8th.Ch.14 Tobacco Notes

8th Grade – Chapter 14 Notes – Tobacco
Lesson 1
What is Nicotine?
Highly addictive drug found in all tobacco products
Within seconds, nicotine enters blood and reaches
Raises heart rate and blood pressure
What are Cigarettes?
Tobacco leaves are dried and hundreds of chemicals
are added to them
What is Carbon Monoxide?
A gas that makes it hard for the blood to carry
What is Tar?
Sticky substance that can coat the airways and
cause cancer
What are examples of Smokeless Tobacco?
Chewing Tobacco: loose or pressed together to form
a small bunch
Snuff: more powdery than chewing tobacco and is
either loose or wrapped in a pouch
Unfiltered cigarettes that are wrapped in brown
leaves and tied with thread. Come in flavors,
appealing to teens.
A consequence that remains with a person for a
long time
Bad breath, persistent coughing, excess mucus,
discolored teeth, shortness of breath
What are Other Tobacco Products?
Lesson 2
What are Chronic Effects to smoking?
What are Effects of Smokeless Tobacco?
Gum disease, white sores, mouth cancer, difficulty
eating or speaking
What is Environmental Tobacco Smoke?
Mix of exhaled smoke and smoke from the end of lit
cigarettes, or second-hand smoke.
Unhealthy to everyone who breathes it
Social: friendships in danger, strain relationships
with parents, lying and keeping secrets
Emotional: know they are risking their health,
confused and frustrated
What are Social and Emotional Health
Effects to smoking?
Lesson 3
Disease in which damaged cells grow out of control
and destroy healthy tissue.
All tobacco products contain cancer-causing
Lung Cancer: causes more deaths than any other
cancer. 90% smokers and ETS
Earlier people start using tobacco, higher their risk
of getting cancer and other diseases
Chronic Bronchitis: disease in which the lining of the
airways becomes very swollen and irritated. Cough a
lot and have hard time breathing.
Emphysema: disease in which the tiny air sacs and
walls of the lungs are destroyed. Damage
permanent – holes in air sacs do not heal
Diseases of the circulatory system. Heart disease,
chronic high blood pressure, and stoke
Gum and dental diseases, pregnancy complications,
several eye diseases, get sick easier and harder to
Process of your body getting used to a drug
Slowly increase the amount you can take
A state in which the body needs a drug to function
normally. Use tobacco just to feel normal
Inability to control one’s use of a drug
A state in which you think that you need a drug in
order to function. In the mind.
Way in which the body responds when a dependent
person stops using a drug. Anxious, irritable, tired,
headaches, poor concentration.
Respiratory Problems
Cardiovascular Diseases
Other Health Problems
Lesson 4
Physical Dependence
Drug Addiction
Psychological Dependence