Presentation What is philanthropy? • The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Should universities fundraise? • The role of voluntary giving is to support the development of the institution towards achieving excellence, not on maintenance or core funding. Nor is it a substitute for public funding. • Institutions have a responsibility to build the commitment of stakeholders to their future success and to solicit donations from those that can afford it. Higher education institutions benefit from having a charitable purpose and should, in turn, take full advantage of this in asking for financial support. Increasing voluntary giving to higher education, Task Force report to Government, May 2004 (also known as the Thomas Report) What are the benefits of fundraising? • Philanthropy provides flexible income to support the projects and activities that core funding often cannot finance. • Philanthropy enables universities to build on their strengths, enhance student experience, extend research programmes and create the best possible environments within which people can excel. • Philanthropy builds networks of friends and supporters who contribute to the long-term wellbeing of the university in ways beyond their financial contribution.1 ’The Value of Fundraising in an Educational Context’, Fundraising Fundamentals, section 1.1. Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 2012 Why do people give? • They feel a connection to the institution, faculty or department (e.g. alumni) • They are moved by someone's story (e.g. medical research) • They want to have an impact (e.g. public policy research ) • They want to feel they’re changing someone's life (e.g. scholarship) • They want to leave a legacy that perpetuates their ideals or cause (e.g. legacy) • They want to be seen as a leader/role model (e.g. naming opportunity) • They are passionate about a specific issue or subject (e.g. the arts) • They are religious, it’s a family tradition, they want to give back to the community or any number of other personal passions, drivers and influences. • …and because they were asked. Giving in summary • Giving is a personal act. We should respect their reasons for giving. • People act from the heart. But we should still ensure wise and careful stewards of their gifts. • The act of giving is immediate. Our recognition and thanks for their generosity should also be immediate Giving is an intrinsically good thing to do. It makes people feel good about themselves and connected to an institution that does great things in the world. What makes fundraising successful? 1. Involvement of the senior leadership is crucial, as is engagement with the wider academic community. 2. Fundraising is an organisational commitment. 3. Every institution is different and one size does not fit all. Accordingly fundraising should be based on a distinctive identity, mission and history. 4. Fundraising is fundamentally about relationships and for donors to keep giving they need be actively engaged. 5. Fundraising should be sustained and consistent – it is for the long run. Why should faculty be involved? Fundraising requires the skills of both the academic and the fundraiser. Fundraising can: • Strengthen research and teaching programmes • Create more resources and better facilities • Increase the profile of a faculty • Enhance the faculty and student experience • Encourage greater participation by alumni and enlarge the pool of donors. Why should faculty be involved? Academics: • Can articulate the vision for their research programme, project or faculty with passion, authenticity and clarity • Have greater credibility with the donor • Are best placed to track, evaluate and report on the results of the donor’s support. Academics are an essential link between the institution and the donor, illuminating what makes a university special and what a gift could achieve. How academics can help Solicitation Other ways academics can help • Promote philanthropy in research and teaching within departments • Identify academics and projects suitable for funding • Act as advisors and shape priorities • Share knowledge of successful alumni, students and donors with your development (or fundraising and alumni relations) office • Let the development office know of upcoming events that may be of interest to alumni and donors. • Invite alumni, prospects and influential supporters to become volunteers or advisors • Pass on contact details of potential donors you have met through your networks • If you’re traveling, offer to visit alumni and donors • Supplying quotes and endorsement, particularly on impact or stories about your research. How the development office can help academics • Connect academics and faculty with alumni • Facilitate introductions with industry • Introduce and cultivate relationships with philanthropists • Identify potential donors and conduct research on individuals, foundations and corporations • Assist in writing grant applications, sponsorship and philanthropic proposals • Ensure gift acceptance policies are adhered to, thus protecting the reputation of the institution. • Ensure gifts are processed and accounted for in a timely manner and efficient manner • Organise lectures, seminars and public events • Arrange appropriate stewardship activities • Publicise and disseminate academic activity How the development office can help academics • Connecting academics and faculty with alumni • Facilitating introductions with industry • Introducing and cultivating relationships with philanthropists • Identifying potential donors and conducting research on individuals, foundations and corporations • Assisting in writing grant applications, sponsorship and philanthropic proposals • Ensuring gifts are processed and accounted for in a timely manner and efficient manner • Organise lectures, seminars and public events • Arrange appropriate stewardship activities • Publicise and disseminate academic activity What should an academic do if they meet someone who wants to give money? • Thank them! • Take their details and pass on to the development office What should an academic do if they know someone who may be a potential donor? • Advise the development office • Work with the development office to evaluate your recommendation, and then research and plan a cultivation strategy • Begin to cultivate your recommendation if appropriate • The development office should provide you with feedback on progress What should an academic do if they have a project that needs funding? • Make sure that the project has the support of the dean or academic leading the division. • Contact the development office to discuss the project before approaching potential donors. It may be that the university is cultivating the potential donor for another priority. What can alumni relations offer? Financial benefits: • Sustaining an institution through donations and volunteering • Sponsoring research, student projects or courses • Commissioning consultancy • Leaving legacies • Participating in peer-to-peer fundraising What can alumni relations offer? Partnerships: • Brokering introductions to create new partnerships for the university with their employers, governments and other affiliated organisations • Guidance and support when entering new markets or territories • Supporting student recruitment both at home and overseas What can alumni relations offer? Expertise: • Providing expert advice and guidance to the university's leadership • Providing case study material or guest lectures to enhance teaching • Providing careers advice, mentoring or internships to current students • Playing a key role in governance structures • Taking part in focus groups for new communications materials, fundraising activities or alumni services What can alumni relations offer? Brand awareness: • Helping to build and shape an institution’s brand • Contributing to the positive international public profile of the university • Contributing to the positive online profile of the university Thank you