The Basic $5,000 a Month Income Program How can a Child Shield, U.S.A. Affiliate consistently earn a $5,000 monthly income? You must know your company’s services backwards and forwards. You need to demonstrate total enthusiasm on every occasion when you are speaking with parents about their children. Always ‘love’ what you do… You save lives! Be proud and enthusiastic about this. Follow the system… market yourself…use the various printed sales brochures… use the DVD player properly… always ask for referrals… always be positive… keep going and don’t stop! 1- Take the opportunity to make a minimum of 1 complete new sale every day… that’s $800 a week… $3,200 a month just in New Business Personal Production. 2- Take the opportunity to directly sponsor 1 Executive Affiliate a week for the first 4 weeks and enjoy the $400 Bonuses which is $1,600 for the month. 3- As you develop and build your own Child Shield, U.S.A. Agency… once you have just 3 directly sponsored Affiliates in place… doing just 16 sales per month each (48 sales x $30 over-ride)… this results in an additional $1,440 for the month… That’s over $5,000 a month just from these three areas of income! In addition to the above, you still have your 2nd Level PLUS your 3rd Level PLUS your 4th Level Over-rides available to double and triple the above numbers. The KEY to your success is your own CONSISTENCY at doing the right things, the right way! LEARN HOW TO DO IT… THEN DO WHAT YOU LEARNED… THEN TEACH OTHERS TO DO THE SAME THAT YOU ARE NOW DOING! Get started now! Do not Procrastinate in reaching your highest degree of success! Many are now on their way to becoming very successful and happy with our program… Join Us! Joel Christe: Marketing Director P.S. Want over $7,000 per Month Residual!? Sponsor 1 new person (with any package) each week. Teach them how to produce at least 4 sales each month. At 12 months your monthly ongoing residual check will be $7488.00!