BL 424 Chapter 1: Overview of Cells and Cell... Student learning outcomes


BL 424 Chapter 1: Overview of Cells and Cell Research

Student learning outcomes


1. to explain concisely the origin and evolution of cells, the molecular unity underlying their diversity, and characteristics of present-day prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

2. to explain the experimental basis of cell biology, the importance of experimental models for research in cell biology; and the features of major model organisms.

3. to describe the major tools of cell biology, which are drawn from microscopy, biochemistry and genetics, and become familiar with relative sizes of cells and organelles, and resolution of microscopes (sizes in nm, um, mm).

4. to appreciate the historical context of experimental cell biology, from the pioneer studies to the current tools.

Important Figures are 1, 3*, 4, 5*, 6*, 7* (22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36), 38*, 39, 41

Important Tables are 1, 2

1.1. Origin and evolution of cells

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells appear descended from a single ancestral type,

3.8 x 10


years ago

Early cell was probably a self-replicating RNA molecule in a phospholipid membrane.

(Phospholipid has hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails, hydrophilic phosphate head group)

Cells have diverse patterns of metabolism: ATP is energy currency

glycolysis is most ancient (anaerobic, widespread),

oxidative respiration,


some prokaryotes use anaerobic respiration

Table 1.1 compares prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Plasma membrane defines cell.

Present-day prokaryotes: small, no separate nucleus compartment;

often have a cell wall (Fig. 1.5)

Eubacteria (domain Bacteria) – phospholipid membrane, ester link

Archaebacteria (domain Archaea) – membrane has ether link

Present day eukaryotes: membrane-enclosed nucleus;

other membrane-bound organelles (Fig. 1.6)

domain Eukarya

unicellular and multicellular

animals, plants, fungi, protists

Molecular evidence suggests Archaea are closer to Eukarya than to Bacteria.

Endosymbiontic theory proposes Bacterial cell

incorporated into early Archaeal cell ->

chloroplast from cyanobacterial ancestor,

mitochondria from aerobic bacterium (Fig. 1.7)


2. Cells as experimental models

: model organisms facilitate analysis

of fundamental aspects of cell biology (Table 1.2)

Many organisms have had entire their DNA sequence determined (genomes) ->

New field of comparative genomic study


Archaea – Methanococcus jannaschii – methanogen

Halobacterium salinarium - lives in high salt

Bacteria - Escherichia coli – common intestinal bacterium

Mycoplasma – no cell walls, small genome

Bacillus anthracis – anthrax, spore former

Anabaena – cyanobacterium - oxygenic phososynthetic

Eukaryotes: unicellular - Saccharomyces cerevisiae – budding yeast

Dictyostelium discoideum – slime mold

Plasmodium – protozoan causes malaria multicellular – have diversity of cell types (differentiated)

Caenorhabditis elegans – nematode

Drosophila melanogaster – fruit fly

Arabidopsis thaliana – mustard cress

Xenopus laevis – frog (Xenopus tropicalis)

Danio rerio – zebrafish

Mus musculus – mouse

Homo sapiens - human

Viruses can be model systems (non-living) –

They grow in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells

(Table 1.3 lists typical animal viruses)

1.3. Tools of cell biology include cytology, biochemistry, and genetics


Light microscopy includes a variety of methods to visualize cells and subcellular structures and to localize specific molecules: resolution has been limited to 0.22 um (220 nm) (Fig. 1.22)

Compare different types of microscopy for limits of resolution, analysis of living vs. fixed cells: bright-field phase-contrast differential interference-contrast fluorescence (Figs. 1.26, 1.27) dye-labeled antibodies

GFP-tagged proteins

FRAP – fluorescence recovery after photobleaching

FRET – fluorescence resonance energy transfer tests protein interactions confocal microscopy reduces out-of-focus emissions two-photon excitation

Electron microscopy increases resolution about 100-fold to 2 nm: transmission EM (positive or negative staining) scanning EM

Subcellular fractionation isolates organelles of eukaryotic cells for biochemical analysis: uses differences in size or density of components (Fig. 1.38)

Differential centrifugation uses different speeds in ultracentrifuge

Density-gradient centrifugation separates materials on dense substances:

velocity centrifugation in sucrose gradient separates proteins, viruses based on size and shape (sedimentation: S values)

equilibrium centrifugation in cesium gradient separates DNA, RNA by

buoyant density (independent of size and shape)

Growth of animal cells in culture (tissue culture) permits experimental manipulations: primary cells cell lines embryonic stem cells stem cells derived from adult cells

Growth of plant cells in culture permits manipulations, regeneration of whole plants

How to study: read the chapter summary; read the chapter in light of the outline, paying attention to bold print terms; focus on concepts and structure-function relationships; be able to explain key figures and experiments

Prepare a summary chart for comparison of major model systems, including: name of organism, domain, genome size (bp), number of chromosomes, cell wall?, types of membrane components, advantages, usefulness of this system (as for study of development), and leave room for additional components during course

Review key terms; questions 1-7 and 10-14 at end of chapter are most relevant.

In addition to textbook questions, consider experimentally how you would follow cellular location of microtubular proteins with a fluorescent antibody versus a GFP-tag.

Also compare the different resolutions of light microscope versus electron microscope; what sub-cellular structures would not be visible in a light microscope?
