Health Final Study Guide Drug abuse affects all parts of your total

Health Final Study Guide
Drug abuse affects all parts of your total health, physical, mental/emotional, and social.
Dangers of stimulant drugs include addiction.
What do stimulants, depressants, opiates, and hallucinogens have in common?
They are all psychoactive drugs
Which of the following does NOT have a medical use?
Amphetamines speed the heart and breathing.
If a teen studies for a test after using marijuana, he might not remember the material the next
day because marijuana impairs short-term memory and concentration.
Marijuana is a gateway drug, a drug that may lead the user to try other drugs.
It can be fatal to combine alcohol with barbiturates because both drugs are depressants.
Examples of inhalants include glue, aerosols, paint, and gasoline.
10. Psychoactive drugs mostly affect the central nervous system
11. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of drinking as a teen?
An increased ability to make careful decisions
12. The first step in the development of alcoholism is the abuse of alcohol.
13. Which of the following correctly describes one reason why driving after drinking alcohol is a risk behavior?
Alcohol consumption slows reflexes
14. Which of the following should you NOT do is you suspect a friend has alcohol poisoning?
Let you friend sleep it off
15. When a person seeks treatment for alcoholism, what is the first step towards a life without alcohol?
16. A person under the age of 21 cannot legally buy, possess, or consume alcohol.
17. Alcohol consumption increases the chances that a teen will contract an STD
18. An individual’s blood alcohol concentration is the amount of alcohol in his or her blood, expressed as a percentage
19. Factors that influence alcohol use include peer pressure, family, and media messages.
20. Infants born to mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy are at risk of fetal alcohol syndrome
21. The white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth caused by smokeless tobacco are called leukoplakia.
22. Environmental tobacco smoke is also called secondhand smoke
23. A friend who uses tobacco may have difficulty breathing during physical activity
24. Because smoking reduces the body’s capacity for physical activity, it may lead to weight gain.
25. One benefit of living tobacco-free is that you will have a higher energy level.
26. Which form of cancer is NOT likely to develop in a person who uses smokeless tobacco?
Lung cancer
27. ALL of the following are long-term effects of tobacco use except
Cancer of the bladder
28. All of the following strategies can help people who want to quit tobacco except
Avoiding professional health services
29. What is the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves?
30. Which is a strategy that can be tried by people who want to quit tobacco use?
Prepare for the quit day
31. A disease associated with unhealthful weight gain is
Type 2 diabetes
32. The number of calories that you can eat each day without gaining weight depends on your
Activity level
33. The most dangerous type of allergic reaction to food is
34. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating nutrient dense foods.
35. Which of the following is not associated with carbohydrates
36. The energy you need and receive from food is measured in calories.
37. A type of carbohydrate that your body needs but cannot digest is fiber.
38. Eating plenty of foods rich in calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis
39. Water is essential for most body functions
40. In MyPyramid, each colored band represents a different food group
41. Exercise is purposeful activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive.
42. The best way to improve flexibility is with stretching exercises.
43. How many minutes of physical activity should teens get most days of the week?
60 minutes
44. Weight bearing exercises are good for lowering your risk of
45. Which step is not part of the PRICE procedure in treating a muscle strain?
46. Regular physical activity strengthens the heart muscle
47. You need at least three balanced workouts a week to maintain overall fitness
48. Heatstroke is a condition in which the body loses its ability to cool itself through perspiration
49. Watching TV and surfing the Internet are examples of sedentary activities
50. A warm-up before exercise makes your muscles less prone to injury during a workout.