
8th GRADE FLEX 2014-15

Course Outline and Expectations – Mrs. Elling


This class, F oreign L anguage Ex ploratory ( FLEX ), is an introduction to foreign-language learning. It will help you understand the nature of language, communication, and culture while developing life skills in order to compete in the world of work. The study of a foreign language incorporates many disciplines including History, the Arts, Geography, Sociology, Science, and Math. During the 8 th grade quarter, we will focus on two areas:

 The Latin & Greek influences on English – Did you know that more than 50% of our English words are derived from Latin words? Why should we know about Latin or Greek roots?

 Spanish culture and basic Spanish phrases – What do we know about the Spanish-speaking people and the countries that speak Spanish?



3-ring binder or a folder with pockets for handouts from this class

Your Learning Log


Lined paper or a spiral notebook for taking notes and doing projects

In addition, please have the following materials available for use when needed:

Colored pencils/markers - Headphones - Flash drive

Phones must be turned off during class.


A learning log is a journal in which students will keep a running written account of what they are learning in this class. Each student will be given a log to use. Log entries will be written in the first person at least two (2) times each week. Some class time will be provided to make log entries, while other entries will be part of a homework assignment. A minimum of five (5) sentences is required for each entry. They are not graded; however, students will receive full credit when they meet the following criteria:

They reflect what the student is learning in this class.

They are written in standard English (not IM or SMS) showing the student’s understanding of writing “ content for a purpose to an audience .”

There are two complete, thoughtful and dated entries written each week.

Learning logs will be collected on Fridays. If a student loses their Learning Log, they are responsible for creating a new one.




 Students are expected to attend class regularly. There is no textbook, therefore the lectures and class activities are crucial to learning the material and difficult to replicate on their own.

 Students will not be allowed to go to their lockers during class. Students frequently coming to class unprepared may be subject to disciplinary action.

 Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to begin at the bell. Excessive tardiness (3 or more times) will result in disciplinary action. Skipping a class session will result in a Major

Referral and carries the consequences as directed by school policy.

 Learning a foreign language requires oral practice. For that reason, food, gum or drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Dailywork points are earned when the student comes prepared for class and demonstrates what they know each day by speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Up to three (3) points will be awarded daily. Five (5) or fewer excused absences each quarter will not adversely affect the student’s Dailywork grade.

 Students are expected to conduct themselves respectfully. Individuals and property in the classroom will be treated with respect at all times. Actions or comments, which are offensive or damaging in any way, will not be tolerated and there is also the potential for disciplinary action.


 Homework is to practice skills and concepts covered in class, but completed independently.

(Please see “Academic integrity.”)

 Students are expected to complete assignments by the assigned due date. Work should be done completely, as directed, and carefully. Late assignments will receive a penalty of 10% per day.

Work that is incomplete or completed carelessly may receive no credit.

 In the case of an absence (excused or unexcused), students will have the number of days absent from this class times 2 in order to complete make-up work for full credit. However, if the student was in class on the day that the homework was assigned, students are expected to come to class with the assigned work completed. Missed quizzes will be taken on the day the student returns to class.


 Students are expected to be responsible and submit their own work (homework, special projects, quizzes, learning logs) in this class. Therefore, direct copying of the work of another that is submitted as your own is considered cheating. Examples of what is considered cheating would be copying or stealing someone else’s homework, passing or receiving answers for quizzes of tests, plagiarism on reports, etc. These are some examples; however, the teacher’s definition of cheating is not limited to these.

 When it comes to writing your assignments, all the words should come straight from you, unless you are supporting your assertions with a properly cited quote. Passing off someone

else’s work as your own is plagiarism (cheating). A student must give credit to the originality of others whenever he or she does any of the following: o Quotes another person’s actual words, either oral or written; o Paraphrases another person’s words, either oral or written; o Uses another person’s idea, opinion, or theory; or o Borrows facts, statistics, or other material, unless the information is common knowledge.

 Consequences are as follows: o First offense on daily work/homework: “0” on the assignment and a call home; o Second offense on daily work/homework OR first offense on quiz or special project: “0” on the assignment/quiz/special project, a call home and further disciplinary action as stated in the Student Handbook.


Your grade will be determined using the following percentages:

5% Dailywork

 Learning a foreign language requires oral practice. Daily classroom work includes demonstrating what you know each day by speaking, listening, reading and writing. Up to 3 points will be awarded daily.

15% Learning Logs

 These are collected each Friday. Be sure they contain the required criteria.

20% Homework

 All work assigned is expected to be completed carefully and turned in on the date due at the beginning of class.

25% Special projects/Performance Assessments

 These assignments are more time-consuming to complete and therefore carry more weight.

35% Quizzes

 The date of all quizzes will be announced in class and must be taken on that date.

Due to the complexity of some assignments or projects, grades may take up to 3 weeks to be posted in

Skyward. If there are questions or concerns, please contact me.


98-100 A+

93-97 A

90-92 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

63-66 D

60-62 D-

‹60 F


I am available to answer any of your questions most days during 1st period (8:03-8:50 am), home room

(11:05-11:35 am) or after school (3:08-3:45 pm).

Phone: 715-595-4241, ext. 246 e-mail: ellikat@lakeholcombe.k12.wi.us

(If using a yahoo.com, hotmail.com or any other “free” e-mail address, please know that these are normally sent directly to the SPAM folder. PARENTS: Please be sure to use your child’s name in the subject box and I may be able to retrieve them. If I have not contacted you within 24 hours of sending the e-mail, please call me and leave a message.)
