RESOLUTION NO. 133-20120404 RESOLUTION – AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO ENTER INTO AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF NEW YORK HOME AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL (HCR) TO ACCEPT ADDITIONAL FUNDS SCHWERD, ROWINSKI, FRAZIER, KOREN WHEREAS, the County, through Resolution No. 324-20111207, agreed to enter into a agreement with the State of New York Home and Community Renewal (HCR) to accept emergency recovery funds from the Agriculture and Community Recovery Fund (ACRF) in the amount of $76,003.80 to assist farmers who have been determined to have experienced losses as a result of the storms and are eligible for up to 50% reimbursement; and WHEREAS, a total of $36,044.19 of additional monies have been awarded for Phase II and allocated as follows: $30,545.92 – Awarded Farmers $ 3,970.97 – Deliverables (Otsego Co. SWCD) $ 1,527.30 – Administration Cost (Co. Planning) $36,044.19 and WHEREAS, an amendment to the agreement is necessary in order for the County to accept additional monies for Phase II of the program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chairman of this Board is authorized to enter into an amended agreement with the State of New York Home and Community Renewal (HCR) in order to accept the additional monies for Phase II in the Resolution No. 133-20120404 Page 2 amount of $36,044.19 from the Agriculture and Community Renewal Fund (ACRF) as set forth above; and be it further RESOLVED, that said amended agreement shall contain such other terms and provisions as are in the best interest of the County of Otsego; and be it further RESOLVED, that the funding shall be allocated in the 2012 Planning Budget (8020-A) at line 4900 Contracts and Revenue #0000-3960 Emergency Disaster Assistance.