a. Story must include comments from your interview

Whatever-happened-to? story
Dinner dance celebrates 25th anniversary of Douglas lifeboat
Lockerbie bombing marks 25th anniversary
25 years on, Armenians count cost of quake that shook USSR
The assignment
A piece that updates the reader on a memorable person or event from
1989. If you choose to write about a person, select someone who hasn't
attracted much, or any, public attention in the last 25 years. 600 words,
double-spaced, due at beginning of the Feb. 26 class.
a. Story must include comments from your interview with the person in
question or participant(s) in the original event.
b. Copies of two pieces of documentation gathered during research for
your story.
c. For EACH of the two pieces of documentation, full-sentence answers to
these questions:
(*) What is the documentation?
(*) How did you find/obtain it?
(*) Why was the documentation helpful?
Some pointers
Think of your person or event as a rock dropped into
a pond 25 years ago. You are charting the ripples.
The horse goes before the cart. Do not choose a
topic and make it fit the assignment. Instead, first
look at what happened in 1989 and then pursue an
idea that interests you.
Do not write a rehash. Ask yourself: Could my story
have been written in 1989? If so, something’s wrong.
Tell a story.
Newswriting tips
1. Strive for clarity
2. Be confident in the material
3. Tell a story
4. Pay attention to your lead
5. Avoid unfamiliar acronyms
6. Avoid choppy writing
7. Use only interesting quotes
8. Ensure story flow
9. Check spelling of names
10. Double-check spelling of names
Style and spelling
Common problems
Numbers: In general, one to nine in letters, 10 and above in
Don’t capitalize titles such as Assistant Manager in Charge of
Widget Organization Peggy Hillclimber. Save the capitals for big
titles President, Prime Minister and Queen.
Watch punctuation, especially commas and quotation marks.
Again, avoid unfamiliar acronyms.
We reserve the right to dock you marks for these and other
obvious style infractions.
As mentioned in the first class: If you don’t have one, get a copy
of The Canadian Press Caps and Spelling.
Avoid choppy writing
Jane Keener is a nurse. She works the
night shift. She thinks she deserves a
Better to write:
Nurse Jane Keener, who works the night
shift, thinks she deserves a raise.