
World War II Test Study Guide
1) Who was a fervent anti-Communist and an admirer of Benito Mussolini? Hitler
2) The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact contained a secret deal between Germany and the
Soviet Union to divide __Poland______________
3) The Nazis reserved their strongest hatred for Jews, although they also held other groups
in contempt including homosexuals, the disabled, Gypsies, and
4) In June 1941, in violation of the Nazi-Soviet pact, Hitler launched a massive invasion of
________Soviet Union____________
5) What finally brought the Unites States into World War II? __Japanese attack on Pearl
6) During World War II, the Army enlisted women for the first time, although they were
barred from _______combat__________________.
7) An African American unit, the 99th Pursuit Squadron that played an important role during
the Battle of Anzio ________Tuskegee Airmen_______________________
8) In 1944, at the Dumbarton Oaks Estate in Washington, D.C., delegates from 39 countries
met to discuss a new international organization, which was to be called the ____United
9) On June 6, 1944, nearly 7,000 ships carrying more than 100,000 soldiers set sail for the
coast of ___Normandy____________________
10) Faced with the massive destruction caused by atomic bombs and the shock of the Soviets
joining the war, the Japanese emperor ordered his government to surrender on August 15,
1945 known as _______V-J Day________
11) Which countries made up the Axis? Italy, Germany, and Japan
12) German word for Lightning war? Blitzkrieg
13) The entire western half of the Atlantic Ocean that FDR declared as neutral territory?
Hemispheric Defense Zone
14) A kind of aggressive nationalism? Fascism
15) Which battle was the turning point in the war that stopped the Japanese advance in the
Pacific? Battle of Midway
16) The policy of giving concessions in exchange for peace? Appeasement
17) Which battle was the turning point in the war that put the Germans on the defensive?
Battle of Stalingrad
18) What did they call the day after the unconditional surrender by Germany on May 7,
1945? V-E Day
19) What is the idea that a country should focus on its own problems and avoid international
commitments? Isolationism
20) What was the day of the invasion of France known as? D-Day