place of performance

Electronic commerce – B2B
• E-Commerce is sharing business information, maintaining
business relationships and conducting business
transaction by means of telecommunications network
• It is conducting the exchange of information using a
combination of structures and unstructured messages
across the entire range of networking technologies
• The Internet’s WWW has been the prime driver of
contemporary E-commerce
• E-commerce enables organizations of all sizes and in all
market sectors to improve their competitiveness
Traditional vs. electronic
• Traditional commerce:
• Firms engages in many other activities in addition to buying
and selling their product
• Traditional commerce include: buyers and sellers using old
fashion method to do business
• Electronic Commerce:
• Firms has used various electronic communications tools to
conduct different kinds of business transactions.
• Electronic Commerce use technology to moves people
around the world
 E-commerce is the paperless exchange of business
information using electronic data interchange (EDI), email, electronic bulletin boards, fax transmission,
electronic funds transfer
 Internet shopping, online stock and bond transactions,
downloading and selling of „soft merchandise“ (software,
documents, graphics, music etc.)
 The concept of e-commerce is all about using the Internet
to do business better and faster
Pros for consumer
 Price
 Quick, convenient, easy
 In depth product overview
 Consumer reviews
 Find products online that you cannot find at a local, real
 Doors are always opened to customers, 24/7
 No sale pitches (store empoyees)
Cons for consumer
 Unable to examine products personally
 New way for cyber-criminals to steal personal, financial
info and even your identity
 Product overload
 Do not always know what you are getting
 Shipping delays (purchases and returns)
 Slower product verification and problem resolutions
 Loss of emotional fulfillment
Pros for businesses
 Increased market share (global)
 Provide for niche markets
 Operation costs
 Increased productivity
 Survey of customers
 Less likely to make returns
Cons for businesses
 Elimination fo face to face interaction
 Distribution (in-stock)
 Competition (prices down=profit margin down)
 24/7 (updating, responding etc.)
Barriers to e-commerce
1. Access and Connectivity
2. Authentication and Standardization
3. Cyber Laws
4. Technology
 Information exchange <-> product/service exchange
 Information exchange
 Partner/product search
 Negotiation, market, auction
 Contract
 Contract fulfilment
 Legal information
 Etc.
 Product/service exchange
 (micro)payment
 (intangible) products
 Logistics of products and services
 Subscription mechanisms
Types of e-commerce
 B2B – examples
 Internet bookshop, shopping malls, auctions, collective
 B2C – examples
 Finance – stock market, electronic banking
 B2B support, marketsE-commerce
 C2C – examples
 G2B/B2G – information, procurement, tax administration,
medicine, education, weather
Role of institutions
 Facilitate the transactions
 Provide efficient price discovery mechanism, standard
transaction protocols, settlement mechanisms
 Enhance trust through
 Provision of info on potential partners
 Legal provisions to back up contracts
 Provide securities/guaranties
Practical concerns
for e-commerce deals
 Identity and capacity of seller or buyer
 Authenticity of offer and acceptance (digital
 When and where contract formed
 Governing law
 Terms and conditions (click through)
Practical concerns
for e-commerce deals
 Agreement on electronic payment system
 Security of information exchanges
 Consequences on breach
 Storing electronic data to prevent alteration
 Technical and legal barriers
Contracts – the basics
 Offer
 Acceptance
 Intention to enter legal relations
 Consideration
 Legal capacity
 Genuine consent
Contract formation
 Computers are not the first human actors to be involved
in contract formation – vending machines, tickets
 Thorton v Shoe Lane Parking Ticket Ltd. - a contractual
term displayed or communicated to contractual party
after consensus ad idem is reached is not incorporated
into the contractual terms
Contract formation
 E-commerce directive
 Electronic contracting, SPAM emails, protection of ISPs and
other third parties carriers
 E-commerce directive – Arts. 9 – 11
International organizations
 Hague Conference on Private International Law
 The EU
 Inter-American Specialized Conference on PIL
International instruments
 The EU
 Brussels I Regulation
 Rome I Regulation
 E-commerce directive
 International conventions
 The Hague Convention 2005 on choice of court agreements
International instruments
 United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic
Communications in International Contracts, 2005
 Rotterdam Rules – the UN Convention on Contracts for the
International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea 2008
 International substantive law, electronic transport documents
 Deemed to be one the greatest steps towards harmonization of
international business
International instruments
 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
 United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic
Communications in International Contracts, 2005
 Do not contain rules on jurisdiction,
 time and place of sending and receiving data
messages/infomation - > interpretation of place of
business, place of dimicile etc.
 Valuable for analyzing parties location in cyberspace
International instruments
 The Hague Convention 2005 on choice of court agreements
 1st – U.S.
 Only to B2B
 Exclusive choice of courts agreements
 Expressly aims at applicability to the digital age (Arts. 1 , 3c)
In preparation, pending
 Draft Hague Principles on the Choice of Law in
International Contracts
 Proposal for Regulation on Common European Sales Law
 „…for on-line contracts in general, in the matter of jurisdiction
and applicable law, if the performance of the relevant
obligation takes place off-line, the existing rules of private
international law referring to the place of performance remain
relevant. If the performance takes place on-line, the place of
performance is not appropriate as a connecting factor. In that
case, the relevant connecting factors are the location of each
of the parties involved“.
Geneva Round Table on Electronic Commerce and Private
International Law
E-commerce directive
 No rules on PIL or jurisdiction
Brussels I Regulation
 General jurisdiction Art. 4
 Special jurisdiction Art. 7/1
 Prorogation Art. 25
Regulation Brussels I - Article 7 section 1
1. A person domiciled in a Member State may, in another
Member State, be sued:
in matters relating to a contract, in the courts for the
place of performance of the obligation in question;
b. for the purpose of this provision and unless otherwise
agreed, the place of performance of the obligation in
question shall be:
in the case of the sale of goods, the place in a Member State
where, under the contract, the goods were delivered or
should have been delivered,
in the case of the provision of services, the place in a Member
State where, under the contract, the services were provided
or should have been provided
Regulation Brussels I - Article 5 section 1
Special jurisdiction
Multiple places of
delivery of goods or
provision of services
No real
Not within
Article 7/1
more than
but with one
has its own
over the
whole claim
has been
in a
number of
Art. 7/1 not
Article 4
B2B electronic contracting
 Is article 7/1 still applicable and how?
 Necessary to distinguish
 Electronic contract for the sale of goods X for the provision
of services
 Physical goods/services X digitised goods/services
 Physical performance X digitised performance
B2B electronic contracting
 Place of performance?
1. The place of dispatch/uploading (Art. 10/3 UN
2. The place of receipt/downloading
3. The place where either the seller or recipient has a
closest connecting factor
B2B electronic contracting - conclusion
 The place of performance
 At recipient‘s place of business indicated by the party
 If not indicated or more than one – the one with the closest
relationship to the relevant contract
 If no place of business – recipient‘s domicile
 Supported by:
Art. 60 Brussels I, Art. 2 e-commerce directive, Art. 31 CISG, Art.
15/4 Model Law, Art.6 + 10 UN Convention
Brussels I Regulation
 Art. 25
 Only provision that explicitly aknowledges agreements
made via electronic means, which provide a durable
record fo the agreement
 Choice of jursdiction clause in the standart conditions and
terms on website
 Click-wrap agreement – „I agree“ + must be made available
 Problem – to prove contractual consensus + incorporation
Brussels I Regulation
 Art. 10/1b) – the concluded contract must be filed by the
service providers and must be accessible
 Art. 10/3 – contract terms and general conditions must be
made available in a way that allows to store and
reproduce them
 No consequnces if not fulfiled
Jurisdiction over E-Commerce Transactions:
United States Law
 The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
Personal jurisdiction
 Constitutional rule of due process
 Rule of fairness
 Requires sufficient contacts with forum state
Zippo criterion
 Three categories:
 Doing business with residents of forum jurisdiction
 Posting a passive website
 Middle category: depends on “the level of interactivity and
commercial nature of the exchange of information”
Revision of the Zippo test
 Directs electronic activity into the state
 “With the manifested intent of engaging in business or
other interactions within the State”
 Gives rise to a cause of action
— ALS Scan v. Digital Svc. Consultants
Effects test
 Intentional actions
 “Expressly aimed at the forum state”
 “Causing harm, the brunt of which is suffered—and which
the defendant knows is likely to be suffered—in the
forum state”
Revision of the effects test
 Takes “expressly aimed” requirement more seriously
 “Mere foreseeability that the defendant’s conduct would
have such an effect is not sufficient.”
— Young v. New Haven Advocate
Convergence of Zippo and effects test
 Both require the defendant to take some action that
indicates a specific intent to have contacts with people or
businesses located in the territory where the court sits
International applications
 Application of Zippo:
 Graduate Management Admission Council v. Raju:
targeting of US found based on providing ordering
 Applications of the effects test:
 MGM v. Grokster: defendant charged with knowing of
effect on California industries
 Yahoo! v. LICRA: no jurisdiction because no wrongful
 Like the Uniform Commercial Code
 Unlike UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
 Unlike Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
UCITA is controversial
 Opposed by consumer protection advocates
 Adopted in only two states
 Banned by “bomb-shelter” legislation in four states