ASEAN, Japan, & China

ASEAN, Japan, & China
ASEAN & Japan
Legacy of World War II
Historical development of 3 periods
Economic versus political/security spheres
Emergence of China
Historical legacy
Japan’s aggression in Southeast Asia
during World War II
Japan’s Appeal in WWII
Japan’s appeal to Southeast Asia
during World War II
Economic benefits
Japanese model for economic
development since the Meiji Restoration of
``Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”
``Asia for the Asians”
nationalist movements
``Co-Prosperity Sphere”
``Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”
Japan’s economic foreign policy During
World War II
Absorption of the economies of all
occupied countries
Extraction of resources to fuel the war
against the Allies
Consequence of WWII
How did Southeast Asia change?
Decline of
Western colonial power
the myth of European superiority
Rise in
Southeast Asian independence movements
Japanese interests and influence in Southeast
US interests and influence in Southeast Asia
Integration into global economy &
Japan Returns (1950s)
US strategy concerning Japan
``dynamo of wider regional recovery in Free
contain Communism
Closure of China market in ‘50s & ‘60s
Japan’s economic dependence on US
materials & markets of Southeast Asia
Japan & Southeast Asia: 1
Japan’s economic diplomacy in ASEAN
bilateral trade promotion & economic linkage
>1/4 of ASEAN’s total trade was with Japan
Japan invest more in ASEAN than US
Asian Development Bank (1966 - )
avoid taking any political initiative
1974: anti-Japanese demonstrations
during Japanese Prime Minister’s visit
ASEAN Attitudes
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew
said in 1969:
``My generation and that of my elders
cannot forget [WWII] as long as we live”
``The policy of our government is not to
allow the unhappy experiences of the past to
inhibit us from a policy which can enhance
our growth rates by Japanese participation”
Japan & Southeast Asia: 2
Anti-Japanese demonstrations of 1974
Fall of South Vietnam in 1975
Japan began taking an active interest in
the political affairs of Southeast Asia
from bilateral relations to focus on ASEAN
Japan’s Reaction to 1978
1978: Vietnam invaded Cambodia
threatened Japan’s economic interests
Japan maintained a dialogue with Vietnam
Japan’s reaction
aligned with US-ASEAN-PRC camp
halted economic assistance to Vietnam
called for Vietnam to withdrew all troops
from Cambodia
ASEAN’s Attitude to Japan
Distrust remained but reduced
Fears of Japan’s imperialist tendencies
remained but reduced
ASEAN-Japan Econ. Links
Economic links strengthened
ASEAN countries’ development programs
needed Japan’s support and investment
Japan as an economic model & partner
Malaysia’s ``Look East”, Laos and Singapore’s
``Learn from Japan”
Complementary economies of Southeast Asia
and Japan
Japan & Southeast Asia: 3
Since the end of the Cold War
Japan redefined its role in international
affairs after the Cold War
Japan-ASEAN relationship strengthened
greater interactions
ASEAN as a region and as an institution
Japan’s deeper involvement in regional
more politically engaged
Japan’s Political Role
1990: Tokyo Conference on Cambodia
1992: Japan sent 1,800 troops as UN
peacekeeping forces to Cambodia
since 1994: active participant in regional
multilateral arrangements such as ASEAN
Regional Forum (ARF)
since 1997: political/security dialogues
with Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia
ASEAN Receptiveness
Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir said in
``As we approach the year 2000, it is our
hope that Japan will initiate changes in its
policies that will effectively bring about an
enhanced political, socio-cultural role in not
only the Southeast Asia region but also in the
global context”
Diminishing Role of History
After the Cold War
Increasing economic interdependence
between Japan & Southeast Asia
Fear of Japanese remilitarization reduced
Generation change
``China threat”
Rise of China
China’s ``Reform & Opening-up” policy
Increasing presence in Southeast Asia
Expanding trade
Political relations and influence
visits by leaders
summit meetings
substantive agreements on issues ranging from
trade to military cooperation
Growing Regionalism (A+3)
1995: Asia-Europe Meeting in Bangkok
ASEAN asked Japan, China, & South Korea to
join as Asian representatives
Japan feared alienating US & China
US & Australian reservations about a
regional grouping in Pacific Asia
impact on the success of APEC
possible division of global economy
ASEAN+3 Summit
China & Japan compete for regional
leadership position
ASEAN+3 summit has taken place at each
of the ASEAN summit since 1997
regular ASEAN+3 meetings of finance &
economic ministers
Asian Financial Crisis (‘97)
Japan’s role in Southeast Asia
contribution of funds and initiatives
emergency financial assistance
aid plan for regional human resource
cooperation in information technology sector
inaction on banking reforms
ineffective economic stimulus measures
ASEAN urged faster action to help recovery
Asian Financial Crisis (‘97)
China’s role
refrained from devaluing yuan
contribution of funds and initiatives
entry into World Trade Organization (2001)
ASEAN-PRC Free Trade Area (2001)
threatens Japan’s economic leadership in
Southeast Asia
2001 ASEAN Summit
China and ASEAN formally announced
intention to start talks on establishing a
free-trade zone within 10 years
South Korea proposed an ASEAN+3 freetrade area
Possibility of establishing an ASEAN+3
2002 ASEAN Summit
forgave the debts of Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, and Myanmar
duty-free privileges for exports of the least
developed members of ASEAN
signed declaration on South China Sea
signed framework agreement for ASEAN-PRC
FTA beginning in 2010
Japan signed its first-ever free-trade
agreement (with Singapore) in 2002
ASEAN+3 have considerable potential
APEC may be too broad
ASEAN may be too narrow
Contested regional leadership position
between Japan and China
Japan most advanced economy
China’s momentum