REGULAR SESSION FIRST DAY Wednesday, December 4, 2013 The Board Chair called the Board to order, the roll was called and the following Representatives were found to be present: Frazier, Powers, Clark, Murphy, Koren, Lindberg, Rosenthal, Kosmer, McCarty, Schwerd, Koutnik, Rothenberger, Rowinski, Stuligross. Under Privilege of the Floor, Ed Dawyot of Welcome, Town of New Lisbon, commended Sheriff Devlin and County Clerk Kathy Sinnott Gardner for their protection of the County Seal by requesting that it not be used by NYS relating to the pistol recertification process. Mr. Dawyot further stated that with regards to MOSA he sees three options for the County, which are, putting in a landfill of 500-1,000 acres; building a resource recovery facility; or having a commercial company handle the waste or provide expertise. Larry Lamb of Cherry Valley, Town of Roseboom, requested the Board members to vote yes on Resolution 404 and move forward with the telecommunications project. He further asked for a yes vote on Resolution 416 to protect the County Seal from being used by others. Representative Catherine Rothenberger stated that this would be her last full County Board Meeting and that it has been a privilege to serve. She thanked Board members and department heads saying that with their help she has grown to be a better person. Representative Rothenberger presented her ABC’s of Life plaque for the Board Chambers. The minutes of November 6, 2013 were approved. The following communications were read and ordered filed: Montgomery-Otsego-Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority – October 2013 Monthly Financial Information. The following reports are on file with the Clerk of the Board: Department of Social Services Fiscal Report 2012 Montgomery-Otsego-Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority – Monthly Operations Report for October 2013 daily records of Solid Waste Deliveries and itemized Statement of October 2013 Revenues. The reports of the Standing Committees were given and ordered filed. Representative McCarty requested an executive session at 10:46 a.m. to discuss litigation relating to the Route 11C bridge. Representative Koutnik moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Motion carried. The Board reconvened at 10:57 a.m. Representative Lindberg moved to dispense with the reading of all reports and resolutions. Seconded, Koutnik. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Motion carried. TOWN AND COUNTY TAX BASE FOR 2014 TAX ROLL (revised) The Administration Committee submits the following table of figures from the 2013 assessment rolls of the several towns and city assessed valuations in the county: City and Town Oneonta City Full Assessed Value County Exemptions City/Town Exemptions County Tax Base City/Town Tax Base 321,488,876 6,198,046 6,198,046 315,290,830 315,290,830 Burlington 45,998,178 3,167,650 1,998,531 42,830,528 43,999,647 Butternuts 144,080,172 6,303,043 5,710,445 137,777,129 138,369,727 Cherry Valley 112,199,978 9,846,103 8,159,490 102,353,875 104,040,488 Decatur 18,589,281 1,904,954 776,502 16,684,327 17,812,779 Edmeston 63,694,702 1,346,721 739,538 62,347,981 62,955,164 Exeter 37,542,737 1,605,829 1,047,291 35,936,908 36,495,446 Hartwick 253,420,211 8,685,177 3,891,702 244,735,034 249,528,509 Laurens 146,078,312 5,336,301 4,734,274 140,742,011 141,344,038 Maryland 151,228,980 19,700,052 18,215,992 131,528,928 133,012,988 Middlefield 191,076,257 4,270,295 3,028,987 186,805,962 188,047,270 Milford 125,353,460 4,328,388 1,416,500 121,025,072 123,936,960 Morris 61,922,482 1,683,556 1,260,932 60,238,926 60,661,550 New Lisbon 108,604,237 9,909,108 7,455,560 98,695,129 101,148,677 Oneonta 507,711,030 22,714,840 22,688,515 484,996,190 485,022,515 Otego 205,437,244 7,724,898 7,711,598 197,712,346 197,725,646 Otsego 825,567,134 13,416,883 10,751,726 812,150,251 814,815,408 Pittsfield 44,327,069 1,199,222 936,493 43,127,847 43,390,576 Plainfield 63,757,439 5,190,608 2,945,068 58,566,831 60,812,371 Richfield 157,855,429 7,002,797 5,885,304 150,852,632 151,970,125 Roseboom 30,696,631 2,656,092 835,426 28,040,539 29,861,205 Springfield 187,437,801 7,170,833 6,572,814 180,266,968 180,864,987 Unadilla 131,788,173 4,079,266 3,983,311 127,708,907 127,804,862 Westford 73,713,621 3,412,924 2,455,900 70,300,697 71,257,721 Worcester 86,591,112 4,939,361 4,992,274 81,651,751 81,598,838 4,096,160,546 163,792,947 134,392,219 3,932,367,599 3,961,768,327 Totals: The Administration Committee recommends that the foregoing amounts from the 2013 assessment rolls be used as a basis for taxation and therefore offers the following resolution: Resolved, that the foregoing table of figures as reported be used as a basis for taxation for Otsego County and that levy be made thereon from the report on Town and County Tax Base for the several tax districts within the county for the 2014 tax rolls. TRUE VALUE FOR 2014 TAX ROLL (revised) The Administration Committee, in accordance with percentages heretofore adopted by this Board on the 4th day of December 2013, has determined the actual valuation of each tax district of real property in this county. The following table shows the assessed value of real property and the aggregate valuation of the several tax districts, excluding wholly exempt property, upon which the 2014 taxes will be apportioned between the said tax districts. City and Towns City of Oneonta Town of Burlington Town of Butternuts Town of Cherry Valley Town of Decatur Town of Edmeston Town of Exeter Town of Hartwick Town of Laurens Town of Maryland Town of Middlefield Town of Milford Town of Morris Town of New Lisbon Town of Oneonta Town of Otego Town of Otsego Town of Pittsfield Town of Plainfield Town of Richfield Town of Roseboom *Full Assessed Value Before Exemptions 321,488,876 45,998,178 144,080,172 112,199,978 18,589,281 63,694,702 37,542,737 253,420,211 146,078,312 151,228,980 191,076,257 125,353,460 61,922,482 108,604,237 507,711,030 205,437,244 825,567,134 44,327,069 63,757,439 157,855,429 30,696,631 *Taxable Assessed Value for County Purposes 315,290,830 42,830,528 137,777,129 102,353,875 16,684,327 62,347,981 35,936,908 244,735,034 140,742,011 131,528,928 186,805,962 121,025,072 60,238,926 98,695,129 484,996,190 197,712,346 812,150,251 43,127,847 58,566,831 150,852,632 28,040,539 County Equalization Rates 73.00 53.00 110.08 106.47 50.00 58.00 58.00 100.00 100.00 110.43 74.00 54.00 58.00 107.08 100.00 117.64 110.83 58.00 122.09 97.56 50.00 *True Value for Apportionment 440,395,721 86,789,015 130,886,784 105,381,777 37,178,562 109,818,452 64,728,857 253,420,211 146,078,312 136,945,558 258,211,158 232,136,037 106,762,900 101,423,456 507,711,030 174,632,135 744,895,005 76,425,981 52,221,672 161,803,433 61,393,262 Town of Springfield Town of Unadilla Town of Westford Town of Worcester Totals: 187,437,801 131,788,173 73,713,621 86,591,112 180,266,968 127,708,907 70,300,697 81,651,751 4,096,160,546 3,932,367,599 100.00 64.70 100.00 61.00 187,437,801 203,691,148 73,713,621 141,952,643 4,596,034,531 County Equalization Rate: 89.1237983 *Full Assessed Values, Taxable Assessed Values and True Values exclude all wholly exempt property values. The Administration Committee submits the following resolution and moves its adoption: Resolved, that the Report on True Value be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of real property for the several tax districts of the county be determined as set forth in the foregoing table as the basis for the apportionment of the taxes of the several tax districts in said county to be levied for 2014. SPECIAL VALUATIONS FOR 2014 TAX ROLL (revised) The Administration Committee submits the following table of figures compiled from the 2013 assessment rolls of the several towns and city as the assessed valuation of the tax districts within the several towns and city: Districts Taxable Assessed Value City of Oneonta Library Town of Burlington Special Highway Levy 43,999,647 Brlngtn-Edmstn Fire Prot 45,799,478 Town of Butternuts Burlington Flats Light 2,278,630 West Burlington Light 1,819,790 Special Highway Levy 116,399,658 General Part Town Levy 116,399,658 Mt. Upton Fire Prot. S. New Berlin Fire Prot. Butternuts Fire Prot. South New Berlin Light S. New Berlin Water Dist. Town of Cherry Valley 321,488,876 5,728,700 11,318,606 104,227,488 1,427,163 901,000 Special Highway Levy 73,057,836 General Part Town Levy 73,057,836 Cherry Valley Fire District 112,102,278 Cherry Valley Garbage 80,417,759 Town of Decatur Special Highway Levy 17,812,779 Worcester Fire Dist. 10,248,864 East Worcester Fire Dist. Town of Edmeston Special Highway Levy 62,955,164 Edmeston Fire Dist. 1 56,248,500 West Edmeston Fire Dist. Edmeston Light Town of Exeter Town of Hartwick Town of Laurens Town of Middlefield South Edmeston Light 1,679,282 Edmeston Water Dist. 19,823,340 Special Highway Levy 36,495,446 Schuyler Lake Fire Dist. 37,373,737 Schuyler Lake Light 4,685,019 West Exeter Light 1,361,465 Special Highway Levy 249,528,509 Hartwick Fire Dist. 253,409,661 Hartwick Light Dist. 22,634,960 Hartwick Water Dist. 25,124,418 Special Highway Levy 133,252,152 General Part Town Levy 133,252,152 Laurens Fire District 145,686,862 8,754,908 Special Highway Levy 133,012,988 Maryland Fire Dist. 141,820,143 Maryland Light 1 6,747,294 Maryland Light 2 21,173,918 Maryland Water 2 22,887,118 Special Highway Levy 167,673,356 General Part Town Levy 167,673,356 Middlefield Fire Prot. 169,588,734 Middlefield Light 977,600 3,773,966 Special Highway Levy 112,873,078 General Part Town Levy 112,873,078 Milford Fire Protection 114,221,442 Portlandville Light 1,715,200 Colliersville Light 1,732,780 E. Portlandville Light Town of Morris 19,213,472 1,865,452 Hyde Bay Dev. Fire Prot. Town of Milford 7,446,202 West Edmeston Light Mt. Vision Light Town of Maryland 8,340,417 Special Highway Levy 568,700 44,856,507 Town of New Lisbon General Part Town Levy 44,856,507 Morris Fire Dist. 53,317,412 Butternut-Maple Gr. Prot. 2,804,400 S. New Berlin Fire Dist. 5,780,400 South New Berlin Light 816,300 S. New Berlin Water Dist. 834,800 Special Highway Levy 101,148,677 Garrattsville Fire Prot. 108,604,237 Garrattsville Light Town of Oneonta Town of Otego Town of Otsego Special Highway Levy 485,022,515 West Oneonta Fire Dist. 80,338,545 Oneonta Fire 427,270,185 Oneonta Plains Light 138,128,144 East End Light 24,380,251 West Oneonta Light 39,282,020 Cemetery Hill Light 4,503,400 Pony Farm Ind. Park Light 4,308,200 Special Highway Levy 139,316,350 General Part Town Levy 139,316,350 Otego Fire District 205,390,861 Wells Bridge Light 2,758,770 Special Highway Levy 492,819,980 General Part Town Levy 492,819,980 Fly Creek Fire District 213,118,852 Schuyler Lake Fire Dist. Otsego Fire Protection Town of Pittsfield Town of Plainfield Town of Richfield 49,312,566 239,611,424 Fly Creek Light 20,948,279 Special Highway Levy 43,390,576 Pittsfield Fire District 44,315,369 Special Highway Levy 60,812,371 Leonardsville Fire Dist. 13,818,270 Unadilla Forks Fire Prot. 49,805,899 Unadilla Forks Light 6,100,511 Leonardsville Light 1,731,599 Special Highway Levy 102,341,070 General Part Town Levy 102,341,070 Richfield Fire Protection 106,006,194 Monticello Light Town of Roseboom 4,689,915 Special Highway Levy 1,885,818 29,861,205 Roseboom Fire Protection Town of Springfield Town of Unadilla Special Highway Levy 180,864,987 Springfield Fire District 187,322,639 Springfield Center Light 7,312,620 East Springfield Light 4,127,900 Special Highway Levy 97,437,758 General Part Town Levy 97,437,758 Wells Bridge Fire Dist. 19,469,139 Unadilla Fire Prot. 1 48,643,151 Riverside Fire Prot. 25,255,978 Mt. Upton Fire Prot. 7,083,456 Riverside Light 2,643,960 Wells Bridge Light 2,486,393 Rockdale Light Town of Westford 448,180 Special Highway Levy 71,257,721 Westford Fire Dist. 73,713,621 Westford Light Town of Worcester 30,681,331 3,673,000 Special Highway Levy 81,598,838 Worcester Fire Dist. 62,070,805 East Worcester Fire Dist. 24,520,307 Worcester Light 23,188,359 East Worcester Light 7,316,523 The Administration Committee recommends that this report be made a part of the record of this Board for tax purposes in the tax districts of the county affected by these figures, and therefore, offers the following resolution: Resolved, that the Report on Special Valuations be accepted and adopted and that the figures and computations in the foregoing table be used as a basis for the taxation in the several tax districts. PETITION - LAURENS SUPERVISOR - CONSOLIDATED HEALTH DISTRICT To the Board of Representatives of Otsego County: I, the undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Laurens, do respectfully petition that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property of the said Town of Laurens the sum of $800.00 for the following purposes: For the purpose of defraying the expenses for 2014 of the Laurens Consolidated Health District, which district includes the incorporated Village of Laurens, all in accordance with the Budget for 2014 adopted by the Laurens Consolidated Health District Board and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives of Otsego County. When the sum of $800.00 has been collected, the same shall be paid to the Otsego County Treasurer and by him paid to the President of said Consolidated Health District or his successor in office. Dated: November 15, 2013 OSCAR OBERKIRCHER, Supervisor Town of Laurens, New York ______________________________________________________________________________ PETITION - MORRIS SUPERVISOR - CONSOLIDATED HEALTH DISTRICT To the Board of Representatives of Otsego County: I, the undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Morris, do respectfully petition that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property of the said Town of Morris the sum of $0.00 for the following purposes: For the purpose of defraying the expenses for 2014 of the Morris Consolidated Health District, which district includes the incorporated Village of Morris, all in accordance with the Budget for 2014 adopted by the Morris Consolidated Health District Board and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Representatives of Otsego County. When the sum of $0.00 has been collected, the same shall be paid to the Otsego County Treasurer and by him paid to the President of said Consolidated Health District or his successor in office. Dated: November 13, 2013 PETER MCCANN, Supervisor Town of Morris, New York TAX ROLL EXPENSE FOR 2014 TAX ROLL Towns Oneonta City Burlington Butternuts Cherry Valley Number of Parcels 3,595 936 1,561 1,109 Expense to Town $14,739.50 3,837.60 6,400.10 4,546.90 Decatur Edmeston Exeter Hartwick Laurens Maryland Middlefield Milford Morris New Lisbon Oneonta Otego Otsego Pittsfield Plainfield Richfield Roseboom Springfield Unadilla Westford Worcester Totals: Rate per Account: 456 1,444 918 1,568 1,558 1,708 1,819 2,285 1,238 1,073 2,606 1,862 2,867 1,066 747 1,768 843 1,254 2,687 941 1,710 1,869.60 5,920.40 3,763.80 6,428.80 6,387.80 7,002.80 7,457.90 9,368.50 5,075.80 4,399.30 10,684.60 7,634.20 11,754.70 4,370.60 3,062.70 7,248.80 3,456.30 5,141.40 11,016.70 3,858.10 7,011.00 39,619 $162,437.90 $4.10 TOTAL 2013 ELECTION EXPENSE FOR 2014 TAX ROLL The Administration Committee reports that in accordance with Section 233-a of County Law and Section 93 of the Election Law the following expenditures be charged against the various tax districts, as follows: Total No. of Tax District # Insp. for First Second Third class. Each Election Election Election Expense Expense Expense General Inspector Total Election Class Custodian Election Expense Expense Expense Expense (including machine maint) Machines $25.00 Oneonta City 3 22 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,179.36 550.00 185.73 13,357.09 Burlington 1 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,575.86 175.00 61.91 2,556.77 Butternuts 1 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,761.64 200.00 61.91 3,661.55 Cherry Valley 1 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,654.58 200.00 61.91 2,660.49 Decatur 1 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,452.02 75.00 61.91 2,432.93 Edmeston 1 6 604.55 0.00 0.00 1,637.78 150.00 144.56 3,280.89 Exeter 1 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.94 75.00 61.91 2,506.85 Hartwick 1 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,826.44 300.00 61.91 3,776.35 Laurens 1 9 953.42 0.00 0.00 2,830.28 225.00 144.56 4,791.26 Maryland 1 15 975.98 0.00 0.00 2,751.56 375.00 144.56 4,885.10 Middlefield 1 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,819.72 150.00 61.91 3,569.63 Milford 1 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,099.72 200.00 61.91 3,899.63 Morris 1 6 602.63 0.00 0.00 1,703.54 150.00 144.56 3,344.73 New Lisbon 1 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,600.82 175.00 61.91 2,631.73 Oneonta 2 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,128.88 475.00 123.82 7,803.70 Otego 1 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,919.56 225.00 61.91 3,744.47 Otsego 2 13 1,797.81 0.00 0.00 4,770.62 325.00 289.12 8,264.55 Pittsfield 1 6 581.03 0.00 0.00 1,573.94 150.00 144.56 3,243.53 Plainfield 1 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,529.78 125.00 61.91 2,560.69 Richfield 1 7 1,079.18 0.00 0.00 3,035.40 175.00 144.56 5,022.14 Roseboom 1 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,531.22 100.00 61.91 2,487.13 Springfield 1 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,644.98 175.00 61.91 2,625.89 Unadilla 1 15 1,549.81 0.00 0.00 4,578.14 375.00 144.56 6,979.51 Westford 1 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,517.30 125.00 61.91 2,548.21 Worcester 1 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,988.86 350.00 61.91 4,822.77 Totals: 29 224 $8,144.41 $0.00 $0.00 $72,637.94 $5,600.00 $2,539.24 $107,457.59 SOLID WASTE EXPENSE FOR 2014 TAX ROLL Rate per Unit: $28.00 TOTAL TAX DISTRICT Oneonta City NUMBER TOTAL NO. OF OF UNITS AMOUNT PARCELS 7,239.29 $202,700.12 3,063.00 Burlington 570.62 $15,977.36 533.00 Butternuts 996.72 $27,908.16 894.00 Cherry Valley 742.19 $20,781.32 605.00 Decatur 215.50 $6,034.00 207.00 1,123.28 $31,451.84 800.00 535.14 $14,983.92 506.00 Hartwick 1,967.91 $55,101.48 1,018.00 Laurens 1,274.22 $35,678.16 963.00 Maryland 1,091.86 $30,572.08 937.00 Middlefield 1,229.18 $34,417.04 1,047.00 Milford 1,880.47 $52,653.16 1,427.00 Morris 965.24 $27,026.72 773.00 New Lisbon 591.88 $16,572.64 557.00 Oneonta 5,041.84 $141,171.52 1,842.00 Otego 1,544.21 $43,237.88 1,179.00 Otsego 4,139.17 $115,896.76 2,007.00 Pittsfield 645.90 $18,085.20 612.00 Plainfield 441.86 $12,372.08 419.00 Richfield 1,706.35 $47,777.80 1,166.00 Roseboom 448.70 $12,563.60 424.00 Springfield 848.67 $23,762.76 707.00 Unadilla 2,337.52 $65,450.56 1,766.00 Westford 499.00 $13,972.00 482.00 Worcester 1,346.36 $37,698.08 1,112.00 39,423.08 $1,103,846.24 25,046.00 Edmeston Exeter Totals: Representative Lindberg moved to adopt all the foregoing reports as presented. Seconded, Koutnik. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. Board Chair Clark asked if any representative wished to remove a resolution(s) from the consent agenda so it can be acted upon separately. Board Chair Clark removed Resolution Nos. 385, 386, 387, 412, 413, 414, 415. Representative Powers removed Resolution No. 404. Representative McCarty removed Resolution No. 399. Representative Stuligross removed Resolution No. 416. RESOLUTION NO. 385-20131204 (original) RESOLUTION - APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE TENTATIVE OTSEGO COUNTY BUDGET FOR 2014 ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 354 of the County Law, on November 15, 2013, the Budget Officer filed with this Board a tentative budget for 2014, together with the budget message and exemption report; and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has reviewed the 2014 Tentative Otsego County Budget for possible changes, alterations and revisions; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 358 of the County Law, this Board does hereby approve the following changes, alterations and revisions for the 2014 Tentative Otsego County Budget: Account Code Department Budget Officer Tentative Budget County Board Adjustment 2014 Revised Tentative Budget APPROPRIATIONS A – GENERAL FUND 1625-2000-A Building Services 8730-4680-A Soil and Water Conservation $7,600 -$7,500 $100 $0 $7,500 $7,500 and be it further RESOLVED, as required by Section 358(2) of County Law, that if this Board shall have made any change in the tentative budget, provision shall be made that the total estimated revenues together with the amount of taxes to be levied shall equal the total estimated expenditures. Seconded, Entire Board. Representative Stuligross moved to amend Resolution No. 385-20131204 to include an increase in salaries for specified managerial and confidential employees to provide $100 for part-time and $200 for full-time managerial and confidential employees who have been in their position more than twelve months, and also 1% for every 12 months that they have been in their current position since January 2009, not to exceed 5%. Seconded, Rowinski, Koutnik. Roll call vote on motion to amend. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 3,211 – Powers, Murphy, Rosenthal, Kosmer, Koutnik, Rothenberger, Rowinski, Stuligross; Noes: 3,016 – Frazier, Clark, Koren, Lindberg, McCarty, Schwerd. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 385-20131204 (amended) RESOLUTION - APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE TENTATIVE OTSEGO COUNTY BUDGET FOR 2014 ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 354 of the County Law, on November 15, 2013, the Budget Officer filed with this Board a tentative budget for 2014, together with the budget message and exemption report; and WHEREAS, the Board of Representatives has reviewed the 2014 Tentative Otsego County Budget for possible changes, alterations and revisions; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 358 of the County Law, this Board does hereby approve the following changes, alterations and revisions for the 2014 Tentative Otsego County Budget: Account Code Department Budget Officer Tentative Budget County Board Adjustment 2014 Revised Tentative Budget $7,600 $0 -$7,500 $7,500 $100 $7,500 6,892,661.00 460,310.00 33,236.00 265,598.00 123,578.00 126,725.00 429,500.00 64,476.00 83,400.00 277,574.00 760,859.00 332,197.00 -159,792.78 10,792.00 1,889.08 13,815.00 2,705.50 1,658.33 4,879.15 735.42 1,843.17 4,746.60 2,625.00 3,200.00 6,732,868.22 471,102.00 35,125.08 279,413.00 126,283.50 128,383.33 434,379.15 65,211.42 85,243.17 282,320.60 763,484.00 335,397.00 APPROPRIATIONS A – GENERAL FUND 1625-2000-A Building Services 8730-4680-A Soil and Water Conservation 9060-8000-A 1165-1000-A 1166-1000-A 1170-1000-A 1320-1000-A 1355-1000-A 1410-1000-A 1420-1000-A 1430-1000-A 1450-1000-A 1625-1000-A 1680-1000-A Health Insurance District Attorney Dist Attrny Aid to Pros Public Defender Clerk of the Board Real Property Tax County Clerk County Attorney Personnel Board of Elections Building Services Information Technology 3110-1000-A 3140-1000-A 3620-1000-A 3641-1000-A 3700-1000-A 4010-1000-A 4040-1000-A 4250-1000-A 4310-1000-A 4311-1000-A 4315-1000-A 6010-1000-A 6425-1000-A 6510-1000-A 6772-1000-A 7310-1000-A 8020-1000-A 9010-8000-A 9030-8000-A 9501-9000-A 9502-9000-A Sheriff Probation Code Enforcement Emergency Services Child Advocacy Center Department of Health PH Preparedness Addiction Recovery Services Mental Health RIV Monitoring & Evaluation Intensive Case Management Dept of Social Services Economic Development Veterans Office for the Aging Youth Bureau Planning Retirement Social Security Interfund Transfer to County Road Interfund Transfer to Enterprise 5010-1000-D 9010-8000-D 9030-8000-D Highway & Maintenance Retirement Social Security 6020-1000-E 9010-8000-E 9030-8000-E Otsego Manor Retirement Social Security 984,989.00 450,615.00 188,693.00 176,741.00 40,000.00 740,680.00 41,008.00 403,450.00 721,214.00 34,225.00 54,292.00 4,414,384.00 81,725.00 57,905.00 501,667.00 12,146.00 122,393.00 2,901,057.00 1,196,398.00 6,407,702.00 3,255,310.00 5,685.30 1,614.58 2,098.08 3,599.55 2,200.00 8,233.85 136.69 2,409.42 7,078.84 1,900.00 2,879.60 17,962.19 1,850.00 582.08 3,580.21 292.31 1,208.33 21,318.06 8,583.32 6,726.51 10,964.61 990,674.30 452,229.58 190,791.08 180,340.55 42,200.00 748,913.85 41,144.69 405,859.42 728,292.84 36,125.00 57,171.60 4,432,346.19 83,575.00 58,487.08 505,247.21 12,438.31 123,601.33 2,922,375.06 1,204,981.32 6,414,428.51 3,266,274.61 149,519.00 376,733.00 154,906.00 5,311.10 1,009.11 406.30 154,830.10 377,742.11 155,312.30 8,940,664.00 1,708,323.00 700,814.00 8,657.41 1,644.91 662.29 8,949,321.41 1,709,967.91 701,476.29 -6,407,702.00 -3,255,310.00 -6,726.51 -10,964.61 -6,414,428.51 -3,266,274.61 REVENUES 0000-2810-D 0000-2810-E Transfer from General Transfer from General and be it further RESOLVED, as required by Section 358(2) of County Law, that if this Board shall have made any change in the tentative budget, provision shall be made that the total estimated revenues together with the amount of taxes to be levied shall equal the total estimated expenditures. Roll call vote on Resolution No. 385-20131204 as amended. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 3,211 – Powers, Murphy, Rosenthal, Kosmer, Koutnik, Rothenberger, Rowinski, Stuligross; Noes: 3,016 – Frazier, Clark, Koren, Lindberg, McCarty, Schwerd. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 386-20131204 RESOLUTION - ADOPTING OTSEGO COUNTY BUDGET FOR 2014 MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 354 of the County Law, on November 15, 2013, the Budget Officer filed with this Board a tentative budget for 2014, together with the budget message and exemption report; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the tentative budget was held on November 25, 2013 pursuant to Section 359 of the County Law; and WHEREAS, this Board, on December 4, 2013 examined the tentative budget as filed and made certain changes, alterations and revisions; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law, the budget for the year 2014, as changed, altered and revised, shall be as follows: INSERT 2014 OTSEGO COUNTY BUDGET HERE and be it further RESOLVED, that the final budget as set forth above be and hereby is adopted as the 2014 Otsego County Budget. Seconded, Lindberg. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 3,650 – Frazier, Powers, Murphy, Rosenthal, Kosmer, Koutnik, Rothenberger, Rowinski, Stuligross; Noes: 2,577 – Clark, Koren, Lindberg, McCarty, Schwerd. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 387-20131204 RESOLUTION - MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF OTSEGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014 MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, this Board, by Resolution No. 386 of 2013, has adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2014, pursuant to Section 360 of the County Law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the several amounts specified in such budget under the column entitled "adopted" be and they hereby are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 2014. Seconded, Rosenthal. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 4,831 – Frazier, Powers, Clark, Murphy, Koren, Rosenthal, Kosmer, Koutnik, Rothenberger, Rowinski, Stuligross; Noes: 1,396 – Lindberg, McCarty, Schwerd. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 399-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING CHAIR TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH PRESTIGE SERVICES, INC. FOR OPERATION OF THE NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY LINDBERG, SCHWERD, KOUTNIK, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, the County of Otsego, pursuant to Resolution No. 215 of 1979, accepted sponsorship of a nutrition program for the elderly and authorized the Chairman to enter into a contract for the operation of said program; and WHEREAS, as a result of the Request for Proposals being issued by the County, Prestige Services, Inc. has been selected to operate Otsego County’s Nutrition Program for the Elderly for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2017; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Chair of this Board be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with Prestige Services, Inc., 4 Enterprise Avenue, Clifton Park, New York 12065, for the continued operation of the subject program for the period beginning January 1, 2014 and terminating December 31, 2017; and be it further RESOLVED, that the cost to operate said program will be as follows: 2014 Meals – Home Delivered Meals not to exceed $7.12 Congregate Meals not to exceed $7.99 2015 Meals – Home Delivered Meals not to exceed price listed in RFP for agreed upon number of meals Congregate Meals not to exceed $8.22 2016 Meals – A maximum of 4% increase 2017 Meals – A maximum of 4% increase; and be it further RESOLVED, that the total cost to operate Otsego County’s Nutrition Program for the Elderly for said period shall not exceed $768,402; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for this contract are included in the 2014 Office for the Aging (6772-A) approved budget and that the funding for this contract consists of approximately 24% federal funds, 26% state funds, 12% contributions, 7% LTHHCP and 31% county funds. Seconded, McCarty. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 5,852; Abstained: 375 – McCarty. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 404-20131204 RESOLUTION – AWARDING OTSEGO COUNTY CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC SAFETY EMERGENCY RADIO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TO TAIT NORTH AMERICA POWERS, MCCARTY, ROTHENBERGER, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, Otsego County issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for design and construction of a public safety emergency radio telecommunications system for Otsego County; and WHEREAS, the proposals submitted were subject to an extensive review by the RFP review committee, the Public Safety and Legal Affairs Committee and the County's project consultant; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety and Legal Affairs Committee, after careful consideration, recommends that the proposal of Tait North America, 15342 Park Row Blvd, Houston, Texas 77084, dated April 24, 2013, be accepted; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County of Otsego accepts the proposal of Tait North America, dated April 24, 2013 for the design and construction of a public safety emergency radio telecommunications system for Otsego County in an amount not to exceed $3.5 million; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall include 12 sites, located at Cornish Hill, Blend Hill, Cherry Hill, Hooker Mountain, Noah's Rump, Rockdale, Worcester, Oneonta, Sidney and three sites yet to be determined; and be it further RESOLVED, that said system shall include four UHF channels, two VHF channels and one VHF paging channel configured in a conventional simulcast network; and be it further RESOLVED, that the contract shall include such other conditions as are in the best interest of Otsego County; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for this contracts are included in the 2013 and 2014 Public Safety Communications Budget (3020-A) at line 2750 Communication Backbone and 0001-0915-A Communications Backbone Reserve. Seconded, Lindberg. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 412-20131204 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR RICHARD A. MURPHY ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, Richard A. Murphy has served on the Otsego County Board of Representatives for 6 years from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2013, representing District No. 4, in the Town of Oneonta ; and WHEREAS, Richard A. Murphy has served on numerous County Board committees and has served as Chairman of the Government Efficiency Committee in 2011 and the Administration Committee in 2012 and 2013; and WHEREAS, Richard A. Murphy has with sincere effort devoted himself to represent the county’s best interests in all matters that came before the Otsego County Board of Representatives; and WHEREAS, Richard A. Murphy will be remembered for his chairmanship of the Administration Committee and his leadership during difficult economic times for the County; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives does hereby express its appreciation to Richard A. Murphy for his dedication in serving his community and Otsego County for numerous years and wishes him well in his future endeavors. Seconded, Entire Board. Oral vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 413-20131204 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR PAULINE KOREN ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, Pauline Koren has served on the Otsego County Board of Representatives for 2 years from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013, representing District No. 5 in the Towns of Hartwick, Milford and New Lisbon; and WHEREAS, Pauline Koren has served on numerous County Board committees and has served as Chair of the Human Services Committee in 2013; and WHEREAS, Pauline Koren has with sincere effort devoted herself to represent the county’s best interests in all matters that came before the Otsego County Board of Representatives; and WHEREAS, the County Board members will remember her quiet manner and her open-mindedness with all difficult issues facing the Board of Representatives; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives does hereby express its appreciation to Pauline Koren for her dedication in serving her community and Otsego County for numerous years and wishes her well in her future endeavors. Seconded, Entire Board. Oral vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 414-20131204 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR JOHN KOSMER ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, John Kosmer has served on the Otsego County Board of Representatives for 2 years from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013, representing District No. 8 in the Town of Otsego; and WHEREAS, John Kosmer has served on the Otsego Manor Committee and the Solid Waste & Environmental Concerns Committee; and WHEREAS, John Kosmer has with sincere effort devoted himself to represent the county’s best interests in all matters that came before the Otsego County Board of Representatives; and WHEREAS, the County Board members will remember John Kosmer for speaking his mind on issues he feels strongly about; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives does hereby express its appreciation to John Kosmer for his dedication in serving his community and Otsego County for numerous years and wishes him well in his future endeavors. Seconded, Entire Board. Oral vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 415-20131204 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR CATHERINE ROTHENBERGER ENTIRE BOARD WHEREAS, Catherine Rothenberger has served on the Otsego County Board of Representatives for 18 years from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 2013, representing District No. 12, Oneonta City – Wards 3 & 4; and WHEREAS, Catherine Rothenberger has served on numerous County Board committees, and she was Chair of the Negotiations Committee in 2010 and the Chair of the Human Services Committee for multiple years; and WHEREAS, Catherine Rothenberger has with sincere effort devoted herself to represent the county’s best interests in all matters that came before the Otsego County Board of Representatives; and WHEREAS, Catherine Rothenberger will be remembered for striving to make a difference in the lives of our children; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives does hereby express its appreciation to Catherine Rothenberger for her dedication in serving her community and Otsego County for numerous years and wishes her well in her future endeavors. Seconded, Entire Board. Oral vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 416-20131204 RESOLUTION – DENYING USE OF COUNTY NAME AND SEAL IN SAFE ACT RECERTIFICATION PROCESS POWERS, MCCARTY, ROTHENBERGER, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the SAFE Act; and WHEREAS, this act clearly indicates that the enforcement of this law is the responsibility of New York State; and WHEREAS, in recent discussions the State has indicated an interest in using the Seal of Otsego County and the names of the offices of the Otsego County Sheriff and Otsego County Clerk in pistol permit re-certification notices; and WHEREAS, the County Sheriff and the Clerk have voiced their strong objection to this request and suggestion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives denies the State of New York permission to use the name, Seal of the County, letter head or address for purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit re-certification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act; and be it further RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution should be transmitted to the office of the Governor of New York State, the Superintendent of State Police, NYS Senator James L. Seward, Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney, Assemblyman Peter Lopez, Assemblyman William Magee, Assemblyman Clifford Crouch and the legislature of every County in the State of New York. Seconded, Lindberg. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 5,832; Abstained: 395 – Stuligross. Adopted. Board Chair Clark called for action on the consent agenda. Representative Frazier moved to act upon the consent agenda, Resolution Nos. 388-398, 400-403, 405-411, and 417-425. RESOLUTION NO. 388-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING OTSEGO COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH OTSEGO COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, Otsego County has been awarded Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP) funding from the State; and WHEREAS, the Otsego County Probation Department has expressed a willingness to provide STSJP program services; and WHEREAS, Otsego County Department of Social Services desires to enter into a contract with Otsego County Probation Department; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to contract with the Otsego County Probation Department for STSJP program services, at a cost not to exceed $48,755 for the period of April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for the contract is included in the 2013 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracts and at line 4910 Fees for Services and will be included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4910 Fees for Services and is 62% state reimbursable and 38% local cost. RESOLUTION NO. 389-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH DELAWARE OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVIDE THE BIG BUDDIES PROGRAM KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, Otsego County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize a portion of the funds, not to exceed $25,000, to purchase existing services for eligible youth in need of a mentoring program; and WHEREAS, Delaware Opportunities has expressed a willingness to provide a mentoring program entitled Big Buddies; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, on behalf of the County of Otsego, is hereby authorized to contract with Delaware Opportunities for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014; and that said contract shall include the following terms: 1. In no event shall the Department of Social Services’ liability exceed $25,000.00 for the term of the contract; 2. The contract shall contain such other and further conditions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consists of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 390-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING OTSEGO COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH S & T SECURITY KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the Otsego County Department of Social Services believes that the presence of a security guard on site will greatly diminish the possibility of violent incidents in the Department of Social Services at the Meadows Complex; and WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services believes that the presence of one (1) Security Guard is in the best interests of its staff and clients at the Meadows Complex; and WHEREAS, S & T Security has indicated a willingness to provide security services to the Department of Social Services at the Meadows Complex; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to contract with S & T Security to provide security services for the Department of Social Services at the Meadows Complex, at a cost not to exceed $59,740, for the period of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for the contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and is reimbursable through 66% Federal and 16% State funds, with 18% Local funds. RESOLUTION NO. 391-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO RENEW CONTRACT WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OTSEGO, INC. (OFO) TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY FAMILIES (TANF) ELIGIBLES KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $ 2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize existing programming to obtain services for eligible families; and WHEREAS, the County desires to enter into an agreement with OFO for the provision of services by the Building Healthy Families Program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Social Services, on behalf of the County of Otsego, is hereby authorized to contract with OFO for the term January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014; and that said contract shall include the following terms: 1. In no event shall the Department of Social Services’ liability exceed $30,000 for the term of the contract. 2. The contract shall contain such other and further conditions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego. and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consists of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 392-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH DR. STEVEN SILVERMAN FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $ 2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize a portion of the funds, not to exceed $37,284, to purchase existing services for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) eligible applicants and recipients in need of psychological services; and WHEREAS, the County desires to enter into an agreement with Dr. Steven Silverman, Ph.D. to provide psychological services to prevent and/or reduce the number of children in out-of-home placements; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to contract with Dr. Steven Silverman for psychological services, in the contract sum not to exceed $37,284, for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said contract shall contain such terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consists of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 393-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH EMPOWERMENT FOR FAMILIES COUNSELING SERVICES KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $ 2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize existing programming to obtain services for eligible families; and WHEREAS, the Department desires to contract with Empowerment for Families for clinical services to children and their families to reduce out-of-home placements, and stabilize reunification of families through comprehensive assessment and systemic intervention in a collaborative manner; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Empowerment for Families for the term of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014; and that the agreement shall include the following terms: 1. In no event shall the Department of Social Services liability exceed the sum of $100,990; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said contract shall contain such terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consists of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 394-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO RENEW CONTRACT WITH CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF DELAWARE AND OTSEGO COUNTIES FOR ONE CASE MANAGER TO SERVICE THE ADULT DRUG COURT KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, there is a need to support the County Adult Drug Court by providing funding for one case manager to work with Drug Court participants to avoid an interruption of services; and WHEREAS, Catholic Charities of Otsego and Delaware Counties can provide the case management services needed; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Social Services is authorized to contract with Catholic Charities of Delaware and Otsego Counties for the services of one case manager for the Adult Drug Court for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and that the cost of the agreement will not exceed $60,950; and be it further RESOLVED, that the contract shall contain such other terms and conditions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for this contract are included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consist of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 395-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY MATERNITY SERVICES FOR PARENTING EDUCATION TO ELIGIBLE CLIENTS KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, Otsego County desires to utilize existing programming to obtain parenting education services for eligible families; and WHEREAS, Community Maternity Services has expressed a willingness to provide parent education services for eligible clients; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of the Otsego County Department of Social Services is hereby authorized to contract with Community Maternity Services to provide parent education services to eligible clients for the period of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014; and that said contract shall include the following terms: 1. In no event shall the Department of Social Services’ liability exceed $79,000 for the term of this agreement; 2. The contract shall contain such other and further conditions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and line 6070 Purchase of Services, and consists of either 100% Federal funds, or 64% Federal, 24% State and 12% local funds. RESOLUTION NO. 396-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING OTSEGO COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES TO CONTRACT WITH THE FAMILY RESOURCE NETWORK TO PROVIDE PARENT PARTNER SERVICES KOREN, ROTHENBERGER, KOUTNIK WHEREAS, the County has been awarded Flexible Funding for Family Services in the overall sum of $2,411,179 for 2013 - 2014; and WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has approved the County’s plan for the use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize a portion of the funds, not to exceed $22,005, to purchase existing services for TANF eligible applicants and recipients in need of parent partner services; and WHEREAS, the Family Resource Network, Inc. has expressed a willingness to provide Parent Partner Services for the County of Otsego; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services is hereby authorized to contract with the Family Resource Network, Inc.’s Coordinated Children’s Services Initiative (CCSI) Parent Partner program, with the term of the contract to be January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 at an amount not to exceed $22,005; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said contract shall contain such terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 Social Services Administration Budget (6010-A) at line 4900 Contracted Expenses and consists of 100% Federal Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 397-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING CHAIR OF THE BOARD TO CONTRACT WITH HEALTH RESEARCH INCORPORATED (HRI) TO RECEIVE GRANT FUNDS FOR IMMUNIZATION BILLING IMPLEMENTATION LINDBERG, SCHWERD, KOUTNIK, ROSENTHAL RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Board, on behalf of the Otsego County Department of Health, be and hereby is authorized to execute a grant agreement with Health Research Incorporated (HRI), to receive grant funds in the amount of $20,000 for Local Health Department Immunization Billing Implementation, for the period September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014; and be it further RESOLVED, that said grant agreement shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego. RESOLUTION NO. 398-20131204 RESOLUTION – AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 148-20130403 AUTHORIZING CHAIR TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH KATE BOLGER, NPP, APRN, FOR PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER SERVICES AT THE OTSEGO COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES CLINICS LINDBERG, SCHWERD, KOUTNIK, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, Resolution No. 148-20130403 authorized the Chair to execute an amended contract with Kate Bolger, NPP, APRN, 2410 Walley Road, Franklin, New York 13775, for the services of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at the Otsego County Community Services Clinics, for the period April 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, for up to 304 hours of such services at $80.00 per hour, at a cost not to exceed $24,320 for the term of the contract; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 148-2013 must be amended to reflect an increase of hours of service from 304 hours to 340 hours at $80.00 per hour, at a cost not to exceed $27,200 through December 31, 2013; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 148-20130403 is amended, and the Chair is authorized to execute a contract with Kate Bolger, NPP, APRN, 2410 Walley Road, Franklin, New York 13775, for the services of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at the Otsego County Community Services Clinics, for up to 340 hours of such services at $80.00 per hour, at a cost not to exceed $27,200 through December 31, 2013; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for this contract are included in the 2013 Mental Health Budget (4310-A) at line 4880 Mental Health Consultant and consist of 100% reimbursement from fees, state and federal funds. RESOLUTION NO. 400-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING CHAIR TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH BASSETT HEALTHCARE FOR MEDICAL SERVICES AT OTSEGO MANOR STULIGROSS, LINDBERG, KOREN, KOSMER RESOLVED, that the Chair of this Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Bassett Healthcare, 1 Atwell Road, Cooperstown, New York 13326, to provide medical services at Otsego Manor for the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, as follows: 1. Physician services, including Medical Director, not to exceed $134,000.00; 2. Services of two on-site Geriatric Nurse Practitioners for a total of 4,160 annual hours, at a fee not to exceed $210,120.00; 3. Mileage - $.505 per mile at a cost not to exceed $1,600.00; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract is to provide for the payment of the sum of $345,720.00 for such services; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract may be terminated upon 60 days notice or at completion of sale of Otsego Manor, whichever takes place sooner, with Bassett Healthcare to be paid on a pro rata basis; and be it further RESOLVED, that the aforesaid contract shall be in such form, terms and conditions as may be in the best interests of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for the above contract are included in the 2014 Otsego Manor Budget (6020-E) at line 4895 Medical Expenses and are reimbursable as follows: the physician visit reimbursement is 100% federal dollars and covers approximately 40% of $345,720.00; the remainder is paid through the Medicaid rate (50% federal, 40% state and 10% county). RESOLUTION NO. 401-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING CHAIR TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH DENTAL CONSULTANT FOR SERVICES AT OTSEGO MANOR STULIGROSS, LINDBERG, KOREN, KOSMER WHEREAS, the County of Otsego operates a nursing home known as Otsego Manor; and WHEREAS, Section 415.7 of the New York State Hospital Code provides for the services of an advisory dentist to furnish dental services to nursing home patients; and WHEREAS, Dentserv Dental Services, P.C. has expressed a willingness to provide these services to residents of Otsego Manor at a fee not to exceed $3,901.09 per month, for a period of twelve (12) months, from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, at a cost not to exceed $46,813.08 during the contract term; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said contract may be terminated upon 60 days notice or at completion of sale of Otsego Manor, whichever takes place sooner, with Dentserv Dental Services, P.C to be paid on a pro rata basis; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chair of this Board be and hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement with Dentserv Dental Services, P.C., 15 Canal Street, Pelham Manor, New York 10803, in accordance with the above mentioned terms and containing such other terms and conditions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this contract is included in the 2014 InfirmaryEnterprise Budget (6020-E) at line 4895 Medical Expenses. RESOLUTION NO. 402-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING CHAIR TO EXTEND AN AGREEMENT WITH I.M. SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, BILLING AND RELATED SERVICES STULIGROSS, LINDBERG, KOREN, KOSMER WHEREAS, Otsego Manor has entered into an agreement with I.M. Solutions, Inc., for accounts receivable, billing and related services for a term of two (2) months beginning October, 2013; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend this agreement for a term of one (1) month through December, 2013 for $15,000; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chair of this Board is hereby authorized to extend an agreement with I.M. Solutions, Inc., 109 Chatham Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14216 to provide accounts receivable, billing and related services to Otsego Manor, for a term of one (1) month through December, 2013 for $15,000; and be it further RESOLVED, that the agreement shall contain such other terms and provisions as may be in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for the above agreement are included in the 2013 Infirmary – Enterprise Budget (6020-E) at line 4900 Contracts. RESOLUTION NO. 403-20131204 RESOLUTION – ACCEPTING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH NYS OFFICE OF INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED CONTRACT WITH LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF MID-NEW YORK, INC. REGARDING CONFLICT DEFENDER PROGRAM POWERS, MCCARTY, ROTHENBERGER, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, additional funding is available from the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services (OILS) for the improvement of the quality of legal services to eligible persons under Section 18-B of the County Law in the amount of $55,685 each year for the next 3 years; and WHEREAS, Otsego County by Resolution Nos. 281-20120905 and 184-20130403 accepted previous funding from OILS and entered into a contract with Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. (Legal Aid Society) for conflict defender services consisting of a part-time attorney to provide representation including but not limited to, all conflict cases arising in front of the Family Court Judges, the Support Collection Magistrate and Family Court appeals; and WHEREAS, the additional funding will be used to obtain from the Legal Aid Society the services of one full-time attorney and one part-time attorney to provide conflict defender services as described above; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Otsego County Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to accept additional funds in the amount of $55,685 each year for the next 3 years from OILS and to sign a contract with OILS for same; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Otsego County Board of Representatives is hereby authorized to sign an amended contract with Legal Aid Society in the additional amount of $55,685 for the next (3) three years for the provision of additional conflict defender services; and be it further RESOLVED, that any unexpended funds each year shall be used for additional training and equipment for the Otsego County Public Defender’s Office; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for this contract are included in the 2013 Public Defender’s Budget (1170-A) at line 4901 Conflict Defender Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interests of the County of Otsego. RESOLUTION NO. 405-20131204 RESOLUTION – AWARDING OTSEGO COUNTY CONTRACTS TO BIRNIE BUS SERVICE, INC. SCHWERD, ROWINSKI, FRAZIER, KOREN WHEREAS, Otsego County issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for management, operation and maintenance of the Otsego County Public Transportation System; and WHEREAS, said RFP was reviewed by the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee gave consideration to the Selection Criteria stated in Section 4.10 of the RFP; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County of Otsego hereby awards a five (5) year contract with two (2) optional one (1) year contract extensions for public transportation services beginning on January 1, 2014, to Birnie Bus Service, Inc. of Rome, New York; and be it further RESOLVED, that the contract will include the cost to operate the fixed routes as scheduled at $532,065 to be paid in 12 monthly installments, and the cost to operate the fixed routes will be reduced to as much $458,377 with scheduling changes proposed by Birnie Bus; and be it further RESOLVED, the contract will include a fuel surcharge with a base rate equal to the prior years 12 month average diesel and gasoline for the Department of Energy Central Atlantic Region, and that each month the contractor will compensate the County for any difference below the base price, dollar for dollar, and the County will reimburse the contractor for any difference in excess of the base price, dollar for dollar for fuel consumed, and the fuel surcharge will be reestablished at the start of each calendar year; and be it further RESOLVED, that the contract will include the cost of operating Dial-A-Ride at a rate of $3.05 per mile and a $3 per passenger pick up fee and will be reevaluated at the start of each calendar year; and be it further RESOLVED, the pricing for years 2-5 and beyond will require an annual adjustment of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), based index of All-Urban Consumers, New York, Northeastern, New Jersey – Long Island; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for these contracts are included in the 2014 Public Transportation Service Budget (5630-A) at line 4900 Contracts; reimbursement shall come from Medicaid, STOA, Federal Section 5311, and bus fares. RESOLUTION NO. 406-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING CHAIR OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR EMPLOYMENT OF ACCOUNTANTS FOR COUNTY AUDIT MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, pursuant to the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984, every state and local government that receives $300,000 or more in federal financial assistance in any fiscal year must have a single audit performed annually; and WHEREAS, Otsego County is a local government receiving $300,000 or more in federal financial assistance annually; and WHEREAS, the Single Audit Act of 1984 provides that the audit shall be made by an independent auditor in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards covering financial and compliance audits; and WHEREAS, a proposal has been made by Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson and Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, Suite 500, 401 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850 to provide the County with a single audit for each of the fiscal years 2013, 2014 and 2015, pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chair of this Board be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson and Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, Suite 500, 401 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850, to conduct single audits for each of the fiscal years 2013, 2014 and 2015, at the following fees: For the fiscal year ending December 31, Financial and compliance audits 2013 2014 2015 $53,500 $53,500 $53,500 (including expenses) and be it further RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interest of the County; and be it further RESOLVED, that funds are or shall be available in the budgets for the Treasurer’s Office and the Department of Social Services to cover the costs of this contract. RESOLUTION NO. 407-20131204 RESOLUTION - APPOINTING DEMOCRATIC COMMISSIONER OF ELECTIONS SCHWERD, ROWINSKI, FRAZIER, KOREN RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 30 of the Election Law, Henry J. Nicols, 14 Walnut Street, Cooperstown, NY, be and hereby is appointed Democratic Election Commissioner of Otsego County, for a term of two years, commencing January 1, 2014 and ending on the 31st day of December, 2015, at an annual salary not to exceed $6,890.00; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this position is included in the 2014 Elections Budget (1450-A) at line 1000 Personal Service. RESOLUTION NO. 408-20131204 RESOLUTION - APPOINTING MEMBERS TO COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD LINDBERG, SCHWERD, KOUTNIK, ROSENTHAL RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 41.11 of the Mental Hygiene Law, the following persons be and hereby are appointed members of the Otsego County Community Services Board for the term indicated, effective January 1, 2014: DR. CAROL BEECHY Bassett Medical Center 1 Atwell Drive Cooperstown, New York 13326 Term to expire December 31, 2017 (replacing Dr. Ben Friedell) RE-APPOINTMENT: MARION MOSSMAN 25 West Main Street Milford, New York 13807 Term four (4) years, to expire December 31, 2017 ERIC MASTROGIOVANNI Director, Rehabilitation Support Services 9 River Street Oneonta, New York 13820 Term four (4) years, to expire December 31, 2017 RESOLUTION NO. 409-20131204 RESOLUTION - APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE ON MENTAL HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE OTSEGO COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD LINDBERG, SCHWERD, KOUTNIK, ROSENTHAL RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 41.11 of the Mental Hygiene Law, the following individual be and hereby is appointed to serve on the Mental Health Subcommittee of the Otsego County Community Services Board for the term indicated: ERIC MASTROGIOVANNI Director, Rehabilitation Support Services 9 River Street Oneonta, New York 13820 Term four (4) years to expire December 31, 2017 RESOLUTION NO. 410-20131204 RESOLUTION – APPROVING FILLING OF POSITION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK) POWERS, MCCARTY, ROTHENBERGER, ROSENTHAL WHEREAS, Resolution No. 265-20110907 froze the filling of current vacant employment positions, funded or unfunded, and filling of other previously created positions as yet unfilled without the formal approval of the Parent Committee, the Administration Committee and a County Board Resolution; and WHEREAS, both the Public Safety and Legal Affairs Committee and the Administration Committee of this Board approved the filling of a certain position in the Department of Motor Vehicles, as set forth below; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that County Clerk is hereby approved to fill the following vacant funded position, effective immediately: Motor Vehicle Clerk, Grade 8, $25,677 - $30,247 ($914); and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this position is included in the 2013 County Clerk Budget (1410-A) at line 1000 Personal Service. RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board is authorized and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the County Treasurer and to the Personnel Officer. RESOLUTION NO. 411-20131204 RESOLUTION – CREATING TEMPORARY POSITION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK) MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER RESOLVED, that the following position is temporarily created for a maximum of 90 days in the Department of Motor Vehicles, effective immediately: Motor Vehicle Clerk, Grade 8, $14.3999 per hour and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for this position is included in the 2013 County Clerk Budget (1410-A) at line 1000 Personal Service; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the County Treasurer and to the Personnel Officer. RESOLUTION NO. 417-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF VARIOUS INSURANCE POLICIES MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, the County has hereunto contracted for necessary policies of insurance covering various properties and exposures to claim, and certain of said policies expire December 31, 2013; and WHEREAS, the County desires to self insure to the sum of $250,000 certain of the coverages, namely, auto liability, law enforcement liability, public officials liability and comprehensive general liability; and WHEREAS, in conjunction with such self insurance, the County desires to obtain insurance coverages over said $250,000; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chair is authorized to contract the following policies of insurance for the following periods and premiums: 1. General Liability and Excess Liability with NYMIR Insurance Company 12/31/13 - 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,493.10 $5,000,000 each occurrence/$11,000,000 aggregate General Liability and Excess Liability with $250,000 deductible. Administration includes charge backs per claims handled. Claims Administration: The Risk Manager, part-time, shall oversee all investigations (personal injury and property damage), administration of files and claims and conform to all applicable statutes and rules and as these services have been previously performed by predecessor independent contractor. The County will administer first party claims; the County shall approve claims of $5,000.00 or more referred to legal counsel and selection of legal counsel. 2. Law Enforcement Liability with NYMIR Insurance Company 12/31/13 – 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,233.50 $250,000 deductible applies $5,000,000 each claim/$10,000,000 aggregate 3. Public Officials Liability with NYMIR Insurance Company 12/31/13 – 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,097.10 $250,000 deductible applies $5,000,000 each claim/$10,000,000 aggregate 4. Automobile Liability with NYMIR Insurance Company 12/31/13 – 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,897.90 $250,000 deductible applies $5,000,000 each claim/$9,000,000 aggregate 5. OCP with NYMIR Insurance Company 12/31/13 – 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275.00 6. Capitalization Fee with NYMIR Insurance Company (Fifth Year of 5 year commitment) 12/31/13 – 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,612.00 7. Property & Inland Marine with Chubb 12/31/13 – 12/31/14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $97,945.21 ($76,468.00 County, $21,477.21 Health Facilities Corp.) Included within this coverage and premium are the following: Boat Miscellaneous Equipment Valuable Papers Radio Equipment Contractors Equipment EDP Equipment Automobile Catastrophe Physical Damage Coverage Boiler & Machinery 8. Crime with Travelers Insurance Company 12/31/13– 12/31/14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,706.00 $300,000 employee dishonesty 9. Hospital Comprehensive General & Professional Liability with NYMIR Insurance Company 01/01/14– 01/01/15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,470.55 $1,000,000 each claim/$3,000,000 aggregate on professional liability $1,000,000 each OCC/$2,000,000 aggregate on healthcare general liability and be it further RESOLVED, that these contracts shall be entered into with various insurance companies through its agent, SEFCU Insurance Agency; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said contracts shall contain such additional terms as shall be in the best interests of the County; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for the above policies are included in the 2014 Unallocated Insurance Budget (1910) at line 4660. RESOLUTION NO. 418-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF INSURANCE POLICY FOR EXCESS EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, the County has heretofore contracted for Excess Employers Liability Insurance which expires December 31, 2013; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the County to renew this policy for 2014; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chair is authorized to contract the following policy of insurance for the following period and premium: Excess Employers Liability with Capitol Indemnity Corporation 12/31/13 - 12/31/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,676.00 $ 50,000 deductible applies and be it further RESOLVED, that this contract shall be entered into with Capitol Indemnity Corporation through its agent, SEFCU Insurance Agency; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said contract shall contain such additional terms as shall be in the best interests of the County; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for the above policy are included in the 2014 SelfInsurance (Workers Compensation) Budget at line 4800 Other. RESOLUTION NO. 419-20131204 RESOLUTION –ESTABLISHING THE STANDARD WORK DAY AND REPORTING DAYS FOR THE NYS AND LOCAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICIALS MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives hereby establishes the following as standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the Clerk of this legislative body: TITLE NAME STANDARD WORK DAY TERM BEGINS/ENDS PARTICIPATES IN DAYS/ MONTH TIER 1 (Check NOT SUBMITTED (Hrs/Day) APPOINTED OFFICIALS Commissioner of Social Services Joyce Boyd Deputy Commissioner of Social Services Eve Bouboulis Director of Real Property Tax Services Hank Schecher EMPLOYER’S TIME KEEPING SYSTEM (Y/N) (Based on Record of Activities) 7 (Sept-June) 6(July-Aug) 10/01/201309/30/2018 Y N/A 7 (Sept-June) 6(July-Aug) 10/01/201309/30/2018 Y N/A 7 (Sept-June) 6(July-Aug) 10/1/20139/30/2019 Y N/A only if member is in Tier 1) (Check box if no record of activities completed or timekeeping system) RESOLUTION NO. 420-20131204 RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING SHERIFF TO PURCHASE A MOTOR VEHICLE UNDER STATE CONTRACT POWERS, MCCARTY, ROTHENBERGER, ROSENTHAL RESOLVED, that the Sheriff is hereby authorized to purchase the following motor vehicle under state contract: ITEMS: 2014 Ford E-350 12 passenger van COST: $23,745.65 State Contract #PC65855 VENDOR: Van Bortel Ford 71 Marsh Road East Rochester, NY 14445 and be it further, RESOLVED, that the funds for this expenditure are included in the 2013 Jail budget (3150-A) at line 2400 vehicles. RESOLUTION NO. 421-20131204 RESOLUTION - ESTABLISHING OTSEGO COUNTY SOLID WASTE UNIT CHARGE FOR 2014 ROWINSKI, POWERS, MCCARTY, KOSMER WHEREAS, Local Law No. 2 of 1998 entitled “Otsego County Solid Waste User Fee Local Law” provides that this Board by resolution shall establish a solid waste fee annually on or before December 10 of each year for utilization in the following fiscal year (Section V); and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste and Environmental Concerns Committee has reviewed all matters pertaining to the setting of this Solid Waste Fee, including residential and non-residential solid waste deliveries within the County, the 2014 tipping fee (January 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014) to be charged by MOSA of $68.50 per ton of solid waste delivered and the comparative tipping fee charges of private and commercial solid waste delivery sites within or adjacent to Otsego County to which haulers could deliver their solid waste; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Solid Waste Unit Charge for 2014 shall be $28.00. RESOLUTION NO. 422-20131204 RESOLUTION - APPROVING ELIMINATION OF THE 2014 SUBSIDIZATION OF TONNAGE TIPPING FEE ROWINSKI, POWERS, MCCARTY, KOSMER WHEREAS, the Montgomery, Otsego, Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority shall be implementing a tipping fee of $68.50 per ton, effective January 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014; and WHEREAS, the participating Counties have acknowledged the need in previous years to subsidize from their own County governments the tipping fee to facilitate the ongoing flow of waste to MOSA; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste and Environmental Concerns Committee of this Board has determined not to subsidize this tonnage tipping fee for the year 2014; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Board of Representatives approves the elimination of the subsidization of the tonnage tipping fee for the year 2014, and each hauler/customer shall be responsible for the full $68.50 per ton tipping fee, as established by MOSA for the term beginning January 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014. RESOLUTION NO. 423-20131204 RESOLUTION – TRANSFERRING FUNDS IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS (2013) MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER WHEREAS, it appears that it will require funds to complete the year 2013 in certain items of the Otsego County Budget; and WHEREAS, there are unexpended balances in other items of the 2013 budget; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the following transfers be and the same are hereby authorized, and the 2013 budget be and is hereby amended accordingly, pursuant to Section 363 of the County Law: 2013 Budget Transfers DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NAME CODE AMOUNT A- GENERAL FUND FROM: TO: RPTS RPTS Training Equipment Lease 1355-4050-A 1355-4610-A -43.17 43.17 Maintenance & Repair Parts 1625-4562-A -212.13 TO: Cooperstown Office Bldg. Cooperstown Office Bldg. COB-Sidewalk 1625-2515-A 212.13 FROM: TO: Meadows Building Meadows Building Pave Equipment 1630-2505-A 1630-2000-A -4,950.00 4,950.00 FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: FROM: TO: Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Mileage Training Telephone Fuel Other Equipment Appliances Training Other Medical Expenses 3110-4005-A 3110-4050-A 3110-4100-A 3110-4560-A 3110-4800-A 3150-2000-A 3150-2615-A 3150-4050-A 3150-4800-A 3150-4895-A -817.80 -1,000.00 -1,150.00 -8,000.00 -2,000.00 -85.72 -110.00 -1,577.52 -6,000.00 20,741.04 FROM: TO: Rabies Control Rabies Control Clinic Expenses Testing & Treatment 4042-4762-A 4042-4760-A -500.00 500.00 Mileage 4250-4005-A -400.00 Postage/UPS 4250-4400-A 200.00 FROM: FROM: TO: Addiction Recovery Svcs Addiction Recovery Svcs TO: Addiction Recovery Svcs Other 4250-4800-A 200.00 FROM: TO: TO: Mental Health Mental Health Mental Health Consultants Mileage Telephone 4310-4880-A 4310-4005-A 4310-4100-A -3,800.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 Dept of Social Services Dept of Social Services Comm. On Special Education 6119-4741-A -300,000.00 Family Assistance 6109-4734-A 300,000.00 Fuel Senior Meals 6772-4560-A 6772-4767-A -2,000.00 -4,491.00 Mat & Supplies 6772-4500-A 4,491.00 TO: Office for the Aging Office for the Aging Office for the Aging Office for the Aging Vehicle Repair 6772-4515-A 2,000.00 FROM: FROM: TO: Planning Planning Planning Training Fuel Mileage 8020-4050-A 8020-4560-A 8020-4005-A -100.00 -100.00 200.00 FROM: TO: Interfund Transfers Contingent Transfer to County Road Other 9501-9000-A 1990-4800-A -300,000.00 300,000.00 FROM: FROM: Highway Highway 5110-4818-D 5112-2098-D -14,956.00 -7,000.00 FROM: Highway 5112-2092-D -30,000.00 FROM: FROM: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Rentals Sign Shop Material Centerline/Edgeline Painting Snow & Ice Town Contracts Contracts Culverts Other Salt and Sand County Equip Charges Asphalt/Stone/Sand/Oil C/R 31 Flood Slide 5142-4940-D 8760-4900-D 5110-4572-D 5110-4800-D 5142-4555-D 5110-4600-D 5110-4570-D 5112-2074-D -150,000.00 -110,747.77 41,956.00 5,000.00 150,000.00 5,000.00 85,748.47 24,999.30 Heat & Lights Software, Mtc.& Upgrade Equipment IT Equipment/ 6020-4150-E -56,000.00 6020-4645-E 6020-2000-E 6020-2335-E -10,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 FROM: TO: FROM: FROM: TO: D – COUNTY ROAD E – ENTERPRISE FUND FROM: Otsego Manor FROM: TO: TO: Otsego Manor Otsego Manor Otsego Manor Hardware TO: Otsego Manor Long Term Care 6020-4955-E 50,000.00 Other Physicals 1710-4800-S 1720-4000-S -2,285.00 2,285.00 S – SELF INSURANCE FUND FROM: TO: Workers Comp Workers Comp 2013 Budget Modifications A – GENERAL FUND DECREASE: DECREASE: General Fund Interfund Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance Transfer to Co Road 0000-0599-A 9501-9000-A 602,034.72 -602,034.72 INCREASE: INCREASE: INCREASE: County Treasurer County Treasurer County Treasurer Int/Pen-Taxes Postage & UPS Contracts 0000-1090-A 1325-4400-A 1325-4900-A -3,478.00 3,000.00 478.00 INCREASE: INCREASE: INCREASE: Jail Jail Jail Prisoner Charges Insurance Recoveries Jail Vehicle 0000-1525-A 0000-2680-A 3150-2400-A -10,000.00 -16,299.14 26,299.14 0000-2706-A -90.00 3641-4500-A 90.00 Social Services Admin 0000-4610-A -1,595.00 Other 6010-4800-A 1,595.00 INCREASE: INCREASE: INCREASE: INCREASE: Office of Emergency Svcs Donations for EMS Office of Emergency Svcs Mat. & Supplies Dept of Social Services Dept of Social Services D – COUNTY ROAD DECREASE: DECRASE: Highway Highway Transfer From General Contracts 0000-2810-D 8760-4900-D 300,000.00 -300,000.00 INCREASE: INCREASE: INCREASE: Highway Highway Highway Marchiselli Trans Capital Project C/R 31 Flood Slide 0000-3522-D 0000-4597-D 5112-2074-D -74,997.90 -399,988.80 474,986.70 DECREASE: INCREASE: Highway Highway Transfer From General Insurance Recoveries 0000-2810-D 0000-2680-D 512,782.49 -512,782.49 DECREASE: Highway Appropriated Fund Balance 0000-0599-D 89,252.23 DECREASE: Highway Contracts 8760-4900-D -89,252.23 INCREASE: INCREASE: Highway Highway CHIPS Capital Maint 0000-3501-D 5113-2121-D -761,394.89 761,394.89 DM – MACHINERY FUND INCREASE: INCREASE: Transfer from Co. Rd Fnd Rentals Other Machinery Machinery 0000-2822-DM 5130-4800-DM -5,000.00 5,000.00 0000-2714-E 6020-4820-E -40,000.00 40,000.00 E – ENTERPRISE FUND INCREASE: INCREASE: Otsego Manor Otsego Manor Stop Loss Building Repairs RESOLUTION NO. 424-20131204 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF THREE BUSES FROM LEONARD BUS SALES SCHWERD, ROWINSKI, FRAZIER, KOREN WHEREAS, Otsego County has received a grant of $600,000.00 from the New York State Department of Transportation for the purchase of three (3), thirty (30) passenger buses for use on the OPT Route 28 fixed route per DOT capital contract C003757 Supplemental Agreement No. 2; and WHEREAS, the City of Oneonta has agreed to pay the 10% local share of the cost of the buses; and WHEREAS, Otsego County issued an Invitation of Bids for medium duty thirty passenger buses; and WHEREAS, Leonard Bus Sales submitted the only bid; and WHEREAS, Otsego County has reviewed the specifications for undue restrictiveness per guidance provided by NYS DOT and the County has determined that competition was adequate; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County of Otsego is hereby authorized to purchase three (3), thirty (30) passenger buses from Leonard Bus Sales, 4 Leonard Way, Deposit, New York 13754, at a cost of $154,900 each, plus $15,188 each for accessories, for a total cost of $510,264; and be it further RESOLVED, that funding for these buses is contained in the 2013/2014 Public Transportation Service Budget (5630-A) at line 2000 Service Equipment, and reimbursement for said vehicles is contained in items 0000-3588-A Section 5311 Capital $60,000, 0000-4588-A Section 5311 Cap $480,000 and 0000-1789-A Public Transportation/Birnie $60,000. RESOLUTION NO. 425-20131204 RESOLUTION – CREATING POSITIONS IN COUNTY TREASURER’S OFFICE (TWO (2) SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK TYPISTS) MURPHY, POWERS, STULIGROSS, SCHWERD, FRAZIER RESOLVED, that the following positions are created in the County Treasurer's Office, effective immediately: Two (2) Senior Account Clerk Typists, Grade 9, $26,823 -$31,598 ($955); and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding for these positions is included in the 2014 County Treasurer Budget (1325-A) at line 1000 Personal Service; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the County Treasurer and to the Personnel Officer. Seconded, Koutnik. Roll call vote on consent agenda. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 426-20131204 RESOLUTION - ADOPTING A LOCAL LAW FOR THE YEAR 2013 (A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 2011 BY UPDATING THE PROGRAM MANUAL AND TECHNICAL MANUAL AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF 2011) MCCARTY, FRAZIER, MURPHY WHEREAS, there was duly presented to the Board of Representatives of the County of Otsego at a regular meeting duly held in the Meeting Room of the Board of Representatives in the Otsego County Office Building, Cooperstown, New York on November 6, 2013, a local law for the year 2013 entitled "A Local Law Amending Local Law No. 4 of 2011 by Updating the Program Manual and Technical Manual as Required by Local Law No. 4 of 2011”; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on the proposed Local Law in the Meeting Room of the Board of Representatives in the Otsego County Office Building, 197 Main Street, Cooperstown, New York on the 4th day of December, 2013 at 9:45 a.m., at which time all interested persons were heard; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a local law of the County of Otsego for the year 2013, as above set forth, be and the same is hereby adopted. Seconded, Lindberg. Roll call vote. Total: 6,227; Ayes: 6,227. Adopted. All the general business of the Board having been transacted, the Board Chair declared the meeting recessed until Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 12:00 p.m.