Biology Protein Sheet We BUILD UP (Synthesis) polypeptides by linking together many small amino acids. Water removed (dehydration) to form bond between molecules Name ____________________ ____________________________________ Monomer of Proteins Called _______________________ Synthesis (building up) 20 DIFFERENT KINDS!!!!! Basic Structure ( r side chain is what is different for each amino acid.) Protein Food Meat, Dairy, Eggs, Beans, Nuts Polymer of Proteins called _______________________ Key Point! When we link together amino acids, there is no oxygen left over. The bond that forms between the carbon and nitrogen is called a _______________________________ Decomposition (breaking down) We BREAK DOWN polypeptides into many small amino acids. Water is added (hydro) to split bonds (lysis) between molecules ____________________________________ Biology Protein Sheet Name ____________________ Functions of Proteins - _____________________ - muscle, bone, skin, connective tissue, organs etc. - _____________________ - these help control chemical reactions in our body - _____________________ - these are chemical messengers in our body - _____________________ - help fight off infectious diseases Significance of 20 different amino acids? - Since we need 20 different ones, we need to make sure we consume the right amount of protein in our diet. o _____________________________ - amino acids we MUST consume…… o _____________________________ - amino acids our own bodies can make. Shape of Proteins - Because each protein we make serves a different function in life, they need to have a specific shape to do their job. There shape is determined by their order of amino acids! - If a protein’s shape is changed then it is called ________________________________ o Ways to denature proteins include ____________________ ex. Cooking, heat stroke ____________________ Ex. Spoiled milk