September 30 th , 2013, 4:30 p.m. Central Daylight Time
Declaration of Intent to Bid delivered as an MS Word or PDF attachment to email sent to
. Proposers will also be required to send a printed copy in to:
Judy Braun
Gateway Technical College
3520 30 th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
October 28 th , 2013, 4:30 p.m. Central Daylight Time
Proposal delivered as an MS Word or PDF attachment to email sent to
Proposers will also be required to send a printed copy in to:
Judy Braun
Gateway Technical College
3520 30 th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
Kelly A. Kroes
WISPALS Consortium Coordinator
Gateway Technical College
3520 30 th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
Email contact is preferred.
1 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Purpose and General Information …………………………………………. p. 3
RFP Process and Key Dates …………………………………………………….. p. 5
Scope of Services ……………………………………………………………………. p. 8
Evaluation and Scoring …………………………………………………………… p. 8
Appendix I. Declaration of Intent to Bid ……………………………………… p. 10
Appendix II. Scope of Services and Proposal Template ….…….……. p. 11
Section A. Overall intent and outcomes desired ….……….………. p. 12
Section B. Price ………………………………………………………..….…… p. 13
Section C. Customer References ………………………………………….
Section D. Vendor Support .………………………………………………… p. 14 p. 15
Section E. System Architecture and Reports…………………………
Section F. Staff Functions ……………………………………………….…… p. 18
Section F1. Cataloging ………………………………………………. p. 18
Section F2. Circulation and Self-Check Out .………………… p. 16 p. 19
Section F3. Acquisitions and Serials ……………………………… p. 21
Section G. Web OPAC and Mobile Compatibility .…………………... p. 22
2 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
The WISPALS Library Consortium (WISPALS, an Intergovernmental Organization as defined by Wisconsin Statute §66.0301) encourages proposals from vendors, offering to provide a library management service (oftentimes called an Integrated
Library System) to the 11 members of the WISPALS Consortium.
After discussions and planning, WISPALS has decided that we would like to pursue a new Integrated Library System that would allow the group to expand what they can do with our current system to include features that will be useful for staff workflows.
WISPALS would like to add features that we are not currently receiving from their legacy system to include more modern aspects, such as a system “in the cloud.”
Though WISPALS is a library consortium, our intent is to implement or maintain separate instances of a system under the same contract. WISPALS members will continue to want their own separate installations of a system and continue to have individualized settings and bibliographic records. WISPALS will be operating under a cooperative purchasing agreement.
WISPALS will contract with one vendor for all Staff Functions and OPAC. WISPALS will serve as an intermediary between potential vendors and their member libraries, for the implementation of the new Integrated Library System, as well as the
Discovery Tool selected. WISPALS will coordinate any member library feedback on service, product development, etc. Any contract resulting from this RFP process will be a separate agreement, incorporating relevant provisions of the RFP, proposal, and negotiation. The contract for the integrated library system will be 5 years in length.
The Proposer must make WISPALS and its member libraries aware of any third parties that will be involved in any portion of services to be contracted, including any intermediaries for vendor support, etc.
3 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
WISPALS will share the returned Declaration of Intent to Bid (Appendix I) and
Proposal Template (Appendix II) with the employees of WISPALS, the governing
Executive Committee, and any consortium library staff supervisors and persons designated by the Executive Committee. No request will be granted to vendors wishing to have this information kept to the Scoring Team (see section 4.1) and the
Executive Committee.
The WISPALS (Wisconsin Project for Automated Libraries) Consortium was established in 1989 by a group of librarians from Gateway Technical College,
Moraine Park Technical College, and Waukesha County Technical College. Since then, WISPALS has grown to include 11 of the technical college districts in
Wisconsin, spreading throughout most of the state. WISPALS members work together on getting discounted pricing for electronic databases and an Integrated
Library System. We are also an outlet for idea and knowledge sharing between the libraries. We are governed by the Executive Committee, with representatives from each of our members. The WISPALS Consortium employs two staff members – the
System Operations Manager and the Consortium Coordinator.
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Gateway Technical College
Mid-State Technical College
Northcentral Technical College
Fox Valley Technical College
Lakeshore Technical College
Moraine Park Technical College
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Waukesha County Technical College Western Technical College
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
4 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
The RFP Process will proceed in 4 separate phases:
Phase 1: Declaration of Intent to Bid
Phase 2: Written Proposals
Phase 3: Product Demonstrations, and
Phase 4: Negotiation & Award
Each phase is designed to narrow down the number of proposals currently being considered.
Phase 1: Declaration of Intent to Bid
Those vendors who are interested in submitting a proposal first have to complete the Declaration of Intent to Bid (Appendix I). After these are received, the
WISPALS Consortium Coordinator will disperse the forms received to the
Executive Committee and the WISPALS System Operations Manager via email.
Phase 2: Written Proposals
After the Declaration of Intent to Bid has been accepted, Proposers will be required to submit written proposals, using the template given in Appendix II
(Scope of Services and Proposal Template). This is necessary for WISPALS to give all vendors equal consideration, but does not limit the creativity of answers from the vendors. The Scoring Team will evaluate each of the received written proposals, and will score accordingly. The vendors that receive the highest scores will be asked to proceed to Phase 3 of the RFP process, which will be holding demonstrations of their products.
Phase 3: Product Demonstrations
The selected Proposers from Phase 2 will work with the WISPALS Consortium
Coordinator to set up demonstrations of their product(s). Each Proposer will be asked to break their presentations down by focused areas of interest (System
Administration, Circulation, Serials and Acquisitions, etc.). Vendors may do the separate demonstrations on the same day or on separate days, agreed to by the
WISPALS Consortium Coordinator and the Executive Committee. It is also crucial that the Proposers have the technology available to complete the demonstrations
5 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
via web conferencing, as it is not possible for staff and the Scoring Team to travel for an in-person demonstration. Since input from the consortium library staff is crucial, Proposers will need to allow time for any staff attending the web demonstrations and will be required to record each of the sessions.
The Scoring Team will follow the rubric set below (Section 4.2), and determine scores for each Proposer’s demonstration. A recommendation will be made, and one Proposer will move forward to Phase 4 (Negotiation & Award), to complete the RFP process.
Phase 4: Negotiation & Award
WISPALS will enter into negotiation with the Proposer recommended from Phase
3, to finalize the pricing prepared for a potential contract. The members of the
Executive Committee will confer with (if any) proper college personnel, who may be in charge of purchasing. Once this has been done, the WISPALS Executive
Committee will make the final decision, and enter into a contract with the
Proposer of choice.
Questions and Clarifications
If a Proposer has questions about this RFP, or needs clarification on any point, please contact:
Kelly Kroes
WISPALS Consortium Coordinator
Gateway Technical College
3520 30 th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
August 26 th , 2013: RFP will be published and marketed to vendors via direct email with vendors identified by the WISPALS Executive Committee, as well as posting the RFP on the WISPALS website.
6 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Phase 1: Declaration of Intent to Bid
September 30 th , 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time: Deadline for email receipt of the completed Declaration of Intent to Bid (Appendix I).
Phase 2: Written Proposal
October 28 th , 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time: Deadline for email receipt of the completed Written Proposal, following the Proposal Template
(Appendix II).
Phase 3: Product Demonstrations
November 18 th , 2013 – December 13 th , 2013: The Proposers selected in Phase 2 will work with the WISPALS Consortium Coordinator to set up area-specific demonstrations, based on the availability of the Executive Committee. Each of these demonstrations will be web-based, and the Proposer will be required to record each of the sessions, in case Committee members are not able to attend the demonstration.
Phase 4: Negotiation & Award
February 2014: The Executive Committee will score Proposers who were invited to present product demonstrations. After the scores are tallied and averaged, the Executive Committee will select the front runner. A negotiation team will be put together to work with the selected Proposer.
March 2014: After the Negotiation Team and the Proposer agree upon the final terms, those will be proposed to the Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee will report back to their supervisors or budget leaders at their institution to get the final approval.
April 2014: The Executive Committee will act upon the final decision.
7 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
The Scope of Services is outlined in Appendix II, Scope of Services and Proposal
Written Proposals (Phase 2) and Product Demonstrations (Phase 3) will be evaluated, scored, and cumulated by the WISPALS Executive Committee according to the criteria outlined in the following section.
The WISPALS Executive Committee will score written proposals (Phase 2) to determine which Proposers will be asked to conduct a product demonstration (Phase
3). The scores for Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be combined and cumulated, and the committee will make a recommendation from the scores to determine which vendor to recommend for Phase 4, Negotiation and Award. Scores for the Staff Functions will be determined by comparing responses to the outcomes specified by the
Proposer in the Scope of Services (Appendix II).
8 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Scoring for the Integrated Library System with Staff Functions
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
% of Total
Discovery Tool
Mobile Site
System Architecture
Self-Check Out
9 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
WISPALS Library Consortium
RFP for an Integrated Library System and Discovery Tool
Appendix I
Declaration of Intent to Bid
- Required from all Proposers -
REQUIRED: All proposers are required to complete this form and email it to
in order for their proposal to be eligible for consideration.
DEADLINE: September 30 th , 2013, at 4:30 PM Central Standard Time
In compliance with the requirements of the WISPALS Library Consortium’s RFP for an Integrated
Library System and Discovery Tool, the following business is hereby indicating an intent to submit a proposal:
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Website: ____________________________________________________________
Representative for all communication related to the RFP
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
WISPALS Library Consortium contact for all questions and correspondence:
Kelly Kroes
WISPALS Consortium Coordinator
Gateway Technical College
3520 30 th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
10 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
WISPALS Library Consortium
RFP for an Integrated Library System and Discovery Tool
Appendix II
Scope of Services and Proposal Template
- Required from all proposers -
Every proposal is required to include responses to the following:
Section A: Overall intent and outcomes desired
Section B: Price
Section C: Customer References
Section D: Vendor Support
Section E: System Architecture and Reports
Proposals will include a bid on the following:
Section F: Staff Functions
Section G: OPAC and Mobile Compatibility
11 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
After discussions and planning, WISPALS has decided that they would like to pursue a new Integrated Library System that would allow the group to expand what we can do with our current system to include features that will be useful for staff workflows.
WISPALS would like to add features that they are not currently receiving from their legacy system to include more modern aspects, such as a system “in the cloud.”
A.1. Describe how the proposed solution meets or exceeds the overall intent and outcomes desired.
12 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Please note that pricing that is discussed in this section will be the set pricing
if WISPALS moves into a contract with the Proposer.
Scoring will favor pricing proposals that
are calculated using straightforward methods, and/or
include no or minimal start-up/implementation fees, or those that include a payment plan for the implementation costs.
B.1. Approach to pricing
B.1.1. Pricing for Staff Functions
Contract period: five years.
Provide a pricing formula for community college libraries based on
readily available statistics from third-party members,
pricing that reflects all features and services, and
is a set flat rate for the contractual period so that WISPALS can calculate an annual service fee or price for members of the consortium.
B.1.2. Pricing for implementation and migration
Provide a pricing formula or flat rate for community college libraries to implement and migrate to your system.
B2. Alternative approach to pricing
In addition to the pricing structure proposed in B.1, proposers can create an alternative approach to pricing. If the proposer elects to do this, please be as specific as possible with the formula.
B.3. Payment Schedule
Please outline how soon before migration/implementation that the first payment would be due, and how the payments would become due thereafter.
13 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
NOTE: No feature(s) may be presented during the Product
Demonstration (Phase 3) without including those features in this pricing structure. Please clearly detail the breakdown of costs by
features that you will be highlighting in this proposal.
Each proposer will need to include three library references that are not members of the
WISPALS Consortium, currently using the proposed product, with the following information:
Contact name:
Library name:
Email address:
Product(s) used:
Number of years you have been doing business together:
WISPALS would prefer that the proposers use contacts from other consortia and/or community colleges, but will accept references that are not from a consortium or community college. WISPALS will also seek out three additional references outside of those provided in the proposal, for a total of six business references.
14 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
D.1. Describe the training regimen that you have for new customers.
D.1.1. Do you have additional training available to customers after the initial training? If yes, then please provide your current pricing structure for additional training.
D.2. Describe the documentation that you have for your product(s), including any listservs and/or online forums that you have for each of your products, if applicable.
D.3. Describe the method(s) used for reporting issues with your product(s).
D.3.1. Describe the ranking of issues reported, if applicable.
D.3.2. What is the average response time for issues being answered?
D.3.3. Are there any restrictions on who in the Consortium will be able to submit help requests?
D.4. Describe the procedure that you use with backing up the system(s).
D.5. Describe the options that your company gives to libraries that prefer using virtually hosted servers.
D.6. Describe the percentage of downtimes that your system has, and how many hours (on average) it takes for your system to be restored and running.
D.7. Describe your hosted system environment.
15 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
E.1. Describe the reporting functionality of your product(s).
E.1.1. Describe the ability to save search queries or reports.
E.1.2. Does your system allow for reports on individual records (patron, item, etc.)? If yes, describe how this works.
E.2. Describe the external student data management systems that your product(s) communicate with (e.g. PeopleSoft, Banner, Datatel).
E.2.1. Describe the automated processes that your product(s) is able to complete with the external system(s) that you listed above.
E.3. Describe your system’s ability to bulk import records (patron, item, etc.).
E.4. Describe the administrator side of your system, including options for staff and staff workflows.
E.5. Describe the ability to create patron and item types, as well as locations, based on an institutional level.
E.5.1. If you are including a proposal for the Discovery Tool, describe the lag time and steps necessary for new types and location codes to show up in the discovery tool.
E.6. Describe any shortcuts (keyboard or right-click) that your system allows
(e.g. copy and paste).
E.7. Describe the login structure of your system (one time login for every module, or separate logins for each module).
E.8. Describe your system’s ability to communicate with the MarcEdit software
E.9. Describe your system’s ability to import or globally change record information.
16 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
E.10. Describe the system’s ability to create user-imported/created metadata
(including tags, ratings and reviews).
E.11. Are all of the staff modules located in the same window, or in separate windows?
E.12. Describe the ability to set preferences for staff clients (number of minutes before timing out, text size/color, etc.).
E.13. Describe the ways that your system’s modules communicate with one another.
E.14. Describe your system’s ability to interact with social media and social networks.
E.15. Explain how patron data (ID and demographic) data is extracted from external student/employee systems and is updated/maintained in the integrated library system.
E.16. Describe your system’s ability to work with External Authentication
E.17. Are staff modules client-based, web-based, or both?
17 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Section F.1. Cataloging
F.1.1. Describe the compatibility of your system with OCLC Connextion and/or other Z39.50 interfaces.
F.1.2. Describe the system’s interface and functionality of the Cataloging module. If possible, send screenshots of the interface.
F.1.3. Is the cataloging module client-based or web-based?
F.1.4. Describe your system’s ability to globally change data in the
Cataloging module.
F.1.5. Describe the process of validating MARC records in the Cataloging module.
F.1.6. Describe the ability for the WISPALS Consortium libraries to share records in the Cataloging module, if possible.
F.1.7. Does your system have a spell checking option?
F.1.8. Describe the method in which you can bulk import records into the system (e.g. eBooks).
18 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Section F.2. Circulation and Self-Check Out
F.2.1. Describe how your system processes overdue notices.
F.2.1.1. After sending out notices, is there a way to retrieve the notices? If yes, then describe the process in which the notices can be recovered.
F.2.1.2. Describe the means that your system sends out notices
(printing, emailing, and/or texting).
F.2.1.3. Is it possible to restrict some overdue messages from being sent, or do they all get sent at the same time? Please explain.
F.2.1.4. Describe how the content of the notices’ templates is edited.
F.2.2. Describe the structure of patron records in your system. If possible, please include screenshots of this.
F.2.2.1. Is it possible to assign patrons more than one code in the same record?
F.2.2.2. Does your system allow for the import of pictures into patron records?
F.2.3. Describe the hold function in your system’s circulation module.
F.2.4. Describe your system’s ability to interface with self-check out systems.
F.2.4.1. If your system does interface with self-check-out systems, please explain the additional pricing for the interface.
F.2.4.2. Does your company sell self-check out machines?
19 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
F.2.4.3. If your system is compatible with self-check out machines, please describe the functionality of the software, including what can and cannot be restricted on the patron end.
F.2.5. Is the module client-based or web-based?
F.2.6. Describe the methods that you can use to search patron records, and include any limitations that may exist (e.g. minimum or maximum of numbers in a barcode, etc.).
F.2.6.1. Does your module allow for a different default for searching patron records (e.g. defaulting to name instead of barcode)?
F.2.6.2. Describe your system’s options for deleting patron records
(single record, bulk deletion, etc.).
F.2.7. Describe how your system handles fines, including options to add/waive fines, and viewing each patron’s fines history.
F.2.8. Describe your system’s policy on viewing patron check-out histories.
F.2.9. Describe your system’s ability to modify due dates, renewal dates and check-in dates, as well as changing any of these through the patron record.
F.2.10. Describe the Reserves function in your system, along with the steps necessary to add an item to a Course Reserve page.
F.2.11. Describe searching for items in the Circulation module.
20 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
Section F.3. Acquisitions and Serials
F.3.1. Describe the settings work in the Serials module, including the ability to change the view in the public access catalog. Please include screenshots, if possible.
F.3.2. Describe the claiming function in the Serials module.
F.3.3. Describe the Acquisitions module, along with its ability to work with outside financial systems. Please include screenshots, if possible.
F.3.4. Is the module client-based or web-based?
F.3.5. Describe the module’s ability to create routing lists.
F.3.6. Describe your system’s budgeting and fiscal period rollover functions.
F.3.7. Describe the check-in patterns for serials.
21 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P
G.1. Describe the layout of your web OPAC. Please include screenshots, if possible.
G.2. Describe the ranking system of your web OPAC.
G.3. Describe the customization of your web OPAC, on both the administrative side and the patron side.
G.4. Describe the mobile version of your web OPAC.
G.5. Describe the ability to use client modules/staff functions on a mobile device.
G.6. Describe the ways in which patrons and staff can search the OPAC
(keyword, title, ISBN, etc.).
22 | W I S P A L S C o n s o r t i u m R F P