Single Subject Credential Program Lesson Plan Notebook Signature Assignment for EDSC 449S Teacher Candidates in the Single Subject Credential Program are required to collect their weekly lesson plans in a Lesson Plan Notebook. Each different preparation (i.e., specific course of instruction) requires a separate Lesson Plan Notebook. There are several reasons for this assignment: The Lesson Plan Notebook serves as a record of the Teacher Candidate’s extensive clinical experience as a classroom teacher and may be useful for job interviews and for reference in future years of teaching. The Lesson Plan Notebook is useful as a reflection tool when completing the Subject-Matter Specific Evaluation required in 449S classes (see The Lesson Plan Notebook, Lesson Plan Notebook Scoring Guide, and the Subject-Specific Evaluation are documented with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing as EDSC/XXXX 449S Seminar in Student Teaching “signature assignment and assessments” for the Single Subject Credential Program. Recommended Organization of Lesson Plan Notebook In the inside front pocket: o Lesson Plan Notebook Scoring Guide (with weekly reviews) o Subject-Specific Evaluation (with annotations by candidate) o Copies of Supervisor Assessments of Classroom Practice (ACP) Use a 2-3 inch 3-ring binder. Use dividers to organize units, chapters, or other large blocks of lesson. Use a weekly lesson plan grid or format approved for your subject area. Include supporting instructional materials behind each week. These might be copies of presentations, handouts, assignments directions and rubrics, or even student samples. Do NOT include copies of quizzes or examinations. Please do not include secondary student names on any materials. Place weekly lesson plan grids into sleeves to distinguish them from the instructional materials. Add materials on a daily/weekly basis. Include detailed lesson plans and supporting instructional materials for all Supervisor observations. Assessment of Lesson Plan Notebook The Lesson Plan Notebook will be reviewed and/or assessed on a weekly or biweekly basis by the 449S Instructor, University Supervisor, or Master Teacher. They may also be required for peer critique activities. These assessments should be tracked on Lesson Plan Notebook Scoring Guide. The Lesson Plan Notebook should be up-to-date and available at any time for Subject Area Coordinator, Supervisor, Master Teacher, or 449S Instructor review. It should be brought to your EDSC 449S class, school site, and any meetings with your Subject Area Coordinator. Candidate Name Subject Area Course Periods LESSON PLAN NOTEBOOK SCORING GUIDE Use the following rubric to assess plans in each category. 4 - Distinguished Substantial evidence of highly consistent application of criteria. 3 - Skilled Adequate evidence of consistent application of criteria. Organization WK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DATES Subject-Specific Evaluation available for review. Includes weekly grid or individual lesson plans. Identifies lessons by unit and day. Is organized and professional. 2 - Basic 1 - Unacceptable 0 - No Evidence CATEGORIES Lesson Plans Identify objectives and standards. Delineate appropriate timing for teacher and student activities. Include formative and/or summative assessments. Differentiate instruction. Limited evidence of consistent application of criteria. Little evidence of application of criteria. Not enough evidence to make a judgment at this time. Supporting Materials Will engage students and support learning. Are age- and grade- level appropriate. Provide scaffolding for ELs (or HLLs) and students with special needs. TOTAL SCORE (X/12) (On back, provide explanation of individual category scores of 1 and 4) REVIEWER INITIALS AND ROLE INS - 449S Instructor SU - Supervisor MT - Master Teacher