Midterm Examination. Interpersonal. SPCH 10. Spring 2012 The

Midterm Examination. Interpersonal.
SPCH 10. Spring 2012
The exam covers chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. There
are approximately 10 questions per chapter. In
Chapter 7 pay special attention to irrational beliefs or
fallacies of emotions (p. 186).
All questions are multiple choice. Please, bring a
Scantron form and a pencil for the exam.
Below are sample questions:
1. Britney and Kevin have been dating for over
five years. They constantly talk about how many
kids they want and where they will live in the
future. This is an example of how interpersonal
A. communication is unintentional
B. communication is irreversible
C. communication is transactional
D. communication develops and sustains relationships
E. none of these
2. An example of psychological noise is
A. poor health B. being preoccupied with a problem
C. cigarette smoke in a crowded room
D. fatigue
E. poor sound
3. Ning believes that she will never be able to take
public speaking, because she does not have a
natural talent. However, the book states that”
A. communication is unintentional
B. communication is irreversible
C. communication is transactional
D. communication is unrepeatable
E. communication effectiveness can be learned
4. According to the book, all of the following are
guidelines for interpersonal communication
competence EXCEPT:
A. develop a range of skills
B. adapt communication appropriately
C. engage in dual perspective
D. imagination E. commitment
5. The views of ____ comprise the generalized
A. our family of origin B. society as a whole
C. our peers in school
D. a person with whom we have an I–It relationship
E. the persons with whom we have the closest
6. Ego boundaries refer to:
A. ways we satisfy our needs for belonging.
B. where an individual stops and the rest of the world
C. social standpoints such as race, class, and gender.
D. parenting patterns that teach us who we are and
how to approach relationships.
E. communication styles we use in our relationships
with others.
7. The term _______, also called the looking-glass
self, is based on Charles Cooley’s poem.
A. reflected appraisal
B. direct definition
C. identity script
D. self-fulfilling prophecy
E. social comparison
8. All of the following are risks to self-disclosing
communication except:
A. others may reject us
B. others may think less of us
C. others may violate our confidences
D. others may increase closeness with us
9. Which of the following is a script?
A. your expectation of how a friend will behave
B. your idea about how you should interact with a
C. the person who exemplifies a friend to you
D. how a friend measures up on the dimension of
E. the dictionary definition of friend
10. We tend to overestimate the internal causes of
others’ undesirable behaviors and underestimate
the external causes. Conversely, we are likely to
underestimate the internal causes of our own
misdeeds and failures and overestimate the
external causes
A. prototype. B. fundamental attribution error.
C. personal construct. D. stereotype.
E. self-serving bias.
11. Little Timmy did not get a toy from the
supermarket that he really wanted. He refuses to
sit near his mom or even hold her hand when he
walks to the car. He is using his ___ to indicate his
A. artifacts. B. chronemics.
C. proxemics. D. paraanguage. E. silence.
12. Raul came to the United States from Mexico
three months ago and he is still having trouble
understanding Americans’ tendency to rush all the
time. He is also surprised when his teachers are
irritated if he joins class a while after class has
started. Raul’s confusion about American pace of
life is based on which aspect of nonverbal
A. chronemics B. proxemics
C. kinesics D. artifacts E. silence
13. Laura perceives one failure as typical of
herself. She didn’t make the cheerleading squad.
Thus, she believes that she will never make a
squad in the future. This is an example of this
A. perfection
B. overgeneralization
C. helplessness
D. taking responsibility for others
E. Fear of catastrophic expectations