Ancient India Activities Name:__________________________________________ Directions: Over the course of the next two class periods, we will be exploring various aspects of Indian culture. With your group, you are to complete the 6 various stations. Make sure to keep any of the completed work, as it will be graded. Station #1 Hinduism 101 o o o Read the Handout “Hinduism 101” Fill in the graphic organizer identifying the gods and explaining their importance. Create a list of 5 facts you have learned about Hinduism from the reading: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Station #2 Choosing a Hindu Deity o o o Look through the book The Little Book of Hindu Deities and choose the god or goddess you feel the most inspired by. In your own words what made you choose this god or goddess as your favorite? I chose:_____________________ because_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Draw a picture of your interpretation of the deity on a separate sheet of paper Station # 3 Reviewing important terms and Map of India o o With your partners, try and match the terms with their correct definitions. Work together as a group. When you are finished, check your work with the answer key. Review the map of India have a partner quiz you and then quiz them We matched ____________definitions correctly I identified _____________places on the map correctly Partner Signature:______________________________________ Station #4 Creating Rangoli Rangoli is a folk art from India. Rangoli are decorative designs made on the floors of living rooms and courtyards during Hindu festivals. They are meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities. The ancient symbols have been passed on through the ages, from each generation to the next, thus keeping both the art form and the tradition alive. The patterns are typically created with materials, including colored rice, dry flour, and (colored) sand or even flower petals.The purpose of Rangoli is decoration, and it is thought to bring good luck. o Using the directions shown on the website below, try to create your own Rangoli design. Use the graph paper to help and make sure to include color. Station #5 – The Story of Buddha o o Read, The Story of Buddha with your group Neatly complete the illustrated story of Buddha worksheet Station #6 – The Caste System o o Go to the following website and read about the caste system of ancient India: When you have finished, complete the worksheet – remember to cut out and glue on the pictures representing the various castes. Congratulations on continuing on your path to enlightenment! The following should be attached to your station sheet: Hindu god graphic organizer Drawing of Hindu deity Labeled map of India Rangoli design on graph paper Illustrated story of Buddha sheet Caste System handout Each completed station is worth 5 points each. Total Number of Station Points:_________/30 Station Activity Reflection Directions: After all 6 of the stations are completed, please answer the following questions with complete sentences. 1. The station I enjoyed the most was: (and why) 2. The station I think needed to be change was: (because) 3. Something I learned from participating in the stations was: (explain) 4. I think another idea for a station might be: Station Reflection: Points: _______/5 Final Grade: _______/35