The Sixties

14. The Sixties
A Decade of Protest and Change
President John F. Kennedy
Space Race
Against Soviet Union
Sent John Glenn into space
Alliance for Progress
Peace Corps
Major failure: Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba (1961)
Major success: Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Assassinated in Dallas, November, 1963
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1968)
Proposed the Great Society
Civil Rights Act of 1962
Medicare Act of 199965
War on Poverty and aid to the cities.
Instituted changes in immigration policy
Space Race continues
A Decade of Change
New Lifestyles
Birth of Anti-War Movement
Impact of music (Beatles)
Challenged materialism
Challenged establishment
Youth objected to Vietnam War
Influenced U.S. policy.
Twenty-Sixth Amendment: Lowered voting age to 18
Women’s Liberation Movement
Objected to traditional roles of women.
Focus: Gain economic and social equality
Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique
Title IX; Promoted gender equality in education
Rising Ethnic Dissent Among Minorities
African-American Militancy
Ghettos erupted with assassination of Dr. King in 1968
Cause of unrest found to be a lack of job opportunities.
Black Power Movement.
One leader was Malcolm X.
Sought African American control of their own communities
Emergence of Black Panthers
Other Minorities
Chicano Movement. Mexican Americans
Sought to correct past discrimination and racism against
Mexican Americans.
Leaders of the movement:
Hector Garcia. Challenged discrimination.
Cesar Chavez organized farm workers using non-violent methods.
American Indian Movement (AIM)
“Red Power”; Raise respect for Indians.
Occupation of Alcatraz / Wounded Knee
Racial Equality in Courts
Mendez v. Westminster School District. No
segregation of Mexican-American children without
specific state law.
Hernandez v.Texas (1954). Mexican Americans
cannot be systemically excluded in practice from juries.
Delgado v. Bastrop ISD (1948). Segregation of
Mexican-American children in schools in Texas is illegal.
Edgewood ISD v. Kirby (1984). State must revise its
school funding system.
Vietnam War, 1954-1973
Vietcong with North Vietnamese support attacked South Vietnamese
U.S. intervened to stop fall of a “row of dominoes” to Communism.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964): Johnson escalates the war
Tet Offensive (1968): Major Communist offensive
Fall of Saigon (1975)
Large number of U.S. casualties
Distrust of American leaders.
Led to passing War Powers Resolution
Hero of war: Roy Benavidez