
English 9 Tentative Course Outline
St. Joseph Catholic High School 2015-2016
Rebecca Gonci 2015-2016
Course Objectives
English Language Arts 9 is designed to improve and strengthen oral and
written communication skills and provide students with the opportunity to
develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and
representing. We will be studying a selected balance of literature such as short
stories, poetry, essays, non-fiction works, novels, a feature film and drama.
Specific Learning Expectations: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view,
and represent to:
1. Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences to discover and explore,
clarify and extend.
2. Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and
other media texts while using strategies and cues, responding to texts,
understanding forms, elements and techniques and creating original text.
3. Manage ideas and information to plan, focus, select, process, organize,
record, evaluate, share and review.
4. Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication by enhancing and
improving communication, attending to specific conventions and
presenting and sharing.
5. Respect, support and collaborate with others by working within groups
in order to strengthen community
Every unit will provide opportunities for learning in all of the five
general learning expectations.
The following is a list of units for this year:
**Texts are tentative and may change throughout the year**
Unit 1
Project Based Learning: Solar Society
This is a cross curricular project. In English Language Arts, the students will be
introduced to film study with the ultimate goal of writing and filming a movie
Unit 2
Theme: Family Frustrations, Foibles and Fondness
Texts: My Mother’s Blue Bowl (short story), Stand By Me (film), The Jade Peony
(short story), Gore (short story), The Bridge Builder (short story), Driving Glove
(poem), Family: An Album (visual)
Unit 3
Theme: When Appearances Deceive
Texts: To Christine (poem), Lamb to the Slaughter (short story), The Execution
(poem), The Stolen Party (short story), The Others (film), Save the Moon for
Kerdy Dickus (short story), In Praise of Dreams (poem), Think Like A
Weightlifter, Think Like A Woman (poem), Our Appearance (quotation)
Unit 4
Theme: Natures Paradox
Texts: After the War (novel study), No Renewal (short story), The Time of the
Wolves (short story), The Sniper (short story), The Novitiate (short story), Jaws
Unit 5
Theme: All Things Romantic....Without the Gag Factor
Texts: Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady (short story), A Knights Tale (film),
The Highway Man (poem), excerpts from Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), The
Brute (stage play), The Masks of Love (poem), Desperate Measures (historical
Each unit will combine assignments, activities and opportunity for learning
which focuses on all six strands of Language Arts, each complying with a
combination of the General and Specific Learning Outcomes prescribed by
Alberta Education
Grading and Evaluation
Students will be evaluated on their daily assignments, homework, projects,
quizzes, tests, attitude and participation.
Your final grade for English Language Arts 9 will be calculated as follows:
Types of Evaluation:
Growth of Learner
and Oral
This includes group
evaluations, homework
completion, any
presentation, could be a
speech, an oral reading,
readers’ theatre,
presentation marks
typically include: vocal
quality (volume, tone,
control, tempo) physical
behavior (poise, gestures,
facial expression),
language (diction, usage,
style), message conveyed.
Typically assignments
which focus on the
learning of the material.
This could be quizzes
especially if you give a
first then a second (same
material, different
questions), assignments
with several steps
involved (process of
and reader response
Unit Evaluation
Final Exam Part A:
Written Response
Final Exam Part B:
Multiple Choice
Culminating type of
assignments where
output is evaluated. This
includes anchor project
work and final draft
writing assignments.
End of unit, proof of
learning and
understanding. This
includes reading
comprehension and
literature exams as well
as anchor projects. This
will help ensure
preparation for the PAT
exam at the end of the
Functional Writing
Reading Comprehension
Students will be tested at the beginning of the year for reading
comprehension level by completing a baseline exam, and again in the
middle of the year by completing a midpoint evaluation. Students will
take an end-of-the-year Provincial exam part A (written short
story/essay and functional writing) and B (reading
comprehension/multiple choice).
Expectations for English Language Arts 9 students:
Students will be expected to attend class on time and fully prepared.
Students will be expected to exchange ideas in group settings;
everyone must feel confident that their ideas will be received with
attention and respect. Differences of opinion will happen and are
expected. Personal attacks, be them racist, sexist, or just malicious
will not be tolerated. Students will respect the rights and feelings of all
others in the classroom. This includes respect for property.
Students should complete all assignments; review notes and learn the
definitions of terms.
It is the students responsibility to master all concepts covered in class
by completing all readings and assignments whether or not they are
in attendance. Homework missed can be found in the appropriate
course folder at the back of the room.
Assignments must be typed or written neatly in blue or black ink.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The copier and the “copiee” will be
given a zero if this occurs.
Late work will be penalized. Only under special circumstances where
requests are made prior to the due date will there be a consideration
for late work.
General Information:
Students are to use a three ring binder and supply their own lined paper. A
notebook or duo tang is also required. Notes should be dated with headings and
are to be kept in order in your binder. Assignments are expected to be
completed on time. Students are responsible for class work and assignments
missed in the event the student is away from school.
How to succeed in this course:
Show up on time and be willing to participate
Be prepared (a novel, a dictionary and thesaurus, your binder, pens, a
highlighter and all notes)
Complete all assignments
Respect yourself and the people within the classroom
Please read over this course information and sign below in order to assure me
that you understand the responsibilities and requirements that are a part of
English Language Arts 9 and will comply with them.
Student signature________________________________________
Date ________________________________________
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, feel free to drop by
and see me at any time.
Have a successful year!
Contact Information: 780-532-7779
Rebecca Gonci
*Attached is a copy of all assessment guides that will be used for the year.