Sec.6. The proof is required in Exercise6.2. cc_~,..~"- ..~~iiii"".~~- ,,~" .. Section 3 Cross Sections .(toy / ./ m,g ./ ./ / ..,.-/' --"" ~ / / // / / / / 21 / / / / / .//~x ~ z 0 Figure 4. Momentum transfer in elastic scattering. Since the number of test particles scattered elastically from a beam into the solid angle d.Q.= sin XdXdcPis r 1I\e!(X, cf» d.Q.per unit time, the total loss in the z-component of momentum per unit time is f mlg(1 - cos X)r lI\e!(X, cf» d.Q. = (mlgr 1) f 41t (1 - cos X)Ir!(X, cP)d.Q.. 41t The quantity mlgr 1 is the momentum flux density in the test particle beam, and so we may define f Q\11(g) == (1 - cos X)I\e!(X, cP) d.Q. (3.7) 41t as the cross sectionfor momentumtransfer. Another interpretation of Q\11 may be obtainedas follows: Since P (X .I.) d.Q.== I\e~(X, cf» 12 , Of' Q d.Q. (3 8 (e) . ) 12 is the probability of elastic scattering into d.Q.,the average fraction of momentumlost by a test particle in elastic collisions is -1 mlg f PI2(X, cf»mlg(1 - cos X) d.Q. = Q\11 -w. 41t (3.9) Q12 Compared with Q\e!, the factor (1 - cos X) in equation (3.7) gives Q~11 more weight from large angle scattering events[i.e.,for X = 1t",(1 - cos X) = 2; for X = 0, (1 - cos X) = 0]. For I\e! independent of X, Q\11= Q\e!, and so these two cross sections will only differ when there is a pronounced concentration of scattering in the forward or backward directions. For elastic electron atom scatteringat sufficientlylow energies,generallyQ\11~ Q\e! , but at higher energiesQ\11 can be less than Q\e! by a factor as large as one half (see Fig. 24). The total elastic cross section Q\e! never appears in the rigorous kinetic theory of the transport coefficients (i.e. the thermal '"~,. 22 Collisional and Radiative Processes Chapter II conductivity, viscosity, electrical conductivity, etc.) for gases.The calculation of the transport coefficients depends rather upon a set of generalized momentum transfer cross sections defined by the relation Q(l)(g)= f (1 - cos 'X)/~e~(X,<p)d.o., (3.10) 41t where I is positive integer. Exercise 3.1. Using the cross section concept, show that the probability that a test particle travels a distance z or greater without a collision in a uniform gas of field particles for which the number density is n2, is e-Z/l1, where 11= 1/n2Q12. (Suggestion: Set up a differential equation which expresseshow the flux density of test particles r I(Z) is diminished in traveling through field particles in a slab of thickness dz.) Using this result, justify the designation of 11,as a mean (i.e. average)free path for the test particle. Exercise 3.2. The atmospheric number density n above the earth varies with altitude z approximately as n = noe-zIH,where H is called the scale height. For a constant collision cross section Q, calculate the probability that a particle shot upward with very high speed (relative to the escape velocity) will attain a height z without a collision. What is the probability that the particle will escape? Make a numerical estimate and discuss. (Assume H 10 km.) '" Exercise 3.3. Show for a rigid-sphere interaction, i.e. /(e) = a2/4, independent of angle, that Q(I) = [ 1 - 1 + ( -1 )1] ( 2 2 1+ I 7t'a.) ! Exercise 3.4. For the differential cross section /(e)(X)= a for 0 S X < 7t'S and /(e)(X) = b for 7t'S< X S 7t',where 0 S S S 1, determine in as simple a form as possible the condition on /(e)(X)in order that Q(I) > Q(e).