Statistical Considerations and Graphical Presentation of the Residual Value of Heavy Construction Equipment By Gunnar Lucko1, John C. Hildreth2, and Michael C. Vorster3 1 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Director, Construction Engineering and Management Program, Department of Civil Engineering, G-17 Pangborn Hall, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, email: 2 Senior Research Associate, Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program, The Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 200 Patton Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, email: 3 David H. Burrows Professor of Construction Engineering and Management, Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program, The Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 200 Patton Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, email: Abstract Hourly equipment cost rates are vital to the long-term profitability of a company. Hourly rates are based on the forecasted owning and operating costs. The residual value is the most elusive element of owning and operating costs. It differs from book value, which is typically calculated for taxation purposes using a depreciation model. The residual value of heavy construction equipment is defined as the monetary value that can be anticipated to be actually realized in an open market transaction. Forecasting it statistically allows for an integrated cost model for heavy construction equipment. A comprehensive study of auction records for various equipment types, makes, and sizes resulted in a statistical model of residual value. Quality of the model was ensured through hypothesis testing and coefficient validation. Residual value grids are intuitive graphical tools used to present the underlying datasets and quickly and accurately forecast residual value with reliability. Introduction Equipment economics is the art and science of financially managing construction equipment. Key decisions made by equipment managers all relate to minimizing the owning and operating costs over a certain period of time to ensure profitability. They include decisions such as whether to purchase, lease, or rent, acceptability of pricing and financing options, assessing machine value at any point in time, and determining the optimum duration of owning the equipment, i.e., the economic life (Vorster 2004b). The components of equipment costs vary over time 1 and the value of money itself changes with time due to inflation. Thus, financial management of construction equipment can be a daunting task. The residual value of a machine is a component of owning costs and has proven to be the most elusive. A statistical model of residual value was developed based on auction records. Residual value grids are used to graphically represent the data on which the analysis is based and provide insight regarding the relationship between residual value and equipment age. Equipment Costs Equipment costs are categorized as either owning or operating costs. Owning costs are connected to ownership of a machine and accrue regardless of whether the machine is actually utilized on a construction project or not. Ownership costs are typically comprised of purchase price, loan payments, insurance premiums, and property taxes (Lucko and Vorster 2003). Operating costs are only incurred when the machine is working and are directly dependent on the hours of use. They include all consumables (fuel, oil, and grease), wear items in the traction system (tires or tracks), attachments of the machine (cutting edge or bucket teeth), labor and parts costs from maintenance and repairs (Mitchell 1998), and wages and fringe benefits for the operator (Lucko and Vorster 2003). Equipment managers must control each cost element relative to the hourly rate charged for the machine to ensure a profitable operation. However, the ability to predict each owning and operating cost element differs. The purchase price and associated fees for the machine are known, while interest and principal payments can be calculated. These cash outflows are offset by the residual value, which provides cash inflow upon sell of the machine at the end of the owning period. True residual value depends on many factors and is unknown until the machine is sold; it is the value of a machine when sold at any point in its life (Vorster 2004a). Machine factors influence residual value, including type, make, model, age, condition, and the degree to which its technology is current (Grinyer 1973). External factors also influencing residual value may be global, such as the overall state of the economy, or regional, such as volume of work, climate, and soils conditions Residual Value Definition Residual value is the price for which a piece of used equipment may be sold in the market at a particular time in a fair transaction between an equally informed buyer and seller. Its importance for owning and operating cost calculations is well established (Cross and Perry 1995, Cross and Perry 1996, Unterschultz and Mumey 1996). Residual value differs fundamentally from depreciation, which is used in cost accounting to determine the book value of an asset for administrative and taxation purposes based on a prescribed model. The residual value is realized in the market place through actual transactions, i.e., “evidences of value” (Cowles and Elfar 1978), whereas a depreciated value remains an artificial estimate (Vorster 2003). Current Practice Residual value is often assumed equal to depreciated value, which is commonly zero. However, this assumption of zero value is overly conservative (Grinyer 1973), since as a minimum there is scrap value of the metal. Equipment 2 manufacturers Caterpillar (2001) and Deere (2002) recommend a non-zero residual value. Equipment managers use rules-of-thumb (Cubbage et al. 1991) to estimate residual value as a percentage of the initial value for different equipment types, makes, and models. Slight adjustments may be made to account for unusual types, setups, or utilization (Lucko et al. 2007). This approach simplifies the influence of a complex combination of factors on residual value by selecting an isolated point on the curve of residual value over time and neglecting any potential variability. Data for Residual Value Forecasts The best data for forecasting residual value are company records. Any piece of used equipment that a company has bought or sold provides a measure of residual value. However, the volume of data required to adequately forecast residual value is likely unavailable unless a large fleet is owned and operated. Data can also be extracted from auction sales records (Koger and Dubois 1999), which are the best source from which a realistic model for residual value can be developed. Auction data is commercially available for construction equipment and contain a large selection of equipment types, makes, and models. Such data sources include serial number, year of manufacture, a brief description, condition rating, auction firm, location, date, and price. The auction data should be augmented by size categories (bucket size or horsepower) to better describe the machines, list prices from manufacturers (including costs for non-standard options), and equipment age in calendar years. Statistical Model of Residual Value Making accurate forecasts of the residual value requires that its behavior and dependency on various factors is extracted from real-world data. Statistical models of different equipment types and sizes were developed to predict residual value as a percentage of list prices. List prices, or manufacturer suggested retail prices (MSRP), do not reflect actual economic value, but rather recommend where to begin price negotiations. Moreover, construction equipment is typically sold at discounts off the MSRP depending on the business relationship between distributors and equipment owners. Simply said, a price offer only becomes an economic value once another party has been found that is willing to pay it. List prices, however, can serve well as baselines for calculating residual value percentages (Cross and Perry 1995). A carefully maintained database of actual purchase and sales prices for machines reflect the circumstances under which a particular company operates. Inflation Adjustment The initial purchase and resale of machines typically occur several years apart. Therefore, the effect of inflation on monetary value should be considered. All cost values in the database were adjusted to a common base year to account for inflation. Only auction prices and list prices that have been corrected for inflation should be used together in the same owning and operating cost calculation. Measures of inflation for various industry applications are published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce provides additional macroeconomic data. The producer price index (PPI) for finished manufacturer goods reported monthly by BLS 3 comes was considered applicable to construction equipment. Cross and Perry (1995, 1996) have successfully used it to adjust residual values for inflation. Normalization for Comparisons In practice, the residual value is expressed in dollars. It may, however, be useful to normalize the residual value by dividing its dollar value by the list price (Cross and Perry 1995). This normalization to residual value percent (RVP) allows different types, makes, and models to be directly compared (Cubbage et al. 1991, Perry et al. 1990, Cross and Perry 1996). Normalization results in a small change to the amount of information that is contained in a dataset, where the residual value and list price data are replaced by a single residual value percent. This in turn causes small changes in the statistical parameters that describe the dataset (Lucko et al. 2006). However, the extent of this effect is typically negligible. Outliers Displaying the relationship of residual value with time graphically in a scatterplot will aid in identifying any outlying data. Outliers are extreme observations that are inconsistent with the basic relationship or differ significantly in sign or magnitude from other data points. Closer investigation of the database may reveal whether outliers should be considered valid entries or were caused by errors in measuring or recording and should be purged. Regression Analysis Common statistical approaches of modeling data are simple linear regression (SLR) analysis and multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis. Simple and multiple in this context mean that either one or several influential factors, respectively, are included in the model. Linear regression signifies that the individual terms in the regression equation are additive; they may be of higher order and more complex with respect to the coefficients and variables that they contain to replicate the behavior of the dataset (Lucko 2003). Mitchell (1998) used MLR to model repair costs. Nonlinear regression (NLR) models are theoretically more powerful than SLR and MLR, but are cumbersome and have not been found necessary for equipment cost calculations. In a typical regression analysis, various models are created and tested for best fit with the data. Measures of the goodness-of-fit are the coefficient of determination (R2) and the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adjusted). R2 describes how much variability in the data is captured by the model as opposed to how much remains unexplained, while R2adjusted includes a correction that makes it independent of the actual sample size and resistant to including unnecessary extra factors in the model. . Large coefficients of determination indicate good fits. Newer data points for additional equipment sales should be added to the database as soon as they become available and the statistical analysis should be re-run with the same basic model to keep its forecasting capabilities current. In the long run, forecasting the residual value could thus become an ongoing endeavor (Cubbage et al. 1991) that always includes the latest market data to provide the most current tool to support decision making. 4 Functional Form Evaluation of the data revealed that the general assumptions underlying regression analysis were satisfied by each of the datasets for 28 different types and size classes of equipment (Lucko 2003). A second-order polynomial function of equipment age in calendar years with added terms for manufacturer, condition, and regions was ultimately chosen based on the coefficient of determination. In some versions macroeconomic measures were also included. Equipment age was consistently found to be the most influential factor for residual value. The stability and consistency of the regression model, as well as the sign and magnitude of coefficients were validated. Table 1 shows the basic functional expressions for residual value percent (RVP) derived for two classes of common equipment types and sizes: wheel loaders and track dozers. The coefficients m1, m2, m3, and c1, c2, and c3, and r1, r2, r3 are triplets of binary indicator variables encoding the manufacturer, condition rating, and regions, respectively. Table 1: Regression Equations for Common Equipment Types and Sizes Type Wheel loaders Track dozers Size Equation RVP = 0.73678 + 0.00243 ⋅ age2 - 0.06494 ⋅ age - 0.13094 ⋅ m1 2-4 cy 0.09149 ⋅ m2 - 0.08869 ⋅ m3 + bucket 0.02927 ⋅ c1 - 0.02013 ⋅ c2 + size 0.02033 ⋅ c3 + 0.00681 ⋅ r1 + 0.00816 ⋅ r2 + 0.02213 ⋅ r3 RVP = 0.66202 + 0.0031 ⋅ age2 - 0.07476 ⋅ age + 0.0 ⋅ m1 100-200 0.10034 m2 - 0.02558 ⋅ m3 + HP (net 0.04668 ⋅ c1 - 0.02164 ⋅ c2 + flywheel) 0.01716 ⋅ c3 + 0.02785 ⋅ r1 + 0.01804 ⋅ r2 + 0.02694 ⋅ r3 Data Points R2 R2adjusted 3,857 0.747 0.746 4,594 0.806 0.805 Residual Value Grids The residual value grid is comparable to the bird’s eye view of a terrain map that charts the topography of a landscape with its valleys and ridges. The grids innovatively extend traditional histograms to three dimensions and present the number of transactions for each combination of machine age and inflation-corrected residual value. Separate grids are used to present the dataset for each category of equipment type and size. It should be noted that all machine makes, models, and conditions are included for a given machine type and size. Evident from each grid are the most common values at which machines are sold for any age and the variability in selling values. This knowledge allows a manager to quickly estimate the range of values at which a machine may sell and gauge the change in value over time. This is valuable information in determining if and/or when to sell. 5 Sample Application The data for the two types and size classes of heavy construction equipment listed in Table 1, wheel loaders and track dozers, are plotted as residual value grids in Figures 1 and 2. All values are inflation-corrected actual dollars. The resolution of the contour lines has been adjusted to reflect the number of data points in each category and to limit the number of categories to retain the clarity of the diagram and not artificially introduce a higher resolution. Figure 1 shows the 3,857 observations for wheel loaders with bucket size between 2 and 4 cy. The highest peak occurs at about 4 years with sales prices between $60,000 and $70,000. The sales are overall solid throughout the entire range of ages, with a decline between 8 and 10 years and another secondary peak after 11 years of age for about $30,000. It would be interesting to analyze whether the difference between these two groups of machines lies in their manufacturer or condition rating as possible influential factors. Figure 2 shows the 4,594 observations for track dozers between 100 and 200 net flywheel HP. Track dozers exhibit a rather steep initial value loss from approximately $150,000 at 2 years to $50,000 at 6 years and a noticeably lower slope afterwards to between $30,000 and $20,000 at 15 years. Interestingly, track dozers seem not to be sold in significant numbers before they have attained 2 years of age, but are sold solidly until 15 years of age and possibly beyond. The primary peak is found doubly at $80,000 and 3 years and $60,000 and 4 years with between 140 and 160 machines each. Also, the secondary peak is found doubly at $30,000 between 10 and 11 years and at 13 years. For forecasting a particular residual value of a machine of known age, the equipment manager should stay as close as possible to the ridgeline of the residual value grid. For example, a track dozer of 3.5 years of age should be expected to sell on average for approximately $70,000 in an auction. The innovative topographic feature of residual value grids allows the equipment manager at the same time to place high confidence in this estimate, as the residual value grid shows that a large amount of machines have been sold at this value in the past. Price offers in the private market can be gauged against this value. The equipment manager can use this forecasted value as a basis that may be adjusted additionally using professional experience and any available knowledge about the individual strengths and weaknesses of the machine of interest to come up with a very accurate and reliable customized forecast for the residual value. Conclusions Residual value is a central consideration within owning costs of used heavy construction equipment. However, until recent research, it has remained clouded in uncertainty and equipment managers relied on very broad rules of thumb. Statistical models of residual value were developed from large datasets of different types and sizes of construction equipment. Equipment managers are now better able to predict residual value, more accurately determine owning and operating costs, and contribute to the profitability of their companies. To facilitate the practical implementation of the results, residual value grids are innovative and intuitive graphical presentations of the large datasets. The grids aid managers in quickly estimating the range of selling values for a machine. 6 References Caterpillar (2001). Caterpillar Performance Handbook. 32nd Edition, Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria, IL. Cowles, H. A., Elfar, A. A. (1978). “Valuation of Industrial Property: A Proposed Model.” The Engineering Economist 23(3), 141-161. Cross, T. L., Perry, G. M. (1995). “Depreciation Patterns for Agricultural Machinery.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77(1), 194-204. Cross, T. L., Perry, G. M. (1996). “Remaining Value Functions for Farm Equipment.” Applied Engineering in Agriculture 12(5), 547-553. Cubbage, F. W., Burgess, J. A., Stokes, B. J. (1991). “Cross-sectional estimates of logging equipment resale values.” Forest Products Journal 41(10), 16-22. Deere (2002). Deere Performance Handbook: 2002 Edition. Worldwide Construction & Forestry Division, Deere & Company, Moline, IL. Grinyer, P. H. (1973). “The Effects of Technological Change on the Economic Life of Capital Equipment.” IIE Transactions 5(3), 203-213. Koger, J., Dubois, M. R. (1999). “Analyzing harvesting equipment investments using reverse capital budgeting techniques.” Forest Products Journal 49(6), 35-38. Lucko, G. (2003). “A Statistical Analysis and Model of the Residual Value of Different Types of Heavy Construction Equipment.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Lucko, G., Vorster, M. C. 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(1990). “The Effect of Usage and Size on Tractor Depreciation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(2), 317-325. Unterschultz, J., Mumey, G. (1996). “Reducing Investment Risk in Tractors and Combines with Improved Terminal Asset Value Forecasts.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 44(3), 295-309. Vorster, M. C. (2003). “Six Steps to Demystify Depreciation.” Construction Equipment 106(12), 72. Vorster, M. C. (2004a). “How to Estimate Market Value.” Construction Equipment 107(6), 64. Vorster, M. C. (2004b). “How to Find the Sweet Spot.” Construction Equipment 107(7), 50. 7 $120,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 Inflation Corrected Residual Value $110,000 Number of Transactions 120-140 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 20-40 0-20 $20,000 $10,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Age in Calendar Years Figure 1: Wheel Loaders 2-4 cy General Purpose Bucket Size $160,000 $150,000 $140,000 $120,000 $110,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 Inflation Corrected Residual Value $130,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Age in Calendar Years Figure 2: Track Dozers 100-200 hp (Net Flywheel) 8 Number of Transactions 140-160 120-140 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 20-40 0-20