digital profolio

By Emily Barton
Annotated table of contents
1.A reflective letter – Describes my reasons for taking creative writing, successes
and understandings of what I’ve learned
2.Interior ( Panamá) Villanelle- This poem is a villanelle about Panama’s country
side, Interior and the people that live there.
3.I whisper softly sonnet – This is a sonnet about love and how much that
significant other affects my life.
4. Little Miss Ladybird – This is a 14 line pentameter poem about a little ladybug
and its mysteries. This is an animal poem of what I would be if I was an
5. Selfishness vs. Self- sacrifice (nonfiction)- This is a personal essay about a very
special person in my life, my mother and how she sacrifices everything for
her kids.
6.Raynbow (fiction) – This is a fiction story about a mermaid and her sister.
7. Home – This is a prompted I did in class where Mrs. Plummer put words on the
board to use in our piece. It’s about people and homes around the world.
8. A dream sweet – This is a poem written with a dreamy quality and unique
structure with compound words switched around.
9. My curiosity leads to a little friend –This is a piece about my childhood where I
reflect a strong emotion of curiosity about the world or a snail.
10. Rain boots- This is a story written about the type of person that would wear
rain boots.
11.Synopsis and Christine and Raul – This is a scene playing Christine and Raul,
whom are boyfriend and girlfriend. She wants to tell him a secret until things
go wrong.
Reflective letter
I took creative writing to improve my skills in my
writing. I also wanted to improve in creativity and
understanding. I understand now that there are
many creative and unique ways to write poetry,
non-fiction and fiction. I understand how to fully
develop my piece and to edit and delete
unnecessary words that bring no effect to the
piece. I’d like to sent some of my piece to teen
ink and publish some of my work. I ‘d like to
start using what I learn for my
own personal poetry and pieces.
Interior (panama)
Thick smoke clouds the air from a tamed fuego
White rice cooks on a homemade, mud stove
Mangos dulces hang, tempted by desire
Nature’s choir becomes children’s laughter
Señora Sol embracing them with her warmth
Thick smoke clouds the air from a tamed fuego
A sign of familias gathered together
In the early dawn, when the roosters sing
Mangos dulces hang, tempted by desire
Hills soar above tiny house built from mire
Lit velas illuminates the small homes
Thick smoke clouds the air from a tamed fuego
Una sonrisa blossoms past the child’s ragged clothes
Harvesting the fresh bananas and coconuts
Mangos dulces hang, tempted by desire
El gente of the interior are not poor
They are rich with love, smiles and dreams
As thick smoke clouds the air from a tamed fuego
Mangos dulces hang, tempted by desire
I Whisper softly
I whisper softly in your ear a short sweet song
A lullaby you’ll hear to when you fall asleep
I sow a seed into your heart, where it belongs
A white rose bringing an innocence to keep
I am a blanket wrapped around you, clinging close
The tinkling sensation lingering on your smooth lips
You touch my heart with a smile that forever glows
Like melting gold, slowly with great intent it drips
Together we have battled day and night, here we stand
Many tears have shed, long gone, quickly dried away
We speak a language we created, only we can understand
"I Love you" willingly slips from your lips each day
I see my future in your deep, brown eyes
As I lay beside your warm body, I feel Love
ittle Miss Ladybird
Her bright scarlet shell glistens in the light
As spotted black dots lay upon her side
Her fragile figure carries tiny legs
Her babies growing up in yellow eggs
Her species the color of the rainbow
Yellow, Red, Black, Orange, Pink, and Grey shades
The aura of the sun hanging over
like an angel’s white halo
Spreading her wings against the mystic air
She glides off a daisy’s yellow petals
With such grace, on a clover she settles
Beautifully quiet like the night sky
Where little Miss Ladybird calmly flies
Bringing good luck every morning and night
As she flutters away out of our sight
Selfishness Vs. Self- sacrificing
As a child we don’t understand what happens in our homes. We wonder, fight and do our best to protect
our parents but we don’t honestly know “why”. Why are my parents arguing? Why does mommy hate
daddy? Why is mommy crying? Why? Why? Why? As we grow up, we begin comprehending the world
around us. We discover the answers we have always been seeking as a child. Children don’t know or
understand the reasons behind their parents’ actions but as we mature, we begin to recognize and
make our own conclusions. Through life we have lessons to learn about selfishness and sacrifice.
These two link us together within our family and friends but there is a time when someone you love
sacrifices too much for you and we need to allow them to be selfish and do things for themselves.
Sacrifice teaches us to be joyful in giving and grateful in receiving without annoyance or regret. As a
love one gives their heart and soul in everything they do for you, you’ll learn later in life there’s a
moment when you have to let them soar freely.
A mother is a great role model of self- sacrifice. She leaves her life behind in order to better
the future for her children. She is like a bird who prepares
for the birth of her babies as she does laborious work to build a nest
full of love and devotion. She gives them attention, feeds them even
if she hasn’t ate and teach them the basics of life; flying.
My mother is a foreigner, who grew up in Panama and had a pretty horrible childhood. Still today
her childhood affects her profoundly. She fell in love with an American man, who took her away
from her beloved home. I believe she deeply wanted to leave her life behind but she really didn’t
notice how much she would miss it. She was a young bright 18 years old when she married. She
went to college but never completed it because by the time she was 21 she had two persons to
feed. She discontinued everything for my well – being. She wanted to make sure she was a great
mother and there for me, unlike her parents. She basically left her future dreams behind to be
there for me. During my childhood I didn’t realize the pain and suffering my mommy went through
in her past or having me. There were many mysterious I would never grasp about her ways. She
was happy, so it seemed, but I soon discovered more about who my mother really is. Since I’m
older, I now know my mother is dreadfully lonely; she masked all her pain from us to keep us from
worrying. When you first meet her, you see a strong, beautiful woman although behind her smile
and graceful image, she’s a fragile creature. My mother is a strict lady who makes sure her
children are intelligent, independent and strong. She is very protective over my brother and I. My
mother has stayed home for most of my life making sure we grew up right. She hardly goes out
unless it's for new clothes for us or we need new material for the house. She hides her feeling
from us because she believes it doesn't concern us. My mother left her home for 13 years to raise
us in a better place with a better education and better environment. She has left many behind and
does not complain one bit. My mother is not only a great mother to me but to others in need as
well. She helps others in ways I couldn't imagine. She has a presence about her that allows
people to talk to her. I have seen her bring piles of books, paper, school items and other important
stuff to poor children in Panama. I've seen her talk to kids that didn't have a mother and allow
them to stay at my house.In my opinion my mother's family is money hungry and underserving of
the love she gives. When my family didn't have enough money to pay bills, she always sent them
money. She sent money more then her other sisters have sent but her family didn't appreciate it.
She has given her heart and love to this family and in return I've seen them call her horrid names
and show so much hatred. If my mom had a choice when she was younger she would of divorced
my father already but she thought of us. She didn't want us to be caught in the middle of their
Selfishness is the brother of greed. If a loved one has given and done everything for you, I
suggest you don't complain. Those dear loved ones have risked everything and deserve nothing
less but respect and appreciation. There is a time in everyone’s life when we need to let go of the
very person that keeps us strong. A mother, who lives an unhappy life, deserves happiness. Even,
if her decision is to divorce your father. In reality, none of us want to be with someone who has
brought us down instead of helping us up. No matter how devastating the decision or event, they
deserve to be understood and there choice accepted. Don't you think it's time for your mother to
be happy? It makes me happy when I realize I've caught my mother smiling and laughing. These
two features I've never seen from her in my life. All I want is my mother to be happy. It’s like a
mother setting her once young baby out into the world. Of course, it will hurt but it makes you
appreciate the love and affection you have for that person. It’s true life is not fair; everyone is not
always happy. I have understood my mother in ways other people can not. She doesn’t allow me
to go place because she’s protective of her children. I wouldn’t blame her. After someone is raped,
molested, neglected, verbally and physically abused the world doesn’t seem bright anymore.
Through my childhood, kids my age wouldn’t understand that. Now, that she has finally returned to
her country she has been much happier and free. She’s not stuck in the house all the time like she
is here. She can go anywhere she likes because there are easy ways to get transportation. I
began to understand my mother and allow her to be herself. I can’t blame her for things that most
kids would. I can’t tell my mother it’s your fault our families broken. Things happen through our
lives that change our perspective of the things around us. Sometimes it’s necessary to put
yourself in the shoes of another. My mother doesn’t hate my dad, they’re not compatible. I guess
“what comes around goes around” can sum it up. My dad to me has seemed like a good guy but
you can’t judge what you see when you didn’t exist at the beginning of their marriage. By
eavesdropping in their arguments, my mother always complains about my father cheating and
yelling “you knew better”. My father at times tries to say he did nothing but at other times he
confesses but never in front of his children. What she complains about and what she says seems
to be related but sometimes one person can have a batch of bad luck. My mother deserves to be
free. So in order for her to continue her journey, I have to give her, her wings. Like a mother bird
does to her babies but this time it’s the babies to the mother bird. If things can happen naturally
then we can at times reverse them. I want to give my mother a second chance, life is not long.
Heat beams through the air as the sun continues to gleefully shine. The weather is perfect. It is not too hot
but not chilly neither. There’s a slight cool breeze that is quite opposite from the heat the sun spills. Once
it touches one part of her delicate skin, chills crawl up her spine. The fresh air is purifying to her lungs.
There the sun gracefully warms up the sand covering the entrance of the cove. Light beams through
many secret holes and cracks reflecting in the mirror below. There wanders the glistening water of serene
peace, crashing waves with out a noise in the cove. The dark green brother of Poseidon pours out to the
ocean at every passing wave. Each gentile wave gliding across the huge worn out brown rocks that lay at
the entrance. There on one of the ancient stones she basks in the sun. Wondering and hoping. Her voice
echoes throughout as she sings softly to herself.
Thhhhe thhhe water ter isss my friend end
“Foreverrrrr flowing without an end. “
Forever ever flowing without out ann end d
“Wherrrree do you go. Willll I ever know?”
Where re do you go go. Will I I ever er know
Her sparkling dark purple ,waist length hair tangled with seaweed and sweet talking star fish, is blown by
the breeze. Her light mysterious eyes that changed color like a mood ring are now light hazel gold. Her
sun bronzed , smooth skin would make any man and creature fall in love with her. She captivates
anything that came near her because radiance glows from her features. Her name is Raynbow. She was
called that because a rainbow appeared on the day she was born and her tail reflected many colors. She
glides her long eloquent fingers through her hair as she stares out to the open ocean. Still wandering and
blue wings rapidly fluttering. It was so extraordinary watching her cleanse her milky way pearl white skin
with rain drops held by small ridges in the rocks. Wow!
Awph. The ocean is so beautiful but I’m bored of it. I’m tired of swimming .I want to explore the world on
the land. I wonder where grandma Ariel is right now. I bet she’s using her legs. Doing things like ...
Um…um. Wa- walking, dancing and what ever else she can do with them. But I don’t want only legs. I
want to be with the Tinkerbell clan. Gwash. I’d like to be able to fly through the sky. Faeries are gorgeous.
Remember Raynbow, when you saw that beautiful fae bathing in the cove. Her sparkling bright
Raynbow was a very adventurous young girl. She was admiring the magic around her world. She
continued to wonder until her older sister, Perall, interrupted her thoughts.
“Yes! I’m up here Perall. On this rock. Yes. Over here.”
“ What have you been doing up here?” ,Perall asked excitedly
“Doing what I always do. Basking in the luminous sun and thinking.” Raynbow said slightly sarcastic
while rolling her eyes.
“What were you thinking about if I may ask?”
“Mermaids, faeries and legs. Haha. Just stuff. Ok. Why do you have to be so nosey gwash?”
“Well sorry for asking but anyway I‘ll just go now since ‘I‘m so bothersome.” ,Perall lets out a long sigh.
“RAYNBOW! RAYNBOW! Are you here?” , Perall yelled
Raynbow grips her sister’s arm to stop her from going.
“No don’t go. I’m sorry. Please stay and talk with me, Please.” she begs
“Alright Rayn I will. So, are you going to tell me what you were thinking?” Pleads Perall
Raynbow tells her sister her dreams and everything she wonders about. Perall sits there concentrated,
eager to listen. As she was talking her thoughts interrupted her. Wow. My sister may be older but I’d never
thought she would want to listen to me rattle with so much energy. Somehow, I feel like I’m getting to
know my sister. We really don’t talk much but today must have been special. I always noticed my sister’s
appearance. I was always a little jealousy of her curly brunette long hair and her tail was so polished with
shine that I couldn’t help to admire it. She usually hangs out with her friends, talking about boys and what
not. I guess the reason I feel like I never knew my sister well enough is because I was always up here.
Hahah. Wow. Even though I may want to be others wonderful creatures I would not do it. Why. Because I
have a family in this ocean and I would never want to leave them. My new person I’ would like to be like is
my sister.
Raynbow finishes talking. They both laugh hysterically for no apparent reason. They both decide to water
race and hang out together. Perall tells a story of her childhood and about Raynbow as a baby. She reads
her a shell story and shows her crafts that she made. Raynbow is amazed at the unique and creative
projects her sister has made. While Raynbow is admiring her pieces, Perall begins to think to herself.
Raynbow has grown up so beautifully. My lil sister, why didn’t I hang you with her more? I never knew we
had anything in common. Wow. She really likes that. It was a piece I created with sea shells and sea weed.
I stuck the sea shells together like a mosaic with slug glue and wrapped the seaweed around it. It looked
like a crown but it didn’t have a hole in the middle to place a head. I got it! I should ask her if she wants to
create a piece together called merLove. Yes. I’ll miss her when I leave to the Caribbean Sea for Starfish
University. I should have hung out with her more. Well, starting now I will.
Raynbow couldn’t help looking at this seaweed piece. She really loved it. It
reminded her of a crown for a merPrincess. Before she could be mesmerized
by its beauty, her sister came along.
“Do you like it? What does it remind you of?” Perall asked sweetly
“It reminds me of a crown for a merPrincess. Yes I like it.” Replied giggly
“Did you know that a crown is not only suited for a merPrincess?”
“No, really. Who else can wear a crown?”
“Anyone Rayn. Anyone.”
“Can I?” responded enthusiast Rayn
“Yes. Of course you can. You’re a princess in my eyes.”
Perall watched as Raynbow’s eyes changed sparkling dark green. Perall
couldn’t help but smile. She gently embraced her little sister into a big hug,
leaving a soft caring kiss on her forehead.
“If you’re a princess Rayn, you will need your crown.”
Perall swam to the table of rocks where her pieces laid. She grabbed the crown
and lifted it above Raynbow’s head. She said a little poem while she did.
“Eyes full of color, Beauty like no other, Water is her home, But she’ll never be alone, two ingredients put
together, to create a radiance forever, strange but unique, With no reason to critique , Always a princess
in my heart, A crown will allow her to start, A world of imagination, With the power of creation, Raynbow is
her name, a kingdom she’ll proclaim” Perall did her best to make up some cool poem.
After her speech she placed the crown on her sister’s head. Since the crown would not stay on, she
clipped little star fish on the side of the crown. The orange -red starfish grasped the crown and her hair.
“You are now a princess. Stand up and bow to your people.” Perall told Rayn
Rayn waved her hands around like a proper princess but in order to stand she had to finally get off the
rock they were on. She pushed off the rough rock into the calling water. Splsh. The cool water hit her face
and brushed through her hair.
Perall was already waiting for her under a burrow in the cove. Raynbow swam upright in an area where
the shining sun glided through the water. The rays illuminating her like a spot light. There she was
smiling and waving. Perall never felt so happy just playing with her little sister.
“Thank you. Oh, Thank you all. I am so honored to be your princess” Rayn said
“Now princess it’s time to go home and eat dear.” Perall said
“Oh. Alright. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!” Waving bye to invisible people
As they both began to swim away, they both had similar things on their mind.
That was fun. Tomorrow will be another fun day with my sister.
And off they went into the shallow dark water. They swam off remembering everything that happened
today. And they both Hoped to do it again and again the following summer.
Simultaneously saying “ Until tomorrow!”
The neon sparkling wind, blows pass the sharp pines in the dark forest.
The darkness falling on every living thing. The stars signaling signs to
tell the violet flowers a secret message. Flashing on and off like a light
switch. A young woman rides on her beat up bicycle across the park,
where she played as a child . A thousand miles away a stallion horse
with a black shiny coat would sleep in his stall, waiting for the rooster
to crow. As a bald eagle with a flight as gracefully as a ballet dancer
soars through the moon lit night sky. Across the continent, where the
sun is shining on the toasted sand at a glamorous beach. A beach,
where the clams are praised as merchandised and the people wonder
on the ocean in a huge brand new ship called Mariposa . Its bright
yellow sails flapping in the wind. On the beach children play with
smiling faces as they throw pieces of wheat bread in the air for the
forever starving seagulls. The children watching star struck as the
ships park into the harbor. Faraway in a place where winter has arrived
. A scarlet red little house lays on a hill full of snow. A little fire
sputters in the chimney as a family sits snuggled together. A curious
cat stalks by with its silver bells ringing, softly through the cold night.
This is the world we live in. Where beauty is everywhere. This beauty
called our HOME.
A Dream Sweet
Far away in a mystic and colorful dream
Where cold dropsrain on every yellow flowersun
A green flydragon flies around the blue air
As the orange shinesun dashs behind the rose red hills
The purple fallnight is arriving slowly
Mrs. Buglady flees to the shade of a cotton stalk
The weeds dance and sing with the breeze
This dream bound by velvet satin, drifting into her mind
Imagination as smooth as chocolate silk
Climbing, gliding inside and out of thought
My curiosity leads to a lil Friend
I play outside in the front of my apartment where a little garden lies
between the entrance and exit. This little dark blue box full of green
plants, colorful flowers and wondrous creatures. Curiosity and
wonder strikes me down and embraces me with it’s lovely hold.
There I am, kneeling on the ground searching in the rectangular box
for something interesting. There’s a curious smile again that creeps
across my face. Ahaha. Look what I have. A wonderful creature, who
is as beautiful as a weed to many people but I think it’s unique and
adorable. I place my little friend in the palm of my hand. It’s cool,
slimy , grayish brown body inches it’s way up. I think to myself, I
wish I had a little spiraling home on my back. I wonder what's inside.
Another smile runs across my face as my eyes glisten. I watch it
with amusement as its long itsy bitsy eyes sticks out looking all over
the place. A little shiny residue of its path is left behind on my arm. I
giggle as it tickles me with every move. How could people think
snails are ugly? How rude they are! Snails probably think people are
ugly. I pick up my tiny buddy and place him on a green black spotted
clover. I’m intrigued by he’s grace as he slides away into the forest
of over grown leaves.
schoolstuff\papers\The water proof boots.ppt
Christine is the girlfriend of Raul; they have been together for 2 and
half years now. Christine has a secret to tell him. Three miles away
from her house there lays an enchanted lagoon where she reflects
and spends most of her time when she is alone. Christine wants to
show Raul her palace, her lagoon and tell him her secret at her
sacred place. The lagoon has a shallow bowl of aqua green water
splashing back and forth against the surface of the granite. It seems
to create an illusion of depth and a long distance. Colorful fish
swarm the surface and move every time Christine moves. Raul
notices but brushes it off. The lagoon is in a cave but from behind
it’s hidden. It appears to be only a hill. Christine pulls him in and
begins to tell him that she is a faery and she can do magic. But Raul
has had an enough of this hocus pocus. He presumes it’s fake. All
lies. At first he is shocked she would say such a thing. He gradually
gets angrier. Raul is a stubborn guy and refuses to believe any more
of what she says. They start arguing. He becomes sarcastic and it
annoys her. He doesn’t see the seriousness of her speech. He finds
out the hard way.He finally finds out the truth when he loses her for
good and begins a journey to find a way to bring her back.
Christine and Raul
Raul: What do you mean you’re a faery? Faeries don’t exist! (He flings his arms up
and down with fury)
Christine: Yes, they do. Stop, yelling at me please, stop yelling. (She tries to hold
him but he pushes her away. She starts to cry.)
Raul: STOP! Stop crying! Are you playing a game with me? Ha-ha it’s funny, you got
me good. (He walks away from her toward a burgundy rock to sit on. He raises his
Christine: Raul! I thought you loved me. Why can’t you just understand? Why is it so
hard to believe? WHY! ( She balls up her fist, hitting the air as she continues to cry.
She screams back)
Raul: Christine I only believe in one thing that is God. I am a catholic. My parents
don’t accept other religions. You know how serious they take their religion. (His eye
brows burrow into his forehead, stressing how much fury he has.)
Christine: This is not about you’re parents. Why are you being so difficult? Why can’t
you believe?
Raul: Because it’s nonsense, and at this moment you’re crazy. Faeries don’t exist in
this world only in fairytales. Is this your way of breaking up with me? Are you trying to
chase me away? Because, it’s working.
Christine: How can you say a thing like that. I love you Raul. I want to share my life
with you and tell you my secrets but I see now it was a mistake and you can’t accept
me for who I am. (she looks him in the eye with pain in her own)
Raul: yeah you expect me to believe that well guess what Chrisitine I’m bigfoot.
(turns aways)
Christine: That’s not funny, you can laugh all you want. I am a faery.
Raul: Ok! Then where are you’re wings. Huh. You tell me that!
Christine: You can only see them if you believe and truly honestly believe because I’m allowing
you to see but the rest is up to you.
Raul: Whatever, so it’s like Peter Pan, like Tinkerbell. Is that what you’re saying?
Christine: Yes, most of it. It’s similar. (she kneels down to him and lays her right hand on his lap)
Raul: (He laughs an evil deep laugh, and moves her hand off his lap) Is it so. Well we’ll see.
Christine: (terrified from the look on his face) Don’t do Raul! This is not funny. If you have a heart
you wouldn’t do it. You’ll regret it Raul. This is not a joke. RAUL NO!
Raul: (He yells out of his breathe, three times) I DON’T BELIEVE IN FAERIES! I DON’T
Christine: (Frighten, she tries to stop him, shaking her head) STOP! RAUL! STOP!
Raul: BELIEVE IN FAERIES (Raul strongly doesn’t believe so he continues, the look in her eyes
doesn’t scare him) You’re a good actor, Christine, I knew there was a reason you took drama.
Christine: I’m not acting Raul. I love you. We’ve been together for 30 months. Do you not know
me. Raul if you say it one more time, you’ll
Christine: (She screams a horrific scream) kill me.
Raul: FAERIES! (Her scream frightens him but it’s too late. She collapses to the floor, her skin
pale, and her brown amber eyes dull. He runs to her.)
Raul: Christine stop playing, this is not funny. CHRISTINE! CHRISTINE! STOP PLAYING!
PLEASE! Please stop playing. (He gently shakes her)