Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality USDG – 2nd Quarter Performance Review Presentation for 2012 / 2013 Financial Year 27 February 2013 OVERVIEW The preparation of the second quarter USDG performance report is done in line with the grant framework as stipulated in the Division of Revenue Act for 2012 and section 71 of the Municipal Finance Management Act. The USDG utilizes, as a Framework, the Built Environment Performance Plan(BEPP) that is consistent with the Integrated Development Plan and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM). The report presents both financial and non-financial performance as at 31 December 2012. 2 OVERVIEW The presentation reflects what the City has achieved since the beginning of this financial year. Project pipelining and monitoring has improved through the turn-around interventions. It reflects the City’s USDG progress as at 31 December 2012, measured against the IDP and the SDBIP service delivery targets for the financial year under review. 3 BACKLOGS SERVICE BACKLOG (HOUSEHOLDS) BACKLOGS (BULK) DEFERRED MAINTENANCE WATER 4000 @ 7000 = R28,000,000 R1,3 billion over 20 years R447 million SANITATION 60 000 @ 11 000 = R66,000,000 R2,1 billion over 20 years R550 million R450 million R690 million Provincial, National and District roads R136 million(repaved) R88 million (regravel) R2,6 billion over 20 years R 2,9 billion over 20 years None (informal dwellers linked to housing ELECTRICITY delivery) estimated at R1 billion) ESKOM = 2500 hh Rural internal streets to be defined by current ROADS AND STORMWATER study. Upgrades of gravel roads: R1,2 Billion HOUSING 121 000 4 2011/2012 FINANCIAL BACKGROUND 2011/2012 ALLOCATION R 2011/2012 ADJUSTMENT R 2011/2012 EXPENDITURE R % SPENT 2011/2012 ROLLOVER REQUEST R Water Infrastructure 21 000 000 33 000 000 19,340,019 59% 1,659,981 Waste Water Infrastructure 204 000 000 166 300 000 62,570,502 38% 141,429,498 Roads & Storm Water 67 375 700 81 582 489 40,145,292 49% 27,230,408 Human Settlements 105 270 397 76 049 073 27 308 150 36% 77 962 247 Transport Planning & Operations 15 000 000 13 200 000 4,750,970 36% 10,249,030 Waste Management 10 800 000 4 800 000 2,016,719 42% 8,783,281 TOTAL PER SERVICE 423 446 097 374 931 562 156,131,652 42% 267,314,445 SERVICES The unspent budget allocation of R267m, as approved by NT has been appropriated into 2012/13 adjustment budget 5 BUDGET AMOUNT % ALLOCATION EXPENDITURE 31 DECEMBER 2013 % Human Settlements 110 901 750 22% 16 898 277 15% Roads 139 200 000 28% 31 787 694 23% Waste Water 182 608 250 36% 35 553 238 19% Water 28 000 000 6% 11 586 144 41% Land Acquisition 12 764 000 3% 0 0% Public Transport Facilities 26 000 000 5% 49 940 0% TOTAL 499 474 000 100% 95 875 293 19% SECTOR 6 2012/2013 USDG ALLOCATION 2nd QUARTER EXPENDITURE Expenditure to date (31 December 2012) : • Actual expenditure = 19.20 % Expenditure with Commitments at 31 December 2012 = 58.17 % 7 FINANCIAL OUTPUT PERFORMANCE 8 2nd QUARTER ACHIEVEMENTS OUTPUT 1. Roads Upgrade 2. Housing Programme IMMEDIATE RESULTS INDICATORS PROGRESS 2ND BUDGET SPENT RAND QUARTER ANNUAL TARGETS 2012/2013 Kilometers of roads to be tarred (upgrade gravel to surfaced) 9.32km (6.6km) 14,897,884 20km Kilometers of roads built (gravel upgrade) (re-gravel) 68km (25.5km) 6,375,785 50km Kilometres of roads resurfaced (rehabilitated) 347.53km (4km) 4,098,172 600km Number of households to be upgraded (formalised) living in informal settlements with basic services such as water, sanitation 159 1,448,672 709 Number of in-situ upgraded households informal settlements 159 1,448,672 709 Number of households to relocated from informal settlements 159 1,448,672 709 9 OUTPUT 2. Housing programme 3. Basic water services IMMEDIATE RESULTS INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS 2012/2013 Number of housing units to be built (RDP) 159 1,448,672 709 Number of households to be allocated affordable social housing units 69 Not funded by BCMM 160 Number of new households to be connected to basic water services (Including provision of bulk services) 0 1 908 525 1089 17 57 014 30 329 44 596 1483 160 3 161 205.11 405 Number of new water service points (taps) installed for informal settlement dwellers Number of new households (RDP)provided with water connections 4. Sewerage PROGRESS BUDGET 2ND QUARTER SPENT RAND Number of new sanitation service points (toilet seats ) installed for informal settlement dwellers Number of new households (RDP) provided with sewer connections 10 4 9 188.00 1483 OUTPUT 5. Electricity (DOE Funding) IMMEDIATE RESULTS INDICATORS Number of street lights installed in new settlements Number of new households (RDP) provided with electricity connections PROGRESS BUDGET 2ND QUARTER SPENT RAND ANNUAL TARGETS 2012/2013 254 Forms part of DoE funded electrification projects 375 306 Forms part of DoE funded electrification projects 1000 11 Project Name Project Details Non-Financial Output Areas Non-Financial Progress for the Description Benefiting Current Status 2ND Quarter 2nd Quarter Expenditure HOUSING PROJECTS Mdantsane Zone 18 CC Phase 2 (P1 & P3) Design & provision of Engineering Services Manyano & Construction of Thembelihle Phase 2 Civil Engineering (P1 & P3) Services Second Creek (P1 & P3) Construction of Infrastructure Services for 265 Housing Units in Second Creek Output 3 Output 3 Output 3 Mdantsane zone 18 Mdantsane Bufferstrip – Manyano & Thembelilhe Informal Settlements EIA process is towards being finalized by MidMarch 2013, for construction of internal services. EIA Scoping report has been finalized and submitted to provincial Environmental Authority for approval. Parallel to that tender document has been finalized and ready to be advertised to invite tenders for the construction of internal services. Contractor is on site but Contractor is on site behind schedule, the Metro has considered but behind termination of the schedule, It is contractor and utilize the anticipated that the services of Annual project will be Contractors within the completed by end Metro to avoid January 2013 cumbersome procurement processes Contractor has been Contractor has been Second Creek appointed will appointed and is on site Informal commence by the since the end of January Settlement 2013. end January 2013 0 3 997 407 12 203 975 Project Name Project Details Output Description Non-Financial Areas Progress for the Benefiting 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure HOUSING PROJECTS Block Yard TRA (P3) DVRI Pilot Project (P1 & P3) Design & provision of Engineering Services Provision of 323 Internal for Duncan Village High Density Pilot Housing Project Output 3 Output 3 Duncan Village Duncan Village The contractor has been appointed, the consultant for the project has ceded its functions to the subconsultant however The Metro is in the the metro is trying to process of termination rectify the matter in the poor performing order to process the main Consultant. claims as the consultant is not submitting working drawings for the contractor to commence on site . The verification report has been completed & the contractor is on site and has submitted Contractor is on site costing and a finalizing the programme to outstanding work for complete the the purpose of outstanding work by completing the project the end of 2012/2013 financial year. 0 1 086 493 13 Project Name Cluster 1 : (P1 & P3) (Chris Hani ; Ilinge ; Mahlangu Village ; Sisulu Village ; Winnie Mandela, Daluxolo Village : Francis Mei) Cluster 2 (P1 & P3) : Masibanbane ; Masibilele ; Velwano ; Gwentshe Village ; Mathemba Vuso ; Dacawa) Project Details Professional Team For Planning, Engineering Design and Project Management. Total of 872 Units. Professional Team For Planning, Engineering Design and Project Management Total of 1459 Units Targeted Non-Financial Outputs Areas Progress for the 2ND for Benefiting Quarter 2012/13 Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditur e Output 3 Feasibility study complete, Geotechnical Mdantsane investigation complete, Informal the consultant is busy Settlements with preliminary designs to be completed by end February 2013 Preliminary designs have been completed in the 2nd week of February 2013 currently circulating to internal departments for approval, upon approval tenders will be invited for the construction of internal services and top structures. 338 655 Output 3 Feasibility study and Geotechnical investigation complete. Preliminary design have Mdantsane been complete and Metro currently finalizing Informal submitted to service tender documents Settlements departments for approval. Project to go on tender end February 2013 473 500 14 Project Name Cluster 3 (P1 & P3) : (Fynbos 1 & 2 ; Ndancama) Sunny South (P1 & P3) Project Details Professional Team For Planning, Engineering Design and Project Management. Professional Team For Planning, Engineering Design and Project Management. Total of 540 Units Output Description Non-Financial Non-Financial Areas Progress for the 2nd Quarter Progress for the Benefiting 2ND Quarter Expenditure 2ND Quarter Output 3 Preliminary designs have been completed Feasibility study & in the 2nd week of Geotechnical February 2013 investigation currently circulating to Scenery Park complete, the internal departments Informal consultant is busy for approval, upon settlements with preliminary approval tenders will designs to be invited for the completed by mid construction of internal February services and top structures. 270 396 Output 3 Feasibility study, geotechnical investigation & house plans completed. Tenders for internal Engineering designs services and top Sunny South submitted to BCMM structures have been Rural Housing and approval .The advertised and are Project project enrolment to closing on 15 March NHBRC is 2013 underway. The project is going out on tender mid February 573 680 15 Project Name Project Details Beneficiary Registration P4 : (Dacawa ; Fynbos 1 & 2 ; Ilinge ; Msibambane ; Masibulele ; Mdantsane Beneficiary zone 18 cc ; Ndancama ; Administration Potdam Unit P Stage 2 ; Registration Second Creek ; Sisulu Village ; Sunny South ; Velwano ; Winnie Mandela) EIA RoD : (Amalinda Co-op ; Potsdam Ikhwezi Block 1 Completion of & 2 ; Potsdam North lapsed EIA’s Kanana ; Potsdam Village Rural Phase 1 & 2) Non-Financial Non-Financial Output Areas 2nd Quarter Progress for the Progress for the Description Benefiting Expenditure 2ND Quarter 2ND Quarter Output 3 Output 3 Informal Settlements in Mdantsane ; Scenery Park Verification and Registration has started and is ongoing Registration has commenced and some of the beneficiaries have been approved EIA Renewal to be Provincial completed before Environmental end 12/13 financial Authority has visited Potsdam rural year. these sites for as part areas, Currently busy with of their process to Amalinda the procurement of approval these EIA the EIA consultant, applications and issue to commence with ROD the EIA renewal. 0 600,000 16 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Mdantsane Roads Upgrade of Mdantsane Gravel Roads to Surfaced standards Construction of the Beacon Bay Quenera Main Roads to Gonubie Link Road Output 3 Output 3 Mdantsane Gonubie to Beacon Bay PSP's appointed, undertaking assessment & PSP's appointed, preliminary undertaking design. Annual assessment & contractors to preliminary design. undertake Annual contractors to implementation. undertake implementation Current commitments are at R49m Continuation of Consultant undertaking detailed design. the detailed design of Anticipated the next phases of the budget shortfall project 13 568 216 763 324 17 Project Name Project Details BCMM Roads Upgrade (Duncan Village ; Ducats ; Dimbaza ; Phakamisa Upgrade and ; Scenery Park ; Rehabilitation of Ndileka ; Zabalaza ; roads within Upper Mnqesha ; BCMM West Bank ; Fleet street ; Ginsberg ; Gonubie ; Breidbach) Rural Roads Upgrade : Kwelera ; Nkwezana ; Ncera Village 5 & 6 ; Needs Camp ; Qhuru Regravelling of ; Nxaruni ; Bonke ; existing gravel Rhayi ; Nkqonqweni ; roads Mncotsho ; Balasi ; Mzintshane ; Nongwadle ; Zikhove) Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status Tender for rehabilitation of Fleet PSP appointed, Street is at evaluation tender stage. stage. Work is Various Annual currently underway at settlements / contractors Scenery Park, Ducats areas in BCMM undertaking and Amalinda Forest. rehabilitation Zabalaza, Upper works. Mnqesha and Ndileka complete. Other areas are to commence. 2nd Quarter Expenditure 3 871 298 Work has commenced at Ncera 5 & 6, Rhayi Nxaruni, Kwelera, Nkwezana, Ncera Output 3 Various rural settlements Work to commenced in November 2012. Zikhova, Qhuru, Bonke Delays due to Nongwadle, Balasie inclement weather are complete. 6 375 786 Other areas are to commence 18 Project Name West Bank Restitution Project Details Provision of bulk and internal services Mdantsane Bufferstrip Phase Bufferstrip Sanitation 3 – Chlorination & dam rehabilitation Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Output 3 Non-Financial Areas Progress for Benefiting the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure West Bank The Roads Infrastructure is complete. The Bulk Sanitation Infrastructure, contractor has been appointed end May 2012, the Bulk Water Infrastructure, tender was advertised and all bidders were non responsive, tender readvertised. The Bulk Sanitation Infrastructure, contractor is off-site due to land and local labour issues, the Bulk Water Infrastructure, tender will be readvertised soon (08 March 2013) 4 080 347 Mdantsane Tender documents complete for chlorination system Mdantsane WWTW. Dam Rebabilitation commenced The contract is at Adjudication stage 2 578 022 19 Project Name East London Sewer Diversion Centre Project Details East London Sewer Diversion, Drilling Contract Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Construction of Reeston, sewer pipeline Scenery Park Provision of rural sanitation to Inland Rural Provision of VIP various rural Dimbaza region Sanitation – Dimbaza toilets settements I Dimbaza area Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status Construction is at Construction progress 55% . Laying of is at 70% uPVC pipes . Ablution blocks / toilets under construction stage. Some of the contracts have been awarded, whereas some are in the BID process 2nd Quarter Expenditure 8 481 616 733 413 20 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure Sewers Refurbishment Mdantsane Sewer Refurbishment Nord Avenue Pump Station Output 2 Mdantsane Sewers Refurbishment Construction of Pump Station Output 2 Nord Avenue Pump Station Mdantsane Project closed due Funds transferred to to limited budget Bufferstrip Sanitation 546 468 Nahoon Catchment The contract has been Tender Closed on awarded (09 February 27Nov 2012 and 2013) and the site PMU busy with handover is on the 6th Tender Evaluation. March 2013 63 701 21 Project Name Project Details Upgrading of Quinera Quinera Treatment Wastewater Works Treatment Works: Phase 2 Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Areas Benefiting 714 599 The tender is in the BID BAC appointment process for Civil Works to be finalised. and Mechanical and Electrical Works. 0 Reeston Provision of professional services for a feasibility study for consolidation of sludge management Output 3 BCMM Ablution Blocks Output 2 2nd Quarter Expenditure Quinera Output 3 Provision of Toilets to the Informal Settlements Non-Financial Current Status Mechanical Works The contractor is on and Electrical site and the progress is Works is at 25% at 40% and progress on site. progressing well Construction of Reeston Phase 3 Bulk Reeston Phase 3 Service Sewer WWTW Sludge Handling Facility Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Informal Settlements Project commenced. Tender validity lapsed. Construction in progress for Under construction and provision of 160 toilets have been ablution facilities completed to date in informal settlements. 472 188 3 161 205 22 Project Name Project Details Construction of Bisho KWT & Zwelitsha Bulk Waste water Sewerage Treatment Capacity Regional Scheme Zwelitsha Phase 1. Phase 2 : Civil Works & Mechanical & Electrical works. Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Relocation of Relocation of midblocks water Midblock Water mains mains in - Mdantsane Mdantsane Output 3 Augmentation of Upgrading of Water Treatment Umzonyana Capacity – Water Treatment Umzonyana / Raising Works Upper Weir Output 3 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Bhisho, KWT, Zwelitsha Tender Closed on Contract for Civil Works and contract for 02 Nov 2012 and PMU busy with Mechanical & Electrical Tender Evaluation Works is a BID stage. Reports. Non-Financial Current Status Phase 1 of relocation of mid blocks water mains at NU 9 completed. Phase Under construction and NU 5, NU 4 and 2 of relocation of the project is 70% NU 9 mid blocks and complete water meters in NU9, NU4 and NU5 in progress & 70% complete. The contractor is on site for phase 1 Upgrading of (Upgrading of the filters at All Coastal filters) and the Umzonyana Wards and professional service Water Treatment Mdantsane provider has been works is currently areas underway using appointed for phase 2 (Design and annual contractor. implementation) 2nd Quarter Expenditure 12 400 886 1 710 957 23 5 255 027 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 1. PSP is currently busy with the feasibility study for Kei Road Water Treatment Works. To complete feasibility report for Kei Road Water Treatment Works by 12 May 2013 KWT, Dimbaza, Kei Road Water Bhisho Infrastructure - Treatment Works Water & Conveyance Project Relocation of midblock water mains in Dimbaza Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Output 3 2. Replacement of midblocks KWT, Dimbaza, water mains Bhisho, and relocation Breidbach of water meters in Dimbaza and Phola Park is 70% complete. Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure 1. The expected completion date for feasibility study is May 2013. 2. Project is under construction and at 70% complete 4 621 502 3. KWT water treatment works pump upgrades is 100% complete. 3. KWT water treatment works pump upgrades is 80% complete. 24 Project Name KWT, Dimbaza, Bhisho Infrastructure – Water (……Continued) Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Upgrading of water infrastructure in Inland areas Design of Additional Storage Reservoir for Breidbach Output 3 KWT, Dimbaza, Bhisho, Breidbach Water Loss Investigations in Dimbaza Feasibility Study for upgrading of Bulk Water Bulk Water supply Meters and Newlands and Other Distribution of areas Water in Newlands and Ndevana Output 3 Newlands & Ndevana Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 1. PSP is busy 1. Feasibility study with the and Detailed design feasibility and are planned to be design for completed in June additional 2013 storage reservoir in 2. The project is 20% Breidbach. complete and the expected 2. PSP to completion is conduct water November 2013 loss investigations in Dimbaza is underway Feasibility study for the upgrading of bulk water supply in Ndevana and Newlands is currently underway. Final report to be submitted end of March 2013. Feasibility study is 90% complete 2nd Quarter Expenditure As above 549 244 25 Project Name Amahleke Water Supply Project Details Installation of Water Supply at Mngqesha & Provision of Professional Services & Feasibility study Amahleke Water Supply Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Areas Benefiting Amahleke villages Detailed design for Komishini Bulk Water Supply. Upgrade Water Networks Infrastructure Upgrade and augmentation of water network in various wards within Coastal areas. Output 3 Komishini & coastal settlements Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status Extension of water mains, erection of Water supply to storage reservoirs Umngqesha village is and installation of planned to be standpipes at completed in March Mngqesha village 2013. is 90% complete. 2nd Quarter Expenditure 46 519 The expected Feasibility study completion date for the for the upgrading feasblity study of of Amahleke bulk Amahleke Water water supply Supply is June 2013. system commenced. Designs and plans for the pipe replacement, augmentation and network Feasibility study and extensions have Detailed design are been completed. planned to be Construction has completed in May 2013 started in various streets in the urban Coastal areas. 2 401 661 26 Project Name Project Details Construction of 2.4ML & 80 kl reinforced resevoir,6.12Km of Ductile iron Ward 33 Water supply pipes Scheme Mdantsane Bulk Water Supply to Bufferstrip / Needs Camp Phase 4 Appointment of Contractor for the construction of bulk water and Bulk Water Supply – reservoir to Coastal Areas Sunny South. Phase 1D of Bulk water supply to Coastal Areas Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Output 3 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure Boxwood, Kalkeni, Ezigodweni, Silverdale & Newrest Contractor on site for the construction of phase 4 of bulk water supply to Ward 33 villages, namely Boxwood, Kalkeni, Ezigodweni, Silverdale & Newrest. Construction at 26% 1 908 525 Phases 1A,1B,1C,1E and 1F of bulk water supply to Coastal The project is at BID Coastal Areas villages have stage been completed. The tender for the procurement of contractor. 956 877 27 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Installation of bulk water main to Winterstrand Winterstrand Water supply Development of BCMM Roads Masterplan Provision of Engineering Services & Construction of Bulk Water Supply Development of BCMM Roads Masterplan Output 3 Output 3 Winterstrand BCMM Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status Installation of bulk water main to Winterstrand is The is project is 100% 100% complete. practically complete, Conversion of the the Professional rising main into Service Provider is distribution water busy with the closeout mains will be report and as built completed in drawings. March 2013. The terms of reference are Tender is currently at finalized, the the BID stage project to undergo bid stages 2nd Quarter Expenditure 514 810 0 HUMAN SETTLEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME Human Settlements Support Programme Planning and support programmes towards human settlement development. Output 1 & 3 Various service providers have The programme is been appointed Urban and rural and programme / being implemented and settlements progress made. project implementation has commenced 3 955 871 28 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial nd Quarter ND Non-Financial 2 Progress for the 2 Current Status Expenditure Quarter DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROJECTS Land Acquisition Acquisition of Sleeper Site Land Survey : (Ndancama ; Fynbos 1 & 2 ) Survey of planned settlements Public Transport Facilities Finalise detail designs and construction tender. Multiyear project, expected completion 2015 Civil Engineering Services for the upgrading of public transport facilities in KWT Output 3 East London, CBD Output 3 Ndancama, Fynbos Output 3 KWT Await response from Transnet regard the offer to purchase the Sleeper site. Response awaited be 31 March 2013 Survey commenced but EIA submission to EIA concerns to be DEDEA. Awaiting addressed before their response finalisation. towards RoD. Architecture Delays in appointment of delays resolved Architect - this has been and project resolved commenced. 0 37 932 0 29 Project Name Project Details Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Complete construction of Ndevana bridge and Construction of Ndevana Stream Crossing, Integrated Transport Plan Implementation Complete installation of signals at Wyse Avenue. Complete construction of 2 km of sidewalks & Speedhumps Upgrade Gonubie Main Road & Provision of Consulting Gonubie Main Road Services for Service Lanes to Gonubie Main Road Output 3 Output 3 Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status 2nd Quarter Expenditure Ndevana bridge: EIA in progress, Guidance signage: at tender Ndevana, stage, Nompumelelo/ Traffic signals: Beacon Bay, Tender awarded Amalinda by BAC, Sidewalks: to be implemented through annual contract. Implementation of various project components have commenced. 49 940 Areas Benefiting Gonubie Award construction tender and commence with Project implementation road widening. progressing for road Multiyear project, widening. expected completion early 2015 3 128 722 30 Project Name Project Details Feasibility studies in support for Amalinda Fairlands township Feasibility Study establishment process Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 3 Areas Benefiting Amalinda Non-Financial Progress for the 2ND Quarter Non-Financial Current Status Informal tender closed end December. It is Service Provider anticipated that appointed and appointment will commenced with work. be made in the 2nd half of January 2013. 2nd Quarter Expenditure 0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Planning & Design & Construction of 3rd Design of Central Cell – Waste Transfer Station Management Rehabilitation of Landfill Sites (Mdantsane NU2 ; KWT Tannery) Rehabilitation of Landfill Sites Output 3 Output 3 Roundhill / BCMM Mdantsane & KWT Land identification and acquisition still a challenge. Service provider Land acquisition still a was appointed in challenge. Nov 2011 to undertake The previous service planning and provider is not willing to design of 3rd Cell. release required Construction will information resume after planning and design is finalised. Tender closed on 14 December 2012. Busy processing evaluation report. 0 31 This project is in the final BID process. 3 299 Project Name Targeted Project Details Outputs for 2012/13 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Current Status Financial Commitment This project is in the final BID process. 8 013 826 COMMITMENTS Upgrade of Nord Avenue Pump Station Upgrading of sanitation Upgrade of Gonubie Main Road Roads upgrade Coastal Rural Althile & Hill Village, Sanitation Backlog Ward 33 Eradication Gxethu, Cornfiled and Coastal Rural Gwiligwili Sanitation Backlog (Ward 33) Eradication 452 Units Output 3 Output 3 Output 2 Output 2 Beacon Bay Gonubie and East This project is in the final London BID process. Appointment of Professional Consortium of Civil Engineering / Althile & Hill Village Construction Contractor Health & Safety Agent and social Facilitator to implement the projects. Appointment of Professional Consortium Gxethu, Cornfiled of Civil Engineering / and Gwiligwili Construction Contractor Health & Safety Agent and social Facilitator to implement the projects. 150 581 826 1 722 346 3 506 637 32 Project Name Ncera 2 ext 1, Lilyvale And Kaysers Beach (Ward 31), 408 Units Kuni 2 And Welcomewood (Ward 33), 526 Units Targeted Project Details Outputs for 2012/13 Rural Sanitation Backlog Coastal Rural Sanitation Backlog Eradication Output 2 Output 2 Areas Benefiting Ncera 2 ext 1, Lilyvale And Kaysers Beach Kuni 2 And Welcomewood Non-Financial Current Status Appointment of Professional Consortium of Civil Engineering / Construction Contractor Health & Safety Agent and social Facilitator to implement the projects. Appointment of Professional Consortium of Civil Engineering / Construction Contractor Health & Safety Agent and social Facilitator to implement the projects. Financial Commitment 3 467 560 5 930 493 33 Project Name Project Details Nakani – 212 Units, Zabalaza – 374Units. Coastal Rural Nyanisweni – 292 Sanitation Backlog Units. Eradication Madakeni – 246 Units.New Rest & Pirie Mission – 363 units Majali – 119 Units. Nkqonkqweni – 107 Coastal Rural units. Mdange – 150 Sanitation Backlog Units, Under train – Eradication 180 Units. Tyutyu Ezizeni – 147 Units Targeted Outputs for 2012/13 Output 2 Output 2 Areas Benefiting Non-Financial Current Status Nakani / Appointment of Zabalaza / Professional Consortium Nyanisweni / of Civil Engineering / Madakeni / Construction Contractor New Rest & Pirie Health & Safety Agent Mission and social Facilitator to implement the projects Majali / Nkqonkqweni / Mdange / Under train / Tyutyu Ezizeni Appointment of Professional Consortium of Civil Engineering / Construction Contractor Health & Safety Agent and social Facilitator to implement the projects. Financial Commitment 14 038 857 7 426 873 34 NON FINANCIAL OUTPUT PERFORMANCE 35 STATUS OF TITLE DEEDS Number of Units Transferred Units Units Not Transferred Reeston Phase 1&2 Stage 1B 1000 897 103 Reeston Phase 1&2 Stage 1D 1764 498 1266 Reeston Phase 3 Stage 1 796 198 598 Airport phase 2A 614 0 614 Nompumelelo 1199 62 1137 Postdam unit P Phase 1 500 94 406 Postdam unit P Phase 2 2003 0 2003 Dimbaza Phase 2 1720 1717 3 Project Name 36 STATUS OF TITLE DEEDS Number of Units Transferred Units Units Not Transferred Tyutyu Phase 1 300 283 17 Tyutyu Phase 2 373 357 16 Z Soga 171 0 171 Ilitha South 439 174 265 Amalinda Simanyene 93 73 20 10972 4353 6619 Project Name TOTALS 37 CHALLENGES During the current financial year the Metro has had to grapple with and address the following challenges : The limited capacity of bulk services to meet the demands of new developments (roads, water, sewerage, electricity and storm-water) has been addressed by committing adequate funding over the next three years in order to provide the required capacity for residential and economic growth of the city. Adequate funding for the replacement of ageing infrastructure is required Limited BCMM owned land in close proximity to the city centre; Land invasions and uncontrolled growth of informal settlements on state owned land Under performing service providers have a negative impact on the implementation of projects and expenditure. 38 ACTIONS / SOLUTIONS Support being finalised with HDA to upscale land acquisition for integrated human settlement Systems and processes being established to focus on maintenance and improvement of existing infrastructure Informal settlement upgrading with the support of the NUSP Integrated planning for provision of sustainable human settlement Review & amendment of existing Supply Chain systems and procedures Proper and realistic project pipeline through Project Tracker to improve project monitoring. Panel of pre-qualified contractors and service providers in the SCM system. 39 THANK YOU 40