Why is my DNA important?

My Genes, My Goals draft
Worksheet / draft. Notice where to draw your self-portrait as well as where to tape down your origami DNA.
Here is a short segment of DNA,
Why is my DNA important?
My genes, made of my DNA, are instructions for building the proteins
the chemical chain that makes up my genes and chromosomes.
that I am made of. That is how DNA determines my traits.
Here are a few of my traits that we recorded in science class.
These are just a few of the thousands of traits that make me myself.
my trait
[Attach your origami DNA in this part of
eye color
your final copy.]
PTC tasting
arm span
Here I am.
[Draw a self-portrait in this part of your
final copy. You may use a photograph
if you prefer.]
Taking it Further: What can I do with my traits?
What else besides my genes determines what I am like?
Along with my thousands of traits, I also can make choices.
My choices along with my genetic traits determine what I really am
like. See the Goal Chart below for my examples.
Here are three goals I want to accomplish in the next 10 to 20 years.
How I Can Accomplish the Goal
(My choices—What I need to do)
Long-range goal #1:
Long-range goal #2:
Long-range goal #3: