Accurate Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibrations near Nuclear Power Plants By Syed Javed Arif Department of Electronics Engineering, A.M.U., Aligarh, India 1 CONTENTS • INTRODUCTION • THEORY • REALIZATION • EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. When the vibration system is stationary B. When the system starts vibrating • CONCLUSION • REFERENCES 2 INTRODUCTION • Earthquake causes • Heavy Desetruction to Buildings and Structures • Heavy Economic Losses • Destruction of Nuclear Power Plants with its Cosequences • Heavy losses to Human Lives 3 As an Example Earthquake of • Japan in 2011 Caused Heavy Destruction and Nuclear Tragedy • Haity in 2011 Killed nearly230000 people • Sumatra (Tsunami) in 2004 killed more than 300,000 people in 11 countries 4 Drawbacks of Existing Methods of Measurement are • instruments like seismometers Misses the peaks • Accelerometers, measures only one parameter ie acceleration • fails to record the peak values of acceleration, displacement, speed & rise time 5 Drawbacks Continued • due to poor resolution, it causes problems in the consistent design of nuclear power plants, industrial plants and buildings, resistant to strong earthquakes. 6 In the proposed method • A microprocessor based vibration generation system is developed to generate rocking motion and vibrations. • The vibration system vibrates the rotor of synchro back and forth, which ultimately varies the frequency and voltage in the rotor circuit. • It gives the spectrum of pulses which corresponds to the velocity of seismic vibrations. 7 THEORY • The speed of Rotor of Synchro is given by and 8 3- ph a s e a c s u ppl y REALIZATION Vs(f s ) Synchro S VA VB Vr(f r ) 1K V R(fR ) 311 Stator Rotor 10K To OS ZCD 10K VC Stepper motor (rocking unit) Microprocessor based control of stepper motor Microprocessor based vibration generation and measurement setup 9 REALIZATION CONTD Va1 Va2 0 0 100K 0.1µF 0 0 Amp 1 VA 0 1K Vb2 Vb1 0 10K Vc1 0 0 0 Amp 2 VB 0 F.G 1K 100K Vc2 0.1µF VC 0 1K 0 0 0 Amp 3 0 Single-phase to three-phase voltage conversion system 10 Measured waveforms VA, VB, VC at the output of power amplifiers (CH#1, CH#2 and Ch#3). 11 Measured three phase voltages, VA, VB, VC at stator winding of synchro (CH#1, CH#2 and Ch#3). Vr, fr (CH#4). 12 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS When the vibration system is stationary Measured output of rotor, Vr, fr of synchro, S (Ch#4) and Output of ZCD, VR, fR (Ch#1) at 50 Hz. 13 One Shot ( OS) C Signal VR Q R Q OS A & B G-1 Signal VR Signal Q 50 Hz TWQ+ =10ms Signal Q´ 50 Hz TWQ- =10ms SignalVR TWR+ = 10ms TR 1 Output of G- 1, TWG- = 0 Waveforms of signals, VR, Q, Q´ and output TWG-, when the vibrating system is stationary. 14 Measured output of ZCD, VR (Ch#1), output of OS Q´ (Ch#2), output of gate G-1, TWG- (Ch#3) at 50Hz and output of synchro Vr (Ch#4) when the vibrating system is stationary. 15 When the system starts vibrating Signal Q 50 Hz TWQ+ = 10ms Signal Q' 50 Hz TWQ- =10 ms TWR+ Signal VR TR 1 Output of G -1 Waveforms of signals VR, Q, Q´ and output TWG-, when vibration is started. 16 TABLE 1 RESULTS OF THE VIBRATION MEASUREMENT S.No TWG- (µs) = TWR+ - TWQ- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 153.66 360 455 520 1000 1600 554 400 320 160 Velocity of Vibrations (cm/s) 0 4.29 9.94 12.45 14.15 26.03 39.52 -15.02 -11 -8.86 -4.49 Acceleration (cm/s2) 0 214.5 282.5 125.5 85 594 306 -225 -201 -107 -218.5 17 Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3) in roll mode at 400ms. 18 Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3) in roll mode at 400ms. 19 Measured Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3). 20 Measured Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3 ). 21 Measured Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3 ). 22 Measured Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3 23 Measured Output of ZCD (Ch#1), output of OS (Ch#2) and output of gate G-1 (Ch#3 24 . Experimental setup for the measurement of velocity and acceleration. 25 CONCLUSION • A novel synchro and RMF based seismic vibration measurement technique is proposed • Provides high accuracy and resolution. • proposed method measures the vibrations with a resolution of 20 ms 26 CONCLUSION CONTD • It captures those peaks of vibration which are missed by conventional measurement systems due to their poor resolution. • fast measurement of velocity and acceleration of vibrations from the proposed system will help in the prediction of earthquakes. 27 CONCLUSION CONTD • Also proposed method is very suitable for proper design of earthquake resistant nuclear power plants, buildings and structures. 28 REFERENCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T. Bleier and F. Freund, 2005. “Earthquake alarm,” IEEE Spectr., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 22–27, Dec. 2005. K. Okubo, M. Takayama and N. 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Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorki, U.P., India. 30