Vietnam: Constant Conflict 8th Grade History HMMS Hubbard White Objectives Students will recognize the different spheres of influence after WWII. Important to have knowledge of the time period to understand why governments and countries acted and reacted in the ways that they did. Students will gain an understanding the struggle of the Vietnamese people in their constant battle for independence and freedom from foreign influence. Connecticut state department states “Students will analyze the historical roots and the current complexity of relations among nations in an increasingly interdependent world.” Objectives (cont.) Students will be able to analyze the strategy that was deployed by the American government for winning the war. Using this analysis they can then determine the reason or reasons why such a strategy led to the increase in the number of Vietcong. With these facts in mind Students will be able to formulate their own opinions of how and why the war was fought Students will be able to recognize the major players and events in the Vietnam War and the effect they had on the War’s outcome The students will then be able to assess how each event or player effected the others and the over all outcome of the war Daily Planner: Day 1 - A basic recap of knowledge that should have been absorbed from - previous classes as to the situation fallowing the Geneva Convention in the world Students then write what they know about the Vietnam war and about the time period in general Students trade these paragraphs for cards laying face down - - On the reverse side is the name of either an important event or person in the Vietnam War - Once the students are arranged into their groups there assignment for the week is distributed (See Hand Out) Vietnam Group Project Mr. White 8th grade History Topics: JFK and Robert McNamara (Green), Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people (Blue), General Westmorland commander of the US forces in Vietnam(Black), the battle of Diem Biem Phu (Red), the Tet Offensive (Orange), activists and anti-war protesters (Yellow) Objectives: 1) Create a brief news report that will be given in front of the class on Thursday and Friday. Every member of your group will be required to present at least one aspect of the topic. (Remember the Who, What, Where, When, and Whys) 2) Analyze the significances of the topic in terms of the war and the world if applicable. 3) Construct an informative poster with major points of topic as relevant to the war. 4) Link your topics with all of the other topics on the time line. The color next to your topic is your color marker on the time line. Mark down the dates and a brief explanation of the major events that relate to the topic. -After the presentation any student can ask any of the presenters a question about the overall topic, not just their field of research -Students will be evaluated on there overall effort in the group by the instructor. The class will grade the presentations on how clear the information is presented and how it is related to the overall picture of the War. Day 1: Topics are assigned (class) Day 2: Collaboration on research from night before Day 3: poster construction and script writing (computer lab) Day 4: Presentations and Questions Each Student will be responsible for knowing ALL of the information that the group discusses. Daily Planner: Day 2 Part One: Lecture and discussion about assigned reading from the night before: Readings include excepts from George Herring’s America’ Longest War and Jonathan Neale’s A People’s History of the Vietnam War The discussion will center on how the Students impressions have changed from the day before topics for the lecture are: The rise of communism in Vietnam The life of the average Vietnamese citizen Fighting the French The Beginnings of US involvement Part Two: The students will return to their topic groups to share what there research uncovered During this time the Instructor will go from group to group and suggest that each member of the team be responsible for a key issue or section • However the instructor must emphasis that each member will be held responsible for all of the information that the group Ho Chi Minh Leader of the North Vietnamese Communist Party Here seen speaking to a crowd in Paris just after the “Breakdown of negotiations” Daily Planner: Day 3 First section is a Short recap of major points from yesterdays class Second Section: Guest Speaker Spec. 5 Marine Corpsman Bruce A. Markot Serves as a introduction into today's subject Fighting a Jungle War against an Invisible Enemy US Bombings of Country Side Vietcong’s Gorilla War • Elaborate System of Tunnels used by Vietcong • Civilians fighting along with Vietcong Served in Vietnam with ICorps a Marine Division on the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) WIA wile on patrol and sent to Guam 2nd Tour was with Shore Patrol in the South Short talk on life in the military while in Vietnam Q & A period for students about their topic or any questions about first hand experience in warfare. Air War, 1962 Daily Planner: Day 4 First Section: Conclusion of the War Tet Offensive Robert McNamara Resigns US withdrawal from Vietnam Second Section: Students Presentations - Each presentation will be 10 minuets long - ever member of the group must speak on their topic - Question and Answer period after each Daily Planner: Day 5 Student Presentations (cont.) Students will once again be asked to write a paragraph about what their impressions of Vietnam are now after the Unit. Once all paragraphs are complete a deck of 20* cards - Ace through Ten of all suits *equal to the number of students in the class The cards are shuffled and each student chooses a card - each suit represents a different Team for the TGT (Teams-Games-Tournaments) The Game is…. JFK and McNamara Ho Chi Minh General The Tet Diem Offensive Biem Phu Westmorland Protestors 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh And North Vietnam Agreed in 1954 To Stay Above the _______ for four years until the country could unite an have a free elections. These Elections never happened and the Vietnam War soon followed. What is the 17th Parallel Evaluations Students will be able to evaluate their own work by comparing the first paragraph that they wrote to the one that was written on the last day The instructor will evaluate students effort in their group project and class participation as a daily grade Each Student as well as the instructor will evaluate the student presentations on there clarity, information, and the Time Line The winning team in Jeopardy! will receive extra credit points towards their unit grade All of the different grades will be put together to create a overall unite grade