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BTT 101
Article Review Assignment
Article Review Assignment
1. Choose a business article to review as per the format provided.
2. The article should come from a reputable magazine and be recent less than 1 year.
Below is a list of reputable business magazines to choose from Use Flipboard, Web,
Library, etc to access articles.
Harvard Business Review
Bloomberg Business Week
Geoworld Magazine
The Economist
Fast Company
Fortune Magazine
Canadian Business
If you wish to do an article from different magazines you must get approval from your
3. The article should relate to business or technology and business.
I encourage you to pick an article which is interesting to you i.e. related to business or industry
you like or article related to business and your country.
If you are unsure of the article please see teacher before proceeding to article review.
4. Prepare a graphic organizer or thinking map of your thoughts before you begin. Must be
included in your hand in. Note do this step first.
5. Prepare and type up your article review as per format provided. Your review should be
no more than two pages typed double spaced and 12 Times new roman font.
6. Refer to rubric for grading.
7. You will also briefly present the article to the class and lead a brief discussion based on
a question or questions you have after reading the article. The questions should be
thinking type questions dealing with why things are and or what can we do to change
BTT 101
Article Review Assignment
Article Review Format
Reference Heading
Personal Heading
Date Submitted:
Paragraph One:
Introduce the topic of the article by summarizing the issue or problem discussed
in the article.
Paragraphs Two-Four:
Summarize the main points presented in the article. Who / What / When / Where /Why
Summarize the conclusion of the article.
Final Paragraph:
Personal response to article:
How it applies to course/chapter
Why you chose it
How you liked it
Criticisms/Questions for discussion
1. Article must be from a business/economics magazine or related magazine ie ethics.
2. Must be typed.
3. Do not exceed two pages double spaced, Times new roman font 12
4. Use formal English writing techniques.
5. Include copy of article with your review.
6. Presentation time 5 to 10 minutes.
BTT 101
Article Review Assignment
Level 1
50% - 59%
Comprehension and
response to article
15 Marks
Summary of Article
(Knowledge /
20 Marks
15 Marks
20 Marks
Level 2
60% - 69%
Level 3
70% - 79%
Level 4
80% - 100%
Student lacked clear
understanding of the article and
may or may not have expressed
a personal response.
Student evidenced some
understanding of parts of the
article or did not express a
personal response.
Student evidenced
considerable comprehension
of the article and articulated a
thoughtful response.
Student evidenced clear
comprehension of the article and
articulated a thoughtful response.
No summary is provided or a
word from word review of text is
provided. Author and source are
not named.
Some details from article are
missing. Summary is not
objective or minimal
referencing to the article is
provided. Author or source is
not named.
All main ideas and facts from the
article are included. Summary is
presented in objective view and
referencing to the article is
provided. Author and source are
Student gave a disorganized
presentation with main points of
article lacking. Many spelling
and grammatical errors.
Students vague about main
points of article. Many
spelling and grammar errors.
Most of the main ideas and
facts from the article are
included. Summary is
presented in objective view
and referencing to the article
is provided. Author and
source are named.
Student somewhat engaged
audience in presentation and
highlighted most of the main
points of article. Few spelling
and grammatical errors.
No personal comments are
provided. No relationship
between article and class
material is provided. No
references are given.
Few personal comments.
Student demonstrates some
working knowledge of class
material relative to article.
Few references are made to
the course material.
Personal comments are
clearly stated. Student clearly
demonstrates a working
knowledge of class material
relative to the article. Some
references are made to the
course materials.
Personal comments are clearly
stated. Student clearly
demonstrates a strong working
knowledge of class material
relative to the article. References
are made to the course material.
Students engaged audience in
presentation and highlighted main
points of article. Proper use of
grammar and few spelling
BTT 101
Article Review Assignment