EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES PROTECTING ‘INCOME’ AND CONSERVING WEALTH THROUGH TAX AND TRUST PLANNING. This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for professional financial advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons. 1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION The value of investments may fall as well as rise, and your clients may get back less than they invest. Although there is no fixed term, an investment bond should be considered a medium to long-term investment of at least five years, ideally longer. The details are based on Legal & General’s understanding of tax law and HM Revenue & Customs practice that may change. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of the investor and may be subject to change in the future. EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LEARNING OUTCOMES. From this session we aim for you to be able to: Understand the implications of the High Income Child Benefit Charge and the tax planning strategies available in mitigation. Understand how a marginal income tax rate of 60% can arise and how this may be avoided. Understand how lifetime gifts and the use of an appropriate trust can assist in conserving wealth. Understand the inheritance tax and income tax efficiency of the loan trust and the discounted gift trust when generating ‘income’. 3 4 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. £60,000 Adjusted Net Income Tax charge equal to the total child benefit received if income of either partner in a household is above £60,000. Tax charge of 1% of the total child benefit received for every £100 of income between £50,000 and £60,000. £50,000 No tax charge if income is below £50,000. 5 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. EXAMPLE ONE: Mr SMITH Taxable income £32,000 Adjusted Rental income £6,000 net income Chargeable gain (£3,100 x 6) £18,600 Taxable income £26,000 £56,600 Mrs SMITH Adjusted net income £26,000 6 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. Mr SMITH Adjusted net income £56,600 Four children provides child benefit of £3,146: £20.30 a week (£1055.60 a year) for the first and £13.40 a week (£696.80 a year) for each of the others High Income Child Benefit charge: Mrs SMITH £3,146 x 66% = £2,076 Adjusted net income £26,000 Effective tax rate 31.5% EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. POSSIBLE ACTION TO REDUCE OR AVOID A TAX CHARGE: • Transfer all or part of the rental property to Mrs Smith • Assign all or part of the investment bond to Mrs Smith prior to encashment • Encash the investment bond over two tax years • Make a gross personal pension contribution of £6,600 (£5,280 net) • Make a gross gift aid donation of £6,600 (£5,280 net) 7 8 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. EXAMPLE TWO: Mr JONES Adjusted net income Taxable income £50,000 Annual 20% bonus £10,000 £60,000 Mrs JONES Adjusted net income £Nil Housewife 9 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. Mr JONES Adjusted net income Three children provides child benefit of £2,449.20: £20.30 a week (£1055.60 a year) for the first and £13.40 a week (£696.80 a year) for each of the others £60,000 High Income Child Benefit charge: Mrs JONES £2,449.20 x 100% = £2,449 Adjusted net income £Nil Effective tax rate 24.5% 10 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. POSSIBLE ACTION TO REDUCE OR AVOID A TAX CHARGE: • Make a gross gift aid donation of £10,000 (£8,000 net) • Make a gross personal pension contribution of £10,000 (£8,000 net) • Agree a bonus sacrifice with his employer for a pension contribution • Bonus sacrifice to pension • Employer’s NI saving at 13.8% • Pension contribution £10,000 £1,380 £11,380 11 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CHILD BENEFIT TRAP. HAD NO ACTION BEEN TAKEN: Bonus: £10,000 Less tax and NI (2%) £4,200 Balance £5,800 Less child benefit tax charge £2,449 Final balance £3,351 An effective tax charge of 66.5% 12 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES PERSONAL ALLOWANCE TRAP. Above £118,880. £150,001 + £118,881 - £150,000 45% 40% £100,000 to £118,880. £100,000 - £118,880 60% Personal allowance reduced by £1 for every £2 that income exceeds £100,000 Adjusted net income below £100,000. £0 - £32,010 20% £32,011 - £100,000 40% 13 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES PERSONAL ALLOWANCE TRAP. Mr Brown: • Earnings: • Income from £400,000 investment portfolio: • Gross income: INCOME £92,000 £20,000 £112,000 £112,000 Personal allowance £3,440 at 0% £0 Basic rate tax £32,010 at 20% £6,402 Higher rate tax £76,550 at 40% £30,620 TOTAL TAX PAYABLE £37,022 14 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES PERSONAL ALLOWANCE TRAP. Mr Brown reinvests £250,000 of portfolio into an investment bond: • Earnings • Income from £150,000 investment portfolio: • Gross income: • 5% a year tax deferred withdrawals: INCOME £92,000 £7,500 £99,500 £12,500 £112,000 £99,500 Personal allowance £9,440 at 0% £0 Basic rate tax £32,010 at 20% £6,402 Higher rate tax £58,050 at 40% £23,220 TOTAL TAX PAYABLE £29,622 15 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES CONSERVING WEALTH. Asset rich and cash poor Over IHT threshold but insufficient reserves to gift Requires income Will Trust planning Discounted Gift Trust Asset rich and cash rich Requires capital Loan Trust Gift Trust 16 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LIFETIME GIFTS. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES • Effective use of exemptions • Potential CGT liability on transfer • Remove all growth from estate immediately • Loss of access to capital • Original gift only assessed for IHT on death within seven years • Loss of income • Beneficiaries have immediate use of asset • Loss of control • Simple to effect • In recipient’s estate – e.g. creditors, divorce, IHT etc X X X X USING AN APPROPRIATE TRUST 17 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LIFETIME GIFTS. ABSOLUTE TRUST • Inflexibility: – beneficiaries or their share cannot be changed – beneficial interest passes to their estate on death • Beneficial rights: – automatic right to both income and capital, which is taxable at their marginal rates – can demand their beneficial rights on reaching age 18 – accessible by those who may have a claim against them • Parental settlement provisions DISCRETIONARY TRUST • Flexibility: – trustees are the legal owners of the trust fund – hold on behalf of wide range of potential beneficiaries – control over whom, when and how beneficiaries may benefit • Beneficial rights: – no automatic right to either income or capital, which is taxable at the rate applicable to trusts – protection from those who may have a claim against them 18 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LIFETIME GIFTS. ABSOLUTE TRUST DISCRETIONARY TRUST • Gift is a potentially exempt transfer (PET) • Gift is a chargeable lifetime transfer (CLT) • All growth immediately outside estate for IHT purposes • All growth immediately outside estate for IHT purposes • Gift exempt when made however, becomes chargeable on death within seven years • Gift in excess of available nil rate band is chargeable to IHT at outset • Taper relief may be applied to reduce any IHT payable • Gifts also chargeable to IHT on death within seven years • No need to report to HMRC • Periodic and exit charges may apply • Gifts subject to HMRC reporting requirements EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LOAN TRUST. OBJECTIVES: • Retain full access to original loan capital • Choose to receive regular repayments of loan capital with potential to be free from any immediate liability to personal taxation • Avoid any potential increase in IHT liability • Retain control as trustee 19 20 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LOAN TRUST IN ACTION. No CLT / PET Investor Interest free loan TRUST £ Bond Trustees make withdrawals to repay loan PERIODIC AND EXIT CHARGES MAY APPLY 21 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LOAN TRUST IN ACTION. X Investor Trust TRUST Growth Loan Outstanding loan amount forms part of estate Available for beneficiaries 22 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES LOAN TRUST IN ACTION. ASSUMING 5% A YEAR LOAN REPAYMENT. 120,000 100,000 Growth 80,000 £ 60,000 40,000 20,000 Amount of loan repaid Outstanding Loan 0 0 Years 5 Years 10 Years NB. The figures provided are for illustrative purposes only 15 Years 20 Years EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES DISCOUNTED GIFT TRUST. OBJECTIVES: • A pre-determined regular payment for life • Immediate potential IHT saving • Avoid any potential increase in IHT liability • Retain control as a trustee 23 24 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES DISCOUNTED GIFT TRUST IN ACTION. Discounted PET or CLT Retained Rights (depends on type Investor of trust used) £ TRUST TRUST AND AND BOND BOND Settlor/Donor’s Settlor/Donor’s Beneficiaries’ Beneficiaries’ Fund Fund FundFund Regular payments for life (or until fund exhausted) PERIODIC AND EXIT CHARGES MAY APPLY IF CLT 25 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES DISCOUNTED GIFT TRUST IN ACTION. ≥ Seven years X Investor All outside of the estate £ TRUST AND BOND Settlor/Donor’s Beneficiaries’ Fund Fund Growth NO IHT ALL AVAILABLE FOR BENEFICIARIES 26 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES DISCOUNTED GIFT TRUST IN ACTION. < Seven years X Chargeable for IHT Investor TRUST AND BOND Settlor/Donor’s Beneficiaries’ Fund Fund Growth NO IHT DUE AS A RESULT OF SETTLOR’S DEATH. AVAILABLE FOR BENEFICIARIES EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES SUMMARY. How tax planning strategies may be employed to mitigate the High Income Child Benefit Charge How investment bonds may be used to avoid the possible erosion of the personal income tax allowance How the use of an appropriate trust and lifetime gifts can assist in conserving wealth How the loan trust and the discounted gift trust can generate income tax and inheritance tax efficient ‘income’ 27 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES THANK YOU - ANY QUESTIONS? 28 EFFECTIVE INCOME STRATEGIES Legal & General Assurance Society Limited Registered in England and Wales No. 166055 Registered office: One Coleman Street, London EC2R 5AA Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers. Q0042089 10/13 H0143302 29