Smokeless: The Safer Alternative by Spencer Clark “You’re going to lose your jaw.” This is usually the phrase that is spoken whenever the topic of chewing tobacco is brought up. People across the United States of America all share one thing, a truly misconstrued and sadly distorted opinion of chewing tobacco. It is a product that causes its consumers to be looked down upon for all the wrong reasons. Smokeless tobacco is not as harmful as it is thought to be. It actually offers a small amount of health benefits, is not what the government makes it out to be, and is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the safer alternative to cigarettes. Other people, usually those who are close-minded and ignorant, would argue that chewing tobacco is a poison that should be removed from the market. These individuals would argue this by claiming that you will get cancer, because the results of government studies claim that individuals that chew tobacco develop cancer. They will claim that there are no health benefits whatsoever. The other side will also claim that chewing tobacco is not a safe alternative to cigarettes for these reasons, and because a giant government required warning label that specifically states, “This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes”, stares them in the face when they pick up a can of chew. It is common knowledge that any and all products in today’s day and age usually have some variety of additives mixed into them. Additives in chewing tobacco are mostly organic and are added for one reason only, flavor. When a can of “dip”, (chewing tobacco), is opened, the first thing to meet the eye are crystals, which are composed of sugar and salt. These two substances are common additives in chewing tobacco and can offer some health benefits. Instead of constantly consuming candy, individuals with low blood sugar can substitute chewing tobacco periodically throughout the day and manage their weight without much difficulty. Smoking Cigarettes offer no benefits, and in this specific case, would make the individuals diabetes worse. The reason for many people’s pre-determined and distorted opinion of chewing tobacco is plain and simple. The government. The government has conducted several studies on chewing tobacco and the results they claim scream cancer, but these studies have a few issues. They fail to provide any real evidence.(Rodu) These “research” groups are often government funded, giving reason to believe that of course their conclusions and findings would coincidentally be in agreement with their funders opinions and views. There are about 600 known ingredients added to cigarettes, some known to cause lung cancer, which create more then 4000 chemicals when burned. Things such as acetone, found in paint thinners, and, ironically, embalming fluid, are found in cigarette smoke. Even chemical components of rocket fuel have been found.(ALA) If male smokers would switch from cigarettes to smokeless tobacco, 103635 could be prevented every year.(Rodu) Anyone with a brain will realize that chewing tobaccos are clearly the safe alternative to cigarettes. Cigarettes are loaded with over 600 additives that are known to cause cancer, whereas chewing tobacco contains only 30!(MC) And none of the additives in chewing tobacco have been proven to cause cancer by true research groups. The main benefit of chewing tobacco that makes it a safe alternative is in the name. Smokeless. The 600 additives that are in a cigarette turn into 4000 when burned(ALA), cause immediate and irreversible damage to an individual’s lungs, and forces these health risks onto other people with secondhand smoke. Smokeless stays in your mouth, doesn’t create secondhand smoke, and the damage that is done can be reversed and treated way before it becomes a serious problem as long as the consumer brushes their teeth every day and see a dentist on a regular basis. The choice is clear, and the facts solid. The real research and the real facts make the case. There is no question that chewing tobacco is the safe alternative. Government studies that discourage chewing tobacco are conducted in an unscientific manner and are extremely biased. Chewing tobacco can offer some health benefits whereas smoking does nothing but deteriorate ones health. The chances of a regular chewer getting cancer are slim to none. Now that these facts have been brought to light, anyone who smokes needs to drop the cancer sticks, and pack, dip, and spit. Works Cited Page American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society, 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2013 American Lung Association. American Lung Association, 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. Rodu, Brad. Rodu Tobacco Truth Blogspot Brad Rodu, 2009. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.