Domain - Images


Classification & Taxonomy

What does it mean to classify?

• Classification is when you put objects or things into groups, based on their traits/characteristics, in order to make them easier to find and understand.

Why do we group things?

What are some other examples of classification you can think of?

Biology reasons to classify:

• 1.8 million named species in the world today

• Grouping living organisms means we can learn more about them as a group

• So that we can talk about the same living thing with other people and scientists.

 Ex. Cougar / Mountain Lion

On the next slide I want you to find all of the plants

How could we have made that task easier?

Now find all of the plants on the next slide.


• Using a pair of scissors and the handout sheet, I want you to:

 Divide up the organisms into 4-6 groups. Based on some logic.

 On your left hand page record your grouping criteria.

 Switch notebooks with another pair and categorize your pictures based on their criteria.

Taxonomy and Taxons

• Taxonomy is basically the science of putting living things into groups.

 Taxons are the groups we put them into

All Living things.

• In order to help us understand all 1.8 million organisms scientists divided them up, based on similarities, into 3 gigantic groups.

• Domain – This is the absolute largest division of living things. All living things can be put into 1 of the 3 Domains.

3 Domains

1. Eukarya – This is the domain for all living things with eukaryotic cells, such as animals, including humans, plants, fungi and protists.

3 Domains

2. Archaea – This domain contains the extreme bacteria. These are bacteria that can live in boiling water, or acid lakes. Some even live in your intestines

(but not many).

3 Domains

3. Bacteria – This domain contains all of the rest of the bacteria, like E. coli ,

Strep , Staph , etc.

Inside the 3 Domains

• Inside each of the Domains there are 1 to 4



• For Example:


Kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista

Inside each of the kingdoms there are further subdivisions and so on until you get to a single species.

The Taxons and Taxonomy


There is only one kind of thing at this taxon.









• Copy the information from page 459 onto your domains and kingdoms chart.

• Cut out the chart and glue it into your notebook.


• What is classification?

 It is when you put things into groups based on certain characteristics.

Understanding Check: Taxonomy

• What is the largest taxon?

 Domain

• What is the smallest taxon?

 Species

Understanding Check: Taxonomy

• How many types of organisms can be found in the taxon species?

 One

Understanding check: Kingdoms

Understanding check: Kingdoms

The Eight Taxons

Domain -----------------------------------------------








Species ------Smallest

Remembering the Eight taxons

• “Dear King Phillip Called Out For Good S oup”

• Domain

• Kingdom

• Phylum

• Class

• Order

• Family

• Genus

• Species


• What are the taxons from largest to smallest?

• Domain

• Kingdom

• Phylum

• Class

• Order

• Family

• Genus

• Species

Binomial Nomenclature

• Binomial = “Two Name”

• Nomenclature = “Naming System”

• Uses Genus and Species

 Examples:

• Homo sapiens = Humans

• Felis concolor = Mountain Lion

Binomial Nomenclature Cont’

• Ursus arctos = Grizzly Bear

• Ursus sort of like its last name

• arctos - sort of like its first name

• Which of the following organisms are most closely related?

 Picea abies

 Pinus sylvestris

 Picea glauca

 Thuja plicata

• Which of the following organisms are most closely related?

 Rana temporaria

 Codium fragile

 Bryopsis plumosa

 Rana malculosa


• A cladogram shows how closely related several species are.

• For Example - See .pdf of page 452

Example: Which two are most closely



Turtle Rabbit Cow





• Work with the person next to you and try to make a cladogram using the information and instructions on page 453

(Quick Lab)

 Use a separate piece of paper and turn it in when finished.
