Financial policy - Southside Community Services Board

The policies and procedures contained herein are based on standards in the state manual and are taken
from appropriate authoritative sources: the State Comptroller; the Federal Office of Management and
Budget; the Governmental Accounting Standards Board; and State Auditor of Public Accounts.
Fiduciary responsibility for Southside Community Services Board rests with the agency's Board of
Directors. The Board shall review and approve all policies governing the conduct of fiscal operations for
all Board programs and services.
The Executive Director and the Financial Services Director, under his direction, will be responsible for
carrying out the policies and implementing the procedures approved by the Board.
The significant policies relating to financial management are established by (1) the accounting profession
through generally accepted accounting principles, (GAAP) and (2) state, local, and federal governments
as provided in the law and supporting administrative standards and regulations.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Southside Community Services Board that financial management will be based on the
following overall Board policies.
SCSB will establish and maintain an effective financial management function which follows policies that
are consistent with requirements of the DBHDS, is responsive to needs for accountability, fulfills its
compliance assurance responsibilities, and exercises prudent financial management of its resources.
SCSB will periodically evaluate its organizational structure and assigned responsibilities, as documented
in established position descriptions, to ensure adequate identification and segregation of responsibilities
with the constraints of available resources. This evaluation will be conducted with the objective of
ensuring that workload is shared adequately, described in writing, and that there is an effective system of
checks and balances to ensure that responsibilities are carried out as intended.
SCSB will maintain a system for preparing and disseminating financial management information to
appropriated management in a timely, accurate, and consistent manner. This information should reflect
due consideration of basic financial reporting concepts and follow generally accepted accounting
SCSB will ensure that annual external audits are performed of all Board operated programs as well as
contractual programs. These audits must be performed in accordance with instructions of the DBHDS,
and the Auditor of Public Accounts.
SCSB will establish financial management procedures which satisfy legal restrictions, regulation, and
rules imposed by federal, state and local governments and other third parties.
SCSB will establish its own written procedures to guide the performance of financial management and
accounting functions.
The Executive Director is assigned the responsibility for implementing the CSB's financial and
administrative policies approved by the Board of Directors and, as he/she deems appropriate and within
budgetary constraints, shall employ qualified staff to assist in the implementation of these policies.
It is the policy of the Board that it will follow the latest edition of the Financial Management Standards
Guide for Community Services Boards as distributed by the Department of Behavioral Health and
Developmental Services in being accountable to the Department for the financial administration of
programs operated by the Board.
It is the policy of SCSB to conform to the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The latest
editions of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual and the
DBHDS’ CSB Procurement Procedures Manual are the sources for procedures for all SCSB purchases.
The latest edition of the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual will be considered the most
up-to-date document for use in procurement.
It is the policy of this Board to purchase high quality goods and services at reasonable costs and that all
procurement is made in a fair and impartial manner